i 522 J. V. Evans J. M. Hoit Thomson “Scaitei Results for 1970 11 May 1976 Prepared for the National Science Foundation under NSF Grant No. GA-42230 by Lincoln Laboratory MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS A I R F O R C E Cl) A U G U S T 31, 1976--305 ABSTRACT During 1970, the incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill (42. 6°N, was employed to measure the electron densify, electron and ion temperatures, and vertical velocify of the ions in the F-region 71. 5“ W) over periods of 24 hours on an average of twice per month. The ohservafions spanned the height interval 200 to 900 km, approximately, and achieved a time resolution of about 30 minutes. This report presents the results of these measurements in a set of contmr diagrams. Commencing with the data presented in this report, a method of data reduction has been used which supersedes the older one of constructing the contour diagrams by hand. In the new method the ser of points for any given parameter is matched by a two-dimensional polynomial surface in a least-squares carries fbis out is described fully in the report. fit. The program that By ohtairdng a contbmous analyt- ical description of the data with respect to height and time, machine-drawn contouring becomes possible and is no\vemployed. means of transferring the results The new program also provides a to other users in machine-readable addition, the new program yields a more repeatable form. In smoothing of the data wifh respect to height and time, thereby allowing parameters that depend upon gradients (e.g., heat and particle fluxes) m he estimated more accurately. 111 CONTENTS 111 Abstract L INTRODUCTION 11. EQuIPMENT, PROCEDURES IfL AND DATA-ANA f-YsIs 3 3 A. Equipment B. Observing C. Observations 5 D. Data Analysis 8 DATA 3 Procedure 9 REDuCTION A. Preparation B. Least-Mean-Squares c. Contour Plots D. Punched Card and Magnetic E. Recovery F. Vertical G. Weighted H. L Iv. OBSERVING, Total of the Data of Height Polynomial Profiles Fitting Tape Output or Time Variations Gradients Mean Height Electron Correction Content Uncertainties i9 RESULTS A. Electron Density 19 Temperature 49 B. Electron C. Ion Temperature 79 D. Vertical 79 Velocity i33 References APPENDIX – RCVR, Listing RCVR1, RCVRP: ~~ers Instructions, and Sample Printed Output 135 MILLSTONE I. THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS FOR 1970 INTRODUCTION Since i963, incoherent and electron setts HILL (Thomson) and ion temperatures (42.6-N, and presents 7f.5’W) (Refs. the results tions reported were scatter in this program made for periods I measurements of F-region at Millstone Hill, during the calendar of 24 hours, approximately densities, Massachu- of annual reports, year twice electron West ford, This paper is the eighth in a series i to 7). gathered radar have been conducted i970. a month. The observaThe results TABLE I I PUBLICATIONS CONCERNING THE MILLSTONE HILL UHF (68-cm Wavelength) THOMSON SCATTER RESULTS E L Year March, 1963 July, August, September ::::- January thr..gh 1964 April, i965 July, Ref. 2 December November January through December Ref. 3 J.n.ary, Ref. II April, A.g.d Ref. 12 June J.ne, August, E L January, Jon.ory 1967 Ref. 13 September January thro.gh 1966 Ref. 4 December March, July, Ref. 14 September Ref. 5 through December February, June, October, Ref. 14 December I January through December 1968 October January thro.gh 1969 obtained in earlier transmitted Inaddition the electron Data Center totbemeas”rements density Ref. 15 Ref. 7 Ref. 16 July Ref. 16 September, October year-s have been published and vertical Ref. 6 December February, April, to the World ion temperatures, Ref. 10 1 A, reported velocity, in the articles Boulder, here of F-region a number in the D- and E-regions listed electron of measurements of the ionosphere 4. in Table I, and have been Colorado. were employing densities, electron conducted digital and in 1970 of filter to subtract out coherent two new modes over echoes of operating from the radar were the altitude interval 90 to 600 km, approximately, covered the interval afforded repetition another frequency dent samples ionosphere improvement per second. repeating functions the echoes surements and calculating of the measurements reported here, During i 970, three were developed Double-pu18e servations conducted commenced modes them from were during a partial ments have been reported elsewhere. lisions of the neutral reduction the earlier covered the altitude the measurements : ‘: 1 in the lower interval samples of the height and frewhile became in the mea- both parameters. ‘t00 to 500 km known as tbe 71 double- measurements. in i970 commencing with ob- to study the propagation These measurements (in the region 23 in the Fi -region, of thermal also permit where tides from the deter- ion-neutral col- but as yet no complete bas been undertaken. only the resdts of temperature) allows of eleci9 hy transmitting between .?f one another, intervals thermosphere and the ion composition we present at Millstone accomplished single-pulse made at irregular of the auto- solar eclipse on 7 March. Results of the eclipse measure20 Routine measurements using the double-pulse method of these data for this purpose In this report, These density important) have been repOfied (F, G, H) spanning the height interval in i971 and have been used extensively 2i,22 into the lower thermosphere. become changes in the was achieved. tbe correlation These of indepen- known as RASEM long pulse used establishes method. in that the to measurements of operation pro- (TIDs ) by simply measurements function were computer the mesosphere mination extended the first This method the autocorrelation to distinguish rapid This program to he set independently new operating measurements of 15 km, number Disturbances profile These the radar a larger in which good height resolution the length of the single that employed pulse e experiments was later in the digital taken with the same spacing. quency resolution integration. of the echo autocorrelation of short pulses of operating providing Ionospheric these permitted in the E-region The measurements v.ethod for eight day6 in ~970 and tbe resuIts subtraction of the signals; tron and ion temperatures pairs clutter a power resolution was taken of this to try to measure was operated of digital with an altitude thereby by Traveling runs with only 2 minutes Sequence E-Mode) 18 elsewhere. correlation tbe older increased, Advantage (Rapid The principle over for example, the E-mode For these measurements, provided 65 to i 30 km with 3-km height resolution. was considerably introduced, The E-mode developed. while the I-mode grams 17 distant hills at the same range. of the measurements 200 to 800 km, approximately, made with single with a height long pulses. resolution (for of 75 km. These data can be used to deduce the temperature 24 of the exosphere from tbei-mal balance arguments, and results obtained in this way for the 21 period March i969 through March i97i have already heen reported. Section 11 describes i9 70, these were smoothing little and presentation since the program Results the equipment, for electron and discussed data gathering, changed from those employed began. was developed that replaced the ezrl.ier This method of data compression density, in Sec. IV, and data reduction in i969,7 except electron and ion temperatures, procedures. During that a new method of data manual method employed is described and vertical in detail in SeC. 111. velocity are presented II. EQUIPMENT, A. OE#ERVING, DATA-ANALYSIS PROCEDURES Equipment The UHF incoherent trum analyzer I AND directly portion scatter radar of the receiver equipment has been described? was replaced by one of newer into the XDS 9300 computer. cussed further development of these in Ref. 7. As mentioned of the double-pulse (the F-mode) reserved These above, are fully documented the principal changes a shelter of the receiver Tbe resulting increase is located. comparison to the greater amplifier This required of the receiver used to protect suffer lees was further the receiver loss and provided a faster any of the aging problems become noisy In order transmitter and introduce with the original amplifier waveguide a small could be adjusted. it became improved necessary from the re- by 330 feet. drawback in However, with the to exercise great in August i970 when the old gas disby a new solid-state by L. M. La Londe More variations level device University). prone, did not causing them to along the timebase. it was also necessary in the k2ystron amplifiers. was 200 Msec and by rebuilding (employThis in- the new device tubes were in the noise to low altitudes, of the beam current (Cornell importantly, to which the gas discharge irregular modulator the receiver was considered was replaced recovery. to extend the measurements switching the into the receiver. ing diode switches ) built to a design provided troduced of the parametric extending (20-K) ease with which the equipment unwanted CW leakage TR device temperature in the same room as the exciter, Tbe performance charge made during 1970 were antenna to the room in the main building where in the system parametric care to prevent and dis- report. beneatb tbe 22o -foot-diameter mainder in Ref.25 for operating the equipment. A brief description of one 22 and a full account of the complete system is elsewhere One other change made in (June) 1970 was tbe relocation I 1968, tbe spec- modes has been given for a separate changes During design that was interfaced to improve the The decay time for this the modulator deck (in August), this was i-educed to about 70 psec. The most serious occurred on 30 December , difficulty when snow collected 1969. encountered Although its weight distortion of the mesh caused by a similar of surface improvement the mesh to its supporting mesh had “gathered” of a 3-foot-wide purlins (spaced onal directions with that of tbe people were selectively span. In addition across tbe pipe purlins. cables this, in which tbe wire the removal a set of cables were separately the a pro- ties holding Sufficient during these operations the sag of the mesh between hy introducing These To remedy winter.7 of tbe next aggravated cut and the mesh retensioned. to permit to this retensioning, was reduced during the course in snow removal) during the summer at the apex of the parabola i4 feet apart) manually engaged event the previous was undertaken pipe purlins in f970 was the loss of gain that antenna to a depth of over two feet during a storm the snow was removed few days, gram (together with the equipment in the 22o -foot the pipe laid diagonally tensioned in orthog- and the mesh then tied to them. B. Observing Procedure i During 24 hours. previously were i9 70, we attempted to make F-region observations twice per month for periods of These were carried out using the single-pulse experiment modes A to C described 25 which provide the coverage indicated in Table H. Two types of measurement conducted. In one, the experiment sequence 3 A to C (Table 11) was repeated every 30 minutes, TABLE Ii THE NORMAL c Altitude Coverage (km) 7.5 I 00-1000 Power N 30 150- I 500 Power N 75 225-675 Power spectrum Ten Ti, V 30 300-2000 Power N 75 450-1 I 25 150 I 000 EXPERIMENT MODE SEQUENCE Sample S~cing (km) 75 500 B “ONE-PULSE” Measured Parameters Direct Deduced e z e Te, Ti, V z Power spectrum TABLE Ill THE NORMAL Mode Pulse Length (psec) Height Resolution (km) E 100 15 “TWO-PULSE” Sample Spacing [km) 6,9, 15 EXPERIMENT MODE Altitude zoverage (km) 90-60Q SEQUENCE Me.swed Parameters Deduced Direct N Power e z < 120 km: Ti, “in z > 120k~, F 40 6 3,6 105-165 Autocorre lotion 1- “(0+) N 100 15 15 165-315 Autocorrelation , “= e ,. 1(Z< G Te, T;, ( 225 ktn: Te, Ti, n(O+) N. e z >225 km, 7=, Ti, “z H Z@ 30 30 215-515 Autocorrelation Te, Ti, V z thereby yielding a 24-hour run. experiment ments about 50 profiles of electron These were operations was repeated of the vertical time to complete four times of the F-region This measurement which stored ment, well was employed observations profiles were frequency was made by the radar the C-4 ionosonde was modified operator, to permit better “driftn runs was 45 minutes, by a remote would turn cm the sounder and advance the frequency return was just perceived at great during measureruns. The so that only in 24 hours. was made available in the form of at the start of each cycle.