MR Data for Treatment Planning and Stereotactic Procedures: Sources of Distortion, Protocol Optimization, and Spatial Accuracy Assessment (Preview of TG117 Report) Debra H. Brinkmann Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN Acknowledgements TGTG-117 “Use of MRI Data in Treatment Planning and Stereotactic Procedures – Spatial Accuracy and Quality Control Procedures” Procedures” Deb Brinkmann, chair Kiaran McGee Ed Jackson R. Jason Stafford Steve Goetsch Outline MR in Treatment Planning Spatial accuracy of MR images Impact of Scanner (strength / configuration) Impact of Pulse Sequence / Parameters Distortion assessment / QC MR in Tx Planning Overview – MR in RTP Overview – MR in RTP Advances in planning and delivery Æ MR - Functional / biological information Further improve target definition / extent Target Ï severity with Ï dose necessitate improved target delineation MR – soft tissue contrast Chang, 2006 MedPhys Khoo, 2006 BJR 1 Overview – MR in RTP Overview – MR in RTP Image registration Spatial Distortions To correlate MRMR-delineated structures to CT Can be ≥ 1cm ScannerScanner-Dependent Distortions External Magnetic Field – Inhomogeneity, Environmental Gradients – Nonlinearities, Scale Factor Errors, Eddy Î Currents 52 cm MR narrow Kessler, 2006 BJR 70 cm MR wide RF – Slice Profile Patient/ObjectPatient/Object-Induced Distortions Chemical Shift Magnetic Susceptibility 80 – 85 cm CTsim MR basics MR basics MR signals depend on Larmor equation: In general: ω = γ B0 RF pulse is applied together with a gradient to generate a signal from a particular subsub-volume Signals are spatially encoded using gradients for image localization Complex MR signals are detected Localization depends on linear relationship b/w space & resonance frequency Established by linear gradients ω = γ ( B 0 + G × r) Imaginary Magnitude Magnitude and phase components φ Real Reconstruction to create an MR image MR basics Perturbed MR signal (magnitude, phase) affects: Presence of artifacts Image quality Interference with relationship between space and resonance frequency: Leads to geometric distortions Shifting Warping Intensity gradients x = ω/γ - B0 Gx Spatial Accuracy 2 Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy ScannerScanner-dependent distortions External magnetic field inhomogeneities: inhomogeneities: Result of: Desire high uniformity over entire volume For linear relationship b/w space & frequency Design compromises Imperfections Drifting / failure of specific components Constant Across multiple imaging sessions Allows for regular testing Perfect uniformity not technically feasible Imperfections change resonant frequency Result spatial misregistration Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Shimming to improve B0 homogeneity: External magnetic field inhomogeneities: inhomogeneities: Passive shims (pieces of metal in bore) Installed during initial calibration Homogeneity maintained over finite Active shims (superconducting shim circuits) Adjusted at calibration, preventative maintenance Resistive shims (linear, nonnon-linear shim circuits) Adjusted during imaging Shim imaging volume vs. whole field NonNon-linear efficacy - application dependent Spatial Accuracy Environmental Magnetism: Magnetism: Vendor specification: DSV (diameter of spherical volume) Imaging outside of DSV subject to distortions Shift depends on strength of applied gradient x = ω/γ - B0 Gx Spatial Accuracy With Garbage Truck Electromagnetic shielding Environmental Magnetism: Importance of QC: used in site design Stray magnetism can affect MR acquisition Example: Garbage truck near scanner Iron in truck magnetized Affected B0 homogeneity Result: severe distortion spherical volume More subtle effects might not be apparent QC procedures needed to catch such errors Without Garbage Truck Example – detected impact from steel beams for construction placed near MR suite Courtesy of Kiaran McGee 3 Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Gradient Nonlinearities: Nonlinearities: Gradient Nonlinearities: Nonlinearities: Spatial encoding achieved with gradients Linearly