WHEELAND’S WOLVES Friday, September 25, 2015 Important Reminders

Friday, September 25, 2015
Important Reminders – Your child’s social studies test is in his/her expandable folder.
September 30th – Early Release Day
Literacy/Reading – We will finish up our Literacy launching unit next week. The next unit
will be nonfiction. Through our nonfiction unit, the children will learn:
 Identify text features
 Determine themes of a text
 Be able to identify and use text evidence to support thoughts and ideas during text
 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
by using context clues
Math – We started our next Module, (Module 2). During the next two weeks, the children will
work on:
Common fractions and mixed numbers
Equivalent fractions with common and uncommon denominators
Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and back
Comparing fractions
Decimal fractions
**If your child has not mastered his/her multiplication facts yet, please remind him/her to
practice daily. It is so important to know your facts in order to move on to other math concepts.
Science – Next week, the kids will be moving on to chapter two, What are the Interactions in
Identifying living and nonliving parts of ecosystems
Explain how ecosystems allow living things to survive
Identify the role of predators and prey
Social Studies – We will start chapter nine next week. During these lessons the
students will learn:
How the American colonies declared independence from Britain
The contributions of a wide variety of people helped the continental army win important battles
With the help from France and Spain, the continental army won the American Revolution
Writing – Next week the kids will be adding dialogue, transition words, and more descriptive
words to their narrative writing piece. We will also continuing our grammar lessons. Be sure to
ask your child about his/her Interactive Grammar Notebook.
Mystery Reader – I have attached the Mystery Reader signup sheet. If you are interested
in being a mystery reader and did not get the chance to sign up at parent’s night, here is your
chance. Check the open dates with your schedule and email at least two dates you are
available. I will email you to let you know when you will be our mystery reader.
Class Reward – The students earned computer time through working together to be
GREAT role models throughout the school. They spent time playing games on “Coolmath”, a
great website designed to sharpen math skills.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me. 
Michelle Wheeland
VM # 847-540-5366