Chapter 28
Pg. 647-656
Long March to War
(long-term causes)
Remember the “MAIN” causes
–Alliance systems:
Outbreak of War
(the short-term causes)
Balkans represent broader themes of Europe
Alliances turn regional conflict into European conflict
British entry turns conflict global
The War in Europe
(Western Front)
New weaponry creates losses in the millions
Schlieffen plan
– fails & war quickly turns into a stalemate
– Aided by use of trench warfare
The War in the East & Italy
(Eastern Front)
– Diverts German resources while suffering huge losses
– Crisis of leadership led overthrow of Tsar
– Multiethnic armies required German reinforcement to hold off Russia
– Successful “high-ground” position led to disaster in Italy
Major disconnect b/t soldiers & civilians
“Total war” effort
Sped up developments already in place
– Social & labor unrest
– Women’s roles
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Colonies did much to create global war
– Supplies, raw materials, soldiers, labor
– Made imperialist claims (Europe distracted)
– Foreshadowed WWII
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– Continued German military advice
– Fend off British in Gallipoli & threaten Suez
– Blame of losses led to Armenian Genocide
– Drawn into war adding industrial & military power
Bolshevik Revolution pulls Russia out → one front war
Central powers quickly break down
– Fuels anti-Semitism
Stark realities of war hit
– Casualties in the millions
– Damaged economies
– Nationalistic fervor broken
→ Circumstances ripe for Great Depression & authoritarian governments in the 1930s
Peace talks dominated by the “Big 3”
– Motivated by losses & revenge
Self-determination was clear theme
– Versailles = colossal failure
– League of Nations