Age of Jackson Notes

Age of Jackson Notes
Name _________________________
Election of 1824
o _________________ means the right to vote.
o Andrew Jackson won both the popular and electoral votes but not by a majority. Therefore, the
House of Representatives had to decide who the next president would be from the top three
o Why was the election of 1824 called the corrupt bargain?
o The 6th President of the United States was _______________________________________.
o _______________________ was appointed his Secretary of State.
o _________________________________________ were later known as the Whig party.
Election of 1828
o The 7th President of the United States was _______________________________________.
o Why did three times as many people vote in the presidential election of 1828 as voted in 1824?
o Why would the common man vote for Jackson and not Adams? __________________________
o Jackson’s group of advisers was known as the _____________________________________.
o ________________ is a private meeting (a closed political meeting).
o The practice of giving jobs to loyal supporters is called the ______________________________.
o President Andrew Jackson gave government jobs to people who _________________________.
Bank of the United States and the Tariff of 1828/1832
o ______________________ were referred to as state banks that federal money was put into
because Andrew Jackson didn’t want all of the federal money in on National Bank.
o Quote: In the early 1800s, as industry in the North expanded, it looked toward southern markets,
rich with cash from the lucrative agricultural business, to buy the North’s manufactured goods.
However, it was often cheaper for the South to purchase the goods abroad. In order to provide
protection for northern industries, the Jackson administration placed a tariff on many of the
imported goods that could be manufactured in the North.
o Andrew Jackson- feared that both the federal government and the Supreme Court are too
powerful – defended states’ rights, especially the right to hold slaves – favored the removal of all
Native Americans from lands east of the Mississippi River.
What viewpoint did Andrew Jackson hold on the issue of a national bank during the
presidential campaign of 1828? _____________________________________________
o Why did manufacturers in the United States welcome the 1828 tariff on manufactured goods
from Europe? _________________________________________________________________
o The Nullification Crisis was triggered by strong opposition to the
___________________________________. An abomination is something that is ___________.
(nullify = to cancel)
o Explain the Nullification Crisis: ___________________________________________________
o “Our Federal Union --- it must be preserved.” - ______________________________________
Some people refer to the national government as the ___________________ government.
o ______________________ means to withdraw from the Union.
What does the cartoonist want
readers to think of President
What symbols does the cartoonist
use to suggest kings and queens?
What symbols are used to represent
the United States?
How does the cartoonist use labels
and captions?
Explain how the title “King
Andrew” was or was not a valid title
for Andrew Jackson during his reign
as president.
Trail of Tears
o ______________________________________ were hurt the most by Jackson’s removal policy.
o In 1832 Chief Justice John Marshall ordered state officials to honor Cherokee property rights.
President Jackson refused to support the decision. “Marshall has made his decision, now let him
enforce it!” – from G.B. Tindall, America: A Narrative History.
The Women’s Rights’ movement first began _____________________ in 1848 with the idea of getting
more rights for women in voting, participation in government, ownership of property, and jobs.
o Women finally won the right to vote with the ______ amendment in 1920.
Election of 1836
o The 8th President of the United States was _______________________________.
Panic of 1837
o This led to a __________________________.
Election of 1840
o ___________________________________________ was known as Tippecanoe after his defeat
of the Native Americans there.
o Why wouldn’t people have known during this time that Harrison wasn’t what he was portraying?
o ___________________________ was the first Vice-President to take over the office of President
without being elected.
Review Notes
What are the “enumerated” powers of the federal government?
What are the qualifications for holding the office for a Senator?
Who brought tobacco to Jamestown?
What was the lawmaking body of Virginia called?
What were the laws passed by England to limit America’s trade and to help them make more money?
A system set up in which the colonies sole purpose was to make money for England was
What did the Proclamation of 1763 do?
The writers built safeguards into the Constitution so one branch could not dominate the others. This is
called ______________________________________.
The compromise between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia plan was called the
John Locke believed that people had a natural right to life, liberty, and
Both the federal and state government have the powers to
People who favored the Constitution were called
Favored by most large-states delegates; representation would be based on population
What was the solution for counting enslaved persons towards representation in the states?
