Principal’s Message

April 2016
5820 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5J9
Telephone: (905) 814-9216
Fax: (905) 814-9217
Principal’s Message
D. Della Rossa
As our Lenten journey has come to an
end, we witness many signs of spring.
We celebrate Easter—the resurrection of
Christ where new life springs eternal for
us all. May the blessings of Easter fill
your hearts and homes with the signs of
S. Droy
Mississauga North
T. Cruz
Merciful Redeemer Parish
Phone: 905-812-0030
Fr. Vid Vlasic
An Easter Prayer
Lord, You have arisen forever
In my heart!
Associate Pastor
Fr. Scott Birchall
School Council Co-Chairs
Cristina Gouveia
Michelle Martinovic
Esther O’Toole
Ward 9 Phone: 905-812-5163
Attendance Verification
Phone: 905-814-9216
Web Site
DPCDSB is now on
For the
latest board news and
information, follow us
May the sunrise
Remind me to shine in Your light.
May the caress of a gentle breeze
Remind me of Your compassion.
May the fragrance of a flower
Remind me to blossom in Your love.
May the singing of birds
Bring a song of joy to my lips.
And in the closing of each day
May I remember to quietly pray.
Wherever I am, whatever I do
May my thoughts in joy return to
We ask this prayer through Jesus our
Catholic School Advisory Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Please join us.
Our surroundings are filled with spring
blooms. We begin to see tulips, crocuses
and other spring flowers trying to pierce
the ground and begin the cycle of rebirth
in the near future. The concept of spring
cleaning begins to take root in our environments. This is true around our
school as we freshen up our community
after the winter. The peace garden will
begin to come alive again as we plant
new living things
Our Catholic School Advisory Council in
partnership with Divine Mercy School
has organized a parent evening featuring
Orlando Bowen as a guest speaker and a
Yoga Wellness session for students on
Wednesday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m. in
the gym . Please join us.
The continuous cycle of rebirth represents our hope for the future and God’s
challenge for each of us to embrace the
many gifts and talents that we have.
Spring is a time when the daylight hours
become extended. The symbol of light
offers us a positive image of Christ and
represents His challenge to us since He
asks us to light the path for others. It is
our hope that this season of spring
brings a period of health and rest to our
entire school community.
D. Della Rossa
Virtues and Ontario Catholic School
Graduate Expectations
I am a loving person.
I show my love by doing kind things and saying kind words.
I treat others as I want to be treated.
I love God and all that God has created, including myself.
What is Love?
Love is caring for someone. It is wanting to be near those you care
about and wanting to share everything with them because they mean so
much to you. Love is a feeling that fills your heart. “Love is patient and
kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love
does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not
rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”1 Corinthians 13
You are practicing the Virtue of LOVE when you…
Are helpful to those in need
Do not expect recognition for doing good
Use kind and loving words
Sacrifice for others
Appreciate everything around you as a gift of love from
A Holistic
With the support of our
Catholic School Advisory Council our students will partake in a
series of yoga sessions to support our
mindfulness training to
become the best life
learners students can be.
Fire and Lockdown Drills
As part of DPCDSB’s safety protocol, every school is
required to hold three fire drills and one lockdown drill
each term in order to familiarize students with procedures to follow in the case of emergency. Our students
have demonstrated excellent skill during these practices.
Eco School News
OLOM is going GREEN!
The staff and students are working hard to reach our
continued ECO-certified status! The eco-team has
organized several initiatives to educate our school on
the importance of conserving energy, minimizing
waste and reducing plastic water bottle use. Here is
a snapshot of our Eco activities.
WASTELESS THURSDAYS Remember, ECO stands for:
Environment, Community, One
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), also referred to as autism, is a neurological disorder which causes developmental disability. Autism affects the way the brain functions, resulting in difficulties with communication and
social interaction, and unusual patterns of behaviour, activities and interests. In general, ASD occurs in about 1
in 200 people in Canada and is four times more common
in boys than girls. Autism is not related to race, ethnicity,
family income, lifestyle or parenting; it knows no color,
race, religion, sex, or age. "God made us all unique and
different, yet he put the same amount of love and commitment to us all!" (anonymous) For more detailed information about Autism visit: http://
Are You Moving
At this time, next year’s school population has been projected at 320 students. As planning has
begun with respect to formulating classes and general
school organization for the 2016—2017 school year,
please inform the office as soon as possible if you are
planning to move between now and September 2016.
Also, if you have already moved and not informed the
office of your new address, please do so immediately
as our school records must be accurate at all times.
School Community News
The French Immersion Program at Divine Mercy
Elementary School was established as a Grades 1 to
4 program with Our Lady of Mercy Elementary
School as the sister site that would continue the program for students in Grades 5 to 8. We are excited
to welcome the third group of Grade 5 French Immersion students and families to Our Lady of Mercy
beginning September 2016. The Grade 4s and
Grade 5 French Immersion students shared in a
Friendship Day with the Grade Fours from Divine
Mercy on Friday, February 12th. Our Welcome to
Parent Night for French Immersion will take place
Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
Community Connection
Catholic Education Week will be the week of May 1st –
6th, 2016.
As always, Catholic Education Week begins on Sunday
to highlight the parish-home-school partnership that
remains the foundation of Catholic education. We are
pleased to announce the theme for 2016 is:
“Blessed are the merciful,
for they will receive mercy.” – Matthew 5:7
“Heureux les miséricordieux,
car ils obtiendront miséricorde.” – Matthieu 5,7
The subthemes for Catholic Education Week 2016 are
as follows:
Monday May 2: Mercy that Welcomes
Lundi Mai 2: La miséricorde qui accueille
Come experience Eden’s Family Night!
Take steps to teach your children about social justice and
compassion for others while making a difference in your community by participating in one of our Family Nights. Join other
families to help hungry families get the food and assistance
they need.
Family Night takes place once a month at 2-3185 Unity Drive
in Mississauga and there is limited space, so you must register in advance. Families must bring food with them to donate
(ideally 10-12 items per participating child).
The evening includes a tour of our facilities, information
about hunger in western Mississauga and then families get
to sort through the food brought in that evening and any other food that might have been dropped off that day.
Family night is geared towards children ages 4-12 and all
children must be accompanied by at least one
parent/guardian. (All participants must wear closed-toed
Family Volunteer Nights
Family Night, Wednesday May 11, 2016 |
Tuesday May 3: Mercy that Loves
Mardi Mai 3: La miséricorde qui aime
Welcome To Kindergarten Night 6:00-7:00PM
Wednesday May 4: Mercy that Forgives
Mercredi Mai 4: La miséricorde qui pardonne
Sick Kids Walk 9:30 A.M.
Thursday May 5: Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Jeudi Mai 5: La miséricorde qui vit l’Évangile
Friday May 6: Mercy that Rejoices
Vendredi Mai 6: La miséricorde qui rend grâce
Volunteer Appreciation 1:30 P.M.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 2016
Be “the voice of children” and walk with us during
Catholic Education Week.
We are Kids walking for KIDZ., or call Christina at 905785-3651 x225.
Food Allergies & Anaphylaxis
Our Lady of Mercy is an allergen aware school.
There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods.
Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe
life threatening reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe
and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise, and latex. An anaphylactic reaction
involves symptoms from two or more body systems.
Safety of all our students is paramount.
We at Our Lady of Mercy, would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT
sending any lunches or snacks that contain any ingredients identified as food allergens for students in
your child’s class.
Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. We also ask
that you review the letters that were sent home at
the beginning of the school year that spoke to specific allergens in your child’s classroom.
Dates to Remember
4 and 5—Yoga Classes Begin
School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Confirmation 3:00P.M. @ Merciful Redeemer
PA Day
Intermediates @ Scooters(AM)
Team and Club Photos
Yoga Session #2
Intermediates @ Scooters(AM)
Heads Up @ St. Edith Stein
Pro Grant Parent Evening 6:30-7:30P.M.
First Communion 5:00P.M. at Merciful Redeemer
Intermediates @ Scooters(AM)
Rosary Apostolate Visits
Hot Dog Day
May 1—6 Catholic Education Week
Welcome to Kindergarten 6-7PM
For celebrations, we are once again asking that food
NOT be brought into the school since we cannot
control the ingredients in many baked items.
Sick Kids Walk @ 9:30A.M.
Kindergarten Trip
Parent Volunteer Appreciation 1:30P.M.
If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s
teacher or to school staff. Your co-operation in helping to keep all our pupils safe is greatly appreciated.
Yoga Session #3
Heart and Stroke Kickoff
P.A. Day
Our Catholic Heritage
School Council Meeting-6:30 p.m.
Victoria Day-No School
Intermediate Trip
Heart and Stroke Skip off
Soccer Tournament
How did separate school boards survive without corporation tax revenues? The separate school trustees
controlled the boards’ budgets with more pupils per classroom than in the public schools, with much lower wages,
with bare-bones programs, with small playgrounds, and
with minimum expenditures for the erection of new
schools. These methods still could not balance their budgets. The main contribution for the survival of separate
schools came from the religious teaching Orders. They
supplied principals and teachers and worked for salaries
of $300 to $600 a year when public school teachers were
earning $3,000 and up. There is no question that Ontario’s Catholics owe today’s separate schools to the religious Orders.
25 to June 8 EQAO Gr. 3 and 6 Testing
Welcome to French Immersion 6:30p..m.
PA Day—No School Today
Graduation and Year End Mass 10:00A.M.
Ceremony @ Credit Valley Golf Course @6:00P.M.
Report Cards Sent Home
30 Last Day / Intermediate Dance(PM)