Holly Lane Elementary Programme of Inquiry Age An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet An inquiry into the Nature of the self, beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friend, communities, and culture; rights and responsibilities; what is means to be human An inquiry into orientation in place and time, personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind, the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express idea.(beliefs and values) the ways in which we reflect, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic; the ways in which we express ideas, beliefs and values An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations societal decision-making, economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment; An inquiry into rights and responsibilities and the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution human relationships including families, friend, communities, and culture KEY: Kindergarten: Purple First Grade: Red Second Grade: Green Third Grade: Blue Fourth Grade: Yellow Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 The ways in which we discover and express idea, feelings, nature, culture, belief and values An inquiry into the natural world and it laws,; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and the environment how humans use their understanding of scientific principles the structure and functions of organizations the structure and functions of organizations inquiry into rights and responsibilities and the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; Central idea: Learning Central idea: about myself shapes Holidays and traditions 5–6 my identity are celebrated and K shared with others Key concepts: Key concepts: Function, Form, Perspective, Responsibility Reflection, Connection Related concepts: Consequences, Behavior Related concepts: Beliefs, Interpretation Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Myself and my abilities Family celebrations and languages (Form) (reflection) Personal Similarities and accountabilities differences of traditions (Responsibility) and celebrations Individuals’ role in the (connection) world around them Heritages influence (Function) traditions (perspective) Central idea: Signs and symbols can help people discover the world and communicate Key concepts: Form, Connection, Function Related concepts: Communication, Systems Lines of inquiry: Signs and Symbols (form) Systems of communications (Function) Reasons for signs and symbols (Connection) Central idea: Patterns around us can be identified, described, extended and created Key concepts: Change, Form, Causation Related concepts: Cycles, sequence, impact Lines of inquiry: What is a pattern (Form) Can we use patterns to predict (Connection) Central idea: Communities are influenced by the people who and work live in them Key concepts: Causation, Function, Responsibility Related concepts: Consequences, relationships Lines of inquiry: Understanding and meeting our needs and the needs of a community (Causation) Roles of people who are part of our communities Patterns in our environment (Change) (Function) Students roles and contributions in the home, school, and other environments (Responsibility) Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 Central idea: All living things grow and change Key concepts: Form, Change, Causation Related concepts: Properties, Growth Lines of inquiry: Living and non-living (Form) Similarities and differences of living things (Change) Behaviors and characteristics of living things (Causation) Age An inquiry into: Who we are 6–7 Central idea: Rules and 1st responsibilities exist in different settings to meet a variety of needs An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: Where we are in place How we express and time ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Central idea: Our past and present are connected Central idea: Everything on Earth is made of matter and it can go through changes Central idea: Needs and wants are met in a variety of ways based on available resources Central idea: Over time, living things need to adapt to survive Central idea: Thoughts and feelings can be expressed through words and Key concepts: Change, illustrations. Perspective, Connection Key concepts: Responsibility, Function, Related concepts: Reflection Impact, Growth Related concepts: Rules, Procedures, Relationships Lines of inquiry: Personal and shared responsibilities (Responsibility) Rules in different settings.(Function) Consequences of behavior (Reflection) Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 An inquiry into: Lines of inquiry: Past (perspective) Artifacts of the past (connection) How we divide time (change) Key concepts: Form, Key concepts: Function, Perspective Change, Form, Causation Related concepts: Communication, opinion Related concepts: Pattern, Evidence, Cause/Effect Lines of inquiry The structural elements of stories and fairy tales. (form) Lines of inquiry: Properties of matter (Form) Writer’s Purpose (function) Cause and effect of change (Causation) Ways to discover and express ideas, feelings, beliefs and values (perspective) The processes of change (Change) Key concepts: Function, Connection, Responsibility Related concepts: Consequences, responsibility Lines of inquiry: Function of different environments (Function) How needs and wants are met (Connection) Limited and unlimited resources (Responsibility) Key concepts: Change, Function, Connection Related concepts: Evidence, adaptation Lines of inquiry: Concept of adaptation (Change) Ways Living things survive in their environment (Connection) Way basic needs can be met (Function) An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: Who we are Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Central idea: Many forms of communication can be used to express ideas for a variety of reasons Central idea Using creativity and critical thinking skills can solve problems and enhance life Central idea: Systems exist to organize our world Central idea: Living things impact and are dependent upon their ecosystem 7–8 Central idea: People Central idea: Events in actively engage in individuals lives shape 2nd community, culture, and their personal histories environment to share ways of life Key