* who then typed the value into the computer on magnetic tape. To make the measure- it to he tm-ned on and monitored controlled range. termed foF2 in megahertz it, along with all the other information, as to have its frequency to achieve were obtained in the data reduction critical and ion temperatures A second type in which the C-mode during the ndrift” and temperature The value of Nmax to be employed a measurement These of measurements density and electron “regular>’ in each sequence drift above hmaxF2. a cycle about 30 separate density. termed frequency synthesizer. of the synthesizer The synthesizer remotely, Thus, as the OperatOr until the 3?2 ordinary dials then gave the required value of foF2 . The intent of this procedure quired for processing, However, the radar night. Thus, stead, they were and values Island, operators as a rule, Virginia. at all the other as a function at Ottawa, A smooth stations. were profiles The measurements Te, Tr For completeness, results read from this curve then processed hy linear from at variance at 30-minute between long pulses especially the film (if available), employing interpolation made with single at records and Wallops of points that fol- intervals the values (modes in- with the observations values and punched of Nmax fOr the available at half- A to C) essentially range 200 to ‘1000 km, approximately i6 T-, .,. e sequence range these data are not included in each observing tape for later processing. FORTRAN programs A program known as ‘ANALYSIS- multiple-pulse Normally, and T, over the altitude measured on magnetic should be made that tbe measurements altitudes. as noted above, The quantities C. foF2, in the data analysis; with tbcwe derived Massachusetts when this was clearly the altitude mention at lower data on N-, However, stored in reading not employed re- of a run. (Table II), and have been used to obtain the H+/O+ ratio at high altitudes. provide gather obtained and Vz over together Maynard, data were electron-density yield Ne, difficulty were all the information upon completion curve was then drawn through this collection Values The recorded out immediately encomtered of time, except hour intervals. recently a data tape that contained estimates Canada, at Millstone, lowed the variation onto IBM cards. frequently these real-time plotted recorded West was to create so that this Co”Id be carried written specifically of modes of pulses iOO to 500 km, approximately (Table to 111). in this report. mode (echo power This is conducted vs delay and frequency) for the cme-pdse are on tbe XDS 9300 computer to handle the one-pulse. ia employed made with pairs E through If is employed and ,,two-pulse* using data sets. data and l,MUPMAPn for tbe data. Observations The dates and times on which the ‘Sregularm and ‘driftt- made in i 970 are listed in Table 24 hours every In one instance month. * Nmax = 1.24 X 104 (foF2)2 IV. el/cm3 An effort single-pulse was made to operate (3 O-3 i October i9 70), a large when foF2 is expressed 5 measurements the radar PoAion in megahertz. were in each mode for of the measurements TABLEIV INCOHERENTSCATTER OBSERVATIONS – 1970 EST Dote c’ EST Mm. K P 0900 7 January 2 G?w 10 R* Lcwmtenm gain. Pm, drift dot. at night. 1200 2- Drift Noisy TR tube, Frqvm.cy synthesizerm+ of lock PO, drift da?a, 0930 2+ Reg 1500 3- Drift 4+ Reg 1030 2- t?eg 1545 D+ Drift — ~$ 6 January Q 21 J.n”.ry 20J.n..fy 1130 17FebrmT 0930 18February 23?ebwwy 1500 24 February D 2000 9 Mmrch D I030 18March 1600 24 Mwch 8 March D 17Morch 23 Mmch Q QQ Ob,t 14April D900 15Ap,;l 0900 1- Reg 28 April 0800 29April D8Do 1+ Drift 12May 1500 13May 2+ Reg 18May 1500 19‘%?y 1SIX 1+ D,ift 04D0 11June 02D0 2- RW 101.”. 19c0 24 June 1900 1+ Drift 7 July QQ 1300 8 ).ly 1300 2- Reg 18July QQ 0830 19J.ly QQ I1OO L D,ift 17August D 1430 18August D 150D 5- D,ifl 24August QQ 143U 25 August 1400 2- Drifl 1430 3- Res 0930 2- % 14&J ). Drift 23 J.”, 1400 31August 5 October D930 \7 September 1500 29 September Q 1500 6 October 1500 1+ Reg 14D0 14O.+aber 15!20 20 Drift 19D0 1- Reg 2+ D,;ft 13Octc.be, 3I October Q 7 November storm 21December 28December D Q 16Septe,nbe, 28 September 1 September 0730 9 November ‘2800 I530 22 December 1600 1+ Reo 1600 29 December 1600 2+ Drift 0330 Q I November QQ ~condition, QQ One of Ffveqvietmt days in moth Q 0.. of ten .@etest days In month D One of five mostdisturbedd.y$ in month. t Ob,e,voti on,, !, Data gatheredand malyxed osdescribedI. find. keg = Reg.lor: Drift = Drift Measurement. Lotamtmy Technicol ReForl477 (Ref. 25). Comments Very df,wrbed. Auror.al peri~. very quiet ‘OIIOW,yom.wneti. was destroyed by a computer have discarded these results vember and only %i hours of useful data were Likewise, obtained. a second short run (5 hours) We on 24 NO. has not been included. Beginning Alouette in i968, a number of observations 11at tbe request there were Where malfunction in what fo120ws. many close possible, and Table of scientists passes the regular V lists uled with this in mind. of the satellites monthly tbe satellite operations overflights The primary were at the NASA were to coincide Space Flight ISIS f, OGO VI, with favorable in routine of the measurements of During i9 70, II by Millstone to coincide that occurred with passes Center. and Alouette scheduled of Millstone purpose scheduled Goddard operations Hill. passes, sched- made during the passes of TAB LE V SATELLITE PASSES DURING 18 by 1809 576 Alouette OGO VI 18 May 2233 850 OGO VI 870 OGO VI 10 June 0632 470 OGO VI 0048 450 OGO VI 10 June 1921 505 OGO VI 17 February 1000 470 OGO VI 23 June 0508 645 OGO Vi 23 February 2025 615 OGO VI 23 June I 757 405 OGO VI 24 February 0914 42o OGO VI 8 July 0208 560 OGO VI 17 March I 709 950 OGO VI 18 July 1213 545 OGO VI 23 March 17W 1010 OGO VI 19 July 0211 I 000 OGO VI 24 March 0557 570 OGO 25 August 1055 1000 OGO VI Height (km) 6 January 1544 I 060 OGO VI 7 January 0207 630 20 January 1426 21 January 24 March 1620 1020 14 April 1350 950 $atel I ite Date VI OGO VI 31 August 2001 545 OGO VI OGO 29 September 0500 560 OGO VI 1532 495 oGO VI 14 Apri I 2320 780 Aicmette II 15 April 0232 690 1s1s I 13 October 1406 590 OGO VI 15 April 0236 980 OGO VI 14 October 0254 400 OGO VI 28 April 1201 720 OGO VI 30 October 1154 860 OGO VI 28 Apri I 2329 1075 OGO 31 October 123o 860 OGO VI 12 May 1859 525 Alcwette 1134 895 OGO VI 12 May 2246 930 OGO was to permit and & S& $969, the first The principal determine comparisons probe measurements, other emission lines from objective 1 November were who, and ion temperatures ,1.. ——.—.— Vi was measuring at the Blue Hills was to observe could be accounted deduced by remote of this exercise made to conduct coordinated at that time, the night sky, II VI of electron of this joint effort if the 6300 ~ emission II and most of the results attempts University) VI 7 1 Satellite 10 October Dr. J. Noxcm (Harvard 1 1970 Height (km) Time (EST) During .:! IN Time (EST) Date OGO vf , REGUWR OPERATIONS measurements the 5577 ~. Observatory, a stable for in terms sounding -. 26 have been reported. Boston, auroral of impact with 63130~, and Massachusetts. red ( SAR )-arc, excitation and due to the high temperature sAR-arcs were of the electrons. observed. to the presence However, of low-latitude ered simultaneously. In this the effort on three auroral These occasions activity Beginning quantities of interest profiles+ were obtained lengths, (2) removed optical as no overhead Dr. J. Noxon alerted and radar have been the subject variations plotted by a Calcomp also were (i) echoes results of a separate combined us were gath- report? 7 from tbe measured and on a printout inserted spectra, viz., 0+ ions are present power- spectra, the half-peak-power the measurement To correct were expressions obtained the dependence on corrected for the effects by extracting two parameters y (proportional that had been obtained theoretical of the transmitter pulse value to yield power to Te) and the ratio of to Te/Ti). to represent spectra small. These Te and Ti, computed assuming In computing values as funconly these theoretical pulse and tbe finite width of the filters in distorting included. obtained in the above manner for ‘ohs 25 of the change in the Debye length on the spectrum, use was made of tbe expression tbe effect tbe estimate ‘ohs unfortunately, inaccurate altitudes automatic ‘ohs Ne ) holds only so long as tbe second term are be3ieved presented where obtained in this report the electron density scheme remains of 2000 to 3000 “K and tbe correction Thus, tbe electron extend only to 900 km altitude from tbe spectra data compression that the contour diagrams in tbe parentheses temperatures then obtained to be overestimates. do not suffer from T -1 T may be of the order ohs as Ne approaches $04 el/cm3. temperatures temperatures X temperature Te near or above this level The results f.62 ( this expression At high altitudes. the daytime of the electron *– Te=T becomes of Te were width (proportionti frequent and that the Debye length is extremely tbe effects and (4) removed The values in the wings to that at the center into analytical the absolute This profile of Te and Ti were tions of the ratio and width through scaling possible. was available as a graph 25 Estimates of Te and Ti as 10gi o Ne vs altitude. on plots and on tbe printout. 25 of the changing Debye length with altitude. It should be noted that the estimates became all tbe the electron-density made with tbe three (3) adjusted on the ionosonde, together reduction Basically, measurements and on the Dehye Iengtb. plotter. that placed machine in Ref. 25. provided tbe peak power in a manner due to satellites, as measured of Te/’Ti, gathered are described in a way that: spurious were data tape so that complete employed value of N ~axF2 the correct altitude the results on a single programs from (one in i970) and valuable joint observations in July i968, The computer <0.3. to be disappointing, Data Analysis D. were proved this source is less exhibit described for the electron of error. than t 04 el/cm3 considerable in Sec. 111usually as a rule, the echoes are frequently scatter and ion temperatures and hence, At night, so weak that the and are not reliable. eliminates generally returned The such data points so are left blank in tbe8e regions. A second source the neglect program of error of the presence has been written in the temperature estimates of H+ ions in the interpretation that permits these spectra I I 8 obtained at bigb altitudes of the spectra. to be reanalyzed Recently, to yield has been a computer estimates of Te, Ti. ! 1 ! and the ratio of 0+ to H+ ions. 28 for various requires temperatures several a single hours of computer day,s measurements. results. However, peratures below Debye time will to match the observed Unfortunately, (using the Millstone spectra the program computed is quite slow and Hill xDS 9300 computer) to analyze Accordingly, no attempt has been made to reanalyze all the i9 70 i 6 it =ppearB that ~be temobtained for five days in i 969, based on the results be confined that is suspect attempts ratios. 900 km will be in error and that tbe error the region This program and composition only for a short interval largely because to altitudes of the large above correction between 750 km. midnight In practice, and sunrise this is also that must be made for the effect of the length. A third source the imperfect 0.5-msec of error pulses (B-mode). and tbe ANALYSIS by the filters Empirical program The ANALYSIS altitude in the temperature match provided modified program are generated and time, corrections provides on a Calcomp the variation resenting a data plotting plotter. of contours particular values to time the random density from profile and Ti vs in the As described correct by straight profiles as a function of altitude profiles curve to best follow to profile Te, some of the scatter which show, to their results. number of independent and temperature. ortemperature) using a French errors which plots of Ne, from the vertical by for this effect7 and uncorrected reduce diagrams low altitudes) when transmitting to compensate the large points are next connected this 1$coarse18 diagram In this process tape from (and thereby is to transfer (of density These (cbieflyat the spectra derived To reduce of constant step in this process time on the contour plot. is to trace were it has been the custom to prepare ously,4 the first is introduced to print out both the corrected as well as smooth the data with respect measurements), results used to measure previ- sets of points rep- locations lines. in height and The second step the trend of each contour. are reduced, albeit with some smooth- ing of real variations. This last step is somewhat cycle introduced, smoothing for example, subjective by TIDs to macbine with copies processing. some detail a parameter is invai-iably polynomial expression. INSCON. IIL the results the fits andpunches DATA A. Prior That is, at a given lost andtbe from cycle to in the amount of of contour later. modular INSCON height) diagrams bythe is tedious form other users of a given parameter from the contour dia- by a method of data com- by fitting XDS 9300 computer a two-dimensional using a program which also prepares of the fit m IBM cards is described unsuited and time-consuming. was superseded program the results been asked to provide can be recovered inanalytical FORTRAN the parameters renders although height profiles operation are represented This is per formed This is a flexible, recovered we have frequently printout.