mapping position with frequency Conventional 2D sequences: “pinpin-cushion” cushion” or “barrel” barrel” effect inin-plane “potato chip” chip” effect on image plane “bowbow-tie” tie” effect on slice thickness Deviations from linearity due to: deviations in rise time peak amplitude physical design Deviations Ï with distance from isocenter primary source of distortion over majority of imaging volume Baldwin, Med Phys 2007 Sumanaweera, Neurosurg 1994 Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Gradient Nonlinearities Example: warping inin-plane Gradient Nonlinearity Corrections: Corrections: Baldwin, Med Phys 2007 Example: warping along slice select direction Vendors provide inin-plane corrections Assume distortion to gradient amplitude is constant Quantitate distortion with phantom Apply to reconstructed images after patient data acquired Some but not all vendors provide corrections along slice encoding axis Wang, Med Phys 2004 Gradient Field Nonlinearity Effects - In-Plane Distortion Slice Plane at Isocenter – 20 cm FOV – White circles: with gradient nonlinearity correction – Black circles: without gradient non-linearity correction – Maximum error w/o correction: ~ 4.5 mm at ±10 cm from isocenter – Maximum error w/ correction: < 1 mm at ±10 cm from isocenter Gradient Field Nonlinearity Effects - In-Plane Distortion Slice Plane at 20 cm from Isocenter – 20 cm FOV – White circles: with gradient nonlinearity correction – Black circles: without gradient non-linearity correction – Maximum error w/o correction: ~ 5.5 cm at ±10 cm from iso – Maximum error w/ correction: < 2 mm at ±10 cm from iso MDACC MR Research MDACC MR Research Courtesy of Ed Jackson, MDACC Courtesy of Ed Jackson, MDACC 4 Gradient Field Nonlinearity Effects - Slice Distortion Spatial Accuracy UltraUltra-wide short bore Large gradient coil Small gradient coil Effects are exacerbated with ultrashort bore magnets! 125 Hz/pixel 2D vendor corrections (c) 490 Hz/pixel 2D vendor corrections (b) 490 Hz/pixel no vendor corrections (a) Frequency Slice Profile Phantom Phase gradient corrections do not correct for distortions due to resonance offsets MDACC MR Research Courtesy of Ed Jackson, MDACC Courtesy of R. Jason Stafford, MDACC Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Gradient Nonlinearities Example: pelvis with vs. without corrections Reported distortion values Wang et al, MRI 2004 (five 1.5T systems) 5-26mm uncorrected 240x240x240mm3 3-12mm 2D vendor corrections applied 240x240x240mm3 CT MR, no corrections Chen, Med Phys 2006 Baldwin et al, Med Phys 2004 (3T system) Doran et al, PMB 2005 (1.5T system) Chen et al, Med Phys 2006 (0.23T system) MR, GDC corrections MR, GDC + additional point-by-point corrections <2.5mm 2D vendor corrections applied 95mm sphere <7mm uncorrected 260x260x200mm3 25mm uncorrected 320x200x340mm3 <5mm 2D vendor corrections applied 360x360x200mm3 <5mm 2D vendor corrections applied 480x480x200mm3 Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Eddy Currents: Currents: RF nonnon-uniformity: uniformity: Generated in conducting materials… materials… Metal dewer, dewer, gradient coils, RF coils RF energy generates a detectable signal Delivered as a pulse (RF pulse) … exposed to time varying magnetic field Faraday’ Faraday’s law of induction Changing gradient fields Creates perturbing magnetic field Lenz’ Lenz’s law Result – spatial distortion Vendors provide some correction method Design criteria for RF waveform Exact shape variable May not be designed to maintain uniform signal Issue for advanced techniques Gradient linearity also impacts slice profile Evaluate RF profile to verify width 5 Spatial Accuracy Spatial Accuracy Patient/objectPatient/object-induced distortions Chemical shift (of the first kind): kind): Result of: Composition of patient or object Produces shift in resonant frequency E.g. 220 Hz decrease for 1.5 T ( ω0 = 63.8 MHz) Misregistration when BW / pixel < chemical shift Manifest along frequency encoding direction Unique: Can vary dramatically b/w patients Must be considered for each imaging situation Spatial Accuracy Produces