Sneak Peek into 2016 We hope everyone had a restful winter break! We have a lot of learning still left for first grade! Math- Congratulations to all Dynamite Doublers! We will continue to randomly check the children to make sure those facts remain automatic. The double facts are used to solve other facts. For example for 5+6, your child should start to notice that since 5+5=10, then 5+6=11. It is doubles+1. Some children use doubles -1. Understanding how numbers can be taken apart makes learning the basic facts automatic instead of counting out each fact every time your child sees it. In class we have been working on… *connecting the number combinations to both addition and subtraction. *problem solving. We work on solving a problem using manipulatives, then the answer is shown by drawing a picture, writing a number sentence, and giving the final answer. We complete our work in a math journal. *time on the hour and half hour. Most of the children have caught on quickly and some have done well reading it to other times also. Memorizing the basic facts is the best strategy of all. Your child has a magic number that he/she is working on through different games. Everyone has also been working on the parts of 10. Ten is a friendly number! Watch for math cards to come home this week to help your child build automaticity with his or her basic facts. These cards will be living in your child's Plastic Words Their Way container. Don’t forget to play math games and talk math at home! Reading- As always, we will be reading from a lot of different areas. Your child will continue to choose two books each day to bring home in his/her bright bag. Each week, there are reading selections we read together as a class and other selections I read with small groups. These selections could be fiction or non-fiction. Small group selections are based on individual reading levels. We are starting an author study on Ezra Jack Keats. Watch for extension activities to come home from many of his books. Skills to be covered: silent, magic e compound words contractions -ed endings story summarizing letter writing January’s reading calendar will come home on Monday. Great America sponsors a reading incentive program for a free ticket to the park. Information was sent home already. All forms are due in February. This program is optional. Add a little variety to your child’s reading and Reach For the Stars! We have a class challenge to read books from many different genres! Information went home at parentteacher conferences. Check our website for an additional copy. Writing & Spelling- We have written a few personal narratives. The most recent one was the boo boo story. In addition to adding details for the reader to visualize the events, we also talked about different ways to start the story to grab the reader's attention. We will be learning about writing make believe stories next. We can really see growth in every child! Many are naturally developing a repertoire of words they can spell. We see many children beginning to understand punctuation and capitals. We will continue with weekly spelling tests. Our expectation is that these words will be spelled correctly in writing (journals, stories, etc.) not just on spelling tests. Developmental spelling will still be used for all other words, but we are watching the developmental spelling for the spelling patterns your child has been introduced to during Words Their Way. Social Studies- Through fiction and non-fiction books, it was interesting to learn about different holidays. We are always looking for parents to present different traditions. Feel free to contact us if you are interested! Our next unit will be on reading maps. We probably will not begin that until February. Science- We will be starting Solids and Liquids this week. Name for Everything- Please make sure that you have labeled your child's hat, gloves, snow pants, boots etc. It's amazing how quickly these disappear! Box Tops and Labels-Send these items at any time! We have enjoyed having the Seth Paine dragon trophy in our classroom for collecting the most Box Tops at the last collection! Upcoming Dates- January 4th-December Reading Calendar is due January 8th-Spelling test and Homework is due January 15th- Institute Day January 18th- No School-Martin Luther King Jan. 25th-After School PTO Book Club Feb. 1st-January Reading Calendar is due