% In 1970, the hand production pressioninwbich maybe of true fluctuations to be consistent also has thedrawbacktbatit Consequently, of the ANALYSIS (or the time variati.mof from presence it difficult one introduces. TbiE method of data presentation grams, andtbe makes called contour plots so that the smoothed results in the next section. REDUCTION Preparation to fitting is made to eliminate of the Data ananalytical function to the derived bad points and assure cell for the fit to be meaningful. ~SCON that there reads value of Ne, are sufficient the one-pulse 9 Te, Ti, orvz, an effort points in each height-time (or two-pulse) data from the master tape written by either the ANALYSIS or MUPMAP programs used to analyze the raw data. One-pulse These electron-density data are at altitudes are filtered to remove for contamination creasing bad points. by clutter. altitude. two lowest accepted creases monotonically it is rejected. point. AU previously condition A “box score” responding box score accepted from the that the density de- than at the next lowest logio where acceptable (Ne) < 8.0. All box-score number If this datum has been rejected. in regions The table is then examined where to determine flanking of exper- is i if the cor- contain too. many rejected entries entries M is the number The tabulated altitudes. which regions temperature and ion temperature subroutine. These (0.5 -msec If there is more pulse) if there the time The points for the the fit is expected to are any time gaps gap are set equal to 2. The integrating After volume. the analytic the B-mode then filtered obtained data to insure bad points. than 20 percent, all three sure that all temperatures B-mode above time corrected that the data from power for this effect km. data from 450 the data at each height are from different points within has been developed have been read from for known systematic The corrected at 450 and 525 km are averaged 225 to ii25 that entails from the INS CON fit (Sec. III-G). at each experimental data are empirically to remove observations, in returned for correcting expressions the temperatures from 300, and 375 km and C-mode than one set of C-mode A procedure data are next read from the Analysis data are at 75-km intervals data at 225, No account is taken of the variation the scattering B-mode tbe two modes temperatures are reasonably Master The data are compared with the consistent. If the two averages are rejected. 825 km are greater errors.’ data are first for each mode. the Analysis The ion tem- differ by more The data also are checked than iOOO “K and that no temperatures to inare than 6000” K. The rejected data are now estimated An ‘anchor the temperatures by passing a cubic through the nearest point n is then added at “i 50 km by extrapolating at 225 and 300 km. This anchor of the fit near 225 km and not to provide a realistic is designed estimate Tbe data at 975, 1050, and ! iZ5 km are now replaced to keep tbe final 3.NSCON fit reasonable to insure fOF tbe re- downward to insure to insure that 2.5< and O if the corresponding If so, the tabular electron uses B-mode averaged. points. linearly with de- that point guesses to be equal to the next lower This is an M X N table, to determine fit to be trustworthy. to 1i25 km. greater data are now checked is now developed. Tape by another C-mode the data from initial at any height is greater are estimated examined monotonically status table is then printed. INSCON peratures If the density densities datum has been accepted One-pulse Tape, altitude, iequires by extrapolating and N is the number of experiment be good are set equal to i. Master at some i 61 and 229 km are first to decrease they all data at this time are now rejected. of mm-e than two hours. resulting between procedure Tape by a subroutine. these data have been read, Data above 400 km are next examined Rejected i8 next examined polynomial fitting are estimated with height. is not satisfied, iment times is not satisfied densities points. height, e8timates Master After data points are required Since tbe polynomial data, the rejected the Analysis ‘i 6i to 950 km. Density These If this condition down are rejected. jected data are read from ranging from at high altitudes. that they are less than 6000 oK. and status table are now determined downward unreasonable of the temperature by a 3inear fit. As with one-pulse and printed. exponentially to prevent Finally, five accepted below electron 225 km. This prOceduP~ all temperatures densities, from behavior helps are checked the box-score One-pulse vertical at 75-km intervals ion drift from data are read from 225 and ii25 km. at 225, 300, and 375 km are B-mode all altitudes After are ‘nominaln the velocities Tape, they are filtered jected if the temperature sion of one-pulse ing a straight data, the velocities at each experimental to remove 750 and i 125 km. a parabola Next, the values Finally, hy values the velocity data are data, and the Analysis Least-Mean-Squares Polynomial used by INSCON the rejected 75o and i 050 km. at high altitudes. The velocities at by a value Obtained by This high-altitude AS with one-pulse smoothelectrOn and printed. Fitting is identical is Hauck!s by pass- line to the velocities and status table are now determined to fit a two-dimensional This procedure value. a straight is re- in the discus- points are estimated at 900 km is replaced fit reasonable the box-score estimation nearest Master at any time and altitude for any missing between and temperatures, in this section. These data, the velocities 300 km are C-mode obtained by fitting the velOcity through the velocities ing helps to keep the final INSCON on least-squares Tape. data at that point do not lie within the bounds specified between cussed First, line through the four good velocities The algorithm above time have been read from bad points. temperatures. passing B. Master temperature altitudes. 975, 1050, and i125 km are replaced densities the Analysis As with one-pulse polynomial for all tfles ‘1Foundations to tbe input data is dis- of input data. for Estimation A good reference by the Method of Least Squares.m29 Consider value x *,x2, m experimental data z{, Z2, of tbe variable . ..xm x. . Zm. each of which corresponds We wish to find coefficients to a particular bj which minimize the sum of squares m Z, -: S.)j’ [ i .i where the Pj(xi) are M linearly Eq. (i) with respect independent tO bk and setting bj ~ ‘ikpij i =1 j.1 To solve functions aS/ab ~ = O, one arrives this equation for the bj, = P If M is large, 1024. Defining Pij at tbe normal = Pj(xi), differentiating equations, ~ ‘ikzi ml’”” P the inversion FOP most choices (2) . i.1 one must invert g= H , of xi. m Mm ~ (i) bjPj(xi)]2 j .i the matrix 2tE where mM of E may be very of the functions Pj(x). difficult. In INSCON. the inversion Of J+ M maY be as large as would then be completely impractical. condition Suppose, however. that there exists for the data set under consideration, m ~ i.4 In this special ‘ikpij case, = 6kj the solution a set of Pj which satisfies the orthonormality that is: k=j 6kj’i ‘ dkj . ~ , I k+j of the normal equations (4) . is simply m hj = ~ Pijzi (5) . i.% In general, early given a complete, independent Gram-Schmidt a recursion linearly independent and unique Ofihonormal orthogonalization relation set may be derived = (x – Yj) Pj-i(x) fFOm the pi,(x) If the Pj, are polynomials procedure. for tbe orthonormal Pj(x) set of functiOns Pj, (x). Pr a complete, by means in x, there lin- of the als O exists namely j.i,2. – 6jPj.2(x) ..n with P-i(x) = o Po(x) (6) = 1 and m z i.i yj = m z id ~j=i.i m z X.P.2. I X,J-i P.?. 1,3-5 X.P. ~l,J-i 2 i.! So far we have assumed INSCON to run over Eq. (6). all experimental However, are simply is, that the data zi are functions polynomialsin in x and y. x and y. data set, if tbe data lie ona of asingle of two variables, Equations points and j runs over For a general the products . P.z. 1,3-2 deals with data which are functions two-dimensional nomials P, 1,3-2 there rectangular of the one-dimensional all combinations is no recursion grid, the required orthonormal m ~ Pj(xi)Pk(xi)=6kj xi .Xi, xz. ..xm xi. and altitude. (2) through (5) are still if izi time parameter valid In fact, Consider then, if i is assumed of the one-dimen8ional relation corresponding orthonormal polynomials poly to polynomials given in Eq. (6). That and (7) i=i then mn ~ i.i and the desired ~ Pk(xi) pj(xi) two-dimensional INSCON The method described These The experimental In practice, is invalid. coefficients iteration, etc. a first the missing datum. the fit value from This procedure A furtbe r complication and upper altitude x and y are time density, uses Eq. (6) to calculate times one-dimensional and altitudes, two-dimensional elec- respectively. or-thonormal poly- by means of Eq. (5 ). at certain times be used by applying and altitudes. converges is the deterioration iteration very In this case Eq. (5) Eq. (5) iteratively. data is w+ed in place the preceding usually variables z may be electron as in Eq. (8) to form bj are evaluated guess based on surrounding iterations, The independent INS CON first the method may still subsequent (9) measurements good data may not be present However, (8) . . over tbe experimental are then combined Finally, yi,) bjj,Tjj,(xi, ion temperature, polynomials l,N j!.1 which are orthonormal nomials. M;jt. above is used in INSCON. respectively. tron temperature, j.i, are will then be ; j.i polynomials = ~kjdk,j, polynomials Qj, (yi, ) polynomial V(Xr Y,,) = ; and altitude, Qk,[yit) orfhonormal Tjj, (xi, y,, ) = Pj(xi) The M x N term Qjt[yit) i!.1 For the first of the missing datum. During is used as an approximation to quickly. of the fit neat- its end points, e.g., near the lower and the earliest and latest experimental times. This is due to the well30 known Runge phenomenon which often afflicts high-order polynomial interpolation and leastSquares fitting. example, limits Ideally, piecewise such a basis one would like to use a basis set less subject to such difficulties; 31 polynomial functions. Unfortunately, the matrix inversion required, set to be adopted, An alternative approach, would be too time which bas been implemented points 1$beyond the end points of the experimental two times preceding the earliest experimental data. data points nearest In some cases data. On the other added. before additional For example. limits polynomial limit highest anchor data are added at altitudes i3 following linear from the latest time. extrapolation of the three The procedure points varies additional used with the type of data. nearby in tbe fits to one-pulse of these Pap&meters is fit to the data. is the addition of ‘anchor as the anchor points. of the experimental points at +50 km are wed the data at the three the INSCON In general, anchor points are added by extrapolating anchm hand, at the upper altitude Instead, in INSCON, by least-squares in time and at the same altitude the data near tbe altitude were to be practical. time a“d at two times The datum at each of these points is estimated to anchor consuming for experimental Te, Ty andVz. data pOintS are not (9 75, i 050, and 1‘t25 km) are smoothed In any event, while the fit beyond the actual data may behave plot contours recover reasonably due to the anchor points, beyond the limits data in these regions it is not to be trusted. of the actual experimental by means of the recovery data, fNSCON and if an attempt routines described does not is made to in Sec. III-E, zero is returned. For the INSCON This may easily error fits to be really be calculated bar on the polynomial corresponding from useful, the uncertainty fit at a given time and altitude experimental of the polynomial will be less Abj~, = Xjj,, jj,oz in the INSCON In general, than the error the bar on tbe point. Suppose that the