FOR ACTION Board of Trustees Charles Stewart Mott Community College Regular Meeting, August 25, 2008 Volume 40 Treasurer’s Report for July 2008 This resolution is recommended. Be it Resolved, That The Charles Stewart Mott Community College Board of Trustees Accepts the financial report of the College for the month of July 2008 as presented by the Administration. Reviewed and Submitted By: _____________________________________ Lawrence A. Gawthrop, Interim CFO Date: August 25, 2008 Board Policy Statement Reference: “3100 Budget Adoption: General: The Board recognizes that its annual budget represents the programmatic direction and vision of the College. It is also designed to meet both the legal requirements and needs of the College. 1. The Finance Committee shall receive and review budget reports on a monthly basis.” July Treasurer’s Report Lawrence A. Gawthrop, CPA Interim Chief Financial Officer August 13, 2008 Summary of Expenditures: Month of July Spending: General Fund: All Other Funds: Total: $ 2,251,025 $ 1,934,637 ----------------$ 4,185,662 ======== Comments on General Fund Financial Statements: • Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets Typically, July general fund expenditures are the lowest of any month in the fiscal year. The main reason for the low level of expenditures is that much of the payroll paid in July is not expensed in July but rather accrued back to June, with the largest part of this accrual representing full time faculty pay for their fiscal year 07-08 contracts. In summary, total revenues for the one-month period ended July 31, was approximately $6.1 million, representing 8.7% of the annual budget. This was slightly ahead of last year at this time, when we had recognized 8.2 % of budgeted revenues and an increase of 3.6% when comparing actual amounts year over year. Expenditures year-to-date were at $2.3 million dollars, which represents 3.2% of the annual budget. This was .5% lower in spending than last year at this time when compared to the previous year’s budget. Revenues Tuition and fee revenues are $5.2 million for the one month ended, an increase of $183 thousand from last year at this time. This positive variance is mainly due to credit-side enrollment figures for summer and fall being slightly higher than last year and higher than anticipated as of the July reports. Property taxes were $657 thousand for July, and are on pace with the budgeted amounts. We have budgeted a $60,000 decrease in total tax collections for the year based on the final taxable value figures provided to us from the Genesee County Equalization Department. State appropriations payments for FY2008-09 are paid in monthly installments starting with October. The total budgeted amount for the current year is $15.2 million based on a 2.9% increase from the prior year. After our budget was adopted, the State through its budget balancing measures is now proposing a 2% increase. The potential effect to us if this holds will be a decrease of approximately $132,500. Expenditures Salaries and wages are negligibly lower than last year, and total $687 thousand for the one month ended July. Fringe benefit expenses at approximately $725 thousand are pretty consistent when compared with the prior year. We currently have four Collective Bargaining Agreement Contracts open in this fiscal year that will have a future financial impact. Other Expenditures The most significant changes in the Other Expenses area were an decrease of approximately $325 thousand in the Contracted Services line item and a increase of approximately $245 thousand in the Operations and Communications line item. As noted in the budget presentation in June, the Datatel license payments were previously charged to the Contracted Services area. It was determined that a more accurate depiction of this expenditure should be in Operations and Communications. This change in classification and a significant payment made to Teoma Systems in the previous fiscal year that did not occur in the current year comprise the variances reflected on the July statement. The Utilities and insurance and Facilities Rent line item variances are a result of timing of the July payments made to vendors. In the Transfer line item, an allocation the 72 fund was made in July of 2007 that did not occur this year. • Balance Sheet On the Balance Sheet, figures shown “As of July 31, 2008” are preliminary until the FY 07-08 year-end closeout and audit are complete. At that point, final June 30, 2008 totals will be carried forward. This is scheduled to take place at the end of October, with the November Treasurer’s Report being the first month to reflect the final audited beginning balances for this fiscal year. Total