PianoTouch: A Wearable Haptic Piano Instruction System For Passive Learning of Piano Skills Kevin Huang College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology kevinhh@gatech.edu Ellen Yi-Luen Do College of Architecture and College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology ellendo@gatech.edu Abstract We present PianoTouch, a wearable, wireless haptic piano instruction system, composed of (1) five small vibration motors, one for each finger, fitted inside a glove, (2) Bluetooth module mounted on the glove, and (3) piano music output from a laptop. With this system, users hear the piano music, and feel the vibrations indicating which finger is used to play the note. In this paper, we investigate the system’s potential for passive learning, i.e. learning piano playing automatically, while engaged in everyday activities. In a preliminary study, subjects learned two songs initially, and then wore the PianoTouch glove for 30 minutes while listening to the songs repeated. One of the songs included tactile sensations and the other did not. The study found that after 30 minutes, the PianoTouch subjects were able to play the song accompanied by tactile sensations better than the nontactile song. 1. Introduction While playing music can provide great relaxation and enjoyment, the process of learning an instrument, such as the piano, can be time-consuming and often beyond the time constraints of a busy working adult. Also, time consumption is not simply confined to the initial learning of songs, but is compounded by the difficulty in retaining the knowledge. As soon as a new song is learned, forgetting begins immediately [2]. Thus, time-consuming and repetitious practice is needed to retain the new skills. However, learning does not always occur as an active process. Much research has been conducted on the phenomenon of passive learning. Passive learning Thad Starner College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology thad.starner@cc.gatech.edu is described as learning that is “caught, rather than taught”, and is characterized as “typically effortless, responsive to animated stimuli, amenable to artificial aid to relaxation, and characterized by an absence of resistance to what is learned” [5]. Studies have shown that passive learning of information can occur when subjects are exposed to media rich environments. In a study by Zukin and Snyder, it was found that subjects who lived in a media rich environment and were passively exposed to political information were 40% more likely to have acquired the information than subjects living in a media poor environment [6]. Both subject groups had no interest in the political information. In this paper, we investigate the potential for passive learning of physical skills. If a user can be exposed to the practice and repetition in a passive manner while engaged in their daily routines (e.g. working at a desk, commuting on the subway, etc), then perhaps they can learn and reinforce the skills automatically. For this purpose, we have designed and implemented a system to allow for the learner to practice piano at any time, any place, and while engaged in other tasks. The system’s main component is a haptic glove, fitted with small vibration motors. Fingertips on the glove were cut to improve manual dexterity. With this glove, users can not only hear the music, but feel the notes on their fingers as well. Research has also shown that a multimodal combination of audio and haptic cues gives the user a richer understanding of musical structure and improves performance of the musical piece [3]. A small Bluetooth module is integrated into the glove for wireless communication. When music is played from an associated computing device (a laptop computer in this case), the glove sends vibrations to each finger to indicate which fingers play which notes. Although a ISWC 2008, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC, pp 41-44, Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania laptop is used in this set up, the PianoTouch device can be easily integrated with other mobile devices such as cell phones or MP3 players. 2. System Components The PianoTouch system is composed of 3 distinct parts: (1) actuators – small vibration motors, one for each finger, (2) a Bluetooth-to-serial module coupled with an ATMega8 chip to provide wireless usage, and (3) a laptop computer which produces music output and controls the glove via Bluetooth to send synced vibrations. Figure 3. Fingertip-less Golf glove with components attached, including battery Figure 3. shows the golf glove used to house the motors and the wireless components. The rectangular black box is a battery pack with 2 AAA batteries. Figure 1. Vibration motor Figure 1. shows the vibration motor used. Though small, they are able to produce strong tactile sensations. Figure 4. Wearing the glove Figure 2. Bluetooth module and ATMega8 Chip Figure 2. shows the components for wireless communication. The Bluetooth module is a Bluetoothto-serial DIP module from Sparkfun Electronics. The laptop sends Bluetooth information to the module, which is then pushed out of its serial pin. The serial output is then fed into the RX pin of the ATMega8 Chip, which is produced by ATMel Corp. The ATMega8 chip was programmed to read the serial information and output current on its pins to drive the motors accordingly. Figure 5. User initially learning a song ISWC 2008, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC, pp 41-44, Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania Figure 4 shows the glove being worn. The battery, Bluetooth module, wires and vibration motors are on the back side of the hand and fingers so that the user’s grip is not affected. Figure 5 shows a user wearing the glove and learning a song initially. The laptop showed a virtual keyboard which indicated which keys to press and provided the piano audio. The glove provided synced tactile sensations. 4. Results Table 1. Performance of both songs after 30 minutes Subject Number Tactile Song Non Tactile Song 1 Amazing Grace Jingle Bells Amazing Grace Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Amazing Grace Amazing Grace 3. User Study In a preliminary study, we tested 4 subjects with virtually no piano background. The 4 subjects were male graduate students. The subjects rated themselves as novices in piano and reported 0 years of piano playing in the last 15 years. Each subject learned two songs that were rated as Level B in a Song Book published by Casio [1]. Level B songs were chosen for the study because Level A songs are entry level selections and of trivial difficulty. The songs chosen for this pilot study were “Jingle Bells” (verse version, without chorus), and “Amazing Grace”, both in the key of C, spanned the same octave, and contained roughly the same notes. Jingle Bells contained 45 notes, and Amazing Grace contained 44 notes. Both songs were one handed (using the right hand) for this pilot study. Each subject first started in an active learning session by learning the two songs. During this active learning session, they wore the glove with tactile sensations for both songs, watched a virtual piano on the laptop playing the songs, and practiced until they could play both songs without mistakes. This took approximately 10 to 15 minutes for each subject. The tactile sensation was a vibration of 350 milliseconds for each note, did not vary in magnitude or duration, and was synced exactly with the onset of each note as it played. After both songs were learned, they were asked to go back to their daily tasks for a period of time. Due to experimental constraints, a period of 30 minutes was chosen for this pilot study. Subjects 1 and 2 chose to read and type at their desks. Subjects 3 and 4 chose to read a book and paper respectively. During that time, they kept the glove on and wore headphones to hear the two songs alternating in a loop. For one of the songs, they received tactile indications (hereon referred to as the tactile song), and for the other song, they did not. Two subjects were randomly assigned to receive “Jingle Bells” as the tactile song, and the other two received “Amazing Grace” as the tactile song. After 30 minutes, each participant was asked to play the two songs again, and their performance and impressions were noted. 