Unique Foods in England

Unique Foods in England
 Sausages covered in batter and then roasted
 The origin of the name came from the dish's
resemblance to a toad sticking its head out of a hole
Yorkshire Pudding
 Light puffy bread made of a puff batter and
traditionally baked in the pan with roast beef
Shepherd’s Pie
 Made with minced lamb, vegetables topped with
mashed potatoes
Off The Beaten Path
In London
Film Locations
Tower Bridge and The Order
Of The Phoenix
London’s Tower Bridge is one of the most recognizable bridges in the
world. Its Victorian Gothic style stems from a law that forced the
designers to create a structure that would be in harmony with the nearby
Tower of London.
 The characters in the film fly over the Tower Bridge in the early stages of Harry
Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
King’s Cross Station
Platform 9 ¾
The primary mode of transportation to Hogwarts, a fictional school in Harry Potter,
is the Hogwarts Express that students take at the start of each school year.
Students board the train from Platform 9¾ at King's Cross station in London.
At Platform 9 ¾ is a luggage trolley part that is embedded in a wall.
Harry Potter
film location tours
On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month the theme of these tours is
Harry Potter in the City of London.
Harry Potter film locations on the tours include: Gringots Bank, The
'Cracked' Cauldron, the Flying Car crime scene, and Platform 9 ¾