‘We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.’ Mother Teresa Dear Parents/Guardians and Students: For the past few years, St. John the Baptist School has focused on value formation through our Monthly Virtues Program. Each month we highlight one virtue (faith, empathy, conscience, hope, kindness etc.) and encourage students to demonstrate this virtue during the month. The St. John the Baptist community has long been known for its kindness and generosity towards those in need in our community. As part of our focus on Catholic values and morals and in the spirit of the Good Samaritan, we are starting a new initiative called: ”I Can Make a Difference in the World” 10 hours of community service Gr. 5-8. Students in Grade Five to Grade Eight will be asked to perform 10 hours of community service by the end of the school year. What is community service? Anytime you are helping someone outside of your immediate family out of the goodness of your heart, during your free time, for no payment is considered community service. Where can these hours be completed? Help your school – tutor younger students, help coach teams or younger students, PALS, Faith Ambassadors, Office Helpers, Environmental Club, Library, sit on Student Council or any combination of these activities during recesses or before/after school. Help your neighbours - cut an elderly neighbour’s grass, raking, shoveling snow, babysitting Help your community - organizing a group of friends to clean up a neighbourhood park or area, getting involved in parish service activities, volunteer at the library, Our greatest hope. Servitude to those in need, out of the generosity of your heart, we believe is the center of who we are as Catholics. Our greatest hope is that students learn the deep value of helping others in life, and will carry on with these generous actions of volunteerism in their own life. Each and every one of us has the power to change the world for the better by performing acts of kindness. How do we track our hours? Students fill out the attached tracking sheet. Note, that the adult who is supervising the volunteer work is required to sign that the duty has been completed. When are they due? All hours must be completed and returned to your classroom teacher by May 4th 2012. The tracking sheet, a one page written reflection of what you learned from this experience of serving others as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, and an oral presentation sharing with your class your volunteer work experiences will all be part of this initiative. Teachers will be using this as part of each student’s summative Religion mark in Third Term. Tips and suggestions. Talk over ideas of how you can fulfill your 10 hours with your parents. Speak to your teachers if you need help or clarification. Please return this portion to your child’s teacher that you have read and understood this initiative. Student Name: __________________________ Parent Signature:__________________ (please print) ”I Can Make a Difference in the World” "In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us." Flora Edwards Thank you for your help and support in making St. John the Baptist School students leaders and students of action in our community. Date e.g. Oct. 2nd Duty # of Hours Adult Supervisor Position Volunteered at food bank 30 min Karen Smith Food Bank Coordinator Supervisor Signature