Scintillation dosimetry: Review, new innovations and applications Sam Beddar, Ph.D., Professor Department of Radiation Physics, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center & UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences & Luc Beaulieu, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of Physics, Université Université Laval & Department of Radiation Oncology, CHU de Quebec OUTLINE • Introduction • Properties of plastic scintillation detectors • Applications – Daily QA – Radiosurgery – Clinical prototype – Proton therapy – Works in progress • Conclusions INTRODUCTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • In the last 20 years, significant advances have been made in scintillation dosimetry • They have a unique set of advantages • With the increasing complexity of radiotherapy treatments, scintillation detectors could be used for quick and accurate dose measurements even in complex geometries The purpose of this presentation is to show the advantages of scintillaton dosimetry and to explain how it can be used in modern radiotherapy INTRODUCTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • In scintillation detectors: • Impinging particles or photons will excite atoms or molecules of the scintillating medium. • Electron beams: Interacting electrons are not the same as the ionization electrons • The decay of these excited states will produce photons in the visible part of the spectrum. • Photon beams: Interacting photons are not the same as the detected photons • These photons will be guided to a photodetector and then converted in an electric signal. INTRODUCTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Two types of scintillators: A. Inorganic materials - NaI, NaI, NaI(Tl), NaI(Tl), CsI, CsI, CsI(Tl), CsI(Tl), CsI(Na), CsI(Na), CsF, CsF, BaF2, CdWO4, … - Advantages for stopping particles: high Z and high density (up to 88-9 g/cm3) • Disadvantage for dosimetry - Need an activator: e.g. Tl (Thalium) Thalium) • NaI: NaI: 330 nm • NaI(Tl): NaI(Tl): 410 nm INTRODUCTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Two types of scintillators: B. Organic materials (e.g. plastics) - Lower density … and!!! nearly equivalent to water • Density on the order of 1.031.03-1.06 g/cm3 • (Generally) No high Z materials content. - Excitation and emission spectra are similar in solid, liquid or vapor states PLASTIC SCINTILLATING MATERIALS •• Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • Core (bulk solvent) – Polyvinyltoluene (plastic scintillators) scintillators) – Polystyrene (plastic (plastic scintillating fibers) fibers) • Cladding (scintillating fibers) – Polymethylacrylate (PMMA) – Improves transmission of light to optical fiber SCINTILLATION PROCESS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Dose deposition and scintillation C.P. Interactions (keV to MeV) Energy Deposition Energy Absorption Ionization - Excitation De-excitation Processes Light Emission (a few eV) SCINTILLATION PROCESS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Prompt fluorescence following excitation (10-9 – 10-7 s) important for radiation detection SCINTILLATION PROCESS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • At room temperature, e- almost all in S00 – ΔE S1-S0 about 3-4 eV >> 0.025 eV • S1 band (about 0.15 eV apart) decay radiation-less to the S1 base state – Photon emitted only to S0 states • T1 band: lower energy and longer process SCINTILLATION PROCESS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Aromatic molecules – Large number of “shared” electrons (π-electrons) » 4n+2 » Anthracene has 14 of such electrons. – Excitation of π-electrons in S states = fast fluorescence. – Ionization of π-electrons = mostly T states. – Excitation or ionization of other electrons (σ-electrons) = no fluo or temporary / permanent damage SCINTILLATION PROCESS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Since all photons come from the S10 – Shift in the emission spectrum to lower energy than the excitation (absorption) spectrum – Mostly transparent to its own emitted photons! From Knoll FLUORS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Organic fluors (scintillating materials) are used with a bulk solvent: two components system – BC400: >97% PVT, < 3% organic fluors » e.g. p-TERPHENYL (C6H5 C6H4 C6H5) – Energy deposited in the