AbstractID: 9890 Title: Quality Control Testing of Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Units: QC overview The recommendations of the American College of Radiology’s Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Quality Control Manual will be discussed. This session will provide an overview of the QC program requirements for medical physicists and technologists. For each of these QC tests, typical procedures, acceptable results and potential problems will be presented. Machine-specific issues will be addressed in subsequent program sessions. The author is a paid lecturer and consultant for Lorad. Educational Objectives: 1. Review ACR Accreditation recommendations for QC testing of stereotactic breast biopsy units. 2. To educate the medical physicist in the methods of performing the physicists tests described in the ACR Stereotactic Breast Biopsy QC Manual. 3. To prepare the medical physicist to evaluate the Radiologic technologist’s QC program, and make suggestions for improvement.