May 2010 PRINCIPAL: K.J. Carey VICE PRINCIPAL: C. Klein SECRETARY: T. Crayden SUPERINTENDENT: E. McGuire 905-890-1221 STS. MARTHA AND MARY PARISH TEAM: Fr. E. D’Souza 905-625-5670 TRUSTEE: Mario Pascucci Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 (905) 302-3096 (905) 890-0708, x20161 INSIDE Education Week Class Lists 2010-2011 Sports STS. MARTHA & MARY Catholic School 1760 Bough Beeches Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2B9 905-624-9625 Mary the Mother of God – The Gospel of Life O Mary, Bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to you do we entrust the cause of life; look down, O Mother, upon us in your glory. Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time. Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to praise and glory of God, the creator and lover of life. Amen. FAITH LIFE VIRTUE OF ACCEPTANCE One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two people are exactly alike. We may share biological families or national identity or cultural and ethnic identity but we are all very unique and distinct creations. God breaks the mold every time, and that is a fantastic fact of life! It can also be a challenging fact of life if it makes us afraid. Sometimes differences are scary – especially if we haven’t learned about or don’t understand how people are different. The virtue of acceptance describes our ability to look at the attitudes and actions of those around us and then just stop and consider without making judgments. The virtue of acceptance means that we look beyond what we see; a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and see a person created and loved by God. An accepting person… • • • • • Is friendly and open to all God’s people, regardless of age, beliefs, gender, culture or ability Sees the positive traits in all people even if she/he disagrees with them Avoids judging or stereotyping others Understands that there may be more than one way to do things Sticks up for the ‘underdog’ SUMMER READ BOOK FAIR In the hopes of supporting your summer reading our teacher librarian, Ms. Duncan will be holding a Summer Read Book Fair. Students can purchase books during the weeks of June 8 to June 17, or on the evening of Thursday, June 11 from 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. The proceeds of this book fair will be donated to our Change for Change Program; specifically to provide a much needed water filtration system in Africa. FIRST EUCHARIST We are very proud of our grade two students who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 25, 2010, at Sts. Martha and Mary Church. They have been busily preparing to enter into this sacrament through study, a visit to the church and through song practice. The celebration of the Eucharist was both a happy and holy event. May the many blessings you receive through the Eucharist enrich you forever boys and girls! CONFIRMATION Congratulations to our grade eight confirmandi who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. It is with great pride that family, staff and friends will join together to witness this very important rite of passage. We celebrate with each new confirmandi as they begin their journey into a full communion with the Church and become disciples of the Good News of Jesus Christ. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Catholic Education Week was celebrated from May 3– May 7, 2010. During this week the Catholic community celebrated the unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our province. Catholic Education Week was an opportunity to celebrate the Mission of our Catholic schools as they strive to integrate the Gospel values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the school’s life and curriculum. This year’s theme was “Rejoicing in Hope” Five sub-themes, one for each of the five days of Catholic Education Week 2010, helped students to understand the rich meaning of this year’s theme: Day 1…Hope in Our Hearts Day 2…Hope in Our Homes Day 3…Hope in Our Schools Day 4…Hope in Our Communities Day 5…Hope in Our World VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION The staff, students and parent council of Sts. Martha and Mary school would like to show our appreciation for all the support we have received throughout the year from all of our volunteers. If you have volunteered any time this year, we would like you to join us for a reception on May 25 in the gymnasium; invitation to follow. PROGRAM EQAO ASSESSMENTS The grade three and six students of Sts. Martha and Mary School continue to prepare for the EQAO assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The grade three students will write the test the week of May 31 - June 4 and grade six students will write during the week of June 7 - 11. The results of these tests will be received in the fall of 2010. How to prepare your child for the test? It is very important that you take the time to talk to your child and help reduce the anxiety related to any type of testing situation. You should also be sure that your child has enough sleep, eats a nutritious breakfast and is well hydrated. It is important that if your child is in grade three or six that they be in full attendance during the assessment. GRADE 7 AND 8 SUMMER SCHOOL Summer school is available to grade seven and eight students as recommended by the principal. Summer school will be held for remedial literacy, numeracy and ESL. There is no cost for this program. Classes run from July 5 to July 23, 2010. Hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Busing is provided from home school pick up points. The deadline for applications is May 28, 2010. Classes are being held at Metropolitan Andrei School. Further summer school information is available through your child’s teacher. SUMMER LITERACY CAMP Application forms for Summer Literacy Camp for Senior Kindergarten to grade six students are due May 28, 2010. Enrolment is for either two or four weeks for a fee. Hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Four week program July 5-30; two week program either July 5-16 or July 19-30th. No transportation is provided. Contact your child’s teacher to discuss this possibility for your child and to obtain an application form. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2010 The staff of Sts. Martha and Mary School will meet over the next few weeks to discuss class placements for September 2010. When determining placement, some of the criteria we consider are: academic ability, work habits, study skills, maturity, social factors and placement history. Due to our size, we are limited in our placement options. When more than one class per grade exists, we strive to create a balance of gender, ability and behavioural needs. Since you know your child best, we always appreciate your input concerning any special needs your child(ren) may have. With this in mind, we ask that if you have feedback for us, please provide it to us in writing. We ask that you submit your feedback to the principal by Friday, May 14, 2010. In your letter please include your child’s strengths, needs and a description of their learning style including the type of learning environment that would provide your child with the most success. Please do not make specific requests for a teacher as current and tentative assignments may change between now and September. When staff meet they will take into consideration the overall needs of the students in relation to the make-up of the class. They will also take into consideration any parental feedback they have received. It is not always possible, given the variables that go into devising a class, to accommodate all parental requests. Wherever possible we will meet requests, but the final decision rests with the principal and the teaching staff. COMBINED CLASSES As the population of Sts. Martha and Mary declines, combined grades will become a necessary reality at our school. This is a reality in many of the schools in the eastern area of Mississauga. As teachers prepare class lists they consider many factors, such as the learning styles of students, a balance of abilities and class culture. Being in a combined grade is in no way prejudicial to a child’s education. Within Ontario all schools are bound by a strict teacher pupil ratio. This will be particularly evident as we strive to meet the hard cap of 20:1 in the primary grades and the guidelines of 25:1 in grades four to eight. Until we finalize our enrolment in September, all class arrangements and teacher placements will be tentative. CO-CURRICULAR TRACK AND FIELD DAY As has been our recent tradition, a track and field day was held on May 5th. (Rain date = May 7th) During this event, all grade 4 – 8 students will have an opportunity to compete in up to three events. Our track and field team will be selected based upon top competitors from each event. Practices will be held before and after school during the month of May and June in preparation for the family and board meets. Team members should mark June 8th on their calendars as this is the date for the Mississauga East Track and Field meet at St. Marcellinus Secondary School. We extend our appreciation to Ms. Loncarich, Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Scherer for organizing this event and also thank the many coaches who have volunteered their time to train our many participants. INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE The Intramural Volleyball League wrapped up on Friday April 16th, after 3 successful months of league play. INTERMEDIATE BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SOCCER The intermediate soccer teams are preparing for a short but competitive season. As always, Sts. Martha and Mary is proud of the great sportsmanship, skill and determination that have been shown both on and off the field. We extend our thanks to our coaches Mr. Mandarino, Ms. Addario and Madame Daly and the many supportive parents who cheer on our teams and assist with transportation. All the best at your tournaments: Girls’- May 13 and Boys’ - May 14, 2010. Boys Team: Adrian P., Adrian F., Daniel D., Daniel F., Frank, Jason, Kacper, Max, Michael B., Michael T., Nicholas, Oliver, Sean, Tyler Girls Team: Abigail, Chantal, Chelsea, Claudia, Julia, Kayla, Kiana, Marina, Melissa, Pamela, Paula, Samantha, Sara, Stephanie, Tate GO MAVERICKS! JUNIOR BASKETBALL Our junior basketball coaches have enjoyed a very successful season and wish to thank team members and parent volunteers for their enthusiasm and support. The Junior teams have represented Sts. Martha and Mary in true Maverick tradition both on and off the court. Both our teams are celebrating a very successful season. The Girls team continued on to the Family Level tournament on May 4th at St. Paul Secondary School. Way to go Mavericks! We are very proud of you! Many thanks to our fabulous coaches: Ms. De Simone and Mrs. Ford. (Junior Girls Team Coaches), Ms. Prajza and Ms. Addario (Junior Boys Team Coaches) Team 6 were the champions! Congratulations to …… Alex, Bruno, Dana, Emma, Grace, Jacob, Matthew Melanie, Robert, and Victoria! Thank you to Ms. Prajza, Ms. Addario, and Ms. Bellini-Kavals for their organization and support! Junior Girls Amanda A. Emily A. Alex C. Melanie C. Dana C. Bianca F. Jessica M. Ania N. Juliana R. Cassandra R. Victoria S. Sara. V. Junior Boys Adrian Brandon Bruno Christian Daniel David Jacob Justin Leo Ryan Scott SAFE SCHOOLS SAFE SC CRIMINAL OFFENCE DECLARATIONS All volunteers who have had a Criminal Reference Check must pick up and fill out a Criminal Offence Declaration form at the school office. Criminal Reference Check applications are also available at the school office. WARM WEATHER DRESS We would like our students to be neat, clean and comfortable for learning. Students are expected to dress in a manner and attire suitable for the occasion, and appropriate to the school environment. Boys must wear full-length t-shirts with a sleeve. Girls are not to wear anything strapless or have bare midriffs. Tank tops and crop tops are not acceptable nor are very short shorts. Shirts with offensive language or pictures are not allowed. This directive is addressed more toward junior and intermediate students. A little more latitude is given to younger students. If students do not adhere to these guidelines, parents will be called and/or alternative attire will be provided. We trust you will assist us in maintaining a sense of dignity with respect to the clothes that are worn to school. PARKING ON ROWNTREE CRT. Our neighbours on Rowntree Crt. ask the flexibility and patience of the parents and students who access Rowntree when picking up and dropping off children. The large amount of parents who access this convenient spot have created a safety concern when children run between cars, and when parents block driveways or double park. Please set a good example for your children by being a good neighbour and by following all traffic safety bylaws. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (PEDs) ON SCHOOL PROPERTY As part of our efforts to promote and maintain a positive Catholic climate in our schools, the board adheres to a policy regarding Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) on school property. In this regard, all PEDs must be kept out of sight, turned off and not used within school premises or during school-sanctioned activities To prevent the loss or damage of PEDs, we encourage students to leave their PEDs at home as the school can not be responsible for their safe keeping. INTERNET SAFETY/VIDEO GAMES As parents you are encouraged to be vigilant about your child’s use of the computer. Many of the students are using “Face Book” “Hotmail” “Blogs” and “MSN”. It is important that you be aware of the messages your child may be sending or receiving. Some of the communication is inappropriate as are the names being used. Please discuss this very important issue with your child(ren). Many of the video games being played by our children are too violent and have an “R” rating. The Minister of Education calls this disturbing and distasteful. Also, in light of the many abductions of children via the internet we remind you to be fully aware of what your child(ren) is/are doing on the computer. Always be aware of whom your children are associating with and where they are at all times. SAFETY FIRST Please review the following Safe School Procedures to help us provide a safe learning environment for your children. 1. The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. Supervision begins at 8:45a.m. Children should arrive no earlier that 8:45 a.m. 2. If early dismissal is needed, parents/guardians are asked to pick up children at the main office and sign them out. 3. If students are arriving late due to an appointment etc… they must sign in at the office and acquire a late slip. 4. All absences must be called in to the school’s attendance line 905-624-9625 ext. 1. 5. All parents and visitors must sign in at the office and attain a visitor’s pass. Please wait in the office for school personnel to meet you. All school volunteers have a volunteer identification badge that must be worn whenever they are in the building. 6. Parents must never park in the driveway of the school. Please use available parking spots or park on Bough Beeches rather than in the lanes currently used for buses or Kiss and Ride. SHARELIFE DATES TO REMEMBER: A Gift of Kindness, Twice as Nice... You can double the impact of your generosity Contributions to ShareLife can have a bigger impact than ever this year through the ShareLife Community Challenge! A generous donor has pledged to match all new and increased gifts to the 2010 ShareLife campaign, up to a total of $500,000. This gift applies to our school fundraising efforts as well. If you are a new ShareLife donor, your gift will be doubled. If you have given in the past but didn’t contribute in 2009, your gift will be doubled this year. If you’re a regular ShareLife donor and you increase your gift from the amount contributed last year, the increase of your gift will be matched as well. Whether you contribute at the parish, online, or through our school ShareLife fundraising activities, the impact of your gift will be maximized in a special way this year. For more information, visit You can work WONDERS! EARTH DAY Earth Day was a huge success at Sts. Martha & Mary School, on April 22! Many classes participated in the Earth Day challenges and poster contest. The class winners of the poster contest were: Primary: Mrs. Ford’s class Junior: Ms. SanFilippo’s class Intermediate: Mrs. Boots’ class Thank you to Ms. Addario and Ms. Daly for organizing such a wonderful event! May 3 – May 7: Education Week “Rejoicing in Hope” May 3 Community Mass at Sts. Martha & Mary Parish at 10:15 a.m. May 16: Confirmation 2:00 p.m. May 4: School Council Guest Speaker Pasquale Fulginiti May 4: Mississauga East Junior Basketball Tournament May 5: Junior/Intermediate Track and Field Day May 7: Track and Field Day Rain Date May 11: Grade 2, artists in the classroom May 13: Rockwood Homeowner’s Assoc. Mtg. 6pm gym May 19: Welcome to Kindergarten Parent Night at 6:30 pm May 25: Volunteer Appreciation @ 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. May 25: School Council meeting May 27: Mrs. Sim’s Grade 2s, Mad Science May 28: Grade 2’s to the Peel Water Festival May 31- June 11: Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Assessments June 3: Team Photo Day, Grade 8 fun picture June 7-11:Grade 3’s @ Pioneer Village June 7: Ms. Addario’s Grade 2s, Mad Science June 8: Mississauga East Family Track & Field Meet June 10: Grade 6s, Mad Science June 16: Play Day Grades 1 - 8 June 17: Kindergarten Play Day June 28: Grade Eight Graduation, 7 p.m. June 29: Reports go home June 30: Last day of classes September 7: Classes Resume September 17: Professional Activity Day SCHOOL COUNCIL Please join us at our next School Council meeting on Tuesday, May 25, at 6:30 p.m. in the Library Resource Centre MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? If you are planning to move and you know that your child will not be attending Sts. Martha and Mary School in September, please call the school office. If you are moving and you would like your child to continue to attend Sts. Martha and Mary School because of daycare situations, you must express this in writing to the principal before the end of May.