variance 02 of tbe experimental data is known. matrix *t . ~ztr) -i the uncertainties in the polynomial coefficients The error must be known. the punched INS CON output parameters. Then given the INSCON bjj may be calculated (10) . fit values error from V(xf Yi) is then given by the well-known error propagation formula ‘V(xi, yi,)z = ~ [-]2 ~ i=% i,.i The variance the INSCON fit. experimental estimate time. of the experimental The INSCON points from of the variance ‘bit data may be estimated output deck includes from the time averaged the INSCON fit at each experimental at any point, We can then estimate the scatter since the variance square altitude. of the data about deviation This gives is much more dependent Si< of the a reasonable on altitude than ui~ by (12) Of. course, another estimate on the signal-to-noise C, Contour After the least-squares overlaying the polynomial ferent fit on a 421 (time) appears to be good, D. Punched Card and Magnetic For each polynomial be recovered. fits, cards fits. Consequently, grid. A subroutine the separation are differences ZCONTR stemming first is then of the contours, by hand for i9 70. apparently exist for the routines the data types. In general, from the dif- Tape Output INSCON punches a deck of cards from are a convenient but are smmewhat unwieldy many INSCON subroutines is loaded in the two methods. fit calculated, These Labeling, subroutine The contour plotting with those generated but there applied Separate by INSCON. X 37 (altitude) a plotting range are fixed for each of the conventional have been compared amounts of smoothing subroutine. processed and the altitude All contour diagrams lected the data preparation being routinely range of the contours, later fit to a data set has been calculated, to find contour paths through the table. the agreement for example, Plots into the computer, called of o could be used in Eq. (i O) based, ratio. types of data currently evaluate of the variation medium in applications new INSCON for the external which requi=e decks are transferred which the fit may distribution the routine of se- processing to a magnetic Of tape known as the CONSUM tape by means of the FORTRAN tape as one long (6949 word) bers (FIT NO. and KDAT) deck and stores record. The first which uniquely them on tape. order. CONSUM CONSUM. the fit. cONSUM the old fit is replaced first tape is then created Each new fit is inserted If a new deck has the same two identification tape, Each deck i8 stored two cards of each INSCON specify A new CONSUM new decks and the old CONSUM tape. logical program deck contain two numreads the new INSCON from the card images in the new tape in proper numbers Finally, by the new fit. on this as a fit already a summary of the chrono- on tbe old of the new tape is printed. Several ways. years’ First, sponding data may be stored if a copy of a particular FIT NO. s and KDATs then scans the CONSUM The lNSCON parametem mary CONSUM table. parameter E. a new summary with the original of Height The INSCON recovery or Time recover RCVR, RCVR’1 and RCVRP. the polynomial representation The user of these routines detail the meaning of the INSCON Given the INSCON polynomial in a labeled tude limits polynomial at the in the INSCON output ensures time common the integrity sum- of the list. while If an attempt returns in which INS CON determined Tbe user must then decide interpolated that the INSCON value. polynomial lNSCON fits v= + 300 mlsec. but must be applied O. For definite. example, of the necessity RCVRI returns RCVR sub- of knowing in a fit value outside the value of the transferred a fit of the fit was questionable, for indicating which may in questionable To ensure this, instead via the time or alti- is made to recover to risk using this value, program. the time returns are normally lf an attempt This shift is included by the user in his applications in addition to the fit value, these and fit value are transferred that the quality whether This procedure be positive upward by a constant. altitude, is made to recover RCVR data, tbe time. returns are shifted relieved and the altitude, and altitude. P in a region fact be a reasonable of the FORTRAN fit parameters, The fit parameters RCVR -P. time by means of the data at any time and altitude within tbe the time, block, of the experimental at a later Given the INSCON is thereby value directly, the INSCON that the by INSCON. fit parameters. fit parameters, fit at the specified the RCVR argument ative calculated Variations fit to any data set may be recovered subroutines routines Profiles range of the data. quires it evaluates printed CONSUM decks. This value is then printed lNSCON the corre- which are used to assure to the parameters tape, altitude. distribution, set. Recovery to RCVR This tape may be used in two and input to CONSUM. of the specified test values tape indeed correspond time and lowest Comparison tape. fit or fits is needed for external table also includes generates experimental magnetic may be punched on IBM cards tape and punches copies summary on the CONSUM Each time earliest on a single of fitting points re- data wbicb may be negtbe vertical ion drift v= among tbe INSCON fit parameters, RCVR~ and altitude is similar derivatives to RCVR, but of the polynomial fit. RCVRP maybe than the fit itself. altitude, based. the user must specify RCVRP based on values RCVRP ueed if the user wants a periodic This has proved makes then returns RCVRP useful in several the 24-hour values obtains from no attempt to recover period approximation applicationfi. to the polynomial In addition on which tbe periodic approximation for tbe fit quantity and its time and altitude R CVR i. values ff the experimental within the gap; instead, fit rather to the time and is to be derivatives data span is less than 20 hours, zeroes are returned. if the data span is more than 24 hours, the data span is between is used to calculate RCVRP subtracts 20 and 24 hours, interpolated values a linear the Millstone trend from cubic spline parameters mTREAD!! in labeled the recovery knowledge Detailed searches common routines, instructions contained F. Vertical for using these cards stantial derivatives in altitude purpose calculate cards 8Q/ at, f@/8h, or a2Q/ah2, cards printed after plotted G. These by DERQ. Weighted average ,, derived there of storage usually and punched on quantities such are some fairly sub- amount of information quantities contained in the XDS 9300. make extensive As a use of the quantities All seg- routines. To summary contour fit exists. or read from In the latter to each INSCON by direct maY be calculated at aS of as many as i 6 quantities as cards stored. If desired, ~ which an INSCON case, Q, The nec - the lNSCON summary the user need only fit and wbicb is listed on the tape. an output tape which may later be used as input to INSCON plots of the E@ interpolation if are also automatically in the table of DQs calculated is calculated. Correction and ion temperatures of the plasma linearly a single matched electron in a time Samp3ing the filters made with single illuminated a bank of filters The return from to rise has been written. the user need only supply a set of data may be functions are ultimately plots are produced a general- quantities. Q is any quantity for type fit to the E@ At Millstone, again in an equal time. 1, writes of electron the spectra. derived be read in directly results of the properties at tbe output of tbe filter simple, results derived The E@ where Mean Height the measurement. explore and are fit values the fit parameters are handled by general-purpose tbe desired fits to the OQS are wanted. Measurements weighted to calculate each update of the INSCON by DERQ and no INSCON the INSCON useful in view of these difficulties, up to 8 different may either DERQ automatically INSCON on cards or tape. to some users to form the large 6949 words the unique fit number which is assigned sommary from quantity or set of quantities. and 64 time8. tape on which all INSCON from this is very primarily bookkeeping to calculate run of DERQ. INSCON specify with one of without having detailed and RCVRP, may be recovered using INSCON (DERQ) and major derived many as 32 altitudes essary together these and must also be segmented. program and a subroutine RCVRi may then be combined the 3NSCON fits more RAD usage. a specific RCVR, Each fit requires programs drum (RAD), In a single fit values have been made available in principle, stemming cards. to make FORTRAN mentation, routines values While, difficulties at Millstone, In order INSCON or the way in which they are stored and time The recovered in each set of INSCON rapid access By using one of the input routines subroutines or heat fluxes. practical consequence, fit and stores Gradients by INSCON. as particle SPLN3A of this report. By using the FORTRAN their first storage. fit parameters in the Appendix routine If fit parameters to a users applicatbe fit parameters in labeled com- the CONSUM tape (Sec. D) for a specified the user is able to recover of the INSCON interpolation data. of Q, 8Q/8t, and 82Q/8h2 within the gap. Two FORTRAN subroutines are available to input INSCON tion prOgram, ,,CREAD!! reads INS CON card decks and stores mon storage; all recovered i6 long pulses a of to the pulse length in the ionosphere T from at any time represent by tbe pulse during the course T sec is used to would cause tbe power zero to a peak and then fall to zero j after the pulse has been transmitted I wi31 permit trons the full power at other altitudes to be sampled z will from contribute those electrons less power, i.e., lying at a height Z. = et/2. their contribution will Elec- be weighted by the factor (i3a) where w = cT/2 is the instantaneous tributed over echo power perature the altitude P(z) ratio, (i3b) Zo–w<z<zo+w .0 interval height interval (z. by the pulse. – w < z < Z. + w) that contribute wbicb depends upon their approximately occupied number density Ne, The electrons to the estimate, height dis- yield an z, and electron-to-ion tem- as Ne P(z) = z [~ + (Te/Ti)zl Since the echo power I compute the effective (44) ~ P(z) “ is measured or weighted height in the profile measurements it is a simple matter to Z of the measurement (i5) provided that P(z) is known at shorter intervals of every 75 km). %.O-msec measmements ulated on the real-time nominal from than the samples mean heights Thus, for p~ecise work, in Eq. (i4) allowance effective pulse heights. general, has tended to be ignored real-time (RETfAS) Accordingly, (i msec) of tbe vertical one of the first Ti, applications from of the pulse) .in the initial correction has been named HEQu IV. of these quantities time, nominal Z. is the nominal of the above hmaxF2, particle altitudes. tbe nominal and i6 but, in fluxes of Z are not stored lNSCON fits. on the are then recovered The relation cards at all B - and C-mode the equivalent fits tO heights (i. e., of DERQ which calculates the INSCON height for Ne, nominal Te, altitudes Z corresponding this Ti, and ... to each used is height and w is 75 km for B-mode are performed the INSCON from tbe use of nominal The version DERQ firi+t reads DERQ then calculates height. arising data and i 50 km for C-mode by a cubic splitm interpolation, differentiation, data. and integration ‘f7 . .. . .. values the higher between of DERQ has been to correct and Vz data for the inaccuracy At each experimental ————, at and these are tabfrom results to be returned owing to the fact that the values the center The quadrature differ (gathered for the 0.5- and data tape. Te, B- OF C-mode results should be made for the difference This has been done in studies one-pulse Values cause less power of spectra Z are computed tbe A-mode (0.1 msec) power profile 25 These value8 of E typically height Z. . ci/2 by as much as 35 km for the C-mode the No and Z2 terms where weighted data printout. where Vz. height intervals Accordingly, . I routine versions SPLN3A. This routine by using SPLN3A now assumed quantities to interpolate Te, to be the correct in DERQ and has proved Total Electron useful in several other recovered at their lQ@2Q from height Z. the original As discussed of these interpolations new fits and a new set of contour plots. plots after heights lNSCON above, fit, zc, and DERQ and which can be read All plots for Te, the equivalent Ti, height correction. Content used to calculate to integrate at each experimental 23-24 March the results are the corresponding DERQ is also routinely DERQ uses SPLN3A and Vz are nOw calculated the values value at the equivalent m output tape which contains and v= given in this report results Ti, between by INSCON which then produces H. present of DERQ. The experimental produces is always total electron the measured electron Ne from An example time are then tabulated. i970 is shown in Table content (TEC). density This version i6i of to iOOO km. of the TEC results The from VI. TAB LE VI TOTAL ELECTRON CONTENT DERIVED TOTAL EST 1611 1655 i740 1823 1908 1957 2040 212+ 2208 2252 2336 0020 0103 0147 0230 0314 I. ELECTRON TOTAL CONTENT (161-1000 ,is6251E ..P27c7~ ,.J r... .