MARCH 2010 PRINCIPAL: K.J. Carey VICE PRINCIPAL: C. Klein SECRETARY: T. Crayden SUPERINTENDENT: E. McGuire 905-890-1221 STS. MARTHA AND MARY PARISH TEAM: Fr. E. D’Souza 905-625-5670 STS. MARTHA & MARY Catholic School 1760 Bough Beeches Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2B9 905-624-9625 facsimile 905-624-8089 TRUSTEE: M. Pascucci 905-624-3663 A LENTEN PRAYER INSIDE Lent Sacraments Amendments to Education Act Dates to Remember Good and Gracious God, You call your people back to You this Lent. May this sacred season renew Our desire to live fully the promises Of our Baptism and to love You With a whole heart Through more frequent prayer, Acts of charity and fasting, May we remember that loving You And one another is the most Important thing we can do. In confidence, we ask these things Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. FAITH LIFE VIRTUES LENT IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL This month we will celebrate the virtue of kindness. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown concern for our welfare and our feelings. We have all been given the fruit of the Spirit called kindness. Kindness can only be seen through actions. It’s not enough to say I will be kind or I am kind. We must show that we are kind by our words and our deeds. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at showing kindness to everyone we meet. As Catholics we began to observe Lent, the forty-day period before Easter that began this year, on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. A Kind Person… Says nice things about others so they feel good about themselves Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help Refuses to join others who are insulting, intimidating, mean or hurtful Watches and looks for ways to help those in need EASTER FOOD DRIVE We are ready to start our Easter food drive. It is a great opportunity for us to show our Christian caring as we share our gifts with others who are less fortunate. We appreciate any food donations and we will gladly pass them on to the needy in our community. Please drop donations off to the school between March 22 – March 31. During Lent we imitate Jesus, who spent forty days in the desert in prayer and fasting before beginning His public ministry. Observing Lent helps to cultivate the spiritual discipline of making personal sacrifices, reminding us of the importance of spiritual truths over earthly goods. As we approach Easter, it is fitting that we meditate on the serious subject of the sacrifice that Jesus made to save us from eternal death and separation from God. He willingly and single-mindedly embarked on His mission to teach the Good News and to die on the cross as the ultimate and lasting sacrifice for our sins – the sacrifice that God required. This may be a good time to think about the blessings we have and about the frivolous things we tend to hold onto. It may be a good time to give up something we enjoy as a reminder of the true meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice. We can also think of a Lenten promise we wish to make. Most of all, we can strive to do good to others as Jesus did to the many people He met along His journey. It seems that God is more interested in a sacrifice of the heart than in the things you give up for Lent. Let us find out more about what is right in God’s eyes, by reading the Bible regularly, especially with our children. CONFIRMATION Grade Eight Confirmation will be held on Sunday May 16, 2010 at 2:00 p.m., at Sts. Martha and Mary Church. Further information will be forwarded from the Parish. FIRST COMMUNION Our Grade Two students are busily preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist on Sunday April 25, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. The entire school community offers our prayers and encouragement as these children further prepare themselves to join our faith community at Christ’s table through the Sacrament of the First Eucharist. Please remember each of our Grade Two children and pray for them as they come to know and understand the compassion and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. AROUND THE HALLS PUBLIC SPEAKING During second term, our Intermediate students were involved in public speaking presentations. A formal public speaking contest was held for Grade 7 and 8 students on February 12, 2010. Our finalists and their speech topics were: INTERMEDIATE GIRLS BASKETBALL Our intermediate girls basketballs finished their league game season undefeated and went on to compete at the Mississauga East Family of Schools tournament on Thursday February 18th. Congratulations to our team: Stephanie B. Tate P. Claudia E. Paula B. Pamela B. Abigail O. Kaila P. Samantha S. Chelsea C. Anne C. Callan N. Melissa M. 3rd Julia M. (Mrs. Maxymiw’s class) 2nd Callan N. (Mrs. Boot’s class) 1st Sylvia A. (Mr. Mandarino’s class) Thank you to our coaches of the Intermediate Girls’ Basketball teams, Mrs. Ford and Ms. De Simone! Sylvia will represent Sts. Martha and Mary School at the Royal Canadian Legion Public Speaking Competition on February 28, 2010. It takes many hours of research, writing and practice to make this event so successful. Thank you to all students and teachers for your extra efforts in support of the public speaking competition. CHESS TOURNAMENT Our School was well represented by both our Junior and Intermediate Chess teams at the Mississauga East Family of Schools Chess Tournament on Thursday February 4th. Congratulations to our Junior team who finished 6th at the tournament. Mariam G. Max L. Elvis L. David Ad. Daniel Ad. Daniel G. And, to our Intermediate Team who placed 3rd, winning a bronze medal. Ben M. Frank C. Viktoras M. Adrian P. Nicolas Gr. Nicholas S. Many thanks to Mr. Mandarino for your guidance and leadership! CHEERLEADING CLUB Teachers aren’t the only educators in our school. Under the direction of Mrs. Maxymiw and Mrs. Bellini-Kavals, Vanessa P. and Astrid F. have used their talents to run a cheerleading club during the month of February, every Wednesday over the lunch break. Vanessa and Astrid wrote and choreographed the cheers to music. The club offers opportunities for student leadership, development of peer relationships and fosters school spirit. GO MAVERICKS! Team captains: Vanessa P., Astrid F. Cheerleaders: Joshua L., Sean C., Jessica P., Natalia W., Athena H., Chelsea C., Emily W., Zoe R., Julia P. and Samantha C. ALL STAR READING PROGRAM We continue to seek parent volunteers to assist with the All Star Reading Program. All Star Reading is an exciting component of our reading program where coaches are matched with students to spend 1 – 3 sessions per week on targeted reading strategies. Parent volunteers are always needed within this rewarding program. Please contact Ms. Klein if you can spare a morning or afternoon once week on a consistent basis. VOLUNTEERS AND CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS The school community has been blessed by the kindness and generosity of many volunteers. If you are working directly with children, you must complete a volunteer criminal reference check. Forms are available at the office, and take about 6 – 8 weeks to process at the Peel Police Department. If you already have completed the CRC (criminal reference check) and have it on file at our school office, you must sign an annual declaration form each year, which you can obtain from Mrs. Crayden at the office. Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Klein, our Vice Principal, if you have any further questions. SAFE SCHOOLS INTERNET SAFETY We are asking all parents to be aware of what their children are doing on the internet and make sure their sons’ or daughters’ activities on the internet are completely appropriate. It would be helpful to know your son’s or daughter’s email address, log on names and passwords. Make regular checks, look at the computer screen and make sure the computer is set up in an area that is frequently supervised by an adult. EMERGENCY EVACUATION In the unforeseen event that we should have an emergency at the school, we will evacuate to: Sts. Martha and Mary Parish 1870 Burnhamthorpe Road East. 905-625- 5670 DATES TO REMEMBER March 1: P.A. Day – no school for children March 3: 2nd Dose Hep. B and Gardisal March 4: Grade 8 Graduation Photos March 15-19: March Break March 23: Reports sent home March 24/25: Grade 7’s at A.G.O. March 25: Term 2 Interviews March 30: Const. Jackson visits JK/SK, Gr. 4, 6 April 1: Holy Thursday Stations of the Cross April 2 Good Friday April 4: Easter Sunday April 5: Easter Monday April 8: Easter Liturgy of Celebration 9:30 am April 27: School Council 7 p.m. May 3-7: Catholic Education Week April 20; Grade 2’s visit Sts. Martha and Mary Church April 25: First Communion 2:00 p.m. May 16: Confirmation 6:30 p.m. May 23 Pentecost May 24 Victoria Day – statutory holiday June (TDB) EQAO, Grades 3 and 6 June 28: Grade 8 Graduation SAFE PLAY All students are consistently reminded of the safe play expectations within the school and outside. This is especially important on days when the field is out of bounds and the play area is limited to the pavement. On these days we ask that students play only with tennis balls or with small utility balls. Footballs are allowed only in the field. Body contact activities, shoving and pushing are not acceptable behaviours at school. We applaud those who play appropriately and safely. Thank you to the students who also remember to stay clear of the side doors as well as the garbage bins while they are outside at recess. Safe play is everybody’s business. ARE YOU MOVING? We are in the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2010– 2011 school year. If you are planning to move anytime between now and September, and your child will no longer be attending Sts. Martha and Mary, please complete and detach this box and return it to your child’s teacher. Child’s Name: ____________________________________ Date of Move: ____________________________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Location you are moving to: ________________________ SCHOOL COUNCIL CORNER AROUND THE HALLS STS. MARTHA & MARY MARLIES FUN DAY Our community anticipates a highspirited night at the Ricoh Coliseum when Sts. Martha and Mary cheers on the Toronto Marlies on Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.. This fun filled evening of action packed hockey promises to be a memorable community event. A family fun skate with Duke, the Mascot, following the game promises to be a highlight. We extend our thanks to School Council, especially, Mr. Jim Christopoulos, for organization of this event. Look for information to come home in the near future. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Your generosity made a big difference to a lot of families in the Bloor Dixie Community Centre this Christmas. The mittens, hats and gifts donated to the Centre put a smile on many faces. It is such a wonderful opportunity for our children and families to experience the gift of giving at such a blessed time of year and to show people that someone cares about them. Thanks to Mr. Criminale for his assistance in setting up the tree and to the many volunteers for organizing and delivering the gifts! SCHOOL COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS Catholic School Councils are an integral part of the school community, working in partnership with the home, school and parish. We are very fortunate to have so many dedicated members of parent and staff volunteers who meet regularly as authentic partners of School Council to foster good will and interest in the common good that enhances the learning opportunities for the students. Potential items for future School Council can be forwarded to a School Council member or the school office at 905-624-9625. Remember that the School Council meetings are not intended to address specific and individual parental or student matters. These should be addressed directly to the school administration. “Catholic School Councils are an invitation to the community to become involved in the local school. Our success is always amplified when we work together with mutual respect and understanding. We must work collaboratively to preserve and strengthen Catholic education in all that we do.” Director, John B. Kostoff SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Council meeting minutes are available at the school website found on the Board website: Once on the website, scroll down to Sts. Martha and Mary Catholic School, under Elementary Schools. Then you will enter the school website and can click on School Council found on the top tool bar section in order to enter the section of the website dedicated to School Council news. Or, you can find a copy of the minutes from the Council meeting posted on the bulletin board located just outside the school office. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING CHANGES: The March 23 and June 15, 2010 council meeting have been cancelled. NEXT SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday April 27, 2010 School Council will not be meeting March 23 and June 15, 2010 as previously scheduled. Our meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Hope to see you there! TRUSTEE: MR. PASCUCCI VISITS SCHOOL COUNCIL: Tuesday, February 16th, School Council welcomed, Trustee, Mr. Pascucci to the meeting. It was a wonderful opportunity for him to provide updates from the board as well as make connections to the school and community members. On behalf of school administration and School Council, we would like to thank Mr. Pascucci for his efforts to represent the community and for his time to join us at the School Council meeting. EDUCATION ACT AMENDMENTS (formerly Bill 157): Effective February 1, 2010, the Education Act was amended to introduce new Safe Schools legislative changes and requirements. Furthermore, all DPCDSB employees were required to receive mandatory training. Highlights of the legislative changes were shared with members of the community at the January, 26th School Council meeting. These highlights included: Review of Education Act ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe at School, Bill 157’ Review of Safe Schools Act, Catholic Code of Conduct, Bullying Prevention and Intervention and Progressive Discipline. Legislation requires: all school staff to report serious incidents; all boards must have appropriate policies and guidelines in place; all serious incidents that may lead to suspension and/or expulsion must be recorded on ‘Safe Schools Incident Tracking Form’ in Provincial database and filed in respective student’s Ontario Student Record (O.S.R.) INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL: Starting February 18, through to April 1, 2010, junior students in grades five and six will have the opportunity to participate, during lunch recess, in Intramural volleyball. The intramurals will provide opportunity for Intermediate students to develop leadership skills through roles as Team captains and/or referee. We would to thank Ms. Prajza for coordinating this athletic opportunity as well as a number of staff who have volunteered to supervise the program during the lunch hour. EARLY LEARNING PROGRAM: September 2010, full day Early Learning Program, for children ages 4 and 5 years, will be implemented across the Province. Here in Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, 45 classes will commence in 16 schools predetermined by the board based upon Ministry guidelines. Early Learning Programs are expected to be fully implemented over a five year phase in process. Presently, Sts. Martha and Mary school has not been identified as a site for Early Learning Program and therefore, will continue to operate both Junior and Senior Kindergarten half-day programs. PEEL REGION PUBLIC HEALTH IMMUNIZATION: On Wednesday, March 3, 2010, Peel Public Health nurses will be at the school to administer second vaccination for Hepatitis B, for students in Grade seven and HPV (Gardisal) for female students in Grade eight. For more information consult Peel Region Public Health website: and/or contact them by phone at 905 799-7700. LENTEN JOURNEY… THINGS YOU CAN DO IN YOUR HOME OR WITH YOUR FAMILY THAT ARE SPIRITUAL: Pray the Stations of the Cross Read, meditate, contemplate or pray Perform an act of mercy, try and make it an unexpected one, also try to do this every day of Lent Attend mass on Sunday Be kind and think, what would Jesus do (WWJD)? Try this: Put five pennies in one pocket and try to compliment five people during the day, and as you do this transfer one of the pennies to your other pocket.