FULL DAY LEARNING CURRICULUM NIGHT 2015 FULL DAY LEARNING • The Full Day Early Learning program lays the foundation for life long learning through explicit, intentional, and direct instruction embedded in endless opportunities to explore, inquire, experiment, wonder and question = ‘INQUIRY’ THE ROLE OF PLAY • “Play is the vehicle for learning and lies at the core of innovation and creativity.” • “Play and academic work are not distinct categories.” • “Learning and doing are inextricably linked for them.” (FDEL-K document) LEARNING THROUGH INQUIRY • Children are naturally curious and have a natural desire to explore their environment. They possess a sense of wonder and awe about the world around them and seek to make sense of that world. • As educators we are able to use their sense of wonder and natural curiosity to guide them through process of learning through INQUIRY. • “to guide them to become more focused and systematic in their observations and investigations.” (FDEL-K) PLAY-BASED INQUIRY LEARNING Play-based inquiry learning in Kindergarten, therefore, does not exclude explicit, systematic instruction of the skills that children need to learn, it provides them with opportunities to apply their skills, through the”investigative approach” and to “USE their skills in other contexts.” (Reggio Emilia) WHAT ARE THEY LEARNING? The Play-based Inquiry approach teaches children how to learn, how pose questions, how to reflect, how to make connections, how to build on their knowledge, how to collaborate, how to listen and how to communicate their ideas, understanding, theories and knowledge. THEY LEARN TO BE PROBLEM SOLVERS!! THE ROLE OF ORAL LANGUAGE • • • • • Oral language is an important foundation for reading and writing. It is the basis of the Kindergarten program. “Proficiency in oral language is critical to the success of literacy development.” (FDEL-K) By the end of Kindergarten, children will, “communicate by talking and by listening and speaking to others for a variety of purposes and in a variety of contexts.” (Overall expectation FDEL-K) “Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all interrelated, and development in one area supports development in all areas.” (FDEL-K) Oral language becomes the basis for further language and literacy acquisition and the Inquiry approach provides the children with the opportunities to develop their ability to communicate their knowledge and understanding of concepts, develop vocabulary, refine ideas and communicate their knowledge to others. ROLE OF THE TEACHER • Provoke • Provide opportunities to apply skills that have been explicitly taught • Create invitations for learning • Help children pose questions that may lead to an investigation • Help build knowledge, and /or connections to prior knowledge • Offer activities that engage the children’s interests • Encourage, support, LISTEN • Document and record learning • Share in the experiences! THE ENVIRONMENT BECOMES THE THIRD TEACHER • The environment, both in and outside of the classroom, are integral to learning through inquiry. • Use of space, resources and materials available are carefully considered. • The strengths, needs and interests of the children become the focus of the environment and subsequent learning opportunities. OBSERVE THE LEARNING ….. OBSERVE THE LEARNING … PLAY-BASED INQUIRY LEARNING THANK FOR VISITING THE WONDERFULL WORLD OF KINDERGARTEN!