Name _____________________________________________ Northeast Region Study Guide

Name _____________________________________________
Northeast Region Study Guide
Label the states and their capitals
Know your states and capitals.
Fill in the Blank:
1. The Mayflower Compact was written by the ___________________________ and
the _______________________ so they could govern themselves.
2. The three branches of government are: ____________________________,
____________________________, and ____________________________
3. Mass Production is ______________________________________________
4. Declaration of Independence was signed at ___________________________ in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on ___________________________________
5. In 1987, the colonists wrote a new plan a government called the
6. What was the main reason for the Revolutionary War between the colonists and
British troops? ______________________________________________________
7. Mt. Washington is the highest peak in the northeast. It is 6,288 feet tall and located
in the state of ____________________________.
8. Erie Canal was built between the ___________________ and the
_______________ _________________.
9. __________________________ is a form of government in which people vote for
their leaders.
10. Revolution is when you overthrow a _________________________________.
11. A lock is a water elevator used to _________________ and _______________
12. The Constitution was ratified in ____________________________________.
13. The Capitol Building is where _________________________ meets to make our
nation’s laws.
14. A skyscraper is a _____________________________________________.
15. The Empire State Building is _______ feet tall and is located in ______________.
Test: Monday, December 8, 2014