solvent is transfered to the organic fluor molecules » Emission is typically peaked in the violet-blue region. • “Wavelength shifters” or three component system – A third (organic) component can also be used to absorb the organics fluors emitted photons and re-emit at a longer wavelength » POPOP [1,4-bis(5-phenyloxazol-2-yl) benzene] to get scintillators emitting in the green or yellow region. SCINTILLATOR SPECTRA • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Scintillators with longer wavelengths have lower light emission Archambault L, Arsenault J, Gingras L, Beddar A S, Roy R, Beaulieu L, "Plastic scintillation dosimetry: Optimal selection of scintillating fibers and scintillators scintillators““, Med. Phys 32: 22712271-2278, 2005. SCINTILLATION EFFICIENCY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Only a small portion of the incident kinetic energy lost is converted in fluorescent energy – For plastic scintillating fibers like BCF-12 about 8000 photons/MeV This means about 125 eV / scintillation photon. The total energy of visible light produced (at 430 nm or ~ 2.9 eV) represents an efficiency of 2.4% (97.6% goes in phonons!) – The light output depends on the LET (i.e. CP type) QUENCHING EFFECT • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • A decrease from the optimal scintillation efficiency, or quenching, can occur under various conditions – For organic scintillators, little thermal quenching • Constant between -60 ºC and +20 ºC • 5% variation max between +20 ºC and +60 ºC – Radiation damage can decrease the efficiency (Ionizations lead to temporary and/or permanent molecular damage) • Increased absorption due to defects (plastics turn yellow) • Need > kGy accumulated doses (104 to 105 Gy) QUENCHING EFFECT • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Quenching also occurs for highly ionizing radiation – Overlapping excitation sites and molecule damages. – Provides alternate radiationless de-excitation processes. – Non-linearity of Light (L) to Energy (E) response. BIRKS’ FORMULA • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • The relationship between the specific energy loss (ionization density) and the light output is given by the Birks’ formula: dE S dL dx = dx 1+ kB dE dx S: Scintillation efficiency B(dE/dx): Density of damaged molecules along the particle track k: fraction of damage contributing to quenching – For electrons above 125 keV: dL/dx = S dE/dx » Thus L = SE ! – For large dE/dx, saturation can occurs along the track » dL/dx = S / (kB) (usualy for ion particles) Archambault L, Beddar S, Sahoo N, Poensich F, Gillin M, Mohan R, " Experimental Proof and Feasibility of a 3D RealReal-Time Detector System for Therapeutic Proton Beams “, Med. Phys. 35: 2905, 2008. (Abstract). SCINTILLATION PROCESS: SUMMARY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Organic (plastic) scintillators are: – Made of low Z materials. – Light output is directly proportional to the exciting energy. » Linear with deposited energy for e-,γ. » …for electron above 100-125 keV. – (Mostly) Transparent to its emitted photons. – The gap is wide enough to be insensitive to a wide range of temperatures. – Fast time response (physics of orbital transitions). SCINTILLATION PROCESS: SUMMARY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Scintillation efficiency is not the collection efficiency. » These photons must be detected. » Linearity must be preserved throughout the complete detection chain » Light must be calibrated to Dose. SCINTILLATION PROCESS: REFERENCES • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • JB Birks, The Theory and Practice of Scintillation Counting, Pergamon Press Book, MacMillan, New York, 1964. [Chapters 3 and 6] • GF Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. [Chapter 8] • WR Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 1992. [Chapter 7] • FH Attix, Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry, John Wiley and Sons, 1986. [Chapter 15] ADVANTAGES OF PLASTIC SCINTILLATORS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Linear response to dose • Dose rate independence • Energy independence • Temperature independence • Spatial resolution WATER EQUIVALENCE • W-E is achieved by: – Media-matching (walls and sensitive volume) – Density state of the sensitive volume (gaseous vs. condensed) • W-E