%01 151E .1877R1K . . .. 017852E .1 7005E ,155 ..’392E ,14658E c13047E .11385E , 98235E .85782E .77351E 23-24, TOTAL 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 MAR, 1970 CONTENT .73797E ,75771E .8505; E .104O1E (CM-2) 13 13 13 14 0652 0735 0820 .nqn7 ..., 0952 1047 1130 1215 1258 .13503E .17865E ,23142E ,28031E ,31305E .33555E ,3449SE .35i55E ,35929C 14 14 1+ 14 14 14 14 14 14 1342 1426 1510 ,37083F ,38246E ,38474E 14 14 14 EST 0357 0440 0524 0608 14 ~~ 14 14 14 1970 Uncertainties Error principle, bars for the INSCON given the INSCON be rather complex INSCON polynomial. gence of the ion flux. since INSCON INSCON fits. the uncertainty fits themselves polynomial of such quantities The assumptions does not necessarily and their uncertainties, is sought contains unbiased estimates from In in this calculation derivatives of the heat flux and the diver- might also be called of arbitrary INSCON in Sec. III-B. tbe uncertainty However, are the protonospheric behind tbe calculation p~ovide derived as discussed also may be calculated. if the quantity whew e tmcertainty Examples of quantities may be derived coefficients any quantity dependent on these coefficients will MARCH Khl) CBNTCNT ( CM-2) .34274E 14 ,3350z’t 14 ---. .330242E i4 DERQ also has been used to investigate fits. FOR 23-24 BY DERQ into doubt functional Of the An alternative procedure for investigating fits is to use DEBQ to perform experimental to produce simulated sults calculated However, IV. from INSCON This procedure by carrying fit, INSCON of these fits, the calculation may be used fNSCON fit has the same magni- calculations providing lNSCON S of the original fits may then be calculated measure about the re- of the uncertainty to be performed out for a few representative for each tbe quantity whose will fluctuate a direct is too time-consuming for the derived from a random number generator about the original data. The results the original uncertainties derived Each of these fits is in turn used to calculate data sets. quantity. s tatter of quantities Given the known scatter INSCON as tbe original is being investigated. the derived t~ical data sets whose dependence simulated uncertainty study. data about the corresponding tude and altitude of these a simulation the uncertainty for every data sets, of data set. one may determine quantity. RESULTS A. Electron Density The electron-density Teble IV. These contours are presented tions. The contours values of loglo are drawn for values comments deserve 6-7 January and 20-21 January [Figs. the reduced antenna gain resulting discharge tube in the TR system. tion. Other small outages these exceeded for the days and times loglo Ne >3.0 at intervals to be made concerning listed in of each set of observa- of logio Figs. i (al and (b)] at high altitudes from the snowstorm Also on i 7-18 August [Fig. 2000 EST are thought to be poor either unless I(a-z) Ne = o.2. HOwever, abOve hmax F ~ are not thought to be reliable. Ne S 4.0 at altitudes A few general in Figs. 160 to 900 km and the full time span the height interval occurred, because damage of external as a consequence i (a-z). The results at night are suspect and the existence 1(p)] the results interference of transmitter about t hour [as on 12-13 May – Fig. %(j)], of a noisy gas between or a receiver or computer the INSCON for owing to 1700 and malfunc- failures, program but managed to smooth through the gap. We have described ! near noon. Figures i2-i3 The layer 1(a-c) transition provide May [Fig. i(j)]. In summer than in winter occurred the two types tWe daYs exhibit thickness is less good examples to tbe !’s“mmern cause the daytime set. previously ,,Winter. on quiet days?-’ the thickness and hmaxF2 variation of tbe layer around tbe end of September fn 1970 there first depressed. is tmically We have XISO described storms?” than in summer type of behavior, appear daytime of this behavior. The day-to-night values of electron-density higher and hmaxF2 with a single is typicallY In tbe spring equinox, seen in 1970 in the results of Nmax is reduced (measured [Fig. seen at Millstone of NmaxFZ ’240 there obtained in summer, The peak value is usually reached >300 km. particular variation values to these basic patterns caused by magnetic when the trough was observed ae seen in i967 and i 968, i.e., sunspot maximum. Nor were large that there was some manifestation responsible for this phenomenon marked increase bebavior i(t)]. modification appear to have been no instances instances be- is much larger back to winter of the station in the late afternoon on the first on largely move to the latitude that we have seen previously to 2613km. is a rapid near ground sun- by a3most any criterion) In i970 tbe transition peak of abnormally day of a magnetic of the lifting on the evening in hm=x F2 seen at this time of tbe layer evening i5 storm. of Nmax observed However, (induced by electric of f 7 August [Fig. and the large increase to around it does appear fields) that is 1(p) 1, as is evident hy the very upward drift velocity v= observed. MILLSTONE C6-07. JRN, LCIGIONS m HILL 1970 ~ m rm “.. \ \ ~“”’ “.2 . 0 m m 16 (a) Fig. 1(0-z). as f.nctio”s Computer-drawn plots showing contcwrs .f constant log 10 N. (where Ne is the electron density/cm3) of height and time for the measurements mode in 1970 (Table IV). S?– MILLSTONE HILL 17-18, FEB. 197C LOGIONE ~ ——— . (.) Fig. l(a-z). Continued. -3 m— MILLSTONE 23-24 .FKB. L13G10NC HILL 1370 ~ .,., .,., , “.4 , 4.6 -’-..5., .... .. ..-.. .$- . .. .. .. ------------ -...-” -. , (d) Fig. 1(0-z). Continued HILL MILLSTONE :;);:;; 1970 mzEL 700 \ \ /’----” /,”’ — (e) Fig. 1(0-z), Continued. 24 MILLSTONE HILL 17-18, M9R,1970 I fir... hl. i, -Fm i, \. $. m >2 EST “c (f) Fig. 1(.-z). Continued. “ “4 0’ w “ ILL5T’3W HILL 3-zLI. !W3.197C OGlcNr m 5.,! ,Cc 6CZ ,.( ,0 .,—, k . . . (9) Fig. l(a-z). Continued. ,G=2 cm 3“ . L (h) Fig. 1(.-z). Continued. . ,,.,,, ...... MILLSTONE HILL 28-29. W’R. 1970 L13C10NC . m . m cm 1- Ir L3” ,r.& y k L L ,, (i) Fig. I(a-z). ,, .. . . Confi.u~. MILLSTONE HILL &lr3ti NRY! 1970 Tmz “., ~4.4 ., “.6 m m ,.4 ,s \7 f,, 5, >3 1 I m “ b, ES? w (j) Fig, l(a-z). Continued. “ e <1 “ “ zt. – MILLSTONE HILL 18-19, WIY,1970 L13G10NE ___ —— ——-— m ,s. s (k) Fig. I(a-z). Continued. MI LL3TOW HILL 10-11, JUN. 1970 LOCICNE w 1 ~“”’ $ 5., w . 5., . ,m k L (1) Fig, 1(0-z). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 73-?LI JUN. 1970 Em m . (m) Fig. I(a-z). Continued. *m MI LLSTEINE 07-08, JUL. LCY210NC HILL 1970 ~ m m m w . , (.) Fig. I(a-z). Ccmtinued . m. MILLSTONE 18-19 )JUL. LOCIONK HILL L970 ~ — em No !,0 Lsl (0) Fig. I(a-z). Continued MI LLS1ONE 17-16. WG2 , “. ,, KILL 1970 I -9-5439 4.:. h ‘,, $, 52 b, b, ES? (P) Fig. I(a-z). Continued. m . ,. ,, ,, I MILLSTEN= 24-25 .WJG, LOGIONF HILL 1370 - m m , , (’q) Fig, l(O-Z). Continued. .= MI LLST3NE 31’WG-OISCP, L13GIONZ HILL 1970 m m m ~. 36..6 ~’”” ~ EST’’’”” ‘z’ (,) Fig.1(0-2). o Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 16-17 .SEP.197C LOG,,, NZ ZmcL &’”~ \ . . .. . . . . ‘ -“--) /L (s) Fig. l(a-z). Continued. \ ‘/ (t) Fig. l(a-z). C.mtinuaJ. l/-- ~ ““ . MILLSTONE HILL 05-06,0 CT, 1970 LCICIONE m m . (u) Fig. 1(0-z). Continued. :,..- (v) Fig. I(a-z). Continued. \ .1 . JA I .2, \, \ / i ‘~.,..y ‘\ / ,“., 7m ~.— --—--., m —.. z.. = —.. * g ——---- ~ m . m b! h ,, (w) Fig. 1(0-z).. Continued. -EEL .-. ——— .........——.—.——— ~:g(~<;~q ,////”;./”’””- ‘—’\, ,, ,., 3 —-’”<’-’/’’’’;’’”””’”:::”””’”: -—---’”, ,, ‘—–-’\.\ ‘L--,/’,./’/,/< ‘..._../” ,/———’.e \“, ./’ :/,,’”,/ ,“~”’””:,-~ \ ------1,.: ~, “ ~ ./”’,/’ ..’” ,/-”’/. --l -------------) ===sisxN&,r.—— \ ‘-.. —. ~ “--” /’ , /,/, ,,///---/’ / .’”’ /’” ----__~ --- \y\5.. ,y:: ._ ,., ~. __.Ti ...-. t s+ –’-””-”-””--”-””””--–-’i;-””””-b, ““-”’”’-’[9 “-““ -.F ,_ ,, ,, (w) Fig. l(a-z).. _//qp: ........... Continued. 43 IS ,9 “-l ----L..----4””-7”)-””-7”) . I /J////” s+ .~..-. (x) Fig. l(cI-z). Continued. 44 -~.... . .........L.-.--,--. ---,----1 hbti . . ,,>of ;, ,J I ! ,,’. , ‘\ ,/ ./’ ,/ ,-’ -... / . / ,/ 1 ,, I /’ I ,./ -“”’ “\ ‘ ,,“’” I , ,. .--, ..’” . \ ~ ,1 ~~=’; ‘L.>’” \.‘< .._/” /-\., ,/ ,,., --- \, J “., -1” /“”” i \.. ..__..- -“--’”’--’–’-”--—=, I (x) Fig. l(vz). , ‘ /’ / // / ---’;:--”<:-<; / \;t ~,. . ,,.4 / -mm continued. 45 . * (Y) Fig, l(G-z). Continued xc- MILLSTONE HILL 28-29. DEC. 1970 L13C10NE ~ 1. L (4 Fig. I(a-z). Continued. ~ Ii ii ), ~, ,! nighttim.a period of i 7-48 August [Fig. 24.25 August [Fig. i(q)], it appears (>i 04 elj’cm3 ) down to lower quiet night. trons), This suggests altitudes night. During The observations scatter gram organized is swpported disturbed of 3i October radar a magnetically disturbed were occurred Scatter On 4 November; a second our participatim. depressed [Fig. during an instance red amkma. B. conducted of overhead The .rasults Electron Contours Figs. 2(a-z) Fig.2(k)]. ( elec- present on the much as expected, conducted and Arecibo) despite jointly with the other that participate in a prO- G (then Comrnis sion 3) The intent was to gather observations was seen m the sua on 28 October to begin 2t 0900 EST on 30 October. marred were were much of the data. As during at 0750 EST This was it transpired, no magnetic reschetiuled. on the sun at 2241 EST and this. was followed Unfortunately, in the joint in this instance progr.arn prior .Normal other operati~ns to 0600 cm 7 November. behsvior was exhibited afternoon precipitation is referred of 9 March at Millstone [ Fig. i(e)] appear at MillOn. this day, o“ 8 November :to have been made that was responsible to that paper. for a thorough temperature intervals. (-2000” This on. the evening for a low latitude for this night have been examined. in. considerable of electron rapid than the sunrise increase ture is again roughly the electron which occurs appears the electron when a slow decrease spanning the range In summer K) at sunrise rapid increase During the daytime, detail by NoxOn and discussion. and extends level rwghly zenith distance sunrise and Te reaches decline as the electron of Te is more a maximum density a little increases complex. after [e.g., There ground sunrise. Fig. 2(b)]. is a marked increa$e Thereafter, At sunset there around 1700 to 1900 EST when heat from the magnetosphere ternpemt”re to rdnmst its daytime usually This decrease midnight [e.g., The winter sphere decreases as the density value decays and remain behavior by photoelectrons Fig. at this level for a few hours prior is thought to be caused hy a density Figs. i(a), [e.g., to local increase 2(y)]. is Often a decrease is able to main- The temperate throughout sunrise there at local is a further tain the F-region temperature is less At night the tempera- which is arrested increase x = i 05”. until mid- The sunset decrease a b- to 8-hour interval. over by a very in a space of 3 hours [e.g., constant at all levels commences. in is characterized all levels when the solar t-emains to the nighttime temperature at almost to commence temperature 225 to 900 km are presented constant with time. In Winter the time variation ,,., ,,. (,, particles Temperature at 200-K rapid increase :,,: 2B flare until. .midafternoon. Evans,27 a,ld the reader ..: high i(x)]. Tbe observations ,, temperatures behaved Grcmp of Commission (U RS1!. 2B fiace.uc.curred stone precluded was very Working A class by ATS- i. N ~ax electrox Chatanika. then scheduled and the observations by a prcdon event observed flux of precipitating the density (St. Santin, period. remained night i~ cent rast to the period. the day on which computer. malfunctions storm by the higher Union of Radio Science and the joint observations below hmaxF2 much of the disturbed through i November facilities by the Incoherent of the International with that of the quiet day thai followed density Of a weak ionizing the day on i 8 August, the fact that tinis was a very incoherent throughout the presence and this interpretation disturbed i (p)] is compared that the electron ma~. then much of the night. [e. g., Figs. 2(a), that commences The 2(z)]. a few hours after i(z)]. has bee” explained escaping from a!j a consequence tbe conjugate 49 of heat supplied point which remains to the magneto- sunlit. During March MILLSTONE HILL (11-07. JRN, 1970 ~ sm. /&l ‘P I“w’mrm /“? /“”m/ ‘m/ “r /37 ‘EC ,0, em /‘% I I \T 7\r200 7m m m m (0) Fig. 2(..,). Computer-drawn plots showing contours of constant electron temperature Te (i. “K) as functions of height ond time for the measurements mode in !970 (Table IV). “’” [LLSTONE )-21 . J9N, HILL 1970 . m 7CM m . . m ,, I ,, I,5 , 1 ,, I L ES? L k ‘ (b) Fig. 2(0-z). Continued. L ‘m L I !, . Fz.3 Km (c) Fig. 2(.-z). Continued, MI LLS1ONE HILL ~3-2Ll. FEB. 1970 m. ml? — (,j) Fig. 2(a-z). Continued. LLSTONE HILL -18. MFIR, 1970 ,03 800 — . .. -./ x-i \ ~ ma ‘‘ . . ,. ,s! -\&/- ‘cc -E m I&a 1, s I,, , L k 2 b L E+’ (9) Fig. 2(.s-2). Continued. , L IL L s II .sTONE HILL 29, QPR. 1970 ~ . . .. . mu __--’” 7 , L L )111/ ! ,s L ‘- I 4 ES? ‘ (i) Fig. 2(0-.). Continued. , L , , 7 ‘——’4—J \\\\\\\\\\\ :1~ L L ,L--r L (j) Fig. 2(0-2). Continued. A ! /-J- ! ~~ LS1ONE 19. WY, HILL 1970 . h\\\\\\\\~/ . . A!!!!r / d’ x ,m, , s \ ,* L , k L L EST (k) Fig. 2(.2-z). Continued. s L 1 m 1 1, I ,, —- MILLSTONE HILL 10-l I, JUN. 1970 T. ‘-iN7F!wr72%K7i’’ I (1) Fig.2( a-z). Continued. tlILLSTCINE HILL 23-24. JUN. 1970 TM ,, 4 , L > L h k ES+ (m) Fig. 2(0-2). Continued. 1 ,, 1!, I ,s 117 , LLSTONE HILL -08, JUL , 1970 em ,m m . (n) Fig. 2(a-z). Continued. ‘-.. \\\ (0) Fig, z(o.z). Continued. . MILLSTONE 17-lB. WIC. T, HILL 1970 em . m 0. . “m .2. m . 2UM ~ l— (P) Fig. 2(a-z). Continued. X.2 MILLSTONE ~:-25, WG, HILL 1970 ~ ,m -.. , > (q) Fig. 2(.-z). Continued. LLSTUNE HILL RUG-01 SEP, 1970 . m m? X0 MILLSTONE 16-17, SEP. HILL t970 ~ em ,Ct m , k ‘L ‘,, ‘“ “ I “ \ F:si (J Fig. 2(0-.). continued. 4 ‘ L , 5 L b3 (t) Fig. 2(0-z). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 05-06, OC”T, 1970 -mEL . . .Lii-J/11 m I , , / L --’’” L L A \\\\\\ b L L ES; (u) Fig. ‘2(c-z). Continued. L L ‘1, ‘!~ ‘“ -LSTONE HILL -14. OCT. 1970 ! .,. __-— s47,1 — m m . L L L 41 k, J\ L (d Fig. 2(.-=). Continued. L L , I,, I1, L MILLSTONE HILL ~lOCT-OINLW. IE 1970 900 . -“/// \\~\ 800 70, , 1,, 1 13 1 17 1,, Es? (w) Fig. 2(.a-z). Continued. 72 I 1 ,, i ,1, 1 1 2’ k ‘ , ?s0 “000 \ \ /’- .,00 em -ml (v (@ Fig.2 (a-z). Continued. 73 , ,00, ( ‘0” LLSTUNEHILL -09.NLIV.1970 ,:1 . ,*4, , b k EST ‘ (x) Fig.2(c!-z). Continued. I I I 74 k “ ,4, k -mEL “w .“m m .Xm.%a .Um “.0. m! IEoc ..m .%m .“COI , (x) Fig.2(a-z). Continued. 75 F.- -.. .,. . MILLSTONE HILL 21-22, C!FC, 1970 : ‘//’’—II— (Y) Fig. 2(a-z). Continued. ‘m . 7Q2 mc . . ,m 2,.0 m (a Fig. 2(0-.). Continued, and October, conjugate nitude of the local sunrise electron OCCUI’6 a few hOUrS before density, the phOtOelectron (xc < i050, may cause the tem~erature and Z(v) appear to provide Anomalously clear to begin increasing examples high electron and may be caused by be;: conducted from or created possible to distinguish cipitation tends to fill observed on 9 March between are associated between [Fig. Z(e); prior to local on the magsunrise sunrise. with magnetically the ~.agnetospbere ti E& where by precipitation these sources in the valley prior Depending at conjugate Figures 2(u) of this behavior. temperatures of ring current particles 10cal sunrise. flUX established except it is generated 27 at night when, at Millstone, periods by the decay Often it is im- of soft electrons. the E- and the F-layers. to midnight disturbed particle p~e- The very high temperatures are thought to be associated with particle pre- cipitation [c f., Fig. $ (e)]. The increase in Te after midnight is thought to be caused by conjugate 27 Aa noted above, there is also evidence for particle precipitation during the evening sunrise. of i 7 August [Fig. i(P)] which appears to have maintained the electrOn temp~rat~re tO high values as late as 220032ST. The very perature midnight. geating low values to be several of electron The beat flux conducted that during 7 November into “the layer The ion temperature At low altitudes was also considerably at least until bigher on this day, sug- beat was. being suppli.w! JO the local .iOnospbere T- from (400 to 700 km), increasing Ti tends toward height, in a similar derived raises described in the contouz diagrams (<350 km),. :T~ varies with the eIectrons by fashion [ Figs.3(&-’X to the neutral temperature these data ha-<e been reported heat suppfied the ion temperature ] at iOO ‘K intervals. to the ions via coulomb to a value intermediate Te and begins to exhibit and. values by Salab and between similar encounters T= and Te. diurnal variations With to those above. Vertical Velocity Contour diagrams difficulty in extracting ously degraded which reduce for the vertical velocity this parameter from whenever tbe quality quantity on 6-7 January, appears synthesizer Vz are presented ratio is reduced, Accordingly, 20-21 January, 9 March it is the first or there useful results bias in the measurements as one of the receiver local of the day, tube. oscillators thereby quantity to be serieffe CtS not obtained for this On the first of these days. which may have been intro- On 20-2i became introducing Owing to the are instrumental were and 7-9 November. by the poor gas discharge standard for a portion in Figs. 4(a-v). the measurements, of the spectra. contributed employed ter frequency the signal-to-noise to have been a systematic duced by the noise January, unlocked large errors the frequency with the site masin the drift estimates. We have not previously scatter caused tbe tem- prevaiied in the magnetosphere. is plotted of the exospheric temperature ~van~.zt At higher altitudes velocity on 7 iSoxembe~ This situation Ion Temperature C. there above normal. considerable the decay of ring cmwent protons D. density. .dusing the daytime hundred degrees. attempted in the data and the seeming suits gathered to present contour diagrams for Vz owing to tbe large existence of a time-varying systematic difference in the re i6 The source of this difference was thought to be the use by tbe B- and C-modes. (in i969 ) of only haff the B-mode filter gathered that it persisted in later years suggests bank for part of tbe year. 79 HOwever, when the full filter analYsis Of data bank was back in use. 08 I, ‘“LLST13NE HILL I-21 , JRN, 1970 -@mm . em mu . . I 1, L ? L 4* 4 k ES+”s’ (b) Fig. 3(0-2). Continued. L L k , I,, _LsTONE -l E,FEB. HILL 1970 ~ !m ‘G \,m m ,63 la 1 ,! L L L L I !9 ES+ L i ‘ (c) Fig. 3(a-z). Continued. , L !77 L MILLSTONE HILL ;3-2L4. FEB. 1970 ~ :~z.” \\ co . (d) Fig.3(a-z). co.tin.~ \ ,“s0 ,.,., r MILLSTONE ::,MRR.1970 HILL = 900 , 21 1 8M lm – 100 6UJ Soo g 1~ ml q.. ~oo 30C 20 II 0 2 0 b !3 ES? q (e) ~ig, S(o.z). continued. 84 6 J MILLSTCINE ~7- 18. NW. HILL 1970 [ 3 i 1 1 [m ?), 1 1 ,1 ., w 4 !,* g , \2 L L 6 k \ km ES; (f) 8 ... s- Fig. 3(0-2). ..= .-— Continued. 2 , k k 0 (9) Fig. 3(a.z). Continued. ----- co -1 (h) Fig.3(.a-z). Continued .STUNE 29,9PR, HILL 1970 ~ 7CM ~ mm ,,m , , 1 ,1 I ,, 1 !s L I L ES? ‘ (0 Fig, 3(wz). Continued. 3 L , L L “--MILLSTONE HILL 12-13, MQY, 1970 T, . ~ ‘ ,U3 \\\\\ =—J--------= L’——— /“ --’’’ //-’ / ——————— !. ————— ,. \\\ -\/\ \ ,m . . *( . , L 4, , L L k Es+ (j) Fig.3(a-z). Conti..d. k L L L s .— MILLSTONE HILL 18-19 .MRY,1970 TI ~ ,Nm 1 — & L L L k !30 L ES; (k) Fig. 3(0-z). Continued. L k Im I 1. ,. I ,, (1) Fig. 3(0-2). confinu~. m ,* , 4! L L ,’ L b. mT L ‘ (m) Fig. 3(a-z). Continued. L \ ‘ L 1 ), L MILLSTONE HILL 07-08. JUL , 1970 . “’w]]$~qi[&-.Y . tam >,,m n m ‘ *l/// . m 4;1 — m / 11. . ,, , , , 4, 3 IJ Ed b ‘ (n) Fig. 3(a-z). Continual. L b k L , MILLST13NE HILL lE-19. JUL. -@ - 1970 / (0) Fig.3(0-z).Continual. LLSTCINE -i8. Wc, HILL 1970 ~ X0 . Em (P) Fig. 3(a-z). Continued. MILLSTONE 2U-25. WC. HILL 1970 ,m \--= ~ ‘=’’’-’N:!L-: ~ — — =’//////1/ ! 600 Km “—--//// —// m I , I,s L .\\L /“ // L L L L 3 E’+ ‘ (q) Fig. 3(a-z). - confi.u~ s $7 L 1 ,1 I ,, (r) Fig. 3(a-z). Continued. MILLSTONE :6-17 .SEP. HILL 1970 / A-zm- ,m I L L 5 L 4 , L ES+ (4 Fig. 3(a-z). Continued. L , L 7 !79 (t) Fig. 3(0-2). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 1 - — “{/// z x “m ~“ ,m 1, , I , L L 43 !31 b ES+ L (.) Fig. 3(cvz). Continued. L L L , L “ONE HILL OCT. 1970 ,m 4, (v) Fig. 3(.-z). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 31 DCT-OINCIV. 1970 WI j I m - G ~ % g... “m . 4 \ 1 (w) Fig. 3(0-z), Continued. i 02 L s 7 , L L (w) Fig. 3(0-z). Continued. i 03 1 1, I L L ,LLSTLINE HILL -D9. N8V, 1970 — — -%. t 04 -EEm.. ,!,2!” I , ~,~ L 20 (x) Fig. 3(a-z), Continued. io5 b L’ L L [LLSTEiNE HILL I -22, DEC. 1970 = em 7CM 7 I ,, 4, L L L L EST (Y) Fig.3(.a-z). Continued. 7 L L I ,> 1 ,, MI LLSTUNE HILL ;:-29. DEC. 1970 - II ,Sa . 7 1 ,, L , L L k ES; (z) Fig. 3(a-z). Conti..d. 7 , L It> L LLSTONE HILL -l E, FEB. 1970 m 1 ,5 ,m I l\l\\\\\v/// 1 \\\/i.! m I !1 I ,, s , L k‘,,’ i ES~ k , L (.) Fig, 4a.v). Comp.ter-drawn of height and time recovered plots showing contours of constant vertical for some of the measurements made in 1970. velocity v= (m/See) as fUnGti0n5 , & :LSTCINE HILL -2L4, FEB. 1970 m. ,m Em f’ -,, -m /’ “. .-z . (b) Fig. 4(a-v). 1 Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 17-18, MRR, lg70 Vz sm. x (c) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL ~3-24. MRR. 1970 ?52 ‘JZ (d) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. .S113NE 15, WR, HILL 1970 ~ -s \ \ u -s \ -’”- \ —-m “’0 2. IEn , I,1 I ,, I ,5 7 1 ,, 1 \ ES+ 2’ (e) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. -, /’ -5 \ 1“ 1 \ o / (f) Fig. 4(a.v). Continued. ,,.,, .,.,., ,,,,,,;.,;::{<&.~:jg:.? ~$,,.. ,...:..... .. ~.... MILLSTONE HILL 12-13, MRY. 1970 1, “z ,$ ), 1.-5,.”1 . ... !, 21 2, M Es? =,. (9) Fig. 4(.-v). Continued. W m 1, ,, !> LLSTONE -19,1WY, HILL 1970 ~ . . ,m e-” . . ,, (h) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. (i) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. [LLSTONE HILL 3-24. JUN. 1970 m m m m wm . X.2 (j) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL. 07-08, JUL. 1970 Vz pJ m m “o . L L 1!, 4! , h E+ h ‘ (k) Fig. 4(.-v). Continued. L 7 , \, 1,, m. fan m m .. ‘d (1) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. I .+40 LLSTONE HILL -18. RUC> 1970 ,Cm . (m) Fig. 4a-v). Continued. MILLSTONE HILL 2q-25, RUG. 1970 v, , s 7 L L b k 4Y ES+ ‘ (.) Fig.4(o-v), Conti.u~. k 7 k !, I !, MILLSTONE HILL 31 WC-O ISEP. 1970 Vz . ~ I L -,0 -,0 \ . m (0) Fig.4( a-v). Continued. m. “, -,. -, m. I ,00 cm X4 m M (P) Fig. 4(. Y-v). Continued. MILLSTUNE HILL 28-29. SEP. 1970 Vz . = I m xc !, (q) Fig. 4a-v). Continued. MI LLSTCINE HILL 05-06, OCT. 1970 ‘~ \ ,., Fig.4(a-v). — Continued. .. LLSTONE HILL -14. OCT. 1970 . -s L .--J m /’-’% m !m L \7 , 4, , b ‘ k ES; (s) Fig. qo-v). Continued. % L , \! ! !, I .* ,C6 1 (t) Fig. ~g-v). , Continued. -.. ,. d ,SIIUF 1 ., I .. I 1 .7 . 1 !, 1 !, (t) Fig. 4a-v). Continued. i29 ! !, 1 ,7 !, LLSTONE HILL -22. DEC. 1970 m ma 2C4 ,. . !? I ,3 L L L L L EST (.) Fig. 4a-v). Continued. L L 1 !, 1 ,, 1 ,. LLSTONE HILL :-29, DEC. 1970. m ,m . . ,Cm (.) Fig. 4(a-v). Continued. Here the C-mode greater results confidence above -400-km The general thermal employed of large more velocity in this region During the daytime, following ion production exceeds rate is higher. Above which becomes h~axF2 above There associated with the growth is often a fairly well defined (md period of loss downward at. all altitudes so that ions migrate about 500 km, there below about 500 km. down to lower is a transition levels where the to upward escaping ful.3y developed by about 700 km. The magnitude of this escape flux in 1969 7,i6 study. At night in summer, the drift at all levels appears to be of special directeddownward as the la$e.r decays by sinking. though the velocity (>600 km):it As we have drawn for the region than those below. surmise. is usually In this region, ity, of >450 km. near sunset. the “elocity recombination flux, reliable upward ~.elocity in the region of the layer was the subject altitudes this means that the contours behavior Df the vertical veIocit y of the plasma over Millstone Hill has been dis i6,32-34 of eariier papers. The most striking fe=iure of the contour diagrams expansion) downward for the nominal results, altiitude are probably cussed in a series is a period were in the C-mode tends to remain night tend to be very downward. erratic In”winter th~pe aPPe2rs The values =nd probably obtained these portiohs tO .be mOFe variabil-: for high altitudes of the contour diagrams should not be trusted. Tbe vertical parallel xelocit yobse rved at Millstcme to$md perpendicular ‘z where, ‘0”96””11 in the F-region, electric west (E-W) to the. magnetic maybe represented as the sum of components field. in the north-south (N-S): rr.erid ian plain via (16) + 0“2*”1NS tlie component perpendicular to the magnetic: field. is related to the east- field in E ~w ~~ (17) 1 ‘=7” 35$36 it appears that on quiet days Vl < +30 m/see. Thus, with NS some possible small error Vz may be taken as a measure of VI, . The velocity observed in the 33 and this allows vicinity of hmax F2 depends upon the N-S component of the thermospheric wind From separate measurements. the component of the wind to be recovered Hcdt37 have examined in detail results from incoherent scatter measurements. for two days in i970 (23-24 March Salah and and 28-29 September) using this approach. An extension served the pressure lower of this work has been the calculation diurnal neutral temperature (temperature) boundary tion of exospheric concentrations reported recently, Roble40 for the ionosphere temperatures complete theory temperature (which esta~h observed and meridional model adjusted the E-W pressure for the neutral to produce has combined the above neutral and was able to reproduce gathered on 23-24 March 1970. by the incoherent yet attempted. 