EXPLORING PATHS OF JOY May Father Francis McSpiritt

Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2015
Catholic Education Week
May 4th – 8th, 2015.
G. Sideroff
Vice Principal:
S. Salameh
K. Walsh
J. Carere
D. Oude-Reimerink
Brampton North -East
(905) 890-1221
S. Xaviour
“Walking Together & Sharing our Story”
“Opening the Scriptures”
“Welcoming Others to the Table”
“Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Break”
“Proclaiming the Good News”
Enlightened by Knowledge, Enriched by Faith.
Excellence in Catholic Education
St. Patrick’s Church
(905) 794-0486
Fr. V. Marziliano
You are invited to our school production
“The Wizard of Oz” on May 6 & 7
Father Francis McSpiritt
Catholic School
Show Time: 6:30 PM
55 Lexington Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 2B1
Tickets must be purchased prior to the show
Telephone: (905) 794-5031
Fax- (905) 794-9542
Thank you to Mrs. Rondinelli and her entire team of staff and students
for their dedication and commitment to preparing the students.
We look forward to the performance.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2015
Growing Together in Faith and Celebrating our Differences
Our Virtue for May is ACCEPTANCE
This month, we celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. We will learn that:
An Accepting person……
- Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability
- Sees the positive traits in all people even if s/he disagrees with them
- Avoids judging or stereotyping others
- Understands that there may be more than one way to do things
- Sticks up for the “underdog”
Our prayers in May are devoted to the Mother of God, Mary. Hail Mary, full of grace………
Thank you to Sandra Kaldas, our Settlement Worker, for organizing this event for our parents.
Invitations have been sent home. Please RSVP ASAP as space is limited.
MONDAY, MAY 4TH, 6:00 TO 8:00 PM in school library
We apologize in advance, however, we will not be able to accommodate students/children
Volunteer Social
Once again this year, we would like to recognize all of our school volunteers at an Appreciation Social in our school
library. It goes without saying that we truly appreciate your time and efforts that you have put forth to support our
students throughout the year. Special events would not have been possible if it weren’t for your dedication and
commitment to making McSpiritt School a welcoming community.
An invitation will be coming home shortly.
EQAO Testing
Administration of the grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, 2015 will
be held from May 25 to June 5, 2015. Please ensure that your child is at school during the two
weeks and avoid booking doctor or dentist appointments during that time. Staff and students
have been working very hard to prepare for the assessment and we look forward to positive
results. We encourage all students to put forth their best efforts. Results will be sent home to you
early next school year.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2015
Sports Corner
The Boys & Girls Intermediate Basketball mini-tournament was held at St. Anthony School on April 23.
Congratulations to our girls and boys who both placed 2nd overall. These are excellent results.
Thanks to our coaches Mr. MacNeil and Mr. Toledo.
Coming up: Grade 5 Intramurals, Intermediate Soccer, Track and Field, Beach volleyball, and
Intermediate Fitness Club.
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth,
OSFS, is posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s main webpage at www.dpcdsb.org.
Additional information, including where to report abuse or suspected abuse, is also posted on the
website of Father Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, at www.tdprovince.org and
the Archdiocese of Toronto at www.archtoronto.org . Please consult these sources as appropriate.
The staff and community of Father Francis McSpiritt School are invited to a memorial liturgy to honour
the memory of Mrs. Abulu.
You are invited to join us in the school gym on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 @ 3:30 PM.
From the Desk of Father Vito
Dear students, parents, staff and administrators of our parish schools, greetings and blessings in the
Risen Lord.
In these past few weeks and in weeks to come, our parish community has and continues to rejoice in the
celebrations of First Communion and Confirmation. As we welcome children and young friends to the
Table of the Lord and to Full Initiation into the community, we also become aware of our need as a
Christian community to CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY into deeper understanding and stronger celebration
of our faith.
