(1)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 Today we are going to read some awesome poems. It’s important when we read any kind of text that we stop and think to make sure we understand what we have read. One simple strategy to check for understanding is to regularly ask ourselves “is what I’m reading making sense? Am I able to create pictures in my mind about what I am reading or use what I know to make connections to the text?” I know that I have understood a text when I can retell it to someone in my own words. (3)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 (2)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 When we stop and think about what we’re reading, we may notice parts of a text that we don’t understand. Sometimes we lose the meaning because there are one or more important words that we don’t know. It’s important to find the meaning of all the key words to understand the author’s message. When you find an unfamiliar word, read the words around it and check the illustrations to see if you can find clues to unlock the meaning. You can look up words in a Glossary or Dictionary, or you can back up and reread. Let’s practice these strategies with a poem from Nasty Bugs. (4)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 Let’s take a look at the poem “Disagreeable Fleas” by Marilyn Dinger. Show illustrations What does the poet mean when she says, “Oh no, this poor dog is covered in fleas. The fleas in the illustration sure look mean. They have long noses and sharp pointy teeth. Sometimes people hitch or catch a ride with a friend to go where they need to go. Knowing this helps us understand that the fleas are using the rats to catch a ride to go where they want to go. Now let’s stop and ask ourselves: “So I understand the poem?” Who can explain the poem to us and the message the poet wants to share. (…fleas are bad and should be exterminated) READ FIRST STANZA…. “:Let’s stop and make sure we understand everything we read. Do you know what the word eager means?” That’s a great new word, does anyone know what a St. Bernard is? Read on after sharing (5)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 The poet sure has painted a picture in my mind and captured my attention about these nasty bugs! “they find rats great to hitch?” (6)Launching Grade 2 Lesson 5 Guide students to find the meaning of skitter, camouflage, gland, pungent based on context clues. Let’s look at another poem. This one is titled Stink Bug. **Display the poem and illustration on pgs. 5 and 6) read it aloud. Turn and talk about the stink bug based upon details from the poem. When I read this poem, the words and illustrations created pictures in my mind of a little bug scaring a room full of people away. What images does the poem create for you? Turn and Talk about what you pictured. What do you think about this poem, what does it mean? Are there any new or unfamiliar words? Great, when we read we can stop and make sure we understand by asking ourselves a few questions. Display App. 1