COMPONENTS OF AVIAN ROBERT E. RICKLEFS BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY AND GEORGE BLOOM ABsTl•CT.--Numbers of nestlingsfledgedper pair per seasonwere calculatedfor 35 speciesof passerinebirds in four localities from data on length of breeding season, clutch size, nesting mortality, and length of nest cycle. Mean numbers of nestlingsfledged was 6.42 for 12 woodland and edgespeciesin Kansas, 4.33 for 8 speciesin lower Sonorandeserthabitat in Arizona, 2.36 for 6 speciesin humid forestand second-growthhabitats in Costa Rica, and 4.80 for 9 speciesin a desert scrub habitat in Ecuador. The data were analyzed by multiple correlation and stepwisemultiple regressionto determine the contribution of the variables to variation in the number of young fledged from one speciesto another in each locality. Variations in seasonlength, clutch size, and breeding successwere important componentsin variation in numbers of young fledged in Kansas, but length of nest cycle, being positively correlated with both clutch size and nest success,had the strongestcorrelationwith the number of young fledged. In Arizona and Costa Rica, variation in breeding successheld the key to predicting variation in number of young fledged, whereas in Ecuador seasonlength and clutch size were the critical variables. The analysessuggestthat data on production of young and the factors that cause production to vary from one speciesto another wouldadd immenselyto our understanding of the populationecologyof birds.•Departmentof Biology,Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania 19174.Accepted1 July 1975. Ornithologists have pondered the significance of clutch size in birds for nearly three decadeswithout fully resolvingthe factors responsiblefor its variation among speciesand regions. Although Skutch (1949) linked the evolution of clutch size to adult mortality and population turnover rate, population biologists have only recently placed clutch size in a demographic context. For example, not until 1961 did Drury point out that the production of young by a pair of birds during a breeding seasondepends on the number of broods raised as well as clutch size. Cody (1971) and Ricklefs (1973) treated avian demography more fully and demonstrated the use of life table analysesto compare species. Although breeding biology and mortality have been investigated in scoresof detailed field studies, completelife tables have been constructedfor only a handful of species.Of the statisticsrequired to completea life table, the annual production of young is one of the most difficult to obtain. Observation of individually marked birds yields relatively few data per hour of effort (for example seeNice 1937, Snow 1958). Furthermore, estimatesof mean annual productivity obtained from direct observation have large probable errors (wide confidencelimits) owing to the great variation between individuals. Annual productivity can be calculated indirectly from clutch size, breeding success,nest cycle length, and length of breeding season (Ricklefs 1970). These data are more readily obtained than direct measuresof breeding productivity. Furthermore, data from different studiesmay be combinedto calculatethe annual production of a species. In this paper we calculate annual production (fledglings per pair of adults) for various passerine birds in two temperate and two tropical localities. The data are analyzed to determine the factors responsible for differences between species in annual production. Productivity is calculated by the equation: productivity = clutch size. nesting success.number of clutches laid per year. 86 The Auk 94:86 96. January 1977 January 1977] Breeding Productivity 87 The number of clutchesa female lays each year dependson the length of the nest cycle (from egg to egg) and the length of the seasonduring which clutches are initiated. The length of the nest cycle is the average of both failures and successful nestings. Breeding seasonlength is adjusted for peak periods of egg laying. These calculations are discussed in detail below. MATERIALS AND METHODS Life historydata were compiledfor passefinebirdsin four regions,mesictemperatehabitatsin Kansas, Sonorandesertnear Tucson, Arizona, wet tropical forestand second-growthhabitatsin Costa Rica, and arid coastalhabitat on the Santa Elena Peninsula,Ecuador. Clutch sizeand length of breedingseasonfor speciesin Kansaswere obtained from Johnston(1964); nest successand nest cyclelength are from various studieswithin the easternUnited States(Ricklefs1969a, 1969b).Most of the data in the Kansassample are means of several years' observations. All data from Arizona were generouslyprovided from an unpublished 2-year study by George T. Austin. The Costa Rican data are from Skutch's extensive observations on tropical birds (1954, 1960, 1966). Marchant's (1959, 1960) detailed 4-year study served as the sole source of data for Ecuador. The number of speciesusedin the analysesfor each area was limited by the availability of suitabledata, particularly nestingsuccess.In addition, the period between nest termination (whether by fiedging or by failure) and the following clutch is not known for most species.For many species,these were represented by averages for local avifaunas (Ricklefs 1969a, MS). The annual production of fledglings by a pair of birds (P) was calculated by the equation P F 'B (1) whereF = expectedrate at which youngare fledgedin a large population(youngfledged/pair'day) and B = length of breeding season(days). The length of the breedingseasonis calculatedfrom the number of nestsinitiated each month by an equation derived from information theory B = 30 exp(- X Pi log,,Pt) (2) (MacArthur 1964, Ricklefs 1966), where e - base of natural logarithms, p• = proportion of clutcheslaid by a population during month i. This expressionfor breeding seasontakes into account the fact that breedingis not equally intensein all monthsduring which eggsare found. The number of monthsof clutch initiation (B) is multiplied by 30 to give the number of days during which clutchesare initiated. The rate at which the young are fledged (F) is calculated by F = C.S.I (3) where C clutch size, S = breeding success(proportion of individuals that fledge), I = rate of nest initiation (clutches/pair'day). Rate of nest initiation is calculated by an equation that takes into account rate of nest failure and interval between nestings, I - m Ps + m (p•rs + psrs) (4) (Ricklefs1970),wherem = nestmortalityrate(proportion of nestsfailingperday),p., = probabilitythat a nestsuccessfully fledgesat leastoneyoung,Ps= probabilitythat a nestfails beforefiedging(Ps= 1 - Ps), r• - delay beforea new clutchis laid after successful fiedging,rs = delay beforea new clutch is laid after nest failure. Nest success(Ps)is related to daily nest mortality rate (m) by the expression ps- e mr (5) where T - length of the nest cycle from clutch initiation to fiedging (days). Rate of nestinitiation (I) does not take into account the death of adult birds and consequentdecreasein the breedingpopulation during the breeding season.We feel that discrepanciescausedby differencesbetween localitiesin adult mortality rate are at least partly balancedby differencesin the length of the breeding season.In the tropics, for example, low adult mortality rate is balanced by a long breeding seasoncompared to that in temperate RICKLEFS AND BLOOM 88 TABLE [Auk, Vol. 94 1 ANALYSISOF THE SENSITIVITYOF PRODUCTION(P, EQUATIONS1-5) TO VARIATION IN INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Constants Variable m T Range 0.005-0.04 24-36 r• r• rs rs rs 4 16 5-50 5-50 5-50 5-50 Sensitivity (b) m r.• rs T --0.15 - 1.10 -0.02 10 10 10 10 30 -- -0.15 --0.31 --0.26 --0.18 -0.12 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 ------ 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 The measureof sensitivity(b) is the sloloeof the logarithmic relationshilobetween productionand the variable in question. m = daily mortalityrate;r• = intervalbetweenfledgingand relaying(days);rf = interval betweennestfailure and relaying(days); length of the nest cycle. localities.The proportionof adults dying during the breedingseasonin tropical localitiesshouldbe more similar to the proportion of adults dying in temperate localities than indicated by adult mortality rates in the two regions. Values for annual productionwere related to the original variablesusedin the equationfor production by stepwisemultiple regressionand partial correlation(programsBMD02R and BMD03R, UCLA biomedical computer programs). These regressionanalyses compute linear, or additive, relationships betweenvariables, but the factorsdeterminingproductionbear factoffal, or multiplicative, relationships to each other, as summarized by the expression p ocC'B.S T (6) Becausein the logarithmicform of equation(6) logP cclogC + logB + logs - logT (7) the relationshipsbetweenvariablesare linear, we haveusedthe logarithmsof the variablesin the multiple regressionand correlationanalyses. To determinethe sensitivityof P to changes(or errors) in each of the independentvariables, we constructeda hypotheticalspeciesfor which we systematicallyaltered each variable, calculatingP by equations(1) through(5). We then relatedP to eachvariable(x) by a line, havingtheform 1ogP = a + b logx, fitted by leastsquaresto the data pointsgeneratedfor our hypotheticalspecies.The slopeb of the relationshipbetweenlogP and logX is the percentagechangein P as a proportionof the percentage changeinX. Ifb were0.1, for example,P would changeonly 10%as rapidly asX. Valuesofb are listedin Table 1. Fortunately, the variablesmostproneto measurementerror, m and rs, have the leastinfluenceon P. Errors of 30% are tolerable becausethey would causelessthan 10% error in P. The influenceofm on P is smallbecause of thebalancingeffectsofm onnestingsuccess and rateof nestinitiation.The influenceof r., onP is greatestfor specieswith low m, hencewith few nest failures. Slopeb is lessthan - 1.0 for varyingT becauseincreasingT reducesboth numberof nestingattemptsand nestingsuccess. B and C both enter the equation for P as simplefactors, henceboth yield a slopeof 1.0. RESULTS Reproduction data for each species are tabulated in Table 2. Means, standard deviations (SD), and coefficientsof variation (CV = SD x 100 divided by the mean) for each variable in each locality are presentedin Table 3. The variables exhibit wellknown trends. Breeding seasonsin the tropical localities are longer than in the temperate localities. Clutch size and nesting successfollow an oppositetrend, being greater in temperate localities. Length of the nesting cycle (T) has little geographic variation. Young leave their nests somewhat sooner in Ecuador than elsewhere, January 1977] 89 Breeding Productivity TABLE 2 COMPONENTS OF BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY FOR SELECTED PASSERINE BIRDS IN FOUR LOCALITIES Season length Species Clutch size (months) (eggs) Nest Nest mortal- period ity• Replacement lag Egg (days) success 2 r• rj, (days) Young fledged3 Kansas Eremophila alpestris Parus atricapillus Troglodytesaedon Turdus migratorius Sialia sialis 3.46 2.20 2.77 3.14 3.6 5.4 5.8 3.6 0.0213 0.0090 0.0055 0.0221 24 37 34.5 28.5 0.451 0.716 0.648 0.478 6 10 10 10 6 10 10 10 6.80 6.15 7.54 5.20 3.26 4.9 0.0103 34.5 0.602 10 10 7.39 Sturnus vulgaris 3.34 5.2 0.0068 39 0.768 6 6 9.94 Protonotaria 1.93 4.5 0.0135 27 0.613 6 6 5.58 1.99 2.81 2.15 2.22 2.96 4.2 3.7 4.5 4.1 4.1 0.0256 0.0365 0.0208 0.0076 0.0411 24 25 26.5 29 23.5 0.542 0.416 0.499 0.803 0.357 6 6 10 10 6 6 6 10 10 6 5.68 5.79 4.77 6.09 6.17 4.82 4.12 2.32 5.36 2.68 3.76 2.50 1.97 3.22 2.8 4.0 2.0 3.9 3.2 2.7 2.6 3.2 3.6 0.0248 0.0315 0.0195 0.0235 0.0166 0.0295 0.0437 0.0209 0.0321 28.5 30 27 29 28 23.5 22.5 21 23.5 0.384 0.373 0.500 0.408 0.441 0.510 0.368 0.591 0.377 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5.11 6.27 2.25 8.25 3.50 5.76 2.95 4.14 4.95 Myiozetetes granadensis Elaeniafiavogaster Turdus grayi Ramphoceluspasserinii Thraupis episcopus 3.09 4.14 3.64 4.51 3.46 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 0.0220 0.0473 0.0478 0.0330 0.0250 38 34 29 25 32.5 0.408 0.167 0.161 0.423 0.440 11 13 19 34 12 15 15 14 15 15 2.42 1.32 1.42 2.84 2.54 Tiaris olivacea 5.93 2.5 0.0428 28.5 0.267 19 15 3.64 citrea Dendroica petechia Agelaius phoeniceus Quiscalus quiscula lcterus spurius Spizella pusilla Ecuador Pyrocephalusrubinus Muscigralla brevicauda Euscarthmus meloryphus Mirnus longicaudatus Polioptila plumbea Sporophila peruviana Sporophila telasco Rhodospinguscruentus Poospizahispaniolensis Costa Rica Arizona Auriparusfiaviceps Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus Mimus polyglottos 2.53 3.0 0.0170 36 0.441 8 5 2.99 4.09 1.92 3.5 3.5 0.0248 0.0582 38.5 26.5 0.478 0.216 6 8 5 5 6.80 2.27 Toxostoma 4.09 2.8 0.0441 32 0.242 13 5 3.45 2.49 2.57 2.24 1.80 3.0 3.0 3.4 4.0 0.0329 0.0213 0.0401 0.0189 26 24 23.5 24 0.440 0.583 0.420 0.625 7 8 4 8 9 5 5 5 3.85 5.27 4.84 5.15 curvirostre Pipilofuscus Amphispiza bilineata Aimophila carpalls Aimophila cassinii Nest mortality = proportionof nestsfailing each day (seeRicklefs 1969b). Proportionof eggslaid that eventuallyleavethe nestas fledgedyoung, Young fledged: numberper pair per seasoncalculatedfrom the otherbreedingparametersby the equationspresentedin the text. which is perhaps attributable to the absencefrom the sample of hole-nestingspecies with long nest periods. Number of young fledged per seasonis greatest in Kansas (6.42), intermediate in Arizona (4.33) and Ecuador (4.80), and least in wet, tropical Costa Rica (2.36). How typical are the small samplespresentedin Table 3 of the localitiesfrom which they were taken and of the regions they represent?In Kansas the average season length in our sample (2.69) is similar to that in a sample of 58 species(2.70 months) reported on by Johnston(1964); clutch size and nest length are similar to mean values reported elsewherefor temperateregions.The 57% eggsuccessof the Kansasbirds is reasonablefor a temperate sample having one-third hole-nestingspecies(Nice 1957, RICKLEFS 90 AND BLOOM TABLE [Auk, Vol. 94 3 SUMMARY OF BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY DATA FOR FOUR LOCALITIES Number Localit), of species Variable • Mean SD 2 CV 2 Kansas 12 Season Clutch Period Success 2.69 4.47 29.38 0.57 0.56 0.73 5.47 0.14 22 16 19 25 Arizona 8 Fledged 6.42 1.38 21 Season 2.72 0.89 33 Clutch Period Success 3.28 28.81 0.43 0.40 5.90 0.14 12 20 33 Fledged 1.46 34 4.13 2.25 31.17 0.31 1.02 0.27 4.61 0.13 25 12 15 42 Fledged 2.36 0.88 37 Season 3.42 1.18 34 3.11 25.89 0.44 0.65 3.28 0.08 21 13 18 1.84 38 Costa Rica 6 Season Clutch Period Success Ecuador 9 Clutch Period Success 4.33 Fledged 4.80 t Season - lengthof the egg-laying period,adjustedfor unequaldistributionof clutches,in months(equation2); clutch- number of eggsper set;period- time betweenfirst eggof a clutchand fledging,in days;success - proportionof eggsthat eventuallyproduce fledglings: fledged= numberof youngraisedto the time of nestcleaving per pair per season. 2 SD = standarddeviation;CV = coefficientof variation = (SD/mean)-100. Lack 1954). It should be remembered that nest successdata used in the calculations for Kansas were taken widely from studies in the eastern United States, and that hole-nestingspecies,which lay large clutchesand have high nesting success,are disproportionately represented. So little comparative information is available for birds from arid temperate habitats that we cannot assessthe validity of the Arizona sample. The data were collected in a small study area of uniform habitat over a 2~year period. Clutch size and nest cycle length are undoubtedly reasonablebecausethesemeasuresare usually uniform within species. Mean values for seasonlength, clutch size, nestcyclelength, and eggsuccessin the Costa Rican sample resemble means for larger samples taken more broadly from Skutch's work. But the average length of the breeding season, even in a larger sample of 37 Costa Rican species(4.53 months, Ricklefs 1966), is shorter than that reported for other tropical localities (5.3-7.8 months). This factor by itself suggests that in mosttropical localitiesthe number of young fledgedper pair per seasonwould be 20-75% greater