depends on: – Mass energy-absorption coefficients – Mass collision stopping powers – Size of the sensitive volume (according to Burlin cavity theory) Parameter Density (g/cm3) Electron density (1023 e-/g) Composition (by weight %) Scintillator 1.032 3.272 Polystyrene 1.060 3.238 Water 1.000 3.343 H: 8.47 C: 91.53 H: 7.74 C: 92.26 H: 11.19 O: 88.81 WATER EQUIVALENCE • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion According to Burlin cavity theory, above 125 keV: Dsci = 0.980 ± 0.005 Dmed Beddar A S, Mackie T R, Attix F H, "Water"Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for highhigh-energy beam dosimetry: I. Physical characteristics and theoretical considerations“ considerations“, Phys. Med. Biol. 37: 18831883-1900, 1992. DETECTOR CONFIGURATION Scintillator εaccept εcouple1 Fiber light guide εtransmit • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Photodetector εcouple2 Plastic scintillating fibers offer a good alternative to regular plastic scintillators: • • Increased light capture due to cladding (>internal reflection) The cladding is also water-equivalent/ no perturbation ORIGINAL PROTOTYPE • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • High sensitivity (PMT) • Remove Cerenkov with background subtraction Beddar, A S, Mackie, T R, and Attix, F H, "Water"Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for highhigh-energy beam dosimetry: I. Physical characteristics and theoretical considerations," considerations," Phys. Med. Biol. 37: 188318831900, 1992. LINEARITY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Light production is proportional to the dose deposited DOSE RATE INDEPENDENCE • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Not affected by dose rate variations ENERGY DEPENDENCE • Detecting volumes: intermediate cavities • Best energy dependence relative to other dosimeters used in radiotherapy Beddar A S, Mackie T R, Attix F H, "Water"Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for highhigh-energy beam dosimetry: I. Physical characteristics and theoretical considerations“ considerations“, Phys. Med. Biol. 37: 18831883-1900, 1992. TEMPERATURE • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion No temperature dependence between 18ºC and 30ºC CERENKOV EMISSION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • In plastics like polystyrene, electrons with energies 146 keV and higher produce a blue light due to Cerenkov emission • This light is superposed on the scintillation signal • If a large amount of clear optical fiber is in the radiation field, Cerenkov emission can be significant (>15 %) Although the light spectrum due to Cerenkov emission is different different from the scintillation spectrum, de Boer et al have shown that spectral spectral filtration is not sufficient to remove completely the Cerenkov light. light. de Boer S F, Beddar A S Rawlinson J F "Optical filtering and spectral spectral measurement of radiationradiationinduced light in plastic scintillator dosimetry“ dosimetry“, Phys Med Biol 38: 945945-958, 1993. CERENKOV EMISSION Techniques to remove the Cerenkov effect: Background subtraction Dsci ∝ M − M crkv Note: requires 2 optical fibers • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Simple filtering Find the optimal S(λ) that max. N(λ) and min. 1/λ2 Chromatic filtration With 2 different wavelength filter S1(λ) and S2(λ), mi = ∫ ∞ 0 ⎛ C ⎞ −x / l( λ ) Si ( λ)dλ ⎜ kDsci N(λ ) + 2 ⎟e ⎝ λ⎠ i = 1,2 ⇒ Dsci = Am1 + Bm2 Where A and B are fixed by calibration under 2 different conditions Fontbonne J M, Iltis G, Ban G, Battala A, Vernhes J C, Tillier J, Bellaize N, le Brun C, Tamain B, Mercier K, Motin J C, "Scintillating fiber dosimeter for radiation therapy acclerator“ acclerator“, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Nucl. Sci. 49: 22232223-2227, 2002. A DAILY QA DETECTOR SYSTEM • • • • • • • • Commercialized product Rugged and simple to construct Good stability and reproducibility Independent of temperature and pressure No high-voltage bias Remote operation and reset Easily used by trained technical staff Cost effective • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Beddar S, “A new scintillator detector system for the quality assurance of 60Co and highhigh-energy therapy machines” machines”. Phys Med Biol 39: 253– 253–263, 1994. A DAILY QA DETECTOR SYSTEM