Document 14316819

School Liturgical Celebrations
Welcome Liturgy- Sept. 3, 2013
Opening Mass - Sept. 24, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Remembrance Day Celebration-November 11, 2013
10:30 a.m.
Advent Mass - December 10, 2013, 10:00 a.m.
Ash Wednesday – March 5, 2014, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Week-April 14-17, 2014 Daily Celebrations
Easter/Spring Mass-May 6, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Living Rosary/Crowning of Mary - May 7, 2014
10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
End of Year and Graduation Mass - June 17, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Graduation Celebration–Friday June 20, 2014
6:00 p.m. GYM
Students from Grade 3 to Grade 8 from our school sing at
masses, celebrations and other functions. This group
practices under the leadership and direction of staff
Pastoral Visits
Scheduled visits by Father Jan, to visit individual
classrooms for specific purposes. Example:
Sacramental preparations Gr. 2 and 8
Signs and symbols of the Mass, etc.
Further develop an appreciation of the understanding
and knowledge of the Mass Gr. 3-8
Our students will continue to learn about the rich
Catholic traditions of devotions and prayers to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. The following Marian prayer
comes from the 3rd century. Please recite this prayer
with your family on a consistent basis, as well as
discuss the meaning.
We turn to you for protection,
Holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers
And help us in our needs.
Save us from every danger,
Glorious and Blessed Virgin. Amen
Sacramental Preparation and
School Celebrations
Our St. Jerome’s Parish team includes:
Fr. J. Kolodynski-Pastor, P. Peroni-Principal, C. Duke-V.
Principal, J. Conway, M. Manalo, P. Simpson, D. Doyle, M.
Hamilton, A. Tac, J. Correia, T. Collier, T. Deleo, E. McCarthy,
V. Lobo -Teacher Representatives
Faith Ambassador: J. Conway
Pastoral meetings occur throughout the year as required.
First Communion
Parental Meetings and Registration at St. Jerome’s Parish
Information was sent out in Parish correspondence, as well as
in the Parish bulletin.
Parent Only Meeting October 29, 2013: 7:30-8:30 p.m.
St. Jerome Parish
Enrolment-First Holy Communion
Families are to follow the information distributed at the parish.
First Reconciliation
Father Jan will schedule the reconciliation celebrations.
First Communion Retreat and Luncheon
First Communion
Parental Meetings and Registration at St. Jerome’s Parish
Information was sent out in Parish correspondence, as well as
in the Parish bulletin.
Parent Only Meeting November 5, 2013: 7:30-8:30 p.m.
St. Jerome Parish
You are the light
of the world.
Matthew 5:14
“Guided by the Spirit…
Growing as a family”
Confirmation Enrolment
Families are to follow the information distributed at the parish.
Confirmation Retreat – TBD
Confirmation Practice
To be finalized through the parish.
Confirmation Celebration
To be finalized through the parish.
St. Monica Mission Statement
We, the Catholic community of St. Monica School,
are dedicated partners in the lifelong education of our students.
Guided by the spirit to grow as a family, we will continue to foster
spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and emotional development
to ensure that future generations are well prepared
for all challenges on their journey.
Liturgical Committee
St. Monica has a rich tradition of strong Liturgical leadership
amongst its staff members. These leaders continue to
encourage each other. In turn they support others in order to
prepare celebrations, plan Masses, provide opportunities for
student and staff prayer and to organize community outreach
Faith formation is a process of journeying into a deeper
relationship with Jesus. Its primary points of reference are
our own lives and the Bible. Through them we come to know
Jesus most profoundly and we are shaped as a biblical people.
Therefore, the process is one of reflecting on our experience
and being formed by God’s Word and our tradition. In this we
are being transformed as the people of God.
In 2013-2014 we will continue to live out our call to be a
Eucharistic community. We will continue to promote and
empower youth to embrace a Catholic worldview through
community, Catholic prayer and sacramental life.
We will be following our board goals and adhere to the
Catholic school continuum for charity and justice.
Primary students:- participate in charitable giving
Junior students:-participate in charitable giving, pro life
Intermediate students:-participate in charitable giving, pro
life awareness, and outreach
St. Monica Prayer Policy
As a Catholic school, we consider prayer to be an essential component of our
educational evolution. In FDK, we begin with informal and simplified versions of
the more recognized prayers. At all levels, spontaneous, pupil generated prayer
is encouraged and developed.
As well as "formal prayers", we also stress throughout the grade levels, the
Scripture as prayer, Meditation as prayer, Daily prayer (informal and.or student
Special "Seasonal" prayers (Christmas, Easter etc.), Gestures as prayer:
e.g.Use of Holy Water,
Sign of the Cross, Receiving the Eucharist, Genuflection, Appropriate "postures"
during Mass
It is however, with the "FORMAL PRAYERS" that we can easily work together to
help our students acquire what is commonly expected. With this in mind, in chart
form, a clear summary of the prayers introduced and reinforced during a
student’s progression from ELP to Grade eight at St. Monica School.