concepts: Causation, Change, Key concepts: Connection Reflection , Form, Change Related concepts: Impact Related concepts: Adaptation, Choices Lines of inquiry: Diversity of cultures (Perspective) Interactions among cultures lead to sharing ways of living (Connection) Key concepts: form, perspective, Causation Related concepts: communication, Lines of inquiry expression, Contributions of individuals (Connection) interpretation Change over time (Change) Related concepts: movement, forces, structure, energy, balance Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Force and motion Different forms of (Change) communication (form) Influence of innovation on daily life (Causation) Ways of communicating and How culture is impacted expressing ideas by location and human through writing and interaction (Causation) reading (Perspective) Ways of verbally communicating and expressing ides (Causation) Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 Key concepts: Causation, Change, Function Understanding technology and uses (Function) Engineers and the use of a process to design (Causation) Key concepts: reflection, form, function Related concepts: Systems, organization Lines of inquiry: How and why we organize ourselves (Function) Responsibility of individuals in organizations (Responsibility) Key concepts: Responsibility, Form, Change Related concepts: Relationship, Systems, Evidence Lines of inquiry: Adaptation and circumstances that lead to adaptions (Change) Needs of plants and animals (Form) Information is displayed Responsible uses of in an organized way Resources (Causation) (Responsibilities) Components of Habitats (Form) 8–9 Central idea: Central idea: Changes Experiences, beliefs and can be influenced by 3rd choices can build events and perspectives character Key concepts: Causation, Change, Key concepts: Connection Responsibility, Function, Connection Related concepts: Cause and Effect Related concepts: Citizenship, Lines of Inquiry: Organization Cause and Effect (Causation) Lines of inquiry: Rights and Communities change responsibilities of over time (Change) community members (Responsibility) Ways to document and interpret change Individuals use (Perspective) strategies to solve problems (Function) Central idea: Scientific knowledge and discovery about the natural world can be expressed through writing Central idea: Recognizing and defining different properties helps us understand the how the world works Key concepts: Form, Key concepts: Key concepts: Form, Reflection, Causation Perspective, Function, Connection, Change Form Related concepts: Related concepts: Classification, Cycles, Relationships, Transformation, Adaptations, Growth Property Lines of inquiry: Lines of inquiry: Earth’s nonliving Plants and animals resources have have life cycles (Form) specific properties(Form) Living things adapt for survival (Change) Mathematical How character traits influence action (Connection) properties (Function) All living thing have unique characteristics Properties of matter (Form) (Causation) How roles contribute to order (Function) using writing to inform Properties of non(Connection) fiction text (Form) Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 Central idea: Structure and function exist in many facets to provide organization Related concepts:, decision making, organization Lines of inquiry: Organization and function of structures and systems (Form) The structure and function of Writing, Reading, Mathematics and Economics (Function) Purposes of structures and functions (Perspective) Central idea: The actions of all living things contribute to the availability of earth’s resources Key concepts: Reflection, Perspective, Responsibility Related concepts: Balance, choice, relationships, resources, conservation Lines of inquiry: Our choices impact earth’s resources (perspective) earth’s renewable and non-renewal able resources (responsibility) Uses of earth’s resources (reflection) Age An inquiry into: Who we are An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: An inquiry into: Where we are in place and time How we express ourselves How the world works How we organize ourselves Sharing the planet Central idea: Culture can be expressed in a variety of ways. Central idea: Interactions with the environment cause change Central idea: Systems are in place to maintain organization Central idea: Environmental awareness impacts decisions Key concepts: Key concepts: Form, Causation, Change, Function , Causation Connection Related concepts: Related concepts: Structure, role, patterns, evolution, systems transformation Lines of inquiry: Framework of Lines of inquiry: organized systems What causes (Form) environments to 9– Central idea: Central idea: 10 Cooperation and Migration is a response 4th conflict causes change to circumstances and challenges. Key concepts: Responsibility, Function, Connection Key concepts: Causation, Change, Connection Key concepts: Connection, Reflection, Perspective Related concepts: values, behaviour, relationships Related concepts: impact, growth, independence Related concepts: Values, Behavior, Relationships Lines of inquiry: Purpose and function of societies (function) Lines of inquiry: Why people migrate historically and currently (Causation) Lines of inquiry: Culture and climate of different settings (Connection) Effects of migration on societies, cultures and individuals (Change) Characteristics of cultural Evidence of changes in the diversity (Perspective) environment Role of literature and art (Change) The connection between rights and responsibilities (responsibility) Interactions between living and non-living things (connection Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016 Peoples contributions to society (Connection) in cultural expression (Reflection) change (Causation) Interaction between living and non-living things (Connection) Rationale for developing organized systems (Function) Conflict causes change to systems (Causation) Key concepts: Perspective, Reflection, Responsibility Related concepts: Interaction, Conservation, Consequences Lines of inquiry: Natural changes in the environment (Change) Dependence on natural resources drives decision making (Responsibility) Modifications impact the environment (Causation) Holly Lane Elementary 2015-2016