banding Banding – only lipid signal shifted for voxels with mixed composition Spatial Accuracy Chemical Shift of the first kind Magnetic Susceptibility: Susceptibility: Relates net magnetization to the applied magnetic field BW/pixel: 16 Hz BW/pixel: 31 Hz BW/pixel: 61 Hz BW/pixel: 122 Hz BW/pixel: 244 Hz BW/pixel: 488 Hz Spatial Accuracy Materials in magnetic field become magnetized Creates changes in magnetic field at interfaces Complex, depending on many factors: Susceptibility difference across interface Shape and orientation of the interface with B0 Strength and polarity of gradients Spatial Accuracy Magnetic Susceptibility Magnetic Susceptibility: Susceptibility: Perturbations produce distortion, signal loss Relatively small for soft tissues Undetectable for many applications Difference b/w tissue & air: ~ 9 x 10-6* Î BW/pixel: 16 Hz BW/pixel: 31 Hz BW/pixel: 61 Hz BW/pixel: 122 Hz BW/pixel: 244 Hz BW/pixel: 488 Hz distortions AirAir-tissue interfaces for air cavities External surface of patient *Schenk, Med Phys 1996 6 Spatial Accuracy Magnetic Susceptibility: Susceptibility: Impact of Scanner Difference between metal and tissue is large E.g., titanium ~ 20 times larger than soft tissue* tissue Courtesy of Kiaran McGee *Schenk, Med Phys 1996 Impact of Scanner Impact of Scanner Design includes compromises & tradetrade-offs No single design for all performance spec’ spec’s Systems optimized to meet subset of applications Field strength options: options: MR data for use in RTP Each scanner used should be characterized LOW field strength advantages: Ð patientpatient-induced distortions Ð artifacts from metal objects (e.g. brachytherapy) The physicist needs Understanding of distortion sources Ability to quantitate image distortion 0.2 - 1.0 T (“Open” Open”, permanent or resistive magnet) 1.5, 3.0 T (Cylindrical bore, superconducting magnet) HIGH field strength advantages: Ï signalsignal-toto-noise (image quality) Ï resolution for metabolites (MRS) Impact of Scanner Impact of Scanner OPEN magnet: magnet: NARROW, CYLINDRICAL LONG bore: bore: High performance systems (e.g. cardiac) High resolution imaging (e.g. CNS) Advantages Flexibility in patient positioning Increased patient access Drawbacks Significant external field inhomogeneities Ï scannerscanner-dependent distortions GE 0.7T OpenSpeed Advantages Increased field homogeneity Ð scannerscanner-dependent distortions Drawbacks Narrow bore Ð patient comfort Phillips 1.0T Panorama MR simulator 7 Impact of Scanner WIDE, SHORT bore: bore: Impact of Sequence Advantages Increased magnet aperture Treatment position Ð claustrophobia Siemens 1.5T Espree Wide / short bore Drawbacks Sacrifice performance, field homogeneity, field strength Decreased homogeneity Î increased distortion Impact of Sequence Impact of Sequence Parameters Sensitivity to distortion: distortion: 3D vs. 2D sequences: sequences: Gradient echo sequences Most sensitive to distortion sources Inhomogeneity effects accumulate throughout acquisition For standard rectilinear imaging, spatial Conventional spin echo sequences 180° 180° refocusing pulse reduces distortion Fast spin echo sequences Least sensitive to offoff-resonance effects Multiple 180° 180° refocusing pulses and short TEs distortion due to resonance offsets: Manifest along the frequency encoding axis Phase encoding direction not affected 3D acquisitions use phase encoding along slice encoding direction Less distortion for 3D vs. equivalent 2D acquisitions Impact of Sequence Impact of Sequence Parameters Advanced acquisition techniques: Majority rely on “echo planar imaging” imaging” or EPI* EPI EPI techniques collect a train of echoes Bandwidth per pixel: pixel: Uninterrupted accumulation of phase Very sensitive to field inhomogeneities and eddy current effects PE: severe shifting or compression of objects FE: shearing of object Object induced inhomogeneities Ï BW minimizes resonance offsets Field inhomogeneity, inhomogeneity, chemical shift, magnetic susceptibility If Δf > BW/pixel, shift will result Magnitude depends on pixel dimensions TradeTrade-off: Ï BW will Ð SNR SNR ∝ (voxel