Home is where the heart is…

Home is where the heart is…
Chapter 7
Nutrition – the science of food and the
ways in which a body uses food.
Nutrients – substances in food that
provide energy or help form body
tissues. They are necessary for life and
6 Essential Nutrients
Which 3 of the 6 essential nutrients
provide us with calories (energy)?
So what is a calorie?
A unit of measurement for energy
Carbs – 4 cal/gram
Protein – 4 cal/gram
FATS - 9 cal/gram
Carbohydrates – simple and complex
Simple sugars do not need to be broken
down in the metabolic process
Complex carbohydrates are 3 or more sugars
attached to form long chain molecules. They
need to be broken down and take time to
digest and be used as energy.
Simple or Complex Carbs?
Simple or Complex Carbs?
So which type of carbohydrates are we
able to use faster and easier after
eating them?
Simple or Complex?
Carbohydrates should make up about
60% of our daily calories.
They are a major source of energy and
also help repair tissues.
Dietary fiber – it is a complex carbohydrate
but it is not digested. It is made up of the
parts of plants we cannot digest.
Fiber helps speed up food moving through
the digestive tract. It prevents constipation
and makes a person feel full
High fiber diets also help prevent colon
Fiber is found in foods like fruits, vegetables,
grains and beans
Fat provides the most energy per gram
(9 cal)
Reasons we need fat in our diets:
Stores energy
Pad and protect organs
Insulate body from cold
Important ingredient in several
Necessary for storage and transport of
certain vitamins throughout the body
Saturated vs. unsaturated fat: which of
these do we want to avoid?
Saturated fat is solid at room
temperature except for coconut oil and
palm oil. It clogs arteries with plaque
formation and contributes to heart
disease. It is animal fat, milk fat and
some oil fats
Unsaturated fat is liquid at room
temperature and is from plant sources
like veg. oil, corn oil, peanut oil. It is
cholesterol free.
So what are “trans fats” ????
Hydrogenated oils (trans fats) are
vegetable oils that have been altered to
make them more useful in commercial
food processing – they are solid oils
They are found in margarine, chips,
cookies, and other snack foods.
Hydrogenated oils can raise blood cholesterol
levels as much as saturated fats
Cholesterol – A fat-like substance in some
foods of animal origin. It is produced by the
liver and other organs. Our bodies make all
the cholesterol we need.
HDL and LDL (good chol. and bad chol.)
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Good cholesterol, carries cholesterol from blood stream
to the liver, where it is broken down to be used or
removed from the body.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
Bad-cholesterol – carries chol. And other fats from the
digestive system through blood to the body’s cells.
Excess cholesterol builds up on the walls of blood
vessels – clogged arteries result.
What common cause of death may
result from clogged arteries?
Proteins – made of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen, but also contain nitrogen.
Necessary for growth and repair of
body tissues. Made of amino acids.
There are 20 total amino acids, 11 can
be made in the body, 9 others must be
supplied by food: called essential amino
Complete proteins – contain all 9
essential amino acids
Incomplete proteins – contain only
some of the 9 essential amino acids
Meat, poultry, fish and milk products –
complete proteins
Vitamins – compounds that help regulate
certain chemical reactions in the body. Only
vitamins the body makes are D and K.
Fat soluble (dissolves in fat) – A,D,E and K –
can be stored in fat.
Water soluble – cannot be stored in the body,
must be taken regularly in diet or by
supplement. Any excess is excreted in urine.
Minerals – naturally occurring substances that
contribute to the normal functioning of the
body. Helps to build structural components of
the body.
Macro and trace minerals
Macro- calcium, chlorine, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur
Sodium is an electrolyte (electronically
charged particle)
Trace mineral – iron, can be supplemented
Water – 60-70% water
Dehydration – when the amount of water excreted
exceeds the amount of water taken in.
How is water excreted?
Effects of caffeine? Alcohol? Vomiting? Diarrhea?
Water loss through perspiration helps cool the body.
One sign of heat exhaustion is dry, hot skin. Body
temperature begins to rise because the body cannot
cool itself.
The RDA (recommended dietary
 Carbohydrates
50% or more
 Proteins
15% or more
 Fats
30% or LESS
These are daily percentage ranges