How can this be achieved? Faith is not a matter of programs. Yes, we do need structure in preparing for
these events, but the true Teacher of our faith is the Liturgy, that is, our coming together to celebrate
the Sacraments, to reflect on God’s Word and to grow as a family of faith. It is in the way we pray that
we understand who we are and what our faith is all about.
I strongly encourage families of the young people celebrating the Sacraments, and all families of our
community, to continue making the Sunday Mass the focal point of our week, and of course, to make
Christ the centre of our life.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2015
Students and parents presently in Grades 6 and 7: Please note!
Beginning in the academic year 2015-2016, the Archdiocese of Toronto will celebrate Confirmation in
Grade 7. Next school year, therefore, students in both grades 7 and 8 will be offered the opportunity to
register and prepare for Confirmation. We ask all who will be registering for Confirmation in our parish,
in the month of September, to please begin preparing by providing a copy of the child’s baptismal
certificate which will be required for registration. If you are not in possession of one, please contact the
church of your child’s baptism to have it prepared.
Thanking you for all that you do to cherish the faith that has been handed down to us and of which we
are faithful stewards, I pray that the Lord may continue to bless your home, the domestic church, with
joy, love, peace and unity.
A blessed month of May, to all of you, under the patronage of Our Blessed Mother Mary, and a joyful
week of Catholic Education.
Sincerely, Fr. Vito Marziliano,
First Communion at St. Patrick Church
First Communion will take place on May 16 with Father Marziliano at St. Patrick Church.There
will be two masses. One at 12 and the second at 2:30. Your child’s teacher would already have
confirmed your time. Please call Mrs. Steward if you have any questions.
For your convenience, our School Council has booked “Edge Imaging” to take pictures of your
child….if you are interested.
The photographer will set up in the church basement and will take pictures before the mass.
For more information, please contact school council.
Grade 8 – Confirmation – May 23
Confirmation with Fr. Marziliano at St. Patrick Church will take place On May 23 at 10:00 AM.
Please ensure that you arrive at least half an hour early as a class photo will be taken outside on
the church steps with a professional photographer from Edge Imaging.
School Council
Next Meeting – May 27 at 6:30 PM. Please join us in the library.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2015
Catholic Education Week Activities
Monday, May 4 – Parents of Grade 3 to 6 students invited to a Math workshop with Trevor
Brown, Math consultant, 6 – 8 PM. Please RSVP.
Tuesday, May 5 - Parents of Kindergarten to Grade 2 students are invited to a Literacy
Workshop by Region of Peel. Please RSVP – 12:00 – 1:15 PM.
Wednesday, May 6 & Thursday, May 7 – School Production “Wizard of Oz” (tickets must be
purchased in advance).
Friday, May 8 – Parents of Grade 7 & 8 students are invited to join Mr. Marmora in the
computer lab for a workshop on “My Blueprint” – career planning program. 1:00 PM.
May 11 – PA Day – No School for Students
May 18 – Victoria Day – No School for Staff and Students
Dates to Remember
May 4-8
May 6 & 7
May 11
May 16
May 27
May 18
May 23
May 25 - June 5
June 3, 4, 5
June 4
June 8
June 10
June 12
June 17
June 24
June 20
June 25
June 26
Catholic Education Week
“The Wizard Of OZ” School Play at 6:30 PM
PA Day – No school for students
First Communion – 12:00 & 2:30 PM
School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in Library
Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL
Confirmation for our Grade 8 students
EQAO Gr, 3 & 6
Dental Screening for Kindergarten, 2 & 8
Welcome to Kindergarten Night – 6:30 PM
PA Day – Assessment & Evaluation Day – No School
BNE Science Olympics @ McSpiritt School
School Wide BBQ organized by School Council
End of Year Mass with Father Marziliano in school Gym
Grade 8 Graduation at La Fontana Banquet Hall- 11:00 AM
Kindergarten – Year 2 students- Moving up Celebration
Kindergarten Play Day
Last Day of School
If you are planning to move out of the Fr. Francis McSpiritt School area, or moving to a new
home, please let the front office know.