2010-2013 Catholic School Learning Plan for Our Lady of Providence... 2010-2011 (Year 1) Progress Report

2010-2013 Catholic School Learning Plan for Our Lady of Providence Elementary School
2010-2011 (Year 1) Progress Report
Culture, and
By the end of June
2013, the percentage
of students at OLOP
from Kindergarten to
Grade 8 feeling a sense
of belonging, inclusion,
connectedness, and
safety will increase
compared to baseline
data to be collected
using the Catholic
community, Culture
and Caring Survey in
2010-2011 (Year 1 of
the CSLP).
Action Plans to Support SMART Goal(s)
CCCCAT (Catholic Community, Culture
and Caring Action Team) implemented
Youth Faith Ambassador Program
Offer a variety of activities to keep students
engaged (i.e. musical production,
houseleague sports, etc)
Develop and provide opportunities for
community participation in school activities
(Family Masses, Sacramental Preparation,
Virtues Assemblies, etc)
Regular school visits from our parish priest
Parish planning meetings are scheduled
with administration.
School Trustee invitation to Community
Open House, BBQ, school events and
Council meetings.
Students participated in Peace Tree
Conference and Social Justice Conference
Our Lady of Providence engages in a
variety of activities that model good
stewardship of resources, including:
School Eco-Team
Recycling program
Communication in newsletter
Innovation grant (Virtues in Action)
Continue to develop student and staff
servant leadership and outreach
opportunities: i.e ShareLife Hockey Game,
United Way, Food Bank, Thanksgiving
food Drive, Christmas Charity Gift Drive
for needy families, visits to home for the
elderly, support for BAGS, PALS, all with
the ultimate view to promoting authentic
staff/student leadership
Sacramental preparation
Faith-based Literacy resources provided for
primary classes
In Progress
The sense of belonging,
inclusion, connectedness
and safety continues to
improve at Our Lady of
Providence, as the number
of engaging activities
provided to students
continues to increase as
The CCCC Survey results will
be available in 2013.
By the end of June
2011, student
performance at Our
Lady of Providence
School will increase by
2% on each EQAO
assessment of Literacy
School Liturgies
Pastoral Plan
Virtues Assemblies continue on a monthly
Opening Prayers on announcements (daily)
Bullying Prevention Programs
Gospel beliefs are an integral part of the
daily life of the school
Code of Behaviour based on Gospel values
Religion program
Guided Reading / Guided Practice as a
school focus
Success Criteria as a school focus
Continued to deepen our understanding of,
critical thinking and metacognition skills, as
described in The Ontario Curriculum –
Language Reading expectations 1.4 to 1.9
Continued school –based support, Stream
(Junior Literacy) support and SAT teacher
support in the area of Primary Literacy
(TLCP focus – Summary / Main Idea /
Making Connections / Point of View)
Purchased ‘Moving Up’ resources for
grades 4-6
Viewed LNS Literacy / TLCP / Critical
Literacy webcasts
Continued to integrate High Yield strategies
and differentiated instruction based on the
strengths and needs of the students (literacy
walls, success criteria, conferencing, guided
reading, independent reading, shared
reading, descriptive feedback, teacher
Intermediate focus on the Integrated Arts
initiatives (SMART Boards imbedded in all
areas of the curriculum)
Uninterrupted blocks of time for Literacy
Teaching/Learning Critical Pathways
Identified learners who may be at risk to
determine appropriate support
The 2011 EQAO data is not
yet available, however, CASI
and PM Benchmark scores
do indicate an increase in
student achievement in the
area of literacy.
By the end of June
2011, student
performance at Our
Lady of Providence
will increase by 3% on
each EQAO assessment
of Numeracy.
Pathways and
By June 2011, all
students requiring
transition support will
be provided seamless
and appropriate
supports as indicated
by personalized
assessment and
evaluation information.
Continued implementation of Assistive
Technology to support diverse learners
Monitored and reviewed progress of
identified students through Special
Education Resource team
Assessment For, As and Of Learning
Gradual Release of responsibility is used to
scaffold learning for students
TLCPs led by administration staff
PD provided at ALL staff meetings
Growing Success Half Day inservice for
Support Summer Institutes
Focused on Three Part Lesson
(presentation at Divisional Forums)
Viewed LNS webcast as a staff
SMART Boards used consistently during
Math Classes for grade eight students
Special Education Resource to support
numeracy learning and achievement for
students of diverse needs
Homework Help program (online) for
students in grades seven and eight
Supporting and tracking use of math
PD provided at ALL staff meetings
Growing Success Half Day inservice for
Support Summer Institutes
Cross-panel transition meetings as per the
board document, “Being, Becoming and
Completion of Cross Panel elementary to
secondary transition forms
Transition meetings with secondary panel
for At-Risk students in May
Transition meetings for all ASD students
Transition plans on IEPs
Special Education and Support Services
programs to support students with diverse
learning needs (e.g., planned entry)
The 2011 EQAO data is not
yet available, however,
classroom summative
assessment scores do
indicate a slight increase in
student achievement in the
area of numeracy.
Continue to support
transition activities at school
Continue to collaborate with
Secondary Schools to
support students’ success
Continue to collaborate with
community partners
Support and
Transition kits, School visits, modified days
Welcome to Kindergarten evening
Junior Kindergarten interviews with parents
High needs secondary school program visits
for parents of students entering specialized
programs in Secondary School
Continue to ensure training
for staff as directed by
Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board
Continue to promote and
support staff in their
professional development
Continue to provide training
for staff at school with
respect to the expected
practices of Guided Reading
and the
3-Part Math Lesson
Continue to allocate
funds to support
students’ learning needs
and aligned with school