What act increased the time required to become a citizen of the U.S. from 5 to 14 yrs.?
Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
Which amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18?
What treaty allowed American ships to use the lower Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans?
Teaching Task: Was the Jacksonian Democracy a period of excessive abuse or a period geared to help shape the growth of the nation?
After researching informational texts on the presidency of Andrew Jackson, write a newspaper editorial in which you argue the impact of
Jackson's executive policy on a young nation. Support your position with evidence from your research. What conclusions or implications
can you draw?
What am I writing about?
What do I know about this topic?
Who will read what I write?
How will the intended audience influence what I
writer and the way I write it?
What do I want this piece of writing to accomplish?
The County Election
1. According to The County Election, who participated in elections? Who was excluded?
2. How did Bingham explain the enormous popular participation in politics? What drew so many
people into politics?
3. Why might elections in rural areas have become important social gatherings?
4. How important were political candidates, issues, and party loyalties?
5. How engaged are the voters?
6. Who are the men in the top hats? What are they doing? How does Bingham portray them?
How do they relate to ordinary voters?
7. What do you think Bingham’s attitude toward elections was?
8. Did he see them as serious exercises of democracy, as farce, or as something in between?
9. What was his attitude toward the electorate? Did he see voters as serious well informed men
or as manipulated dupes?
10. What does the painting say about elections in a democracy in which common people can cast
Double-Entry Journal
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Topic/Teaching Task: Was the Jacksonian Democracy a period of excessive abuse or a period geared to help shape the growth of the
nation? After researching informational texts on the presidency of Andrew Jackson, write a newspaper editorial in which you argue the
impact of Jackson’s executive policy on a young nation. Support your position with evidence from your research. What conclusions or
implications can you draw?
Election of
From the text
My thoughts/position
Double-Entry Journal
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Topic/Teaching Task: Was the Jacksonian Democracy a period of excessive abuse or a period geared to help
shape the growth of the nation? After researching informational texts on the presidency of Andrew Jackson,
write a newspaper editorial in which you argue the impact of Jackson's executive policy on a young nation. Support your position with
evidence from your research. What conclusions or implications can you draw?
The Bank of
the United
From the text
My thoughts/position
Double-Entry Journal
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Topic/Teaching Task: Was the Jacksonian Democracy a period of excessive abuse or a period geared to help
shape the growth of the nation? After researching informational texts on the presidency of Andrew Jackson,
write a newspaper editorial in which you argue the impact of Jackson's executive policy on a young nation. Support your position with
evidence from your research. What conclusions or implications can you draw?
From the text
My thoughts/position
Politics in an Oyster House
1. How does Woodville draw the viewer into the painting?
2. What might the open curtain symbolize?
3. What sort of people are the men in the painting? What do their clothes tell us? Why has Woodville
dressed the young man entirely in one color? What is the significance of their difference in age?
4. What is the man on the right doing? How much does he care about politics? How does Woodville
signal his passion? What is the source of his arguments?
5. How does the man on the left feel about his companion’s political arguments and passion? Do you
think he agrees or disagrees? Does he care?
6. What attitude does Woodville take toward the political passions of the man on the right? Does he
think they are good, bad, ridiculous? Compare his attitude toward the politics of his age with that of
7. Compare the party man’s clothes with those of the working man. What do their clothes say about
each man?
8. What is the politician trying to accomplish?
9. What function does the cartoonist think the parties and their newspapers served?
10. What was the cartoonist saying about the character of the Workingmen’s Party?
11. Which figure — the workingman or the party politician — did the cartoonist think was the
legitimate protector of the accomplishments of the Revolution?
12. What is the cartoonist saying about the nature of politics as conducted by the major parties?
13. What solution does the cartoonist offer to solve the problems of political corruption and working
class oppression?
Agrarian Workingmen’s Party cartoon
Upper left: “We are in favour of Monarchy, Aristocracy, Monopolies, Auctions, laws that oppress the
Poor, Imposture and the rights of the rich man to govern and enslave the Poor man at his will and
pleasure, denying the Poor the right to redress, or any participation in political power.”