Assets were at approximately $19.1 million, up $4.6 million from last July. The largest differences were comprised of a $4.0 million increase in Short-term investments a $280 thousand increase in Cash and cash equivalents, a $855 thousand increase in Accounts Receivable, and a $446 thousand decrease in Prepaid expenses and other assets for a total net increase of $4.6 million. The variances reflected in the Cash and cash equivalents and Short-term investments are the result of the continued focus of the College to maximize its investment earnings. The majority of the increase in Accounts Receivable is the result of delayed collection procedures following the conversion and the current year allowance not yet recorded which is estimated to be $700 thousand. At $5.9 million, Total Liabilities were down approximately $971 thousand from last year’s July balance. The most significant changes were in the areas of Accounts payable, Accrued payroll and related liabilities, and Due to other funds. The Accounts payable and Accrued payroll and related liabilities decreases were the result of invoices from Follett Bookstore’s summer semester not being received in July as it was the previous year and the August invoices for MESSA and Health Plus being paid in July this year and August last year. The College maintains one checking account for all of its funds; deposits and disbursements. This necessitates the short-term “loaning” or “borrowing” between the funds throughout the year depending on which funds revenue or expenditures are being deposited or paid out. Each month the accounting department clears these “due to’s” and “due from’s” respectively assigning the activity to the proper fund. However, significant activity can occur after these transfers are completed, causing large variances when compared to the previous 12 month period. This is the case in the current month and the reason for the $1.4 million increase in this inter-fund activity. Comments on spending from other funds: • Of the $1.9 million spent in the other funds, $1.6 million was expended out of the Agency Scholarships, Federal Grants, for grant activities and student scholarships and the Maintenance and Replacement Fund and Bond Issue 2008 fund for capital improvements. Mott Community College General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets For the 1 Month Ended July 31, 2008 With Comparative Totals at July 31, 2007 FY 2008-2009 Original Budget YTD Actuals as YTD Actuals as of 7/31/08 of 7/31/07 $ $ Actual to Actual $ Change Actual to Actual % Change Revenues: Tuition and fees 26,413,127 Property taxes 24,437,088 State appropriations 15,159,600 5,207,147 657,230 - $ 5,023,760 579,621 - $ 183,387 3.52% 77,609 11.81% - 0.00% 2.86% Ballenger trust 1,841,880 152,912 148,544 4,368 Grants and other 2,444,621 64,101 110,964 (46,863) 70,296,316 6,081,390 5,862,889 Salaries and wages 36,801,821 687,054 Fringe benefits 14,821,225 Contracted services Materials and supplies Total revenues -73.11% 218,501 3.59% 729,116 (42,062) -6.12% 724,893 714,245 10,648 1.47% 4,337,883 103,652 429,157 (325,505) 1,941,497 51,537 32,378 19,159 Expenditures: Facilities rent -314.04% 37.18% 216,628 38,056 10,274 27,782 73.00% Utilities and insurance 2,910,448 251,825 345,138 (93,313) -37.05% Operations/communications 5,658,234 392,169 148,486 243,683 62.14% Transfers 3,249,217 222,135 (222,135) Capital outlay Total expenditures Net increase/(decrease) in net assets - (1,253) 3,092 -100.00% 206,313 1,839 168.13% 70,143,266 2,251,025 2,629,676 (378,651) -16.82% 153,050 3,830,365 3,233,213 597,152 15.59% Mott Community College General Fund Balance Sheet July 31, 2008 With Comparative Totals at July 31, 2007 As of July 31, 2008 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short term investments Accounts receivable - net of allowance for uncollectible accounts ($2,242,371 for 2009 and $2,412,060 for 2008) Inventories Prepaid expenses and other assets Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll and related liabilities Deposits held for others Due to other funds $ 2,258,981 13,617,990 As of July 31, 2007 $ 3,054,860 46,045 102,857 1,979,287 9,664,760 $ Change $ 2,199,538 46,045 549,127 279,694 3,953,230 855,322 (446,270) $ 19,080,733 $ 14,438,755 $ 4,641,978 $ 215,940 1,300,420 15,545 1,848,934 $ 305,376 1,614,039 12,938 359,041 $ (89,436) (313,619) 2,607 1,489,893 Total Current Liabilities 3,380,839 2,291,394 2,506,057 2,624,576 (118,519) 5,886,896 4,915,970 970,926 Net Assets Unrestricted 13,193,837 9,522,785 3,671,052 Total Net Assets 13,193,837 9,522,785 3,671,052 Accrued termination pay Total Liabilities Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 19,080,733 $ 14,438,755 1,089,445 $ 4,641,978