PERSONAL FINANCE The purpose of this assignment is to have you become familiar with the large number of services offered by your local bank, trust company, or credit union besides personal savings and chequing accounts. Working with a partner, you will choose one of the topics listed below. Together, you will be required to research the topic you have chosen to find out as much as you can about it. This research will include visiting a bank to find out, first-hand, about this service. You will then be asked to present your findings to the class in the form of a mini-lesson. Topics: SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE SPECIAL CHEQUING ACCOUNTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE CURRENT ACCOUNTS FOR BUSINESSES CANADA SAVINGS BONDS REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TREASURY BILLS STOCKS TERM DEPOSITS CERTIFIED CHEQUES AND MONEY ORDERS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TRAVELLER'S CHEQUES/BUYING FOREIGN EXCHANGE SPECIAL PACKAGE PLANS SPECIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS SPECIAL SERVICES FOR BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONALS CREDIT CARDS PERSONAL LOANS LINES OF CREDIT MORTGAGES AUTOMATED BANKING MACHINES/BANKING CARDS BANKING ON LINE BANKING BY PHONE MUTUAL FUNDS OVERDRAFT PROTECTION CHEQUE CLEARING SYSTEM D:\612886929.doc Page 1 of 3 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Research your topic. $ $ $ you will be required to use a minimum of five resources in order to do a thorough job of researching your topic one of these resources should be your textbook other resources can include bank employees, brochures, pamphlets, the internet and resources books 2. Collect and organize your information. $ $ be sure you have covered your topic thoroughly and organized it in such a way that it will be easily understood by the rest of the class check to see that you have answered the following questions: What is the service you have researched – define and describe it. What is the service fee? How does one apply for/obtain this service? How does it work? How much does it cost – charges involved? Are there other types of this service available? If it is a savings service, how much can you expect to earn? Other important information or interesting facts? 3. Prepare the written report. $ on the day of your presentation, you must hand in the following: a title page a written report of the information that you collected, neatly organized under sub-headings as described above – typed please! a copy of your lesson plan with activities and a breakdown of how you will spend your time a bibliography or list of all resources used – be sure to include the name of the person(s) that you spoke with at the bank and the name and location of the institution 4. Prepare the mini-lesson. $ $ $ $ your lesson should last no more than approximately 20 minutes your presentation should be both oral and visual – creativity is important! your lesson should include a short note on your topic and a short activity which gets the class involved in learning about your topic any materials you require must be requested at least two days before your presentation D:\612886929.doc Page 2 of 3 PERSONAL FINANCE EVALUATION The Mini Lesson: /32 1. Time frame- not less than 15 minutes and not more than 25 minutes /2 2. Easy to hear – volume, pitch, rate and tone /5 3. Organization – a prepared plan of the way data was to be presented /5 4. Creativity – use of charts, overhead, handouts, blackboard, etc. /10 5. Activity – related to topic, clear instructions, all materials prepared /10 The Written Report: /28 1. Title page – include title, your names, date, course code, teacher's name /3 2. Content – complete, organized /10 3. Lesson plan – detailed /10 4. Bibliography – includes copies of brochures, names of the person(s) spoken to /5 Comments: Total: D:\612886929.doc /60 Page 3 of 3 = ___%