than our estimate for the Costa Rican sample, assumingclutch size, nest mortality rate, and interval between broods were similar. This would bring the productivity of tropical birds into the range calculated for birds in Arizona and Ecuador, but it would still be below the productivity of birds in Kansas. The sample from Ecuador reported on here includesmost of the speciesfor which Marchant (1959, 1960) had gathered data, and it thus cannot be compared more broadly. Variation within the samplesis difficult to compare statistically between one locality and another becauseeach variable has a different mean in each locality. Coefficients of variation (SD, expressedas a percent of the mean) do, however, suggest some interesting patterns. Breeding seasonlength varies more from one speciesto January 1977] Breeding Productivity TABLE 91 4 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS AMONG LOGARITHMS OF INDEPENDENT VARIABLES THAT CONTRIBUTE TO ANNUAL BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY 1 Variable Season Kansas Arizona Costa Rica Ecuador Clutch Kansas Arizona Costa Rica Ecuador Period Kansas Arizona Clutch Period Success Fledge Fledge 4 - 0.15 -0.52 0.03 0.47 0.18 0.722 -0.64 0.64 - 0.27 -0.29 -0.18 - 0.54 0.57 0.29 0.45 0.782 (0.883) (0.993) (0.973) (0.983) 0.803 - 0.26 0.16 0.24 0.64 0.29 - 0.22 -0.36 0.512 0.29 0.13 0.782 (0.733) (0.993) (0.933) (0.953) 0.642 -0.01 (- 0.612) (-0.933) 0.773 -0.18 Costa Rica 0.01 Ecuador Success - 0.44 Kansas Arizona Costa Rica Ecuador -0.30 0.30 0.44 0.752 0.74 - 0.25 (0.31) (- 0.933) (0.743) (0.963) (0.993) (0.983) • Number of species(n) are 12, 8, 6, and 9 for Kansas,Arizona, CostaRica, and Ecuador, respectively. Degreesof freedomfor statistical tests of correlation coefficients - n 2 p < 0.05. 2. 4 Valuesin parentheses are partial correlationcoefficients obtainedwith BiomedicalComputerProgramBMD 03R. another in dry localities than in wet localities. In both Arizona and Ecuador variation in breeding seasonlength is increased by groups of specieswith relatively short breeding seasonsin which reproductionis restrictedto brief periodsof abundant food following irregular and highly seasonalrains. Clutch size exhibits little variation within any locality. Its coefficient of variation is greatest in Ecuador probably because speciesthat are resident in the arid coastal lowlands have larger clutchesthan speciesthat migrate into the regionseasonallyto breed. Ranked in order of increasing variability of egg success,the localitiesare: Ecuador, Kansas, Arizona, and Costa Rica. Variation in nesting successis likely related to variation in nest construction and placement. A comparison of these factors in New York and the Panama Canal Zone revealed that the tropical sample was the more variable (Ricklefs 1969b). To examine the relationships among the independent variables (season length, clutch size, nest cycle length, and egg success)and their individual contribution to variation in number of young fledged per season, we converted variables to logarithms and calculated correlation coefficientsfor each pair of variables at each locality (Table 4 and Fig. 1). The correlation between two variables indicates the degreeto which the value for one can be predictedby the correspondingvalue for the other. Clutch sizeand seasonlength are not significantlycorrelatedin any of the four localities;eggsuccessand seasonlength are inversely, but insignificantly,related in all localities. Relationshipsbetween other pairs of variables follow no obvious patterns. Among independent variables, statistically significant correlationsoccur between seasonlength and nest cyclelength in Arizona and Ecuador. Nest cyclelength, clutch size, and egg successare positively correlated with each other in Kansas, but not elsewhere.The well-known associationof large clutches,long nestlingperiods, and high nest successamong hole-nestingspecies(see Table 2) probably underlies thesesignificantcorrelationsin Kansas. (Hole-nestingspeciesare not included in the 92 RICKLEFSANt) BLOOM [Auk, Vol. 94 •Kansas Fig. 