Stability of the QA device over time • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Beddar A S, “A new scintillator detector system for the quality assurance of 60Co and highhigh-energy therapy machines” machines”, Phys Med Biol 39: 253– 253–263, 1994. SCINTILLATION FIBER ARRAY PROTOTYPE • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • PMMA • Fixed focal • f/# = 1.4 • Alta U2000c • Interline • Color • Cooled @ -20º • BCF12 (blue) • Subtract Cerenkov contamination with chromatic removal Archambault L, Beddar S, Gingras L, Roy R, Beaulieu L, "Measurement accuracy and Cerenkov removal for high performance, high spatial resolution scintillation scintillation dosimetry“ dosimetry“, Med. Phys. 33: 128128-135, 2006. SCINTILLATION FIBER ARRAY DETECTOR FOR QA • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Lacroix F, Archambault L, Gingras L, Beddar AS, and Beaulieu L. Clinical prototype of a plastic water water-equivalent scintillating fiber dosimeter matrix for IMRT QA applications, applications, Med Phys 35 (2008) 36823682-3690. • • • • DEPTH DOSE Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion 150 Scint. 10x10 CC13 10x10 130 Relative Dose 110 1.6% 90 70 50 30 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Depth (mm) Lacroix F, Archambault L, Gingras L, Beddar AS, and Beaulieu L. Clinical prototype of a plastic water water-equivalent scintillating fiber dosimeter matrix for IMRT QA applications, applications, Med Phys 35 (2008) 36823682-3690. • • • • BEAM PROFILE CC13 20x20 CC13 10x10 CC13 4x4 Scint. 20x20 Scint. 10x10 Scint. 4x4 100 Relative Dose Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion 80 60 40 20 0 -175 -125 -75 -25 25 Position (mm) 75 125 175 Lacroix F, Archambault L, Gingras L, Beddar AS, and Beaulieu L. Clinical prototype of a plastic water water-equivalent scintillating fiber dosimeter matrix for IMRT QA applications, applications, Med Phys 35 (2008) 36823682-3690. • • • • EBRT Accurate for electron measurements: Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion 6 MeV Depth Dose (%) 18 MeV Depth in Water (cm) Depth in Water (cm) Beddar, A. S., Mackie, T. R., and Attix, F. H., "Water"Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for highhighenergy beam dosimetry: II. Properties and measurements," Phys. Med. Med. Biol. 37, 19011901-1913 (1992) c SPATIAL RESOLUTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Beddar, A. S., Mackie, T. R., and Attix, F. H., "Water"Water-equivalent plastic scintillation detectors for highhighenergy beam dosimetry: II. Properties and measurements," Phys. Med. Med. Biol. 37, 19011901-1913 (1992) c SPATIAL RESOLUTION • • • • Scint Diode Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion A16 Archambault L, Beddar S, Gingras L, Lacroix F, Roy R, Beaulieu L, "Water "Water--equivalent dosimeter array for smallsmall-field external beam radiotherapy", radiotherapy", Med Phys 34: 1583– 1583–1592, 2007. A12 DOSIMETRY FOR STEREOTACTIC RADIOSURGERY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion DOSIMETRY FOR STEREOTACTIC RADIOSURGERY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Beddar S, Kinsella T J, Ikhlef A, Sibata C H, “Miniature 'Scintillator'Scintillator-FiberopticFiberoptic-PMT' detector system for the dosimetry of small fields in stereotactic radiosurgery” radiosurgery”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48: 924924-928, 2001. MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS FOR PROTON BEAMS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Use Geant4 for a complete simulation – Electromagnetic and hadronic processes – Production and tracking of visible light (scintillation and Cerenkov) • Understand the behavior of a plastic scintillator irradiated with protons • Optimize light collection efficiency MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS OF PROTON BEAMS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Water equivalence preserved for most clinical proton energies QUENCHING (PROTONS ONLY) 1.0 Relative Dose 0.8 0.6 Unquenched – ion chamber measurements & simulation Quenched – scintillation measurements & simulation 0.4 0.2 0.0 -10 -8 -6 -4 Depth (cm) -2 0 2 Monte Carlo accurately predicts quenching and can therefore be used for determining correction factors Archambault L, Polf J C, Beaulieu L, Beddar S, “Characterizing the