OCTOBER 2015 Prayer of Thanksgiving Blessed are You, loving Father,

“Teach Me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge”
66 Main Street South, Brampton, Ontario L6W 2C6
Telephone: 905-451 - 1020 Fax: 905-451-0161
P. Roul
A. Magalhaes
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Council Chair:
Sue Steer
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: Ward 3
Anna Podesta– da
(905) 890-1221
(905) 706-5679
Parish: St. Mary
Catholic Church
66A Main Street, South
Brampton, Ontario L6W
2C6(905) 451 - 2300
Fr. Liborio Amaral,
Blessed are You, loving Father,
for all of Your gifts to us.
Blessed are You for giving us the gift of
family and friends.
We pause and give You thanks, Lord, for all these gifts:
For the rains that give life,
for the harvest.
As we rejoice in Your kindness,
We pray for those who are in need.
Open our hearts to them and teach us to be
generous to others as
You are to us.
Thank you, God!
Virtue of the Month – Empathy Virtue of
the month – Empathy
As a school, we continue to recognize and celebrate
the “Virtues”. During October, we are focusing on
the virtue of “Empathy”. We understand empathy to
mean the ability to identify with, and feel other
people’s concerns. We believe that in a faith
community, we are built on a foundation of
An empathetic person: listens
attentively, watches people’s body language, notices
and responds when someone is upset, can see a
situation from another’s point of view, can name his
or her feelings, and knows that different people may
feel differently about the same thing. Each one of us
is challenged to exhibit and witness this powerful
virtue of “empathy”.
Student Accident Insurance…..
The forms for Student Accident Insurance have been
sent home. This coverage is optional, but very
affordable and it is highly recommended, especially
for those doing sports at the school and those
attending the school. Payment for the plan should be
sent directly to the insurance company and not to the
school. If you did not receive the package let us know
and another will be sent home.
Thanksgiving Weekend…
This is a reminder that Monday October 12 is a
holiday and the school will be closed. The St
Mary staff would like to wish you and your family
a Happy Thanksgiving!
Staff Update for 2015 – 2016…
Below is a list of our staff for 2015 - 2016:
S. Marchese
A. Swatogor
M. Inches
S. Esty
S. Magnone
A. Parapura
E. Rosati-Costa
E. Ozog
C. Daniel
K. Hung
A. Michalsky
R. Poli
S. Kraszewski
A. Chudzynski
P. Wolfenden
A. Conflitti
S. Accocella
D. Andreacchio
L. Vieira
M. Hosten
P. Ferraro
E. Caschera
A. Magalhaes
P. Roul
Thanksgiving Food Drive …
St. Mary Catholic School will be collecting nonperishable food items from October 5th to October 9th.
The items will be donated to many needy families in our
community. Each student at St. Mary Catholic School
is encouraged to bring one food item to school. Items
such as canned soup, beans, rice, noodles, cereal, and
tuna would be appreciated.
Your support and donations are truly appreciated.
Student Supervision Times…
Please note that teachers are on supervision duty 15
minutes before the start of the school day. For safety
reasons we ask that you NOT drop your child off at
the school prior to 8:15 a.m. Students are not allowed
in the school prior to 8:15 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m.
unless they are under the direct supervision of a
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil
Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March
2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school
boards on managing and reviewing underutilized
school space, including potential school closures,
and for the greater coordination and sharing of
planning related information between school
boards and other community partners.
World Teachers’ Day…
On October 5th, Dufferin-Peel schools will join the
Chorus of voices world-wide to acknowledge the key
role teachers play in guiding children, through the
life-long learning process. World Teachers' Day
gives us an opportunity to recognize and thank
the dedication and value of our teachers at
St. Mary Catholic School.
The guideline requires all school boards in the
province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation
Review Policies and to invite public input into the
policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board’s draft amended
Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be
available for review and comment on the Board’s
website at www.dpcdsb.org until 4:30 pm on Friday,
October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also
be available for reference and review. Please
consider reviewing and providing input on this
Student absences …
We strongly encourage parents/guardians to
please call the school if your child is going to be
absent or late. You may phone the school at any
time and leave a message. Be sure to state your
child’s name and teacher’s name. The school phone
number is 905-451-1020 and press # 0 for the
attendance line.