1. Left: correlation coefficientsof logarithms of independent variables with the logarithm of number of young fledged per pair per season.Thickness of bars indicates correlation coefficient (0 to 1), which is proportional to the contribution of the independent variable to variation in number of young fledged. Solid bars indicate positive coefficients,open bars negative coefficients.Right: coefficientsof correlationbetween independentvariables, portrayed in the same manner as the left portion of the figure. B = seasonlength, C = clutch size, S = egg success,T = nest period, P = number of young fledged. other samples,largely becausethey are absent from arid habitats without trees, and they are difficult to observe in the tropics.) Factors correlated with interspecific variation in number of young fledged differ from one locality to the next. In both Arizona and Costa Rica egg successis the only factor whose variation among speciesis significantly correlated with variation in number of young fledged.In both localitieseggsuccessis the most variable factor in the sample. In Ecuador seasonlength and clutch size are equally and highly correlated with variation in breeding productivity. As the two independentvariables are not strongly correlated with each other, they must affect the number of offspring produced in different ways. Again, seasonlength and clutch size are the most variable factors. In Kansas the number of young fledged is most highly correlated with length of nest cycle. If this relationship reflected the direct effect of nest cycle length on breeding productivity, we would expect the correlation to be negative, but it is positive becausenest cycle length is strongly related to both clutch size and nesting January 1977] Breeding Productivity 93 success(Table 4 and Fig. 1). Nest cyclelength apparentlyrepresentssomecombination of the two that is more closelyrelated to breeding productivity than is either clutch size or nesting successalone. Season length contributes independently to variation in number of young fledged in the Kansas sample. To avoid the confusioncausedby correlationsamong independentvariables, we calculatedpartial correlationcoefficientsbetweenthe number of youngfledgedand eachindependentvariable (Table 4). The partial correlationcoefficientindicatesthe relationshipbetween two variables when all other variables are held constant,thus revealing their true relationship.As all independentvariables contributeto the calculation of production, their partial correlation coefficientswith production are all highly significant,as we would expect, with the exceptionof nest cycle length in Costa Rica. In the last case, variation in period length is inversely related to the interval between a brood and the following clutch. Becauseinterval between broods was not included in the partial correlation analysis, its relationship to nest cycle length would confound the latter's correlation with production. A stepwise multiple linear regressionanalysis was performed for each locality using logarithms of the original data. This analysiswas intended to provide a complete descriptiveequation of the form pcr aCwBxS" Tz (8) where a is a constantand w, x, y, and z are exponentsof variables C (clutch size),B (breeding seasonlength), S (egg success),and T (nest cycle length). Becauseclutch size and breeding seasonlength enter into the equation for number of young fledged as simplemultiplying factors,we would expectexponentsw and x to be 1. Nest cycle length and eggsuccessenterthe equationfor number of youngin a more complicated manner becausethe averagelength of a nest cycle dependson the time to failure, replacementdelay, and proportion of nestslost. The exponentsy and z therefore shoulddiffer from 1 (seeMaterials and Methods). Resultsof the stepwiseregressionanalysisare presentedin Table 5, where we have listedthe stepat which eachvariable was enteredinto the regression,its contribution to the residualvariance, and its regressioncoefficient(exponentin equation8). The order in which the independentvariables entered