Satan: “Take any, my dear Friend, they will all help you to grind the WORKIES [workingmen]!!”
Box in Satan’s hand: “Ballot Box”
Man in top hat: “My Old Friend, give me one of your favourites — TAMMANY — SENTINEL, or
JOURNAL, or the POOR will get their rights. I’ll pay all.”
Box in lower left foreground: “This contains the cause of all the misery and distress of the human
Upper right: “We are opposed to Monarchy, Aristocracy, Monopolies, Auctions, and in favour of the
Poor to political power, denying the right of the rich to govern the Poor, and asserting in all cases,
that those who labour should make the laws by which such labour should be protected and rewarded
and finally, opposed to degrading the Mechanic, by making Mechanics of Felons. Our motto shall be
Liberty, Equity, Justice, and The Rights of Man.”
Liberty’s banner [Candidates of the Agrarian Workingmen's Party, Nov. 1830 election]: “Register,
John R. Soper, Mariner. Assembly, Henry Ireland, Coppersmith; William Forbes, Silversmith; William
Odell, Grocer; Micajah Handy, Shipwright; Edmund L. Livingston, Brassfounder; Joseph H. Ray,
Printer; Merritt Sands, Cartman; Samuel Parsons, Moroccodresser; Thompson Town, Engineer;
Alexander Ming, Senior, Printer; Hugh M’Bride, Cartman. For Lieutenant-governor, Jonas Humbert,
Senior, Baker. Senator, George Bruce, Typefounder. Congress, Alden Potter, Machinist; John Tuthill,
Jeweller; Thomas Skidmore, Machinist.
Worker: “Now for a noble effort for Rights, Liberties, and Comforts, equal to any in the land. No
more grinding the POOR — But Liberty and the Rights of man.”
Box in Liberty’s hand: “Ballot Box”
1. Visual Inventory: Describe the image, beginning with the largest, most obvious features and
proceed toward more particular details. Describe fully, without making evaluations. What do
you see? What is the setting? What is the time of day, the season of the year, the region of the
2. Documentation: Note what you know about the work. Who made it? When? Where? What is
its title? How was it made? What were the circumstances of its creation? How was it received?
(With this step you may have to help students. Refer to the lesson’s background note for
3. Associations: Begin to make evaluations and draw conclusions using observations and prior
knowledge. How does this image relate to its historical and cultural framework? Does it invite
comparison or correlation with historical or literary texts? Do you detect a point of view or a
mood conveyed by the image? Does it present any unexplained or difficult aspects? Does it
trigger an emotional response in you as a viewer? What associations (historical, literary,
cultural, artistic) enrich your viewing of this image?
4. Interpretation: Develop an interpretation of the work which both recognizes its specific
features and also places it in a larger historical or thematic context.
Double-Entry Journal
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Topic/Teaching Task: Was the Jacksonian Democracy a period of excessive abuse or a period geared to help
shape the growth of the nation? After researching informational texts on the presidency of Andrew Jackson,
write a newspaper editorial in which you argue the impact of Jackson's executive policy on a young nation. Support your position with
evidence from your research. What conclusions or implications can you draw?
The Indian
Trail of
From the text
My thoughts/position
Kitchen Table
Put the following individuals on the side of the table as a supporter of Jackson or on other side as a
nemesis of Jackson. Justify your placement of these men at the table. What made you place
this individual as a supporter or a nemesis? Give reasons and cite sources.
Clay, Biddle, Hamilton, Black Hawk, farmer, soldier, Calhoun, Van Buren, and Marshall
Henry Clay:
Nicolas Biddle:
James Alexander Hamilton:
Chief Black Hawk:
John C. Calhoun:
Martin van Buren:
John Marshall:
Close Friend Activity
You are a close friend of President Jackson who stops by the Hermitage while Jackson is at
home on vacation from the White House. Give your opinion on one of the four events –
Nullification Crisis, Bank of the United States, Election of 1824, or the Indian Removal
Act/Trail of Tears. Explain how you would have dealt with that event differently. Your answer
should be at least two paragraphs.