Opening Doors of Mercy May Father Francis McSpiritt

Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2016
Catholic Education Week
May 2nd – 6th, 2016.
G. Sideroff
Vice Principal:
J. MacSween
K. Walsh
L. Carpenato
D. Finegan-Downey
Brampton North -East
(905) 890-1221
S. Xaviour
St. Patrick’s Church
(905) 794-0486
Opening Doors of Mercy
“Mercy that Welcomes”
“Mercy that Loves”
“Mercy that Forgives”
“Mercy that Lives the Gospel”
“Mercy that Rejoices”
Excellence in Catholic Education
Our Virtue for May is ACCEPTANCE
This month, we celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. We will learn that:
An Accepting person……
- Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender,
Fr. V. Marziliano
culture or ability
- Sees the positive traits in all people even if s/he disagrees with them
- Avoids judging or stereotyping others
- Understands that there may be more than one way to do things
Father Francis McSpiritt
- Sticks up for the “underdog”
Catholic School
55 Lexington Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 2B1
Telephone: (905) 794-5031
Fax- (905) 794-9542
Our prayers in May are devoted to the Mother of God, Mary.
Hail Mary, full of grace………….
May 13 – PA Day – No School for Students
May 23 – Victoria Day – No School for Staff and Students
Follow us on Twitter - @McspirittDPCDSB
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2016
Growing Together in Faith and Celebrating our Differences
Food Drive for Dr. Simone
Dr. Simone’s warehouse supplies of goods is running very low. Our Youth Faith Ambassadors are coordinating a
food drive in an attempt to replenish the supply of non-perishable items.
Please send an item or two to school with your child.
Thank you.
From the Desk of Father Vito
Dear parents, students, staff, administrators and parishioners of St. Patrick’s parish:
As our Easter Season unfolds, and many of our children and young friends approach the church with
family and loved ones to celebrate their First Holy Communion and Confirmation, we rejoice in the love
and mercy of God who continues to enrich us with his blessings.
Traditionally, the month of May, embracing the Feasts of Easter and Pentecost, reminds us of the early
Christian community. While waiting for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, they remained in the Upper
Room, with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She was their Mother and their teacher.
Continuing that tradition, the Church dedicates the month of May to her love. We look upon her as she
remains for us the perfect disciple of Christ, our Mother and our model in following her beloved Son and
listening to his Word. May her love continue to embrace our families. May her prayers be felt in the
lives and the homes of all who face daily challenges. As the month of May begins, let us turn to her in
confidence and trust, as her beloved children. It was from the Cross that Jesus entrusted all of us, in the
person of John, the beloved disciple, to her, as her sons and daughters, brothers and sisters of the Lord.
During the month of May, let us as individuals and families, turn to her in prayer and ask her to “pray for
us”. Perhaps, as we gather around our dinner table, or at other moments of the day, an extra “Hail
Mary” may be recited each day. Thanking her for her “yes” to God, and for bringing Jesus to us.
Also, May begins with a week dedicated to Catholic Education. I take this opportunity, as I will each day
at Mass this week, to thank God for the gift of Catholic Education. I also wish to congratulate all
involved in our schools. Thank you and God bless you dear principals and vice-principals, teachers and
secretaries, custodians and volunteers. And above all, you, dear parents and guardians, students and all
who believe and support Catholic Education. Let us pray that this gift may continue to be appreciated
and supported by all who are the recipients of its benefits.
Wishing you blessings, love and peace,
Fr. Vito Marziliano, Your pastor.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2016
ACTIVE CHEFS workshop for the McSpiritt Community – May 5, 2016
JOIN US DURING CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Thanks to our school council for organizing this
wonderful event.
Unfortunately, due to a tremendous response, we can no longer accept registrations.
To all who have RSVP’d, we look forward to seeing you. The event will take place in the gym.
EQAO Testing
Administration of the grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, 2016 will be held from
May 25 to June 8, 2016. Please ensure that your child is at school during the two weeks and avoid booking
doctor or dentist appointments during that time. Staff and students have been working very hard to prepare for
the assessment and we look forward to positive results. We encourage all students to put forth their best efforts.