When students are late they will need to go to the
office for a late slip before entering their classroom.
Family Vacations…
If your family will be taking a vacation throughout
the school year please inform the office in writing
prior to the trip. If your child will be looked after by
a relative or family friend while you are away please
inform the office of the contact information to be
used in the event of an emergency.
School Council Pizza Days…
Pizza Days will be offered every
Wednesday for students. The money
raised will be going back into the school.
The students will be offered cheese pizza
and it will cost $1.50 per slice. The money will be
collected every Wednesday morning or preordered
over a ten week period.
Please bring your own snacks and drinks.
Choir Performance at City Hall
We have been lucky to have had the opportunity to
sing at the Flag Raising event at Brampton City Hall
in honour of National Seniors' Day!
So many fun and exciting opportunities keep coming
our way and the talented choir and vocal team are
ready for the challenge.
Practices are Thursday at lunch recess - newcomers
from grades 1 - 8 are welcome!
St Mary in the Community
Ms. Hung and Ms. Parapura's class are so excited to
have the opportunity to sing the Fire Safety theme
song at a flag raising event at City Hall on October
5th for Fire Safety Awareness week.
What a great way to be a part of our
community! Go St. Mary Eagles!
Student Council
Students interested in running for executive
positions on Student Council will receive applications
on Tuesday, October 6th. Students in grades 6, 7,
and 8 can fun for the positions of Treasurer and
Secretary. Students in grades 7 and 8 can run for
Deputy Prime Minister, and students in grade 8 can
run for the position of Prime Minister. Applications
are due by Friday, October 16th. Campaigns will
run from Monday, October 19th until Thursday,
October 22nd. Speeches and elections will take
place on Friday, October 23rd. Each grade 3 to 8
class will elect a class representative. Candidates
for the position of class representative will be
required to present a speech to their classes.
The Lunch Table…
We have many parents who drop off lunches for their
children at school. A table has been placed in the
office for lunches. Lunches MUST be labeled with
your child’s name. Classes are NOT to be
interrupted for students to pick up lunches. Please let
your child know in the morning if they should expect
to have a lunch dropped off. Then at lunch time your
child can come down and pick up their lunch.
Volunteer Police Checks….
We as a staff greatly appreciate the efforts of our
parent/guardian volunteers. These individuals enable
us to enrich the curriculum for our students. Board
policy requires that all volunteers must produce a
police check to the principal of the school. These
forms are available in the school’s office. We ask that
you complete the form and take it to the local police
station with two pieces of identification (one with a
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this
process please feel free to contact the school.
Driveway Safety…
The Front Driveway… Your assistance is
required in helping to use the bus loading zone
located closest to our school. Please respect our drivein drop off points. Students and parents are reminded
to follow our already established procedure for
dropping off. Please share the above information
with family members or care givers who may be
picking up or dropping off your child. As a reminder,
we do not have a kiss and ride because we have a
parking lot that children walk through to get into
school. Please remember to park your car in the
designated areas. Thank you in ensuring the safety of
your child as well as all students at St. Mary Catholic
Bus Transportation…
Transportation for all Peel Region schools is under
the direction of Student Transportation of Peel
Region (STOPR). Should you have any questions
and/or concerns regarding school bussing, please visit
www.stopr.ca or call (905) 890-6000.
Security at St. Mary Catholic School…
A reminder that all visitors INCLUDING PARENTS
must come to the office, and sign in every time they
need to come into the building during the day.
Visitors need to sign out when they are finished as
If you are picking up your child at school at a time
other than regular dismissal, we ask that you report to
the office. Arrangements will be made for your child
to be sent to the office. If you intend to send someone
else to pick up your children, please inform the office.
We thank you for your cooperation in supporting a
safe environment at St. Mary Catholic School.
No Child Without…
St Mary School is registered with the No Child
Without program that provides one free Medic
Alert bracelet for any child that requires one
due to life threatening allergies or medical
conditions. If you would like a brochure or more
information please speak to your child’s teacher
or pick up information in the office.
