AbstractID: 9710 Title: A Computer Program to Manage Dosimetry Data and to Verify Monitor Unit of Treatment Planning System Figure 1. A schematic of development of the beam database and MU verification program Figure 2. MU calculator for TPS verification is coded with Excel Visual Basic Application that can utilize graphic user interface (GUI). AbstractID: 9710 Title: A Computer Program to Manage Dosimetry Data and to Verify Monitor Unit of Treatment Planning System Figure 3. The dosimetry book is formatted in a spread sheet. All cells in the spread sheet are automatically updated according to raw beam data uploaded. Table 1. Comparison of the calculated WF with the measured WF by using the PDD correction. 10 cm measured 1.5 cm calculated 1.5 cm measured Wedge15° 0.790 0.783 0.780 Wedge30° 0.645 0.635 0.630 Wedge45° 0.505 0.492 0.487 Wedge60° 0.427 0.413 0.410