132 atmosphere (having fixed diurnal varia- of the observed density, This appears scatter That is, electron bas been app3ied to the results calculation the electron using the ob- variation. the observed winds in tbe presence the ion drag).38’39 This analysis 38 and Antoniadis?’ by Roble Q & at Millstone use of information of the zonal wind velocity to describe in a local are simultaneously by Salah and Holt More model gradients conditions) variation technique with a photochemical and electron and ion to represent tbe most in testing ionospheric ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to W. A. Reid, L. B. Hanson, J.H. McNally, D. E. Olden, and others of the staff at Millstone Hill wbo assisted in operating and maintaining the equipment employed to gafher the dam reported here. R. F. Julian, J. K. Upham, and Mm. A. Freeman all contributed to the reduction of tie results. During 1970, tbe incoherent scatfer work at Millstone was supprted by the U.S. Army as part of a program of radar propagation study. Preparation of this repxt was supported by tbe National Science Foundation under Grant GA-42230. REFERENCES 1. J. V. Evans, “Ionospheric Backscatter Obsematiom at Millstone Hill; Technical Report 374, Lincoln Laboratory, M. 1.T. (22 January 1965), DDC AD-616607. 2. “Millstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1964; Technical Report 430, Lincoln Labratory, M. I. T. (15 November 1967), DDC AD-668436. 3. “Mtllstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1965,” Technical Report 474, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I. T. 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J a I i34 APPEND3X RCVR, RCVR, RCVR?, completely and RCVRP deck generated These subroutines. and RCVRP. are intended The user self-documented. the use of these RCVRi, RCVR1, RCVRP: USERS INSTRUCTIONS, AND SAMPLE PRINTED OUTPUT by INSCON. RCVR, at the experimental altitudes, but may use any others two or three Listings grams additional COMMON block distribution to the following include three calls CREADto then called to test RCVR, INSCON to these times Each recovery on read the card torecoverthe The user is not limited within the range of the data. therefore, for information short test programs SUBROUTINE or RCVRPis and altitudes. and are, listings routine and requires subroutines: SET, RCVRI: SETI, RCVRP: RCVR4, SETI for external rather refer first RCVRI, times RCVR of SET, intended listings Each test program fit values for external should LISTING IPL lPL and IPL SPLN3A, TRIDAG are included distribution, than blank COMMON. duced by the RCVR% test program follows in this appendix. the INSCON parameters An abbreviated the listings. 135 In tbe version are stored example of these pro- in a lahelled of the printed output pl’o- ,:,. RCVR, PROGRAM c c c c c c c c c c c 1 2 3 TEST RCVRl# RCVRP LISTINGS RCVR CUtlMON LABEL, 1D4y~O~ KDAT, NX/ NY, NPX# NPy# Xl, YWAX, YMIN, RELTMEr SHIFT, FAcY, A, SIG, lSTAT ‘Oj MENSION OIHENSIBN 1 YT) DMA?* DMIN~ x~AX* x~lh, GAMX> DELX) FACx* GA~yI DELy* (15) LABEL xT1641# YT(64)J GAMX132). DELX132~~ FACx132~J. SAKY[3~I DELY132)~ FACY(32J~ A(32$32)) S~~(64~~ 1ST AT f64’64] c 10 CALL CREAD c WRITE (6,101) c 00 20 1=1/NPx ITIME = Xl(!) + RELTf+E IF( ITINE .GTo E6400) 171 ME”1T1wE-86400 IHRS = lTI~E/3600 MINS = [ IT1flE- 1HRS*3600j/60 ]TIME . 10000 00 20 J=l, NPY CALL RCVR(XT(l)J 20 c c 101 201 I WRITE 16$201} CUNTINUE GO TO 10 100*r rTl*E~ HRS + YT[J)$ P) ~T[JJ/ p 8x1 3HF17) c ENO . . . . . . . . . -------- c c c c c c c c c c -------- -------- RCVR(x~ ‘f, --------- . . . . . . . . . ------------ . -------- TESTO31O TEST0320 TEST0330 TEST0340 TEST0350 TEST0360 TEST0370 TEST0380 TEST0390 TEST0400 -------r?cv 0010 PI JOHN M, HOLT MIT LINCOLN LABERATfIRy MI LLST6NE P, 0. BOX LEXINGTON, TEST0180 TEST0190 TEST0200 TESTO21O TEST0220 TEsT0230 TEsT0240 TEST0250 TEST0260 TEsT0270 TEST0280 TEsT0290 TEST0300 MINs . . . .. FORMAT ST AT EM ENDS...-. FBRMATI IPI, 4x4 4HTIME~ 5x~ gHALTITbOE~ FORMAT (5X, 14# ~xz F$oC~ 5x~ FI105) SUBROUTINE I + , TESTOO1O TESTO020 TESTO030 TESTO040 TESTO050 TESTO060 TESTO070 TESTO080 TESTO090 TESTO1OO TESTO11O TEST0120 TEST0130 TEST0140 TEST0150 TEST0160 TEST0170 HrLL FIELo s?ATl@h 73 Massachusetts 02173 RCVR uSES THE INsCDN FIT parameters sT8RE0 IN c6~HnN TD REcavER THE lt.iSCCiN FIT VALuE p AT ‘lME x ‘ND ‘L TITuOE ‘* ‘OAT ‘NO1cATEs THE TYPE. UF OATA, FOR EXAMPLE ELECTRON oENs ITY. THIs Information i 36 - RCV RCV RCV Rcv RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV 0020 0030 0040 00s0 0060 0070 0080 0090 0100 0110 c c c IS ALSO ON THE FIRST CARD OF THE INSCON OUTPUT DECK. X IS IN sEcONDS, wITH x.O AT THE HBuR PREcEDING THE FIRST EXPERIMENTAL PERMISSIBLE VALUES oF DATA~RELTMF~ . THE SMALLEST AND LARGEST c c X ARE GIVEN BY X!IIN AND xmAx. Y 1S IN Kilometers AND ‘Ay ‘ANGE FROM YMIN. 10 YIIAx. IF X OR Y !S QuTSIDE THE ALLoWED RANGE~ RCVR RETURNS P-D. THE NPX EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF x ARE STCIRED IN XT. THE NPY ExPERIMENTAL VALUES OF Y ARE STOREO IN YT. THC DATA TO WHICH INSCON FITS AN Nx BY NY LEAST MEAN SQUARE P0LYN8MIAL RANGE FROM DMIN TO DMAX. EACH TERM OF THE POLYNDWIAL IS OF THE F@RM c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c PX(i)*PY (J)* A(J, l). THE, A(J, I) ARE THE Px( I ) AND PY(J) ARE POLYNOMIALS Respectively THEy XT( I) ,AND yTIJl COEFFICIENTS GAMX, DELx J FACX, COEFFICIENTS WHICH 4RE GAMY, OUTPUT BY INSCON. OR THfiNIYRMAL CVER ARE DEFINED By RECU~s ION DELY, .FACY. IF DEsIRED A LOWER CIRDER LEAST MEAN SQUARE FIT MAY BE REcOVERED BY DECREASING NX AND/OR NY. ISTAT(J, I) IS AN NPY BY NPX 4RRAY WHICH INDICATES AT (XT(I)) YT(JI). IF IS TAT IJ#I).l~ THE CJUALITY OF THE FIT THE FIT RETURNS ISTATIJ, SIG(J) IS GOOD. IF i?s-P. LARGE II.2. 1s THE ISTAT(J#Ij=O, THE FIT ‘+Ay BE BAD AND RCVR TIME GApS IN ThE DATA ARE IvOlc ATED Oy RCVR RETURNS P*-P IF X IS wITHIN THE GAp. SQUARE ROOT OF THE MEAN SQUAQE DEvIATION ABOUT THE FiT OF THE DATA AT ALTITuDE CONSTANT WHICH IS ADDED BEFoRE NEGATIvE VALUES. YTIJI. FITTING SHIFT IS A POSITIVE TO DATA wHICH TAKES ON COMMON LABFLJ lDAYNOJ UDAT, NX, NY, NPX> Npy# Xl) YT) ,OMAXJ DMIN~ XMAX~ XfIINJ RELTME/ SHIFT, GAMX# DELXJ FAcx~ GAf+f J DEL’f~ i YMAX, YMINJ FACYJ A, SIG. ISTAT 3 DIMENSION LABEL (151 DIMENs ICIN XT164), YT164), GAMX( 32), DELx( 3?), FACX1321, GAMY(321, 1 DELY(32)~ FACY(32)# A( 32,32), SIG(64), ISTAT( 64)64) DIMENSION PX(32). PY(321 c X .GE. xMIN ●AND. lFIX .LE, XMAX .AND* Y ●LE. Yfl AX ●AND+ Y .GE. YMIN) GO To 1 “P . 0, RETURN IN)/[Xi+AX-XHIN) 10 XP = 12. *x-X~AX-XH YP * (2. *Y- Y~Ax-Y’l INl/(YMAx-YMIN) CALL SET(XP, NX, GAMX/ OELx# FACX, PX) CALL SET(YP, NY, GAt4Y) DELY, FACY, PY~ P*O. 00 00 20 20 ?0 I.l, J=l, 10 NX NY $’ = P * PX(II*PYIJ)*A(J, II P . ( IOMAX. ONIIN)*P+OMAX+oM IF(.IPL(X, Y) .EQ. 3) P.-P RETURN IN)/20 c ENO . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- SUBROUTINE c c CREAO REAOS . . . . . . . . . . ---------- cREAD THE CARD DECK GENERATEo BY INSCON. THE cONTENTs oF RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RcV Ucv RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RcV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RcV RcV RCV RcV RcV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV RCV Rcv RCV RCV 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0180 0190 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0280 0290 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 0380 0390 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0480 0490 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0560 0570 0580 0590 0600 0610 ----CREDOO1O CREOO020 CREDO030 c THE c c c .L [sTAT(J, II ONLy IF. GIVEN J, EITHER THERE Is ISTATIJ, Ij IS NOT O, OR J=NPY. IF NO CARO IS J, CREAD SETS lSTAT(J~IJ”l” 1 2 CARD; ARE STORED lN BLANK CCIMMONLABEL, 10 AyN8, KDAT, NX# NY, NPX, YMAX, YmIN, RCLTME, cOMMPN, NPY, XT, SHIFT, INSC5N YT, OMA~, GAMX# PuNCHEs AN 1 ‘UCH ‘H~TG1vEN PREsENT FUR OMIN> DELX~ FACX) XMAX* XMINJ GAf+Y~ DELyz FACY, A) SIG, IsTAT D~MENSi8N LABEL (15) DIMENSION XT(64), YT(64)> GAMX132), DELx( 3?)* FACX{32)~ aA”y(3~JA OELY( 32), FACY132)> A(32,32), SIG( 6+), 15TAT(64~6+)~ 1 3 IST(641 2 c- READ(581OI) IL ABEL[ 11) 1=1/151, REAO(5,2011 XT[l)~ I“lz Npx J=l, NPY READ(5J2D1) YTIJl# READ( 5,201) OMAX) DMIN. ‘%MAx, N . MA X( NX, NY) READ(5,201) GAMx(I)# OELx(I)~ GAMY(1), DELYI I). 1 00 10 1,1/Nx 10 READ(5*201) A(J~l)* Jsl#Ny REAO(5,201) SIG(J), J=l~Npy IDAYNO> xMIN~ KDAT, yMAx~ FAcXI FAcY( 1), I)* Nx* yMIN~ NY, UPX~ WY RELTME 1=1*N J1*l 20 30 4D 50 REAO(5)301) YP, 00 60 J~Jlf Npy IF(ABS(YT(J)-YP1 DO 30 1=1/NPX IsTAT(J, I) * i GO TO 60 00 so 1=1/ llST(I)~ .LT. NPxl oOR. ‘1 YT [J) .GE. 9999s9) Gfi To 40 1.l#NPx IsTATIJJI) IF(J .FQ. . lSTll~ NPYJ RETURN J1=J+l GU TCI 20 60 CONTINUE c c 101 201 301 L . . . .. FORMAT ST ATEMENDS..... FoRt4ATl15A4, 13X, 16/ 5141 FoRMAT(6( 1X, E12051 ) FORMAT (F7.1* 4x* 6411) . . . tNU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------- SUBROUTINE c c c c sETlx# SET CALCULATES P ( OEFINEO By DIMENSION P(1) = 1. N> THE GAM~ P(l)> GAM, FIRsT DEL, GAK(l)~ OEL/ FAC, PI N oRTHOhOR@AL polynomials FA[) AT AR fiuMENT x“ # oEL(l)# FAcfl) P(2) = x - GAMl~) 00 10 L.3, N 138 ---------- SET SET SET SET SET SET 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 sET 0070 SET 0080 sET 0090 SET SET SET 20 SET SET c SET ENO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P(LI . (x-GA M(LII*PIL-1) DE ?0. L=lt N P(L) . P(L)/FAC(L) RETURN 10 FUNCTION c c .. IPL - DEL(LI*PIL-2) 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 . . . . IPL(x/Y) DETERMINES WHETHER THE INSCON FIT IS G900 AT POINT (X#Y). COMPON LABEL, IDAYNO# KOAT, NX, NY, NPX* NPY> XT, YT, DMAX, DMIN* XMAX, XMIN$ YMAX, YVIN8 RELTME, SHIFT, GAMX, OELX, FACX, GAMY, OELY, ; 3 FACY, A, SIG, ISTAT OIMENSION LABEL (15) DIMENS1ON XT1641/ YT(64), GAMX(32), DELX(32)/ FACX(32), GAt4Y132)# 1 DELY( 321> FACY( 321) A(32J32)J s15(64), ISTAT(64J64) 1 L DX s ABS(X-XT(l)I 00 10 1*2, NPX OX1 = ABS(X-XT (I)) IF(OX1 OGTC OX) GO TO 20 10 OX = DX1 I-1 20 IP= DY . A8S(Y-YT( l)) Do 30 J.2, NPY 30 40 50 60 70 . DY1 * ABs(Y-YT(J)) IF(DY1 .GTo OY) GO To 40 OY . OY1 JP. j:l IF II ST AT(JP, IP)-l) 50,60,70 ]PL = 3 RETURN IPL = ? RFTURN . . IPL * 2 IF(X ,GT, XT(IP) oANOt ISTAT(JP, x OLT. XT (IPI .ANOO lSTAT(JP)l 1 RETURN IP+l) P-1) sEQ. ,EQo 2 +OR. 2) IPL.3 1PL IPL I PL ,-- . . L -m--. c c c c c c c c c c -:: f --------------------------------------------------------------- pROGRAM TEST RCVR1 INSCON IS A FORTRAN PROGRAM WHICH CALCULATES LEAST OFt INcOHERENT FiTS TO, AND PLOTS CONTOUR DIAGRAMS MEAN SQUARE 0330 0340 0350 . . . . TESTOO1O TESTO020 TESTO030 TESTO040 SCATTER OATA TEsT@350 OBTAINEO AT MILLSTONE HILL. THE FIT VALUE ANO FIRST DERIVATIVE VALUES CORRESPONDING TO A GIVEN TIME ANO ALTITUOE MAY BE RECOVEREOTESTO060 BY MEANS OF SUBROUTINES CREAD ANo RCVR1 . F3R EXAMPLE THIs pReGRAM TEsToo70 TESTO080 FIRST CALLS CREAO TO REAO THE CARO OECX GENERATED BY lNSCON. IT THEN CALLS RcvRl TO RECOVER THE INSCON FIT vALuES AND DERIvATIvES TEsToo90 TESTO1OO AT THE ExPERIMENTAL TIMES AND ALTITUOES. c COMMON LABEL> IDAYNQ8 KDAT, NX# NY, NPx> Npy> Xl, YT* DMA3# oVIN, xMAx~ xKIQ* 1 YMAX, YMIN> RELTME) SHIFT/ GAMX* OELx~ FAcx~ GAMy* oELy> 2 FACY, A) SIG, IsTAT 3 OIMENS1ON LAFKL( 15) DiMrNs]8N xT(64), YT(641, GAMX(32)# DEL X(32)/ FACX[32), GAMY(32)J 0ELY(32)$ FACY( 321> A( 32,321, SIG( 64), ISTAT( 64,64) 1 c 10 CALL mlio c WRITE (6,101) c 20 ... : ,. FORMAT 101 FBRMAT~ IHI, 11X, 2011 FORMAT (5X, ST AT EM EN TS. ..SO 4X, 4HTIMEJ 5X, 8HALTITUOE, 8x, 5HOP/OY) 14) 5X) F6. OJ F16.5# ~x? EIP.5J c lHP, 4x, 13X, E12”5~ 5HOP/DX, TESTO11O TEST0120 TEsT0130 TEST0140 TEST0150 TEST0160 ‘E5T0170 TFsT0180 TEsToi90 TEST0200 TEsTo2io TEST0220 TEsT0230 TEST0240 TEST0250 TEsT0260 1EsT0270 1EST0280 TEsT0290 TEST0300 TESTO31O TEsT0320 TEST0330 TEST0340 TEST0350 TEST0360 TEST037CI TEST0380 TEsT0390 TEST0400 TESTO41O c., . . ”. ---- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------SUBROUTINE RCVRll X/ Y, P, POX, PoY} c c c c c c c c c c c c c i40 RCV1OO1O RCV1OO2O THE. Px( I) AND PYIJ) ARE POLYNOMIAL ~ WHICH iRE ORTHONORMAL @VER xT[ I ) AND YTIJI RESPECTIVELY. THEY ARE OEFINED BY RECURSION cOEFFICIENTS GAMx# DELXJ FAcX) GAMY, DELY, FACY. IF DEsIRED A LOWER ORDER LEAST MEAN sQUARE FIT MAY BE RECOVERED BY DECREASING NX AND/OR NY. ISTATIJ, I 1 IS AN NPY BY NPX ARRAY wHICH lNDIcATES THE QUALITY OF THE FIT AT (XT(I). YT(J)). IF IsTAT(J.1)=1# THE FIT IS GOOD. IF lsTAT(J, l)qo, TH.E FIT MAY BE SAD AND RCVRI RETURNS P.