Results will be sent home to you early next school year.
McSpiritt Earth Week
Staff and students participated in a number of “eco- activities’ during the week of April 18,
leading up to Earth Day on April 22.
Lights were turned off and Captain Eco visited the school and read a story to our Kindergarten
classrooms. On April 20, we had an “Earth Day” Carnival Day where classes took part in a fun
filled day of activities. We had spring clean-up and classroom challenges, as well as audits of our
waste and recycling bins.
What a great way to highlight Eco- Awareness! Thanks to our eco-team and staff for
The Big Crunch
Once again this year, staff and students participated in this event in order to raise funds for the
school snack program.
Congratulations to the McSpiritt community for raising $568.80. This money goes directly
towards the purchase of fresh fruits and snacks which is made available to ALL students.
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2016
Sports Corner
The Boys’ Intermediate Basketball mini-tournament was held at St. Anthony School on April 25.
Congratulations to our boys who placed 2nd overall. These are excellent results. We are very
proud of the boys who demonstrated sportsmanship and respect.
Thanks to our coaches Ms. Nicoletta and Mrs. Boland.
Grade 7– Confirmation – May 9
Confirmation with Fr. Marziliano at St. Patrick Church will take place on May 9 at 7:00PM.
Please ensure that you arrive at least half an hour early as a group photo will be taken outside on
the church steps with a professional photographer from Edge Imaging.
First Communion at St. Patrick Church
First Communion will take place on June 4 with Father Marziliano at St. Patrick Church. There
will be two masses. The first will be held at 12:00 PM and the second at 2:30 PM. Your child’s
teacher would already have confirmed your time. Please call Mrs. Boland if you have any
questions. Arrive at least half an hour before to take part in a group photo.
For your convenience, our School Council has booked “Edge Imaging” to take pictures of your
child….if you are interested.
The photographer will set up in the church basement and will take pictures before the mass.
For more information, please contact school council.
School Council
Next Meeting – June 1st at 6:30 PM. Please join us in the library.
Catholic Education Week Activities
Monday – Our school choir will participate in “Music Monday” at Mississauga Square. Parents
are more that welcome to join us and meet us there for 10:30 AM.
Tuesday- Please join us for mass with Father Vito in the school gym
Wednesday & Thursday – Students will be participating in “Recycling Presentations” from Peel
Thursday – School Council Event – Active Chefs – 6:30 PM in the gym. RSVP required
Father Francis McSpiritt May Newsletter 2016
Dates to Remember
May 2 - 6
May 2
May 2
May 3
May 3 & 4
May 5
May 9
May 9
May 13
May 16
May 23
May 25 - June 8
May 25
May 30
May 31
June 1
June 4
June 13
June 20
June 21
June 24
June 30
Catholic Education Week
Choir to “Music Monday” Mississauga Square
Pizza Day
Mass with Father Vito during Catholic Education Week
Recycling Presentations
Active Chefs – organized by school council – 6:30 PM
Confirmation for our Grade 7 students
Pizza Day
PA Day – No school for students
Pizza Day
Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL
EQAO Gr, 3 & 6
Welcome to Kindergarten Night – 6:30 PM
Pizza Day
HPV & Hepatitis Immunization – Gr. 7 & 8
School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in Library
First Communion – 12:00 & 2:30 PM
PA Day – Assessment & Evaluation Day – No School
End of Year Mass with Father Marziliano in school Gym
Kindergarten Play Day
Grade 8 Graduation at La Fontana Banquet Hall- 10:00 AM
Last Day of School
If you are planning to move out of the Fr. Francis McSpiritt School area, or
moving to a new home, please let the front office know.
Once again, we are asking that you not block front entrance to school as
emergency vehicles need to be able to access the school in the case of an
emergency. There is ample parking in the side parking lot. Please park your car
and walk.
As we near the end of the school year, we notice that many textbooks are missing
from the classrooms. Please take a look at home and return books to school.