Saint College Ambrose

Saint Ambrose College
Student Performance Mentor
St Ambrose College WA15 0HE
Required for September 2016
Student Performance Mentor (Achievement)
Salary & Hours of Work: 36 ¼ hours a week, term time
plus 1 week and College inset days
NJC 25 (pro rata) actual £19,488.69 pa
To monitor and support the overall progress and development of groups
of students as a mentor.
To share and support the school’s responsibility to provide and
monitor opportunities for personal and academic growth.
To contribute to raising standards of student attainment.
To facilitate and encourage a learning experience which provides students with
the opportunity to achieve their individual potential.
11-18 State-funded Independent Catholic Grammar School.
The application form and details can be downloaded from the College
website to be returned to Mrs D. Howard, Principal’s PA.
Closing date for applications 19 May 2016
Interview to be held the week commencing w/c 23 May 2016
Tel: 0161 980 2711 Email:
St Ambrose College, Hale Barns, Altrincham WA15 OHE
Saint Ambrose College
Job Description
‘To support the vision and strategic view of the Principal & Governing Body for the college in its service
to the community.’
To promote high standards & high expectations in the following areas:•
Catholic Ethos/Essentials of Edmund Rice
Achievement and academic performance
Teaching, learning and standards
Personal development, Behaviour and Welfare
Quality of leadership and Management
Post Title:
Student performance Mentor (Achievement)
To monitor and support the overall progress and development of groups of students as a
To share and support the school’s responsibility to provide and monitor opportunities
for personal and academic growth.
To contribute to raising standards of student attainment.
To facilitate and encourage a learning experience which provides students with the
opportunity to achieve their individual potential.
Reporting to:
Responsible for:
Assistant Principal/Vice Principal
The support of targeted students
Job Description cont’d...
Liaising with:
Principal, SLT, teaching/support staff, external agencies and parents.
Working Time:
36 ¼ hours a week, term time plus 1 week and College inset days.
NJC 25 (pro rata) actual £19,488.69 pa
Disclosure level
MAIN (CORE) DUTIES:Operational/ Strategic Planning
To conduct 1:1 weekly mentoring sessions with pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding.
To support families (where appropriate) so that children’s academic chances are maximised
through good attendance and punctuality.
To set measurable targets that meet the needs of the individual pupil; to follow up each target set
and support pupils in excelling with making outstanding academic progress; to provide feedback
to pupils that will enhance their learning and progress
To keep full and accountable records of mentoring sessions including targets, actions taken and
To monitor & track pupil data (academic, attendance and reward & sanctions); record, report and
evaluate the implementation and success of all plans drawn up to remove barriers to learning for
individual pupils - using the agreed policies, procedures and processes of the school
Meet with Vice/Assistant Principal termly to discuss progress of pupils and appropriate next steps.
To work closely with teaching and support staff to ensure positive pupil outcomes.
Maintain regular contact with families/carers of pupils in need of extra support, aimed at
achieving targets set.
Curriculum Provision:
To assist the Heads of Department, VP/AP, to support curriculum areas to provide opportunities
for academic development of targeted students
Staff Development:
To take part in the college’s staff development programme by participating in arrangements
for further training and professional development.
To continue personal development in the relevant areas.
To engage actively in the Appraisal/Performance Management Review process.
Quality Assurance:
To seek/implement modification and improvement where required.
To review from time to time methods of work.
To take part, as may be required, in the review, development and management of activities
relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the college.
Management Information:
To maintain appropriate records and to provide relevant accurate and up-to-date information
for MIS, registers, etc.
To complete the relevant documentation to assist in the supporting of students.
Job Description cont’d...
To communicate effectively with the parents of students as appropriate.
Where appropriate, to communicate and co-operate with persons or bodies outside the college.
To follow agreed policies for communications in the college.
Marketing and Liaison:
Where necessary, to take part in marketing and liaison activities such as Open Evenings,
Parents’ Evenings, Review days and liaison events with partner schools.
Management of Resources:
To co-operate with other staff to ensure a sharing and effective usage of resources to the benefit
of the college, department and the students.
Pastoral System:
To promote the general progress and well-being of individual students and of the
House Tutor Group as a whole.
To liaise with Pastoral Leaders
College Life/ethos
To play a full part in the life of the college community, to support its distinctive mission and
ethos and to encourage staff and students to follow this example.
To support the college in meeting its legal requirements for worship.
To promote actively the school’s corporate policies.
To continue personal development as agreed.
To comply with the college’s policies, including safeguarding, health and safety and
undertake risk assessments as appropriate.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post,
each individual task undertaken may not be identified.
Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from a manager to undertake work
of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
Employees are expected to be courteous to colleagues and provide a welcoming environment to visitors
and telephone callers.
The college will endeavour to make any necessary reasonable adjustments to the job and the working
environment to enable access to employment opportunities for disabled job applicants or continued
employment for any employee who develops a disabling condition.
This job description is current at the date shown, but following consultation with you, may be changed
by Management to reflect or anticipate changes in the job which are commensurate with the salary and
job title.
Eight Essentials
of St Ambrose College
A Blessed Edmund Rice School
These are the essentials by which Blessed Edmund
developed his first schools in Ireland in the 18th century.
Evangelising the Modern World
“Not keeping the Gospel to ourselves but spreading it to everyone”
Promoting the Spiritual
“Awareness of God in the ordinary as well as extraordinary aspects of life”
Building a Christian Community
“Community that works and lives together under Christ’s example”
Compassion for those in Need
“Sharing in life’s struggles and caring in life’s pain”
Concern for the Whole Person
“Caring for every aspect of every person in our school”
Striving for Excellence
“Trying to be the best in all that you do
and in all that you are”
Education as a Christian Calling
“Understanding that teaching goes
beyond the classroom and effects real
Education for Justice
“Standing up for justice and speaking out
against injustice”
St. Ambrose College in May 2012 changed its status to a State-Funded Independent Catholic Grammar School and
from September 2012 began a new era in a state of the art £24 million pathfinder school which has been designed
and built not only to fit purpose but to reflect the school’s ethos.
Established in 1946 by Christian Brothers, St. Ambrose is one of Great Britain’s leading Catholic grammar schools,
with a generation of boys achieving consistently strong A Level and GCSE results.
The main teaching block has been built in the round with different academic departments on three levels, looking
onto shared community space for socialising and support. The materials allow high visibility and there are collapsible walls to extend or reduce teaching space as necessary. Already an innovative school, with a paperless schoolwork and reporting system and an exciting and flexible virtual learning environment, St. Ambrose has the very
latest ICT networked throughout, making the college one of Europe’s pioneers.
Adjacent to the main teaching areas there is a stunning sports hall and swimming pool, with space for five basketball courts and an eight lane 25 metre pool.
Outside there are fabulous playing fields, exciting play environments, a contemplation garden a nature reserve and
even a lake, allowing boys and staff to explore the world around them in their free time.