120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 2W1

120 Harvest Moon Drive, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 2W1
Phone: (905) 857-7582
Principal: A. D’Agostino
Fax: (905) 857-9353
Vice Principal: V. Viola
Dear Parents,
During the month of November the students in our FDK program had the exciting opportunity to travel by
bus to the Rose Theatre in Brampton. There we got to see the live puppetry performances of Goodnight
Moon and The Runaway Bunny. Before going to see the plays, we spent time talking about the setting and
characters in each of the stories and the students compared the similarities and differences amongst
them. We also discussed and compared how a theatre performance is different from watching a movie.
We looked at the roles of the audience, actors and actresses, and talked about what a stage and set
were. After the performance, students were given the chance to see how the performers made the
puppets move, and Kingston was even selected to ask one of the actors a question!
This month we have continued our exploration of numbers from 1-10. We learned how to comparing and
representing numbers on a tens frame. We also learned about creating pictographs (graphs using pictures
to show information) and concrete graphs (graphs using real items to show information). Our class
created a concrete graph with their bodies to show whether they liked the story of Goodnight Moon or
The Runaway Bunny the best. Through our graph it was determined that students preferred the
story/performance of The Runway Bunny!
During the month of December we will be focusing on the season of Advent and the importance of
preparing our hearts for the birth of Jesus. As a part of our Advent journey, we will be sending home an
Advent Joy Bag on your child’s special helper day. Inside the Joy Bag you will find the items needed to
complete a short Advent Liturgy with your family. We ask that students and families write and draw about
their experience in the Advent Journal and return the Joy Bag to school on the following day.
We wish you and your families a joyful and blessed Christmas season! ~Ms. Henderson & Ms. Raposo
December Birthdays
 Happy Birthday Ryan- Dec. 3rd
 Happy Birthday Natalie- Dec. 14th
 Happy Birthday Lilianna C.- Dec. 21st
Important Upcoming Dates:
 Advent Mass- December 8th
 Advent Celebration!- December 16th
3:00pm-3:40pm (details to
 Christmas Break- December 21st-January
Our math focus is….
Patterning & Algebra
Our literacy focus is…
Students will be learning about:
Students will be learning how to:
 Sort by colour
 Sort by shape and size
 Sort by type
 Make a pattern
 Turn a pattern into different letters or
actions (translate)
 Find patterns all around them
 Reading Strategy: Lips the Fish- Get
your Lips Ready!
 Sight words: said, an, in, on, to
 Book conventions and concepts of
 Responding to a variety of materials
read aloud to them
Ideas to Support the Development of Patterning and Algebra:
Listening for Patterns
Clap your hands and stomp one foot in a sequence (such as clap, clap, stomp; clap, clap, stomp;
clap, clap, stomp). Have your child repeat the same sequence. Then together create variations of
the pattern.
Have fun teaching your child simple dances that include a sequence of steps and movements.
Patterns at Home or in the Neighbourhood
Your child will find patterns in clothing, in wallpaper, in tiles, on toys and among trees and flowers.
Encourage your child to describe the patterns found. Have your child try to identify the features of
the pattern that repeat.
With your child, try searching for images on the Internet by using such keywords as “patterns
around us.”
(From the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Parent Guide to Doing Mathematics with Your Child: Kindergarten to Grade 6)
Ask your child to tell you about….
Our trip to the Rose Theatre to see “Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny
Representing numbers on a ten’s frame
Writing a letter to Santa with our Grade 8 buddies
The Eagle Eye reading strategy
Where the title of a text is found
“Hugging” a sight word
Other business
 We are looking for our class book “Ms. Henderson and Ms. Raposo’s Class Sees Colours.” If
you still have it at your house, could you please return it to us? Thank you!
 Our class Advent Celebration will be held on December 16th from 3:00-3:40pm.
Please save the date! Invitations will be sent home shortly!