The Terry Fox Walk…
On Wednesday September 30,
2015 St. Mary Catholic School
participated in its annual Terry
Fox Walk. The day was a great
success. We would like to thank
committee of teachers for helping
to organize this event. Everyone
worked hard to keep Terry’s dream to find a cure for
cancer alive. The St Mary School community raised
$1181 that was donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.
A single dream, a world of hope.
During lockdown practice, children will be
instructed to move as far away from the doors
and windows as possible. They will be on the
classroom floor, lights out and window blinds
drawn. Children will be expected to be quiet
during this practice. There will be an
announcement made instructing everyone to
“initiate lockdown procedures” followed by
ringing of the school bells.
We ask for your support in helping children
understand the need for this type of practice.
Electronic Communications…
Thank you to all the families who signed up to
receive communications from the school
electronically. We are now in the process of
entering data into our system. We hope to be
able to begin sending electronic
communications in the near future.
If you would like to sign up for this opportunity
please let your child’s teacher know and a form
will be sent home.
Halloween/All Saints Day/ All Souls
It is that time of year when our “little ones” will
want to visit their neighbours for trick or treating. In
school, we will remind them about the safety rules
so that they can both enjoy the evening and stay
Halloween Safety…
Evacuation Drills/Lockdown Drill….
We are required to conduct three fire drills in the
fall and again in the spring, as well as one
lockdown practice in preparation for events we
pray will never occur. We have had two of our
successful fall fire drills and plan to have the
remaining one in the near future as well as our
lockdown drill.
 Choose
 Use face
paint instead
of masks
 Plan a safe
route with your child
 Remind your child of road safety rules
 Accompany your children
 Remind children not to enter homes
 Check the treats before allowing your
children to eat them
Chocolate Fundraiser…
Junior Volleyball…
Our Chocolate fundraiser ends Friday October
9th, 2015. Please send in all money and unsold
chocolates on or before that day. Thank you for
your continued support. You will find updates in
future newsletters outlining the money raised
and the distribution of funds throughout the
The boy’s and Girls’ volleyball
teams are practicing hard for their
upcoming tournament. We would
like to wish both teams the best of
luck as they represent St Mary
School in competition.
Cross Country…
Thanks to all the dedicated athletes who keep
coming out at 7:30am three mornings a week to
train for the cross country meet on Wed., October
14th! We look forward to an exciting day!
St. Mary School Council Update…
We would like to thank the School Council of 20142015 for their hard work and dedication to ensure a
successful school year. We will be hold our first
School Council Meeting on October 5th at 6:15 in the
school library. We look forward to working in
partnership to help enrich our school community.
The School Council is always looking for
volunteers; please let the office know if you are
interested in volunteering.
Dates for School Council Meetings – 2015-2016:
The council meetings dates will be published in the
November newsletter.
Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Soccer
teams for their determined performances at the
Brampton West Family of Schools Soccer
tournament at the end of September. Both
teams played well and finished their days at
1win and 2 losses in close fought games.
Congratulations to Alyssa, Julia, Camryn,
Genelle, Laura, Juliana, Ashante, Emma, Grace,
Edith, Cassandra, Shae, Angelique, and Aliyah
on their fine performance.
Congratulations to Nonso, Jaden, Stajaun,
Josiah, Javouhn, Aaron, Luke, Erik, Nikolas,
Matthew, Nonso, Kyle, Sebastian, Travis, Marc,
and Antoine on their competitive participation.
October 5th – World Teacher’s Day
October 5th – Fire Safety presentation at City Hall
Grade ½ & 5/6
October 5th – School Council @ 6:15pm
October 7th – JR Boys Volleyball
October 8th – JR Girls Volleyball
October 9th – Chocolate Fundraiser due
October 12th – Thanksgiving
October 14th – Cross Country Meet
October 22nd – Picture Day
October 30th – Halloween Spook-A-Thon
November 17th – Picture Re-Take Day
November 17th – Progress Reports sent home
November 19th – Interview Night
Let us be thankful for the blessing we receive.
Let us be thoughtful of others.
Let us remember dear and close friends.
Let us have faith in tomorrow.
Let us live life as a Golden Rule.
Let us find sunlight through the clouds.
Let us believe.
Let us be the people we have the ability to be.
Let us have understanding.
Let us say this thanks in prayer to God for the
gifts He has given.