ROSARY: Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
APOSTLE’S CREED: Introduced in Grade 4 and reinforced in Grades 5 to 8
ACT OF CONTRITION: Introduced in Grade 2 and reinforced in Grades 3 to 8
RESPONSES TO MASS:Introduced in Grade 1 and reinforced in Grades 2 to 8
Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
GRACE BEFORE MEALS:Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
SIGN OF THE CROSS: Introduced in ELP and reinforced in Grades 1 to 8
TEN COMMANDMENTS: Introduced in Gr. 2 and reinforced in Grades 3 to 8
•The Canadian Catechism is the official program of the
Canadian Catholic Church. This program introduces the
children to the meaning of faith. All teachers at St. Monica
Catholic School teach the Canadian Catechism as they help
children in strengthening their belief that they belong to a
family, to a community and to God. Specific religion lessons
occur at determined times according to the classroom
timetables, however, the entire day reflects and incorporates
the message of Jesus as we try to live out our call to grow in
spirituality and faith. During the 2013-2014 school year we
will continue to implement the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Program in Grade 4.
The “Fully Alive” Family Life Education program sponsored
by the Conference of Catholic Bishops is implemented by
classroom teachers.
Virtues Education/Safe Schools: Continuation/refinement
from last year.
Faith Opportunities Demonstrating Gospel
•Thanksgiving food drive, Mitten Tree of Warmth-new winter clothing
•Providing lunches/snacks as required
•St. Monica School Christmas Outreach
•School dances, Christmas Store, Movie Night to raise money for Share
•Students share talent/time within the community
•Share Life/United Way Dress Down Days, etc.
•Terry Fox Walk for cancer research
•Community Response Committee - remembrance for community
members in their time of need or joy
•Student Council/Charity Fundraising, Student Ambassadors
•School to assist with sacramental preparation-specific tokens
Faith Related Activities
•Family Wide Ambassadors’ meetings, Masses, Retreats
•Faith Ambassadors celebrations for staff
•MBC Family Mass-Staff Liturgies/Reflections
•Bulletin Board highlighting activities organized by the Adult
Faith Department updated regularly by Faith Ambassadors; faith
development days, retreats, masses, etc.
•Each class presents morning prayers on the P.A. on a weekly
basis, and participates in prayers before lunch and dismissal
•Holy Week Activities-entire school participation-daily
•Classrooms have a prayer table/corner for individual prayer
opportunities/focus for class celebrations
•Daily religious/family life education formal teaching
•Informal living and teaching of our faith occurs throughout our
day in our treatment/respect of others
•Grade Eight Confirmation Service Projects
•School Liturgical Committee meets as required
•Classes/Administration cooperatively plan Liturgies/Masses
•Living Rosary and Devotion to Mary celebrations
•Monthly Rosary Apostolate in collaboration with St. Jerome
•October: Highlight the Rosary in consultation with Fr. Jan
•Facilitate-Ministry of Reading in cooperation with the Pastor
•Remembrance/Bereavement opportunities
•Gr. 7 Catholic Community Studies Unit as well as an overview of
the history of Catholic education in Ontario.
“Guided ByThe Spirit…Growing As A Family”
At St. Monica Catholic School, with St. Monica as our
model, we journey together - students, staff, parish,
parents and others. We emphasize a Catholic environment,
the nurturing of self-worth, self-discipline and respect for
As a Catholic educational community, we are committed to
the constant deepening of our vision and mission. At St.
Monica School we are proud to say we are implementing some
strategies for all Catholicity goals, to some degree in our own
unique style.
•Opportunities are provided for staff and students to develop
their understanding, creation and appreciation of the sacred
space, culture and environment of the Catholic school.
•The school community, under the spiritual leadership of the
administrator, will actively develop an appreciation,
understanding and knowledge of the Mass, this year a
continued focus on Revised Mass responses
•Students at all grade levels, will improve their knowledge
and enhance their understanding of our Christian Faith Story
as told in both Testaments of the Bible.
•All staff, within their roles as Catholic educators, will
identify and integrate faith stories and teachings in order to
provide a Catholic perspective across the curriculum.
•All schools shall work to create and sustain Safe, Caring and
Inclusive School Communities that include Catholic virtues
education and moral literacy as the central features of a
comprehensive bullying prevention and response protocol.
Staff, students and community are aware of the monthly
virtue and common language and engage in activities and
prayers which highlight the virtues.
•Will follow the lead from our MBC Family with a focus on
spiritual growth which will identify and communicate
initiatives of stewardship and social justice that meet
individual, local, global and community needs which are
always mindful of a Catholic perspective.
•Continue to support each adult in our school community
(administrator and staff) who are called to the primary
Catholic education mission of living the gospel in an effort to
enhance the faith development of the entire school
Students’ artistic creations are reflective of the Liturgical
seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, etc.
and are highlighted in the classrooms and throughout the
school. The front foyer and main office of St. Monica School
are inviting foci for our beliefs. The crucifix, open bible,
altar, Liturgical cloth changed throughout the Liturgical year,
prints of our Saviour, Pope John Paul, Statue of our Blessed
Mother, Statue of Jesus, school banners are displayed for
students, visitors and staff as visual reminders of our Catholic
faith, beliefs, and traditions.