Name __________________ Animal Science 321X Spring, 2007 Final Exam A. Multiple choice. Mark the letter of the most correct answer on the answer sheet. (1 point per question) 1. The most effective method to reduce pollution of water and air with nutrients on a farm is to _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 2. A concentrated animal feeding operation may legally discharge manure into a surface water source if _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 3. it doesn’t have a NPDES permit and there is no precipitation. it doesn’t have a NPDES permit and there is a 25-year, 24-hour storm. it has a NPDES permit and there is no precipitation. it has a NPDES permit and there is a 25-year, 24-hour storm. all of the above. All records related to nutrient management on a CAFO must be kept for _____?_____ year(s). a) b) c) d) e) 4. decrease the production rate of the livestock on the farm. improve manure application to prevent nutrient losses. improve manure storage to prevent nutrient losses. balance animal diets and plant fertilization to reduce the amount of nutrients entering the farm. none of the above. 1 5 10 25 100 The largest amount of reactive nitrogen entering the global ecosystem comes from _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) ammonification of soil organic N. nitrification of ammonia. nitrogen fertilizer application. nitrogen fixation by rhizobium bacteria. none of the above. 1 5. Concentrations of nitrate in water resources in Iowa increase in the spring because _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 6. _____?_____ could be used to meet the crude protein requirements of a 150 lb finishing pig. a) b) c) d) e) 7. Ammonia Biuret Chains of amino acids Urea All of the above Moderate heat treatment of a protein source like soybean meal will increase the efficiency of nitrogen use by cattle by _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 8. high concentrations of N in fertilizer and manure are applied in the fall. nitrification of NH3 in soil increases with increasing temperatures in the spring. there is little plant growth to take up nitrate from the soil. there is a high moisture content in the soil. all of the above. improving the amino acid composition of the protein escaping ruminal degradation. increasing the degradation of protein to ammonia in the rumen. increasing the incorporation of ammonia into microbial protein in the rumen. reducing the degradability of the protein in the rumen. all of the above Essential amino acids are amino acids that _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) are required in the diets of nonruminant animals. are not required in the diets of ruminant animals. are not synthesized in adequate quantities in animal cells. are most efficiently utilized if their amounts are proportional to the animal’s requirements for them each of them. all of the above. 2 9. Most of the nitrogen released by deamination of excess amino acids in the cells of mammals is excreted as _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 10. During manure storage, fecal protein is degraded to ammonia and _____?_____ which contributes to manure odor. a) b) c) d) e) 11. the manure is injected in the fall the manure is injected during the growing season the manure is injected in the spring the manure is surface-broadcast in the fall the manure is surface-broadcast in the spring Most P from a row crop field is transported to surface water source like lakes _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 13. bicarbonate N2 gas urea volatile organic compounds all of the above One hundred percent of the ammonia-N in manure is available for crop production if _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 12. ammonia. amines. bacterial protein. urea. none of the above. bound to plant organic matter. dissolved in surface runoff. dissolved in tile drainage. with eroding soil particles in surface runoff. none of the above. As the concentration of total P in a soil increases, the proportion of P that is in the available inorganic form in the soil will _____?_____. a) b) c) decrease. not change. increase. 3 14. Phosphorus that is _____?_____ is immediately available for algae growth in rivers and lakes. a) b) c) d) e) 15. If manure is applied to meet a crop’s nitrogen needs, the amount of P applied will usually _____?_____. a) b) c) 16. laying hens lactating dairy cows growing-finishing pigs gestating sows all of the above Most excess P is excreted by cattle _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 18. be 2 to 4 times less than the crop’s P needs. meet the crop’s P needs with no deficiency or excess. exceed the crop’s P needs by 2 to 4 times. Phytate does not reduce the availability of phosphorus in feeds for _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 17. bound to clay particles bound to organic matter bound to sand particles dissolved in tile drainage none of the above bound to phytate in their feces. bound to phytate in their urine. as inorganic salts in their feces. as inorganic salts in their urine. none of the above. If distillers dried grains are used to replace 40% of the corn grain in the diets of feedlot steers, the amounts of land used for manure application should be _____?_____ if the fields on the farm have a high P-index. a) b) c) decreased not changed increased 4 19. _____?