-P. LARGE TIME GAPS IN THE OATA ARF INOICATED BY ISTAT(J, i)=2. RcVR1 RETuRNS P=-P IF X IS wITHIN THE GAp. SIG(J) IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF T!+E MEAN SQUARE DFv IAT18N ABOUT rs A POSITIVE THE FIT OF THE DATA AT ALTITUDE YT(J). SHIFT CONSTANT WHICH IS ADDED BEFORE FITTING TO OATA WHICH TAKES ON c c c c c c c c c c c c c c NEGATIvE VALUES. COMMON LABEL, IDAYNO, KDAT, NX> NY, NPX>’ kPy> XT, YT, DMAK, OMIN. xMAx# xMIN# ; YMAX, YKINJ RELTME. sHt FT> GAMX8 DELX. FAcX# GAMY* DELYD 3 FACY. A. SIG, IS TAT DIMENsl DN LABEL (151 OIMENSION XT(64)# YT(64)? GAMX(32), DELx(32)) FAc X(32)> GAMY(32)> 1 r)ELY(321# FACY(321J A(32,32), SIG(64), ISTAT(64#6+) DIMENSION PX(32)# pY(32), PXli32), PY1(321 c IFIX P. 10 20 .LE. Y .LE. 1 XMAX YMAX wAND. .AND. X Y ●GE. xMIN .GEo YMIN) .AAO* G@ T@ 10 Il. RE;u=; XP * (2. *x. xMAx-xMIN) /(xMAx-xMIN) YP * [2**y. YMAx-YMIN) /( YMAx.YMIN) CALL SE T1(XP, NXJ GAMXJ OELX~ FACX/ CALL SET I (YP, NY* GAMY, DELY* FACY. P*O. PDx = O. pDY * 3. 00 20 r.l, Nx oe 20 J=l, Ny P = P + PX(I)*PYIJI*A(J, I) PDX D POX + PXl(I)*PY( Jl*A(J#I) PDY = POY + PX(I)*PYl lJ)*A(J~I) P . I ID!+ AX. DMIN)*P+OMA X+ OMIN)/2. POX = [DMAX-OMIN)*pOX/l POY . (DMAX-OMltN)*POY/( IF(IPL(x,Y~ .EQ. 3) RETURN PX. PY, Pxll PY1) XMAX-XMIN) YMAx-YMIN) P=-P L END RCV1023O RCV1024O Rcvi0250 RCV1026O RCV1027O RCV1028O RCV1029O Rcv103OO Rcv1031o RCVi03f0 RCV1033O RCV1034O Rcv1035O Rcv1036O RCV10370 RCV1038O RcV1039O Rcv104OO RCV1041O RCV1042O RCV1043O RCV1044O RCV1045O RcV1046O Rcv1047O RCV1048O Rcv1049o RcV105OO RcV1051O RCV1052O RCV1053O Rcv1054O Rcv1055O RCV1056O Rcv1057O RCV1058O RCV1059O RCV106OO RCV1061O RCV1062O RCV1063O RCV1064O Rcv1065O RCV1066O RCV1067O RCV1068O ................................................................................ SUBROuTIKE c c c c c sETl(X/ N, GAM, OEL, FAC, p, pI~ SET1 CALCULATES THE FIRsT N URTHONERMAI. POLYMUMIALs P 10 EFINED BY 6A?. OEL, FAC) ANO THEIR DER!VATIVFS P1 ARGUMENT X. DIMENSION P(1), Pill), GAMI 1)> OEL’1 1), FAC(l I AT SET IOO1O SE TIOO2O SET IOO3O SET IOO4O SET IOO5O SET IOO6O SET IOO7O P(l) . P(?) PI(1) “.x . 0. SET IOO8O SET IOO9O SET101OO 1. GAM{2J PI(2) = 1. 00 10 L=31N P(LI =.(x-GAM~L)~*plL-l) . P(L.1) + (x-GAPI( 10 PI(L) 00 Z!O. L=l#N P[L) . P[L)/FAC(Ll; . Pi(L)/FAC(L) 20 PI(LI RETURN - DEL~LJ*p(L-2) L))* P1[L.1) - c ENO . . . . . . . ..- ---------- . . . . . . . . . . ---TEST ------------ sET1011O SET1012O SET1013O SET1014O OEL(~J*Pl{L-2) SET1015O SET1016O SET1017O sET1018O SET1019O SET102OO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TESTOO1O . . . . . . . . c PROGRAM RCvRp c c c c c c c c c c c c INSCUN IS A FORTRAN PROGRAM FITS TO, OBTAINED VALUES C! SY-UEAMS 8F SUBRWTJN~ FIRS~ CA( THEN CALL AT THE E) INTFRP8LATION PRQCEDu~ ITi-T Iii !Laluu<u TESTO030 TESTO040 TESTO050 )TESTO060 TESTO070 TESTO080 k COMMON LABEL, IOAYNCI, KoAT, NX# NY, NPX~ NPY> XT> YTO ONA8> DMIN~ xflAxD x“IN$ YMAX, yMIN/ RELTME~ sHIFT~ GAMx I OELx~ FAcx# GAMy’ oELyJ FACY, A, sIG. IsTAT OIMENSION LA8EL(15) OIMENSIOb XT(641# yT(64)# GAMX132)# DELx(32~’ FACX(32)~ ‘AHY[32)’ OELY132), FACY(32)# A(32,32), SIG(64), 1STAT(64~641 1 1 2 3 c 1.0 CALL CREMO c WRITE (6,101) TEST0130 TEST0140 TEST0150 TEST0160 TEST0170 TEST0180 ~~~+~~~~ TESTO21O TEST0220 TES70230 TEST0240 ...---=- c OQ 20 1=1!150 RI= I x . 600. *(RI-1.) IF(X .LT. O.) - RELTME x=x+86400. ITIME . X + RELT~E IF( ITIME !GT. 86400) 20 lTIME=ITIME-86400 IHRS . lTIME/3600 MINS . (l TIME- 1HRS*3600)/60 ITIME . 1000O + loo*l HRs + MINs CALL RcVRP(X, y7(3J$ p~ ~DxJ ‘Dy. 1> xml N) WRITE (6,201) IT IME) YT(3)1 P. POX# POY CONTINUE GO TO 10 c c . . . .. FORMAT $TATEm EN Ts. ..Qo TEST0320 TEST0330 TEST0340 TEST0350 TEST0360 TEST0370 TEsT0380 TEST0390 TEST0400 $42 ----- JSfm&%mK 101 FDRMATI IHI. 11X, 2011 FOR MAT15X, 4x, 4HTIME, 5HDP/DY) 14, 5X? F6.0, 5x, 8HALTITUDE, F16.5, 4x, 8x, E12.5, IHP, +X, 13x, 5HOP/CX, E12.51 c . . . . . . ..! TESTO41O TEST0420 TEsT0430 TEsT0440 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...!!..!!.! SUBROUTINE RCVRp(X> Y, P> pOX, PDY, lNO, XSI RcvRP USES THE INSCON FIT PARAMETERS STORKO IN COMMON TO RECOVER A PER IOOIC APPROXIMATION TO THE INSCON FIT VALUE P, ANO ITs DERIVATIVES WITH RF:SPECT TO X ANO Y, PDx AND PDY, AT TIME X AND ALTITUDE Y. XS IS THE BEGINNING (SECONOS FROM THE MI ON IGHT PRECEOING THE FIRST EXPERIMENTAL TIME) OF THE 24 HOUR PERIOD ON WHICH THE PER IOOIC APPROXIMATION IS 10 !3E BASED. IF INO=l A PER IOO!C APPROXIMATION IS CALCULATED BASED ON FIT VALUES OSTAINECI FROM RCVRI. IF IND.O RCVRP RETuRNS THE ORIGINAL NONPER1ODIC INSCON FIT VALUESO COMMON LAEEL, IDAYNO, KDAT, NX/ NY, NPX, NPY/ XT, YTJ DMA?, DMIN# xMAx# xWIN* YMAX, YMIN/ RELTME# SHIFT, GAMX. OELX. FACX* GAMy~ DELY. FACY’, A, SIG, IS TAT 3 OIMENSION LA8EL( 151 OIk!ENSf ON xT(641? YT(64). GAMx1321# DELx13>), FACX( 32), GAMY(3?)J 1 DELY13210 FACY(321~ A(32J 3?), SIG164), ISTAT(64J64) 1 DIMENsION OATA w/ O., xX(7), PP(71, PPDX171, .166667$ .333333* .5* W(7), PROX1N[7), ‘*333333> ‘.1666679 . . . .. USE RCVR1 OTRECTLY IF INO. O OR THE 20 HOURS*,**. lF(l NO.. EQ. O .OR* XNAX-XMIN .LT. 72000. 1 CALL RCVR1(X, Y, P> POX, PDY) > RETuRN DATA SPANS PP17Y171 o./ LESS RcvPOi10 RcvP0120 RCVP0130 RCVP0140 RCVPD150 RCVP0160 RcvP0170 RcvP0180 RCVP0190 RCVP0200 THAN I IF(XMAX-XMf N .LT. 86400.1 ●GE. 86400.1 IF IXMAX. XMIN XPR I X REPEAT 10, WHILE XpR .GT. XPR = XPR . 864D0. REPEAT 20, WHILE XPR .LT. XPR = XPR + 86400w IF(XMAX-XMIN oLT. 86400. ) ,.o. CALL CALL OP. OPOX OPDV D.T . . .IF XMAX-XMIN .GT. oATA . . . . . RCVRI(XMN) y> P1) RCVR1(XMN+86400., P2-P1 . POX2 - Poxl . PDY2 - POY1 fxPR. xMNl /86400. CALL RCVRI IxPR, Y, P = P + DP. OT POX . PDX + DPOX*OT PDY = PDY + DPDY*DT P, ) XMN. XMi N XVN. XS XMN*86400. xMN GO TO 86400. 3D ADO LINEAR PDx IJ PDYII POX?, Y. P2. T? END TO &LL RECOVERED POY2) RCVP0410 RCVP0420 RCVP0430 RcvP0440 POX, POY RCVP0450 RCVP0460 RCVP0470 RCVP0480 RETURN c c c . . . . ,FIND TIMES XL-XU=64800(18 30 XL ANo XU~ 3 HOURs HOURS) . xi XL XU = XMAX + [86400 .-xMAx+xMIN)/2, : xC-108OO. . XC + 10800. - 86400. . ., ●,us E RCVR1 c c lF(XPR .GT. XU DIRECTLY IF .ANo. .LTs xPR X IS BEFDRE BETwEEN xL) AND XU ANO 3 Hou Rs xc* AFTER XL* :~\~-;CVRIIX~y~pJpOX~pDy) ) 1 c c c c . . . ..c ALCULATE ESTIMATES Pi POY1 AND PDY2 QF pOy[xC) BOUNDRY OF THE GAP. . . . . CALL RCVR1 (XMAX. Y~ p, pDx~ PI . P + PDX*(XC-XHAX) POY1 . POY CALL RCVR1(XMIN, Y, P, POX, IN-86400$) P2 . P + POX*(XC-XM POY2 * POY 0? = ?2 - ?1 OPOY . POY2 - Poyl c c c c c 00. o.c ALcuLATE xx(I). xL INTERVALS OUES NOT PPII)=P(XXII)I” ANO XX(NISXU ANO P2 oF p(x C) , ANo ~$T IMATEs FRoM p, pDx AYD poy Ar EAcH pDy) PDY) AT TIPES xX(l) .O, XX(N) WHERE ANO XX(2) . .. XX(lJ1J ARE ,AT HDuRLy eETkEEN xL ANo xU. ExIsT ARE ExcLuDEo. TIMES xX(I) FOR L+HICH oATA N.(1 00 +6 1.1,7 RI= I XX(I) . XL + 3600, *(RI-1.) IF(XX(I) .GT. 86400. ) XX(l~”XX(l~-E6400” .GT. xMAX .OR. XX(I) .LT. XMIN) IF(XX(I) CALL RCVRl(XX(I)~ y, pP( I)/ PpOXlll, N.N+l XX(NI = XX(I) IF(N .GT. 1 .AhO. xx(N) ,LT - xx(N-llJ PP(N) . PP(I) + w(ll*Dp PPOYIN) . PPOY(I) + w(I)*opoy 40 c. c c G? T8 ‘+o PPo Y(rll xx(N1-xx(N)+~6400” CONTINUE USE CUBIC SPLIhE lNT~RpoLATloN CALCULATE P(x) ANO POX(XJ RLAMO : 1. Do . 6.. (( Pp(2). pp(i))/(xx(2)-xx( BE TkEEN THE pOINTs pp(xx( I ) ) . i))-ppDx {l))/ (xx(?]-xx( . 1. 6.*( PPOX(N) - (ppl N)-pp(N-l l)/(XX( N)- XX(N-ll ))/ (XX(N) -XX(N-1)) 1 IF(XPR !LT$ XU) xPR=xpR+8640°” CALL sPLN3A(N# l#xx, pp*RLAMO~Dot RMuN~DN`xpR Ip'poxJss2'pRex1N) CALL SPLN3A(N# llxX/PpDy~ O.> O.#O~/o. ~xpR#pOy'poxy` ss2JpRox RETURN l)) RMUN ON . c ENO *44 IN) To RcVP0490 RCVP0500 RCVpo510 RCVP0520 RcVP0530 3cvP054D RcVP0550 RCVP0560 RCVP0570 RcVP0580 RCVP0590 RCVP0600 RCVPO61O RcVP0620 RCVp0630 RCVp0640 RCVp0650 RcVP0660 RCVP0670 RCVP0680 RcVp0690 RCVP0700 RcvPO71O RcVp0720 RCVP0730 RcVP0740 RCVP0750 RcvP0760 RcVP0770 RCVP0780 RcvP0790 RCVP0800 RCVPO81O RcVP0820 RCVP0830 RcVP0840 I cVP0850 RCVP0860 RcvP0870 RCVP0880 RCVP0890 RcVP0900 RcVPO91O, RCVP0920 RcVP0930 RcVP0940 RcVP0950 RcvP0960 RcvP0970 RcVP0980 RcvP0990 RCVPIOOO RcvP101O RcvP102O RcVP103O lln~ 201.2 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 203g 2039 203g 2039 2039 2039 203g 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 2104 AL TITUOE 150. 225. 300. 375. 450. 525! 600. 675. 750. 825. 900. 975. 105IJ. 1125. 150. 225. 300. 375. 450. 525. 600. 675. 750. 825, 900. 975. 1050. 11?5. 150. 225. 300. 37s. 450. 525. 600. 675. 2104 750. 825. 900. 975. 2104 2104 2133 2133 1050. 1125. 150. 225. oP/ox .,44337 E.02 .10711 E-o1 P -885.56632 1163.06590> 1948.94308 2690.71146 3181.53133 3418.26056 3490.43291 3500.16388 3512.98395 3539.59937 3548.52.033 -,159 EIE. rjI -.5217 jE. ol -,74241 E-01 -,69387 E.o I -*36018E-01 .17525E-01 ●75941 E-01 ,12163E 00 .14103E 00 .13266E 00 .11684E 00 .14710E 00 -023849E-02 .45780E-02 .62258 E-02 -, I0216E-01 -*33848E-01 -.46180 E-01 -.32601 JE.01 .10787E-o1 .74926E-01 .14021E 00 .18348E 00 .18967E 00 ,16804E 00 .17308E 00 -.33654E-02 . ,25657E-02 .70942E-02 -.18783E-02 - ,25048 E-01 - ,44557 E-01 -.42789E-ol -oll179E-ol .45812E-ol .11158E 00 .16308E 00 ●18142E 00 -3509 .97;70 -3469.86119 -3655.79992 -880.71529 1175030152 1944.72735 2647s09170 3101.70718 3331 oo2952 3438,90297 3525.12140 3636.305+6 3753.09551 3813,66047 -3773,52254 -3701*69777 -3913,15259 -876.57$53 1176*92096 1957.07819 2641.10716 3059.48564 3263.26924 3382.11590 3526.17767 3731.86008 3951.44887 4086.60412 -4065.72192 --3965.16338 -4174.35110 -868.30834 1165.43042 .16726E 00 .16108E 00 . ,64208 E.02 -, I0628E-01 *U. 145 5. GOVERNMEW PRINTING oP/oY -.37441E .88094E . 10958E .83944E .47119E .18177E .34477E .64399E-01 .29844E .33177E ..17540E -.775o9E .18073E .59526E 01 01 02 01 01 01 00 O@ 00 00 00 00 01 -,33525E . 88205E . 10536E . 78268E .43732E .19918E ●11175E .12881E .16286E .13351E .15971E ..11061E -.14678E .73615E -.37017E ;90782E .10497E .74082E .38936E .18506E .15755E .23493E al 01 b2 01 01 01 01 01 .30221E .25979E .82016E -.12440E -.6186fJE .81662E -,43161E .93250E 01 01 00 01 00 01 01 01 OFFICE: 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 :? 00 01 1976--600-223--64 I3lBLlOGRAPHlC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. 3. Recipient’s Accession No. 5. Report Date 11 May 1976 4. Title and Subtitle Millstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1970 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. Technical Report 522 John V. Evans and John M. Holt S. Performing Organization 6. Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No, Lincoln Laboratory, M.I. T. P.O. Box73 Lexington, MA 02173 11. Contract/Grant No. GA-42230 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Sational Science Foundation RAIN Directorate Washington, DC 20550 Technical Report 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts During 1970, the incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill (42.6”1\r, 71.5”W) was employed to measure the electron density, electron and ion temperatures, and vertical velocity of the ions in the F-region over periods of 24 hours on an average of twice per month. The observations spanned the height interval 200 to 900 km, approximately, and achieved a time resolution of about 30 minutes. This report presents the results of these measurements in a set of contour diagrams. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Millstone radar F-region diurnal variations electron density ionospheric scatter seasonal variations temperature effects spectrum analyzers 7b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 7c. COSATI Field/Group 19.. S_ecurity Class (This \ neport) UNCLAWIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 8. Availability Statement ‘ O R , . , N T I S - 3 6 ( R E V . lo-731 ENDORSED BY ANSI AND UNESCO. THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED 121. 152 22. Price USCOMM-DC 8265-P74 L