response of miniature scintillation detectors when irradiated with proton beams” beams”, Phys Med Biol 53: 18651865-1876, 2008. SCINTILLATION SCREEN • Rapid, but requires correction for light propagation • Similar to a-Si dosimetry, but takes advantage of the water equivalence of the plastic scintillator • Not as accurate as point-like scintillation dosimeters • See Petric et al. for more information • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Petric M P, Robar J L, Clark B G, “Development and characterization of a tissue equivalent plastic scintillator based dosimetry system,” system,” Med Phys 33: 9696-105, 2006. • • • • BRACHYTHERAPY Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Scintillator irradiated with low energy (< 125 keV) photons is less water equivalent than megavoltage photons • Chemical composition of plastic scintillator may be changed for a better response (Williamson et al., Kirov et al.) • Kirov et al. have developed a 3D scintillation detector for the characterization of Ru-106 eye plaques Kirov A S, Piao J Z, Mathur N K, Miller T R, Devic S, trichter S, Zaider M, Soares C G, LoSasso T, “ThreeThree-dimensional scintillation dosimetry method: test for a 106Ru plaque applicator” applicator”, Phys Med Biol 50: 30633063-3081, 2005. see also Williamson J F, Dempsey J F, Kirov A S, Monroe J I, Binns W R, Hedtjä Hedtjärn, rn, “Plastic scintillator response to lowlow-energy photons” photons”, Phys Med Biol 44: 857857-871, 1999. IN VIVO DOSIMETRY FOR PROSTATE RADIOTHERAPY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Direct measurement of the dose delivered to organs, critical structures, and within the vicinity of a tumor is feasible and can be used to verify treatment plan delivery. • We believe this can be done using an in vivo scintillation detector composed of multiple probes arranged in an application-specific design that can monitor true in vivo dose in real time. NCI Grant No. 1R01CA120198-01A2 INTRAFRACTIONAL MOTION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Adam Melancon (MDACC) INTRAFRACTIONAL MOTION GASEOUS BUILDUP Before Tx • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion After Tx Adam Melancon (MDACC) OUR GOAL: ACCURACY & PRECISION • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Prostate Detector RECTAL DETECTOR Capillaries where scintillation probes can be inserted Rectal balloons are part of the standard treatment for radiation therapy at MDACC URETHRAL DETECTOR • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion Urethral detector consisting of a capillary containing line and point probes for measurement of dose at the urethra. The outer diameter of the catheter is 2 mm (6F). Foley Catheter CLINICAL INNOVATION: REAL-TIME HDR DOSIMETRY A single PSD is placed in an empty standard prostate plastic catheter. The remaining 12 catheters are used for planning and delivery The PSD is read in real-time to monitor the treatment delivery. #4 #5 #6 #3 #1 #2 #7 #10 #8 #9 #12 #11 CLINICAL INNOVATION: REAL-TIME HDR DOSIMETRY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion * Results of 5 measurements PLATO Scintillator* cGy 274.5 274.54 ± 13.7 SUMMARY • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Scintillation dosimeters possess a unique set of advantages – Water equivalence, linear dose response, energy and temperature independence, spatial resolution, etc… • Several types of scintillation detectors have been developed in the last 15 years • Main applications: – – – – – Conventional EBRT (photons and electrons) Quality assurance device (daily and IMRT) Radiosurgery Protons Brachytherapy CONCLUSIONS • • • • Introduction Properties Applications Conclusion • Scintillation dosimetry will be increasingly used in radiotherapy. • Their advantages make them ideal for measuring complex dose distributions such as those produced by IMRT. • They can compete with other dosimeters in terms of measurement accuracy, convenience and can be economical. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CoCo-authors L. Archambault F.H. Attix S.F. de Boer T.M. Briere L. Gingras M. Guillot A. Ikhlef T.J. Kinsella F. Lacroix T.R. Mackie J.F. Rawlinson R. Roy C.H. Sibata J.V. Siebers F. Thé Thériaultriault-Proulx M. Villeneuve N. Suchowerska S. Law … and all others who have contributed to the field of scintillation dosimetry