KINDER NEWS 10/9/2015 WHAT’S NEW? Reading: During our Literacy time, we spent time visualizing (making pictures in our minds that change as we read/listen to a story), noticing letters, words & spaces, practicing moving from top to bottom, left to right and return sweep while reading, recognizing “snappy words” in text and using pictures to tell a story. Phonics: (C, O, S, V, W, T, A, D, G, U, I, E, L, K, Y, J) Please continue to practice all sounds that have been introduced and return the folder to school on Monday. An important skill for children to develop is phonological awareness, this provides the basis for phonics. We have been focusing on beginning sounds, the sound we hear at the beginning of a word and the letter that corresponds with that sound. Writing: During our Writing Workshop time, we have learned about what writers do through a lot of great texts – writers ask questions and tell about what they know, tell stories with detailed pictures, write stories about their life and write about their feelings. Our kinder writers get to try to be like these writers during our independent writing time! Math: The special number zero was introduced; it is special because it is a number that represents the quantity of nothing. We have worked with all numbers from zero to ten! The kinders are encouraged to quickly show each number using their fingers, this will help later in understanding the concept of two-digit numbers being represented with tens and ones. Additional: * Snappy Words: Take some time to practice these words with your child to help build fluency in reading and writing. * Science: We began our unit on Physical Science by discovering our 5 Senses. * Social Studies: We are continuing to talk about families. Dates & Reminders: Oct. 12 – No School Oct. 13 – Ela Library Field Trip Oct. 22 – Early Release Oct. 24 – Fall Festival Oct. 30 – Halloween Parade/Party * It was so fun to see so many friends at the Book Fair Thursday night!! * Please discuss washing hands and using kleenex with your child. We are trying to stay healthy in room 115. * I have attached a note about a reading program from Pizza Hut. It goes along with our monthly reading logs. * Just an FYI - I am on several school and district committees; I will be out of the classroom for these meetings.