V. Carillo/Naples, Use of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for UV

Use of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for UV radiation detection
Optical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) have
been widely investigated in the last years in view of their
applications like: photo detection, solar cells, nano-electronics,
opto-electronics, and so on. Sensitivity of Single-Walled CNT
(SWCNT) to IR radiation has been demonstrated by different
authors. Although the large interest in photo-sensitive properties
of nanotubes, most of the work has been done on SWCNT.
However, interesting photocurrent properties have recently been
observed also in samples containing MWCNT.
We report on measurements of CNT sensitivity to the radiation and
on the realization and characterization of the first light
detector made of MWCNT.
The results indicate that this new material can be used to build
new photodetectors sensitive to a wide range of radiation
wavelengths, with an enhanced conversion efficiency in the UV
(200-400 nm ) region.
Primary authors : Viviana Carillo
Presenters: Viviana Carillo