Learning How to Heat With Wood & Pellets…

Learning How to Heat With Wood
& Pellets… Save Money & Be Warm!
December 9, 2013, 7 – 9 p.m.
University of Maryland Extension Calvert County Conference Room
30 Duke Street; Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Are you someone who heats with oil, propane, or a heat pump, but wants to know more
before heating with wood or pellets? Is the high price of oil or the cold air from your
heat pump getting you down? Heating with wood or pellets can dramatically reduce
your winter heating costs and provide real warmth. Residential heating with wood or
pellets increased 177% in Calvert County from 2000 to 2010, so many citizens are
aware of the benefits - why not learn how you can benefit?
Advances in wood burning technology have dramatically improved efficiency and
reduced emissions of residential stoves. This isn’t Grandpa’s smoky old wood stove!
Firewood is one of the most economical forms of renewable energy available today
but the use of wood pellets is increasing because they are readily available and pellet
stoves are easily installed without the need of an expensive chimney.
Better yet, the Maryland Energy Administration has a wood grant program that which will pay $500 toward the cost of a
clean-burning wood stove and $700 toward a pellet stove. This workshop will provide you the resources to help the
beginner or the experienced wood user to make it happen!
Below are some of the topics to be covered, but bring your questions and they will be answered!
Advances in wood energy technology
Wood stove audit checklist
Improvements in wood boiler technology
How to buy and install a new wood stove or boiler
Best practices to maximize the efficiency of
Buying and storing firewood and pellet
wood boilers - sizing, underground
How to properly season (dry) firewood
waterline insulation, & firewood moisture.
Increasing the efficiency of wood burning units
Primary Speakers:
Jonathan Kays, Natural Resources Specialist, University of Maryland Extension
Local wood & pellet stove dealer
Registration: Cost $5 per person to cover cost of materials. Please use the attached registration form, make checks
payable to the University of Maryland and mail to: UM Extension, Box 486, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. Please
register by December 5, 2013. For further information, please call the Extension Office at 410-535-3662 or visit our
website at: http://extension.umd.edu/calvert-county . If accommodation is required for a disability or language barrier
please contact the Extension Office at least 2 weeks prior to the workshop.
Heating With Wood Workshop Registration Form – Please return by December 5, 2013
City, State, Zip
Land line phone
Cell phone
E-mail address
# of people attending
Amount Included ($5 per person)
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual
orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin.