What’s happening in… First Grade February 15-19 Reminders/News •Find Mrs. Wood’s class on Facebook (Type Mrs. Wood’s class into the search box) •Keep track of books read for book-it (February) •Whitney, Will, and Hunter are joining the clip chart hall of fame again. •Data and Dinner night has been postponed •And will be rescheduled for a later date. Math We will continue complete Chapter 9: Length. Students will learn to measure things using non-standard units of measurement and to use the term “units” when measuring. Reading Students will be practicing Main idea and details as well as cause/effect. Students will also work on vocabulary skills. Birthdays Wyatt Pennington-3rd Dalee Brooks-9th David Mcfarland-19th Calendar •February 17-College and Career Day •February 18-19-No School, BETA Convention Writing Students will be completing unit 3 of the WriteSteps program, Informational text. Students will begin unit 4: Opinion Writing. Science/ Social Studies We will continue working on our science unit Waves: Light and Sound. This week students will begin learning about communication. Students will be able to describe how people can communicate with each other.