vol. × √ Ny × NEX / BW) considerable local distortions distortions Ï with increasing field strength *Mansfield, Br J Radiol 1978 BW/pixel: 16 Hz BW/pixel: 488 Hz 8 Impact of Sequence Parameters Impact of Sequence Parameters BW / pixel for PatientPatient-Induced Distortions: Distortions: Distortions Ï with increasing field strength Spatial resolution: resolution: Distortions Ï with decreasing BW/pixel Δf = γ⋅B 9.0ppm* for MS) γ⋅B0⋅∂ppm, (3.5ppm for CS, 9.0ppm* *Schenk, Med Phys 1996 # pixels = Δf / (BW/pixel) Magnitude depends on pixel dimensions dimension of shift (depends on pixel dimensions) Chemical Shift Artifact Maximum Susceptibility Artifact 0 0.2 T 1.5 T 3.0 T -10 -15 # pixels (+/-) # pixels -20 40 0.2 T 1.5 T 3.0 T 30 20 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 0 Bandwidth (Hz/pixel) 50 100 150 200 250 300 Bandwidth (Hz/pixel) Impact of Sequence Parameters Scenario # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.5 T 215 72 Hz 250 250 220 320 250 250 320 320 260 mm 64000 32000 64000 32000 64000 96000 84000 20000 Hz Num Freq Enc Points 256 256 256 320 256 256 320 320 256 Num Phase Steps 256 256 256 320 256 256 320 320 256 BW per pixel 125 250 125 200 125 250 300 263 78 1 1 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 4 chemical shift 1.68 0.84 1.48 1.07 3.35 1.68 1.43 1.63 0.93 mm susceptibility shift 2.26 1.13 1.99 1.44 4.51 2.26 1.93 2.20 1.25 mm relative SNR 100 71 110 93 200 141 107 114 91.2 % relative acquisition time 100 100 200 125 100 100 62.5 62.5 400 % resolution (frequency) 0.98 0.98 0.86 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.02 mm resolution (phase) 0.98 0.98 0.86 1.00 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.02 mm BW (total FOV) NEX 215 215 215 429 429 429 429 Impact of Sequence Parameters Lipid Suppression: Suppression: Reference 32000 FOV TradeTrade-off: Ï resolution will Ð SNR SNR ∝ (voxel vol. × √ Ny × NEX / BW) 0 0 delta_fat_water ÐFOV will Ï resolution 50 -5 B0 Typical pixel resolution .75 – 1.5 mm/pixel Higher resolution reduces physical Hz Lipid signal can be nulled If not clinically relevant To eliminate chemical shift effects Both kinds of chemical shift artifacts Several imaging techniques Spectral saturation Inversion recovery Dixon technique Impact of Sequence Parameters Impact of Sequence Lipid Suppression: Suppression: Lipid Suppression: Suppression: Spectrally selective saturation pulses Uses RF pulse to saturate spins precessing at resonant freqfrequency of fat Affected by poor shimming: Inversion recovery techniques (STIR) Incomplete fat saturation Inadvertent suppression of water Courtesy of Kiaran McGee T1, FSE STIR Dixon technique Requires multiple data acquisitions (two TE) Lipid & tissue signals in and 180° 180° out of phase Add / subtract for lipidlipidand tissuetissue-only images IP OP Water-only Fat-only J Ma, JMRI 2006 9 Impact of Sequence Parameters Frequency Encoding Direction: Direction: Resonance offsets manifest along frequency encoding direction Can manipulate to visualize such distortions (in(in-plane) Repeating scan with reversed gradient Repeating scan swapping frequency & phase Cost – additional scan Distortion Assessment / QC Assessment / QC Assessment / QC Current Guidance ACR Weekly QC protocol Geometric accuracy criteria ≤ 2mm over 148mm x 190mm AAPM and ACR have published acceptance test and QC documents Do not address necessary QC program and image acquisition optimization goals when MRI data used for procedures in which spatial accuracy is critical Courtesy of Kiaran McGee Assessment / QC Assessment / QC Works in Progress Assessment/QC for new application TGTG-117: Use of MRI Data in Treatment Identify New Application Requirements Planning and Stereotactic Procedures – Spatial Accuracy and QC Procedures Review physical bases for spatial accuracy limitations in MRI Provide guidance with examples for reducing or eliminating the effects of distortion Propose QC tests for systems used for applications requiring high spatial accuracy Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Initiate Scanner/ Application Upgrade No Yes Modify/ Upgrade Application or Scanner? No Review feasibility of pursuing application Report Findings to Supervising Physician Performance Adequate for Application? Yes Establish Routine Distortion QC 10 Assessment / QC Identify New Application Requirements Assessment / QC Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Identify New Application Requirements Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Step 1: Identify Application Requirements Step 2: Inventory Equipment and Resources Volumetric coverage (FOV, craniocranio-caudal extent) Scanner capabilities Spatial resolution (voxel dimensions) Spatial accuracy (tolerance, volume) Bore diameter, RF coils (tx position) applicators Assessment / QC Identify New Application Requirements Pulse sequence(s) sequence(s) (contrast) Phantoms for geometric distortion assessment MR compatibility of immobilization, Identify magnet, gradients, coils, sequences needed to achieve required performance specifications Existing scanner? Upgrades needed? New system? Acceptance / commissioning tests Routine QC Analysis tools (IT support for programming, networking) Assessment / QC Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Identify New Application Requirements Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Step 3: Quantitate System Performance Step 3: Quantitate System Performance Baselines (Acceptance / Commissioning) Existing tests (ACR, AAPM) Purpose: maintain diagnostic image quality Characterize scanner subsystems External magnetic field (homogeneity) Gradients (linearity, correction algorithms, eddy current Do not assess spatial fidelity over RTP volumes Can be used with modifications compensation… compensation…) RF (slice profile) Assessment / QC Identify New Application Requirements Assess over the desired imaging volume Using application specific imaging parameters Assessment / QC Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Identify New Application Requirements Inventory Equipment & Resources Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Step 3: Quantitate System Performance Application requirements identified Application Specific Protocol Optimization 2D vs. 3D System characterized Over volume of interest FOV, inin-plane resolution Gradient echo vs. Spin echo Signal suppression techniques Initiate Scanner/ Application Upgrade No Performance Adequate for Application? Yes Modify/ Upgrade Application or Scanner? Review feasibility of pursuing application No Step 4: Performance Adequate? If not: Report Findings to Supervising Physician Modify application? Upgrade scanner? Initiate modification/upgrade & rere-evaluate Or report unacceptable accuracy 11 Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Assessment / QC Establish Routine Distortion QC Yes Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Assessment / QC Establish Routine Distortion QC Performance Adequate for Application? Yes Step 5: Establish QC program Establishing a QC program Measure scanner dependent distortions Distortion phantom for routine QC Define the QC phantom requirements Phantom of known geometry Verify constancy of spatial fidelity Drifting, failure Environmental magnetism Over the volume of interest Quantitate System Performance (Baselines) Assessment / QC Yes Establishing a QC program QC testing Establish imaging protocol Determine testing frequency Develop analysis tools Automated evaluation Automated reporting Volume to test over Fiducial spacing Fiducial resolution (in(in-plane ≥ 5 pixels) Dimension compatibility (RF coil, stereotactic frames, immobilization) Establish Routine Distortion QC Performance Adequate for Application? Establish procedures when QC fails Identify / modify / develop applicationapplication-specific QC phantom Summary Performance Adequate for Application? Spatial fidelity in MR images Source of geometric distortions Impact of scanner characterization Impact of image acquisition parameters Vendor supplied correction methods Importance of assessing distortions Over the volume of interest With the same parameters to be used clinically Importance of appropriate MR QC program 12