_____ are efficient at recycling P in their saliva. a) b) c) d) e) 20. The best balance of N and P in manure with crop needs will be achieved if _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 21. 50 times less greenhouse gas effect than 25 times less greenhouse gas effect than an equivalent greenhouse gas effect to 25 times more greenhouse gas effect than 50 times more greenhouse gas effect than The major greenhouse gas emitted by livestock operations is _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 23. N volatilization from the manure is decreased N volatilization from the manure is increased. P volatilization from the manure is decreased. P volatilization from the manure is increased. None of the above. On a molar basis, equal concentrations of methane will have approximately _____?_____ carbon dioxide. a) b) c) d) e) 22. Growing broilers Growing-finishing pigs Lactating beef cows Lactating sows All of the above ammonia carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide methane none of the above In anerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, hydrogens released during glycolysis are primarily used to produce _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) glucose unsaturated fatty acids methane water none of the above 5 24. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, decreasing methane production will _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 25. Methane production in the rumen of cattle fed a high grain diet will be _____?_____ than of cattle fed a high forage diet. a) b) c) 26. acetic acid ammonia methane propionic acid all of the above Adding grain to a high forage diet for a dairy cow will reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with milk production by _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 28. greater than equal to less than Adding the ionophore, Rumensin, to the diet of feedlot cattle will increase the production of _____?_____ in the rumen. a) b) c) d) e) 27. decrease ammonia emissions from the cattle. decrease phosphorus excretion from the cattle. increase the growth rate of the cattle. increase the odors emitted by the cattle. none of the above. increased propionic production in the rumen. increased microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. increased milk production per cow. reduced methane production in the rumen. all of the above. Rank the following manure storage methods for greenhouse gas emissions from greatest to least. a) b) c) d) e) Anerobic lagoon, compost, earthen pond slurry, stacked solid Anerobic lagoon, earthen pond slurry, stacked solid, compost Compost, stacked solid, earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon Compost, earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon, stacked solid Earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon, compost, stacked solid 6 29. Bedding livestock with straw will _____?_____ greenhouse gas emissions for livestock units. a) b) c) 30. Greenhouse gas emissions are greatest from manure that is applied during the _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 31. CERCLA rules Master Matrix NPDES permit TMDL plan None of the above Most nuisance complaints regarding livestock operations result from _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 33. fall early spring late spring summer none of the above According to Brian Ritland with the Pinnacle Group, livestock units can only be built if they exceed the minimum distance limits by a scoring system set by the _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 32. increase not affect reduce nitrate pollution of groundwater sources phosphorus pollution of surface water sources odors emissions into the air overgrazing of riparian pastures none of the above. Odors from a livestock operation can be controlled by regulating only the _____?_____ emissions from the farm. a) b) c) d) e) ammonia hydrogen sulfide methane volatile organic compounds none of the above 7 34. Hydrogen sulfide in livestock buildings is particularly dangerous because it _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 35. In a confinement building using a deep pit for manure storage, hydrogen sulfide will _____?_____ when the manure is not agitated. a) b) c) d) e) 36. duration of the odor events frequency of the odor events intensity of the odor offensiveness of the odor all of the above Skatole and p-cresol are odor components that are produced in manure from excess _____?_____ in the manure. a) b) c) d) e) 38. concentrate in the manure concentrate above the manure in the pit concentrate below the roof of the building disperse evenly throughout the building all of the above The frequency of complaints regarding odor emissions increases as the _____?_____ increases. a) b) c) d) e) 37. can’t be smelled at any concentration. can’t be smelled at high concentrations. can’t be smelled at low concentrations. is smelled at all concentrations. none of the above. carbohydrates fats minerals proteins none of the above Odor production from manure in an open, dirt beef feedlot will be greatest during a _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) cool, dry period. cool, rainy period. hot, humid period following a rainy period. hot, dry period during a drought. none of the above. 8 39. Reducing the _____?_____ of livestock diets will reduce odor emissions from livestock facilities. a) b) c) d) e) 40. Adding soy hulls to laying hen diets will reduce odor emissions from these farms by ____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 41. binding ammonia from the manure. preventing production of hydrogen sulfide in the manure. reducing dust in the building. reducing the moisture concentration of the manure. none of the above. Biofilters are mats of organic material like straw and compost that inhibit odors by _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 43. increasing the amino acid balance of the diet. increasing the protein content of the diet. masking manure odor. trapping excess nitrogen into microbial protein in the large intestine. none of the above. Alum is spread on top of the manure in broiler houses to _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 42. calcium phosphorus sulfur zinc all of the above forcing the odor plume to rise in the air preventing ventilation air from leaving the building. preventing production of volatile organic compounds in the manure. providing media for aerobic bacteria to metabolize gaseous odors. all of the above. Natural windbreaks reduce odors from livestock facilities by _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) trapping dust near the barns. forcing the odor plume to rise above the ground. absorbing odors in the leaves. a and b above. all of the above. 9 44. Prior to composting, coarsely chopped straw should be added to manure to _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 45. Odor emissions from an anerobic lagoon will be lowest if _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 46. greatest in the fall. greatest in the spring. greatest in the summer. uniform throughout the year. none of the above. Rank the following manure storage methods for odor emissions during land application from greatest to least. a) b) c) d) e) 48. manure in the lagoon is totally removed at each cleaning. manure additions are infrequent. manure additions are slow and uniform. manure additions are primarily during the winter. none of the above. In the Midwest, odors from anerobic lagoons are _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 47. increase aeration of the manure. increase the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the manure. increase the moisture concentration of the manure. a and b above. all of the above. Anerobic lagoon, compost, earthen pond slurry, stacked solid Anerobic lagoon, earthen pond slurry, stacked solid, compost Compost, stacked solid, earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon Compost, earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon, stacked solid Earthen pond slurry, anerobic lagoon, stacked solid, compost New livestock buildings should be placed at least _____?_____ from a neighboring rural residence. a) b) c) d) e) 75 feet 200 feet ¼ mile 1 mile 4 miles 10 49. Because _____?______, cryptosporidium are a major human pathogen in water supplies. a) b) c) d) e) 50. E. Coli O157:H7 is present in high numbers in the gut contents of _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 51. e) allowing cattle to drink directly from pasture streams. applying manure within 75 feet of a stream without a vegetative buffer. allowing precipitation run-off to flush out livestock lots. applying manure from calves in areas where precipitation will not run-off into pasture streams. none of the above. To prevent amplification of pathogenic organisms on farms, young calves should be _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 53. all mature cattle. cattle fed high forage diets. cattle fed high grain diets. cattle grazing pastures. none of the above. Pathogen contamination of streams can be reduced by _____?_____. a) b) c) d) 52. few oocysts are shed by livestock hosts. numerous oocysts are required to cause an infection in humans. oocysts can survive in the environment. oocysts are destroyed by water treatment. none of the above. fed waste feed from mature cattle. mixed with mature cattle. mixed with growing heifers. segregated from cattle greater than 3 weeks of age. none of the above. To minimize pathogen infections, pastures used for manure application should not be grazed until _____?____ days after application. a) b) c) d) e) 1 7 14 30 60 11 54. Placing supplemental feeding sites in a pasture near a stream will _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 55. Spot-grazing of pasture will result in _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 56. 10 to 20% moisture with heavy vegetation. 20 to 30% moisture with little vegetation. 20 to 30% moisture with heavy vegetation. 30 to 40% moisture with little vegetation. 30 to 40% moisture with heavy vegetation. To avoid the development of gullies in a pasture, a cattle producer should ______?_______. a) b) c) d) e) 58. the development of bare and weedy patches in the pasture. maintaining pasture forage at a desirable maturity. optimal growth of pasture forage. uniform manure distribution. all of the above. The problem with soil compaction in a pasture will be greatest if that pasture were grazed when the soil contained _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 57. increase pollution of the stream with sediment. increase pollution of the stream with phosphorus. increase pollution of the stream with pathogens. a and b above. all of the above. use continuous grazing with a single water source. use rotational grazing with a fenced trail to a single water source. use rotational grazing with a water source in every paddock. a and b above. all of the above. To minimize stream bank erosion, stream banks should be covered with at least _____?