September 2013 Greetings,

September 2013
As we enter into the new school year, I wish to extend my greetings to returning
families and those families new to the Brampton West Family of Schools. It is my
prayer that you have enjoyed a restful and relaxing summer, filled with memories that
will bring you great joy. I also pray that any difficulties encountered over the summer,
were met with the support, love and care of friends and family. September is a time of
mixed feelings, excitement as we begin a fresh year, and often apprehension as we
address new and unfamiliar territories; be it new friends, new teachers, new schools,
new administrators. Each change provides an opportunity for growth, as we allow the
Holy Spirit to support us in building our self-confidence. With each change we grow in
the knowledge that every new possibility strengthens our character.
Within our schools we are fortunate to have dedicated staff who have worked diligently
to prepare the school and classrooms for learning. I know that your child is being
greeted to a classroom that is supported not only by devoted teachers, but also school
administrators, administrative assistants, custodians and support staff who have spent
many hours preparing for the upcoming school year.
Your school is a part of the larger Brampton West Family of Schools, we are an area that
is constantly growing and welcoming new students and their families. At the end of
August 2013 our population of 12000 students includes children in grades JK - 12 with
new enrollments occurring every day. We consist of 16 elementary schools and 3
secondary schools. Three parishes support our schools’ liturgical plans, working in
partnership with teachers and students to provide spiritual nourishment and
development. Our school communities are privileged to be served by dedicated
trustees: Anna da Silva, Frank Di Cosola and Linda Zanella, each offering a wealth of
experience and a relentless passion for Catholic Education and the success of all
As the newly appointed Superintendent to St. Mary Catholic School, I have the unique
blessing to work with your Trustee Anna da Silva, the team from St. Mary’s parish and
the administration and staff of St. Mary School. I realize that the St. Mary’s community
has been anxiously awaiting the renovations that were delayed, but are now well
underway. Although slow to start and finish, we know that the delay is based on
sound judgement and supports the safety of the students by addressing the most
pressing structural needs of your school. I am certain that Mr. Roul, your new principal,
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, ON L5R 1C3
will carry on the good work of Principal Downey and will ensure that your school
community is well informed of the schedule for renovations.
I look forward to the upcoming year, as I anticipate working with the St. Mary school
faculty. We have much to learn from each other as we endeavour to support progress
for all learners within each aspect of their educational well-being: spiritual, social,
emotional, academic and physical.
As your children mature they will be faced with influences that will both challenge and
confirm the foundation of their faith. The common language and support we share as
role models in their lives will impact greatly on your child’s values as we prepare them
to become Catholic graduates of the future and responsible citizens within our global
society. The staff that comprise the Brampton West Family of Schools is happily
committed to working with its partners to continue to support each child in their quest
for knowledge, happiness and, above all, spiritual development.
I wish you, the families within the Brampton West Family of Schools, every success as
you embrace this new school year. I pray that the Love of Christ continues to be
evident within each relationship and that we continue to hold dear the privilege of
Catholic Education.
May the 2013 / 2014 school year be richly blessed with many fond memories, success
and good health.
S. Steer
The Brampton West Family of Schools
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, ON L5R 1C3