Type these in and make them work… 1. For Counter = 6 to 10 2. Print Counter 3. If Counter < 3 then 4. For BMX = 1 to 5 5. LstBx1.items.add( BMX * Counter) 6. Next BMX 7. End if 8. Next Counter 9. LstBx1.items.add (“Done”) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For a = 1 to 5 For z = 0 to 12 LstBx1.items.add (a & “x” & z & “=”& a*z) Next z LstBx1.items.add (“Time Tables” & a) Next a Sum Of Odd numbers 50- 100: TheSum = 0 For CNT = 51 to 100 step 2 TheSum = TheSum + CNT Next CNT Msgbox( TheSum) 1 2 Multiplication Table of 5 from 0 to 100: For cnt = 0 to 100 LstBx1.items.add (cnt & “ * 5 = “ & cnt * 5) Next cnt What is the purpose of the & sign? ‘ Rather than the 5 times table allow the user to Input what times table they want and what range (5 to 10) Try this code: For CNT = 1 to 10 Picture1.Top = Picture1.top + CNT Picture1.left = Picture1.Left +CNT Next CNT What happens to your PICTURE1? Can you make it move in to opposite direction? Conditional Loop PassWord = “Hello” Attempt =0 Do Until MyWord = Password MyWord = inputbox(“Enter a password”) If Attempt = 5 then Listbox1.items.add( “too many tries”) Exit loop End if Attempt = Attempt +1 loop 1 a Create a program to calculate the average mark of 10 students b Average of the passing students only c. Count the number of students that fail d. Allow the teacher to enter marks for as many students as needed and to type -99 when they are done