_____% vegetation. a) b) c) d) e) 10 25 50 75 90 12 59. Grazing will be best managed if the producer uses _____?_____. a) b) c) d) e) 60. continuous grazing with a set stocking rate for the entire season. rotational grazing with a set stocking rate for the entire season. rotational grazing with hay harvest of excess forage in several paddocks early in the grazing season. strip-grazing with grazing of some the strips deferred until August. none of the above. In a properly managed rotational grazing system, cattle should be moved to a new paddock ______?_____ when forage slows during mid-summer. a) b) c) d) e) daily. weekly. every 14 days. when 50% of the forage is removed from the paddock. none of the above. B. True or false. Mark ‘a’ for true and ‘b’ for false answers on the answer sheet. (1 point per question) 61. Global warming will increase the frequency of droughts and floods. 62. Methane is produced in an anerobic lagoon by the same pathways as methane is produced in the rumen. 63. Finely grinding the forage in the diet of beef cattle will increase methane production by the cattle. 64. Increasing the frequency of manure application will increase greenhouse gas emissions from the fields where application is done. 65. Farmers can sell carbon credits to carbon dioxide-emitting industries by changing their grazing management to rotational grazing. 66. Unless confinement buildings are adequately ventilated, hydrogen sulfide is likely to cause the death of humans inside the buildings when the manure is agitated. 67. Neighbors are less likely to file an odor nuisance complaint on a livestock operation that is owned by a person who is active in that community than an operation owned by a person from outside the community. 68. Cleaning manure from a livestock building every 6 months will result in less odor emissions than weekly cleaning of the building. 13 69. Biofilters are more effective at reducing odor emissions from livestock confinement buildings during the summer than during the winter. 70. Chopped straw blown on top of slurry manure as a floating cover must be replaced once per year. 71. To minimize odors, anerobic lagoons should be pumped on clear, sunny days with minimal wind. 72. Odors during application of manure from anerobic lagoons will be minimal if manure additions to the lagoon continue up to the day of pumping. 73. The only source of cryptosporidium that infect humans are livestock. 74. Cattle usually shed oocysts for cryptosporidium when the cattle are mature. 75. E. Coli O157:H7 can multiply in water troughs. 76. Composting at 140oF will kill most pathogenic organisms and cysts. 77. Pastures used for manure application can be grazed by all cattle without affecting pathogen infections. 78. It is most desirable for a pasture to have a single forage species like smooth bromegrass. 79. A pasture that is grazed at an adequate stocking rate to prevent any seedhead development in June will likely have adequate forage for the cattle in August. 80. In a properly managed rotational grazing system, all paddock should be the same size. 14 C. Short essay and problems (5 points each) 1. Beef cattle finished at Summit Farms at Alden were managed in a new facility. Describe this facility and compare and explain the differences in ammonia and odor emissions and phosphorus losses from this facility to these emissions and losses from a traditional open dirt feedlot. 2. a) Ammonia and odor emissions b) Phosphorus losses A traditional corn-based diet for finishing cattle would contain 0.35% P. Therefore, if this diet was fed to the 960 cattle finished at Summit Farms, they would excrete 8060 lb P/year of which 80% would be available when injected. Since Summit Farms is feeding a diet containing 25% distillers dried grains, their diet contains 0.50% P. Therefore, their cattle excrete 10060 lb P/year of which 80% would be available when injected. If they have to apply their manure according to a P-based manure management plan, their corn yields are 200 bu/ac and corn requires 0.36 lb P2O5/bu, how many acres will Summit Farms need to apply their manure if they feed: a) the corn-based diet b) the dried distillers grains diet 15 3. 4. Environmental problems attributed to swine confinement units include odor and greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and eutrophication of surface water sources. Addition of crystalline amino acids and the enzyme, phytase, to pig diets have been suggested as methods to decrease environmental problems associated with swine confinement facilities. Which environmental problems would each of these feed additives reduce and explain how they would have these effects? a) Crystalline amino acids b) Phytase Improper grazing management results in impaired botanical composition, increased soil compaction and erosion, and increased phosphorus and pathogen pollution of streams in pastures. Describe a grazing system that will prevent these problems and explain how this system would control these problems. 16 17