the regressionand magnitude of exponentsin the equation for productivity do not exhibit any noticeablegeographic pattern. Where the exponentsof seasonlength and clutch size differ from 1.0, these deviations are caused by correlations of clutch size and seasonlength with other independent variables. The coefficient for egg successvaries between 0.6 and 0.8 becausenesting lossesare partly compensatedby the ability of the birds to renest quickly after nest failure. The constantof regressionpresentedfor each locality in Table 4 is the natural logarithm of the constanta in equation 8. These constants correspondto values of a of 21.9 in Kansas, 8.4 in Arizona, 0.36 in Costa Rica, and 12.0 in Ecuador. DISCUSSION Comparisonsof breedingproductivity presentedin this paper indicate that despite the longerbreedingseasonavailable to tropical species,small clutches,poor nesting success,and relatively long breeding cyclesreduce their annual breeding productivity below that of temperate passerines.Even in tropical localities with long breeding RICKLEFS 94 AND BLOOM TABLE [Auk, Vol. 94 5 SUMMARY OF A STEPWISE MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO BREEDING PRODUCTIVITY Variable Constant t Season Clutch Period Success Total r22 Kansas Step entered3 2 4 1 Increasein r22 0.22 0.16 0.41 3.08 I. 01 I. 00 Step entered 1 2 Increase in r 2 Coefficient 2.48 0.66 1.05 0.21 0.98 2 3 4 1 0.35 I. 10 0. I0 1.0I 0.00 0.13 0.54 0.79 Step entered 2 3 4 Increase in r 2 Coefficient 0. I9 1.21 0. I2 1.52 Coefficient 4 - 0.98 3 0.08 0.87 0.70 Ecuador 4 0.04 -0.83 3 0.09 0.73 0.99 Costa Rica Step entered Increase in r 2 Coefficient - 1.03 0.99 Arizona 2.12 0. I2 -0.92 I 0.56 0.64 0.98 • Logarithm of the constanta of equation 8. 2 The valueof r2 (thesquareof the correlation coefficient) represents the amountof variationin numberof youngfledgedaccounted for by including the variable in questionin the regression • The order(decreasing) in whichthe variablescontributeto variationin numberof youngfledged. 4 With regardto the independentvariables,the coefficients representthe exponentsw, x, y, and z in equation8. seasons,an average productivity of four young fledged per pair is a reasonable maximum. This value approachesthe productivity of speciesin arid localities, in both temperate and tropical rYgions(4.3 for Arizona,.4.8 for Ecuador), but it falls short of the 6.4 young per pair calculatedfor a sampleof passerinesin Kansas. Latitudinal variation in breeding productivity representsa shift in the balance between opposingfactors. On one hand clutch size and nesting seasonincreaseand nest cycle length decreasesas latitude increases,tending to increaseproduction; on the other hand seasonlength decreasesas latitude increases,tending to reduceproduction. The latitudinal increase in breeding productivity may not, perhaps, continue into arctic regions.If we considera typical arctic speciesas having a breeding season too short for more than one successfulbrood, and a clutch size of six, the maximum possibleproductivity is somewhatlessthan that calculatedfor the Kansas sample.A peak in annual productionof youngin temperatelatitudesarisesfrom the fact that decreasein the logarithm of breeding seasonlength as latitude increasesis most pronouncednorth of temperateregionswhereasincreasesin the logarithm of clutch size and nestingsuccessas latitude increasesoccur primarily south of temperate regions(Fig. 2). As the logarithmof productivityis approximatelythe sumof the logarithmsof clutchsize, breedingseasonlength, and nestingsuccess,a maximum is obtained in temperate regions. Whereas variation in annual production between one region and another can be related to geographictrends in factors that influence reproduction, variation within regionsis not so readily explained. The factor or factors contributing most to variation in production are generallythe most variable factors within the sample:nesting successin Arizona and Costa Rica, and seasonlength and clutch size in Ecuador. In Kansas variation in both productivity and the variables determining productivity is relatively low. January 1977] Breeding Productivity 95 lO 8 ProductivityA 6 4 1 0.8 O.6 o.1 TROPICAL 0 TEAAPE?ATE 35 ARCIIC 70 Degrees of Latitude Fig. 2. Latitudinal variation in breeding productivity and its components.Reasonablevalues were estimatedfor eachlatitudinalbelt (seetext). Productivitywas calculatedby equations(1) to (7) (A) and by summingthe logarithmsof clutch size, seasonlength, and egg success(B). We cannot judge to what extent the analysespresentedin this paper reflect important aspectsof the environment for breeding birds. But our resultssuggestthat in the Arizona and Costa Rican localities componentsof the environment that affect nesting success--whether related to diversity of predators or nesting sites--are more heterogeneousthan componentsof the environment that determine clutch size and seasonlength. In Ecuador food resource,expressedin both seasonlength and clutch size, appears to be the most variable componentof the environment of breeding birds. No singlefactor predominatesin its contribution to variation in reproductive output in Kansas. Direct measurements in different localities of variation among speciesin nest site and food resourcewould be extremely interesting in comparison with these analyses. Knowing the number of young fledged per pair each year and annual adult mortality, we can calculate the survival of young birds from fledging to the onset of reproduction. We must assume(a) that population size and age structure remain constant, (b) that young breed in their first year, and (c) that half the fledglings are females. Because,under theseconditions,first-year birds must replace adult losses, mortality between fledging and reproduction must reduce the size of the cohort of potential recruits to the number of adults lost from the population each year. For example, if passerinesin Kansas suffer 50% annual adult mortality (Lack 1954, Farner 1955)and produce6.4 young per pair per year (3.2 young per individual), 3.2 fledglingsmust be reduced to 0.5 adults if population size is to remain constant. A survivorship of 15.7% (0.5/3.2) from fledging to reproduction is thus required to balance the population. 96 RICKLEFS AND BLOOM [Auk, Vol. 94 Annual adult survivorshipin the tropics is poorly known, but available studies suggestmortality rates of 10-30% per year, with 20% being a reasonableaveragein the absenceof more extensive data (Snow 1962, Ricklefs 1973, Snow and Lill 1974). If 1.5 young fledgedper adult, a survivorshipof 13% (0.2/1.5) during the first year would be required to balance the population. The calculationspresentedin this paper border on demographicspeculation,but we have pointed out likely trends in production and population turnover rates as a function of latitude. These trends must be verified by direct observationof annual adult survival, age at first reproduction, and annual reproductive performance in different localities, particularly in the tropics and arctic. Population and life table information of this kind is needed for the development and testing of models of demographicadaptations, particularly modelspertaining to the evolution of reproductive effort (Williams 1966, Gadgil and Bossert 1970, Cody 1971). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Richard Brewer for commentson the manuscript.The study was supportedby grants from the National ScienceFoundation and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation to R.E.R. LITERATURE CODY,M.L. CITED 1971. Ecologicalaspectsof reproduction.Pp. 461-512 in Avian biology,vol. 1 (D. S. Farner and J. R. King, Eds.). New York, Academic Press. DllullY, W.H. 1961. Studiesof the breedingbiologyof Horned Lark, Water Pipit, Lapland Longspur, and Snow Bunting on Bylot Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Bird-Banding 32: 1-44. FARNEll,D.S. 1955. Bird bandingin the studyof populationdynamics.Pp. 397-449 in Recentstudies in avian biology (A. Wolfson, Ed.). Urbana, Univ. Illinois Press. GADGIL, M., & W. H. BOSSERT. 1970. 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