2 3 4 # of mistakes for tactile song 0 # of mistakes for nontactile song 7+ (could not continue) 0 5 0 4 3 7 Table 1. shows that the subjects were able to play their tactile songs better than the non-tactile songs. When the subjects attempted to play the non-tactile songs, there appeared to be more hesitation, confusion and delay in recall. During the playing of the tactile songs, the subjects played through them more smoothly and with less hesitation. Subjects 1, 2 and 3 were able to play the tactile song without any mistakes. Mistakes were defined by unexpected note substitutions, insertions and deletions. Timing (i.e. playing the correct note but on the wrong beat) was not considered. Table 2. How likely would you use this device as a student learning piano? (choices: “would definitely not use”, “would likely not use”, “neutral”, “would likely use”, “would definitely use”) would likely use Subject 1 would likely use Subject 2 Subject 3 would definitely use Subject 4 would likely use As shown in Table 2, the users in general stated that they would use the PianoTouch system for learning piano. 5. Comments from users In general, the users stated that the device was helpful. Users 3 and 4 stated that they could notice the tactile sensations reinforcing their muscle memory during the 30 minutes. User 4 stated that it was particularly helpful to know the finger ordering and ISWC 2008, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC, pp 41-44, Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania patterns when returning to play the song. The user stated that in such a case, the remaining cognitive load was only to remember a key position for a finger, and the other fingers “fell into place.” The user stated that for the tactile song, there was much less information that had to be consciously retrieved from memory. When asked if their productivity was affected, subjects 2, 3 and 4 stated that there was little effect. Subject 2 stated that he only paid attention to the device during moments of boredom. Subject 3 remarked that he was completely engrossed in a book and did not notice the device at all. Subject 1 however reported being significantly distracted. The subject stated that a few times, he instinctively tried to “play along” with the vibrations when the tactile song played. With regards to typing, subjects 1 and 2 reported that there was no noticeable interference from the vibrations. The glove, however, did interfere slightly with typing as the material was slightly stiff. Subjects 3 and 4 did not type. Further research should be done to determine the effects of the tactile sensations during daily activities such as typing and walking. We plan to use the NASA Task Load Index to measure the level of distraction for these activities. When asked about possible areas for improvement and general feedback, most users stated that the golf glove was uncomfortable. The discomfort would be their greatest barrier in adopting this device in a real setting. They believe that any product that would gain wide adoption would have to use an extremely thin, breathable, “barely-notice-it” glove, or preferably not a glove at all. A gloveless system using a wristband and freely placed vibration nodes is under design for future evaluations. finger coordination, and facilitated overall recall. A more detailed study on a larger scale is needed to obtain more quantitative measures on its effects, such as how does time of exposure (wearing the device for an hour, a day, 2 days, etc) correlate with learning. Also, what is the difference in effectiveness between different types or difficulty of music? Would it be less effective on an advanced song with fast, multi-octave passages such as Beethoven’s Fur Elise? 6. Analysis and Future Work [2] D. Coon, Psychology: A Modular Approach to Mind and Behavior, Thomson Wadsworth, 2005. 6.1 Comments on piano The piano is somewhat unique in that there are 10 fingers and 88 keys (on average). The users needed to learn the songs in an active setting first (with the virtual piano providing spatial information) to see which keys to press. However, two users reported that during learning, the difficulty came from not only knowing which keys to press, but also which fingers to use. Correct finger usage is very important in proper piano playing. Fingering inconsistently will lead to “running out of fingers”, unpleasant phrasing, and inconsistent rehearsals which compound the difficulty in remembering [4]. The users reported that having the device reinforce the fingers’ ordering, patterns, and rhythm made the fingers ready to respond, improved 6.2 Applications for other instruments Because the piano has many more keys than we have fingers, the active session is needed to initially learn the songs, and the passive sessions can then reinforce the learning. However, we also plan to test the system’s effectiveness for instruments with roughly 1 to 1 finger to key mapping, such as the saxophone, flute, recorder, etc. Given that there are enough fingers for all the keys, perhaps the entire song-learning process can be done in the passive phase. One may be able to engage in normal tasks while learning entirely new songs throughout the day. 7. Acknowledgements We would like to extend a special thanks to Steve Cuzzort and Scott Gilliland of College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, for their assistance during the development of the system’s hardware. 8. References [1] Song Book, Casio Computer Co., LTD. [3] G. C. Grindlay, The Impact of Haptic Guidance on Musical Motor Learning, Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007. [4] J. Hofmann, Piano Playing, with Piano Questions Answered, Courier Dover Publications, 1976. [5] H. E. Krugman, and E. L. Hartley, Passive Learning From Television, The Public Opinion Quarterly, Oxford University Press, 1970, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 184-190. [6] C. Zukin, and R. Snyder, Passive Learning: When the Media Environment Is the Message, The Public Opinion Quarterly, Oxford University Press, 1984, Vol. 48, No. 3 pp. 629-638. ISWC 2008, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC, pp 41-44, Sep 28 - Oct 1, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania