7 Grade Science Populations and Ecosystems Test Review

7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
Test Review
1. Circle which of the following are learned behaviors that an animal could use to protect itself.
 Hair keeps them warm in cold weather
 Roll in the mud to keep bugs from biting them
 Keen sense of sight to spot predators
 White fur to camouflage themselves in snow
 Chimps use a large stick as a weapon
2. Circle which of the following is an inherited behavior (an animal is born with it).
 Newborn babies can swim
 Spiders know how to build a web
 Fish swim upstream to mate
 Fish leave salt water and return to fresh water
 Chimps use tools to get termites out of their mounds for food
3. Name some biotic (living) components of a desert.
4. Name some abiotic (nonliving) components of a desert.
5. Trees, bugs, rocks, and warm temperature all describe a forest (Circle one)
 Climate
food chain
6. List some limiting factors that might be absent and allow for a population of rabbits to grow out of
control for a period of time.
7. When a bee visits a flower to collect nectar, it unknowingly picks up pollen from the flower on its
body, then it travels to another flower to collect more nectar. How does the flower help the bee?
How does the bee help the flower?
7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
Test Review
8. Use this data table to answer the question.
Insect Species on Different Trees
Number of Insects:
Species A
Number of Insects:
Species B
A scientist examined the numbers of two different species of insects on four different kinds of trees in
the same forest. The results of her examination are shown on the data table. What inference can the
scientist make about the insects?
Species B insects are the main food source for species A insects. B.
Species A and species B insects are very closely related. C.
There are more of species B insects than species A insects in the entire forest. D.
Species A insects prefer different kinds of trees from species B insects. 9. What is the definition of a population?
10. What is the definition of an ecosystem?
11. How do the birth rate and death rate compare in a population that is at its carrying capacity?
12. What probably caused the plant in the picture below to grow the way it did?
7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
Test Review
13. Label the carrying capacity in the graph below.
14. What will happen to the predators in a population if its prey population decreases significantly?
15. If a fish population uses plants in the water for shelter and to hide from predators, what will
happen to the fish population if all of the water plants die?
16. Three different types of birds eat worms as the main part of their diet. What would happen is the
number of worms decreased significantly due to a drought?
17. Consider the food web below. What is the relationship between the rabbit and the grasss?
18. Explain how a decrease in foxes would affect the rabbit population.
19. Draw a graph that shows the relationship you explained in number 18.
20. If wolves moved into the ecosystem where this food web exists and eat most of the rabbits, explain
what effect this will have on the other organisms in this food web.
7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
Test Review
21. Use the organisms below to create a food chain. Which organism goes at the bottom of the chain
and which goes at the top to show the correct flow of energy through the food chain?
 snake
22. Give an example of each of the following from the food web below:
Secondary Consumer:
Primary Consumer:
23. If a wildfire burned through the ecosystem of the food web in number 22, which organisms would
be most affected immediately after the fire? How would they be affected?
24. Describe the direction and flow of energy as it passes from one organism to another in a food
25. Name some organisms that might compete with the fox in the food chain below.
7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
Test Review
26. Name some organisms that might be the top predator of their food chain.
27. Which level of the food chain below would have the MOST energy available to it? The LEAST
energy available?
28. What does this graph show about the relationship between predator and prey?
29. What is the main source of all energy in an ecosystem?
7th Grade Science
Populations and Ecosystems
30. Identify a producer, consumer, and decomposer in the ecosystem pictured below.
31. Explain how energy would move from the Sun throughout this ecosystem.
Test Review