St. Jerome School 790 Paisley Blvd W. Mississauga, Ontario L5C 3P5 Tel (905) 273 3836 Fax (905) 273 9539 Newsletter October 2014 Mississauga South Family of Schools Trustee: A Thanksgiving Prayer God Our Father, we gather together with those we love on this Thanksgiving Day to celebrate your many gifts to us. You are truly a loving Father who cares for all our needs. We also remember that many of your children cannot celebrate today because they are hungry or homeless or have no one to love them. Please show us how we can share our gifts with them. School Organization 2014-2015 B. Iannicca 905 270 0536 Superintendent: D. Amaral Principal: A. Aquino H. Secretary: C. Bowering FDK Mrs. Vermeiren and Mrs. Goegan FDK Mrs. Malatesta and Mrs. Mezei Grade 1 Mrs. Kurpis Parish Priests: Grade 2 Mrs. Murphy Fr. Joyson Pottackal Grade 2 Mrs. Vukosa St. Martin of Tours Grade 2/3 Mrs. Van De Wiele– Kimura 905 279 5742 Grade 3 Mrs. Ladner Grade 4 Mrs. Bugala Grade 4/5 Ms. Lavorato Grade 5/6 Gifted Mrs. Read Grade 5/6 Mrs. Arruda Grade 6 Mrs. Burnham Grade 7 Mrs. Danton Grade 7/8 Ms. Lucchetta Grade 7/8 Gifted Ms. Sacco SERT/ELL Ms. Borg SERC/SERT Mrs. Srutwa FSL Ms. Falvo and Ms. De Maria Planning Time Ms. Kimeda ERW Ms. Andriano, Mrs. Joys and Mrs. Sarrazin Secretary Mrs. Bowering Custodian Mr. Taylor Principal Ms. Aquino Catholic School Council Chair: M. Fleese Web-site: Faith Life Virtue of the Month: Empathy This month we will focus on the Virtue of Empathy. God has given us the ability to form connections with each other - to live together. Empathy helps us to connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in a faith community we are nothing without relationships. Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion- an understanding that we share an identity based on being created in the image and likeness of God and being imbued with one Spirit. We are many parts of one body. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God. Around the School Indoor Shoes/Change of Clothes Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to go outside for recess and lunch hour breaks. It is the expectation that each child comes dressed appropriately to go outside to enjoy the weather and get some fresh air and exercise. If your child is prone to getting wet during recess, please send a change of clothes, especially socks and sweat pants. Please ensure that your child brings a pair of indoor shoes to school. Please label the shoes for our primary students. Running shoes are preferred because they are safe and can also be used for gym. Please ensure that the shoes have non-marking soles. We appreciate your continued support! We are an Allergen Aware School As a caring community, St. Jerome School is committed to supporting the needs and safety of all our students. Our student population includes students who are susceptible to anaphylactic reactions and who have severe life-threatening allergies. Please ensure that you are sending safe food to school so that all of our students will be safe. Please avoid all nuts and nut products! World Teachers’ Day October 5th is the day specifically designated to recognize the contribution of teachers. World Teachers’ Day was inaugurated in 1994 to commemorate the signing of the UNESCO/ILO. More than 100 countries currently celebrate World Teachers’ Day. At St. Jerome we are very fortunate to have so many dedicated individuals who work to provide for the education of the young people in the community. Thank you to all our teachers! School Safety Parents are welcomed to the school throughout the year, however, for the safety of all children, parents and visitors will now be required to ring the door bell at the front door for entry, and must sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s sticker each and every time you visit the building. Visitors are not entitled to go to the classrooms as this is a disruption to student programming. Since the hallways are busy during pick up times, siblings and parents are asked to arrange with your child, a meeting place outside of the school. Messages and deliveries (keys, lunches, etc.) are handled through the office. Please remember to most students in the school, you are a stranger! We also ask that parents do not enter the schoolyard during school hours as this is also a safety issue. Twitter Help us spread the word! Dufferin-Peel is on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @ DPCDSBSchools. Dogs on School Property For the safety of our students, parents, guardians and staff, please do not bring dogs on school property during the school day (9:00 to 4:00), most especially when you are picking up or dropping off students. Several students have severe allergies and animals may be unpredictable when confronted by a group of children. Please note that no pets are allowed in the school building at any time. Also note that no pets are allowed on school property during school sanctioned events. Thank you for helping to keep the school environment safe for all! Students Watching Sporting Events A reminder that spectators are not allowed at after school games. Staff are present to coach or referee the games. No supervision is provided for other spectators. Only students who are accompanied by their parent(s) may stay. All other students will be asked to leave. Terry Fox Walk On September 26, 2014 the St. Jerome community participated in our annual Terry Fox Walk. On the walk each student had a sticker to write the name of someone they wanted to dedicate the walk to. As a school we dedicated our walk to Steven Sadlowski, a student that lost his life to cancer, and to all the many friends. Our community raised $1700. We thank you for your generosity and support of the Terry Fox foundation! Kiss ‘N Ride PLEASE NOTE THAT CARS ARE NOT TO USE THE BUS LANE AT ANY TIME. Parents are also asked to use our proper Kiss ‘N Ride lanes and not to pull into the school lanes. This is especially important this year as we begin to offer Full Day Kindergarten classes. Parents please do not leave your car unattended in any of the Kiss ‘N Ride lanes at any point in the school day, most especially at lunch time. If you are dropping off a lunch for your child please park your car in a designated parking spot or on the street. Please note that if you are using the Kiss ‘N Ride you should not be getting out of your car to help a child exit, you should not pop open your truck to retrieve knapsacks, and all students must exit from the right passenger side of the car for their safety. We ask that parents use extra caution when using our Kiss ‘N Ride lanes in the winter months. Please drive safely and take your time. Our focus is always to keep all of our students safe. School Yard Safety Just a reminder that student supervision begins at 9:00; students must not be dropped off at the school before this time. EQAO At St. Jerome School we are very proud of our EQAO results! Grade 3 School : Reading 78% Writing 83% Math 83% Board : Reading 73% Writing 83% Math 67% Province: Reading 70% Writing 78% Math 67% Grade 6 School: Reading 97% Writing 92% Math 64% Board: Reading 82% Writing 82% Math 57% Province: Reading 79% Writing 78% Math 54% It is important to keep in mind that these results are a snapshot of student achievement, and must be considered along with a variety of assessments which occur in the classroom. Criminal Reference Check In compliance with Ministry directives, a Criminal Reference Check is mandatory if you wish to volunteer your services in the school, transport students and assist on trips. Copies of the Criminal Reference forms are available in the office. An annual declaration is required for all valid Criminal Reference Checks that are on file in the school office. A Criminal Reference Check will be mandatory this year if you plan to volunteer for both in school and out of school activities. Website Parents are encouraged to visit our website! The site is Please take the time to check it out. All school information and parent information is on the site and updated regularly. All previous and current newsletters are on the site. Our web-site is another excellent tool to keep parents connected to what is happening at school. Pediculosis From time to time, there may be cases of pediculosis or head lice in our school. This should not be a cause for alarm. Lice are a nuisance, but are not hazardous to your child’s health, as they do not carry disease. One of the most important steps to both their prevention and treatment is knowledge. Head lice do not fly or jump. They can only hitch rides from one head to another, and they prefer clean scalp and hair. By the time that the nits or empty egg sacs are noticed on the head of one child in a class or family, it is likely that other children may be affected. If a child has pediculosis, we will ask the parent to come to school and pick up the child. An alert letter is sent home to parents of the infected class. Please note that students must be checked in the office on their return to school after treatment before they will be allowed to return to class. Phone Calls The office often gets requests from students to make phone calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten items such as running shoes, textbooks or homework. We are reinforcing with students that it is their responsibility to bring all necessary items to school and to arrange in advance their out of school activities. Students will not be given permission to make such calls. Also, please make after school arrangements with your children prior to school. We make every attempt to minimize interruptions to classes. Recycling/ECO School At St. Jerome School we encourage you to reduce the amount of garbage going to landfill sites. We collect recycling materials from classrooms each week. We want to encourage students to bring litter less or boomerang lunches and reusable water bottles, as we did last year! It is very important to us to treat our earth with respect and to preserve our earth for future generations! CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL It is with great pleasure that we introduce our 20142015 Catholic School Council. Chair: M. Fleese Secretary: I. Singh Treasurer: D. Pike Parish Rep: C. Preyra OAPCE Rep: C. MacIntosh Parent Reps: L. Gatto and T. Li Teacher Rep: H. Srutwa Non-Teaching Rep: I. Andriano Dates to Remember Mark your Calendar Our next council meeting will be Wednesday, October 8th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend. We thank you for your continued support and generosity in helping to make our students’ learning experiences the best that they can be! Pizza/Milk Program Please support our pizza days/milk program. Forms have been sent home for the October to December orders. There will be no pizza sales on pizza days, we will only accept pre-orders. St. Jerome students love our pizza days and our milk program (and so do our parents). We thank you for your continued support in both of these initiatives. Halloween We have many students with severe allergies this year. We remind families that if you are planning to send Halloween treats or loot bags to school that they can not contain edible products. All edible products or loot bags that contain edible products (chocolates, candy, cookies, cupcakes, etc.) will be sent back home with your child. This will also help us promote a healthy snack school environment. In addition, we will also be stressing the fact that the most important aspect of our activities at this time of year is the celebration of two great Feast Days. November 1 we honour All Saints Day in our church, and we are encouraged to pray that we might emulate their example in our daily lives. On the following day, November 2, we will remember all those who have gone before us in faith by celebrating the Feast of All Souls. Again, we are reminded that while those who have died are out of sight, they are not out of mind or beyond our prayers. October 1-3 Camp Muskoka Grade 8 October 7 Immunization Clinic Grade 7/8 October 8 Catholic School Council 6:30 October 13 Thanksgiving Day, no school October 15 –17 Grade 4 CCAT testing October 21 Cross Country Meet at Erindale October 28 Picture Re-take Day November 5 Grade 8 to St. Martin Catholic School Council 6:30 November 11 Progress Reports go home November 14 PA Day, no school November 29 Gr. 2 Reconciliation 10:30 a.m. Planning Ahead: PA Days: Nov. 14, Jan. 19, Feb. 6, May 11 and June 8 Christmas Break: Monday, Dec. 22 to Friday, January 2, 2015 inclusive March Break: Monday, March 16 to Friday, March 20, 2015 inclusive Fire Drills/Lockdown/Hold and Secure As a precautionary measure, we will practice fire drills and lock down procedures throughout the year. We are required to hold 6 fire drills each year as well as 2 lock down drills. During fire drills, students are asked to move safely and swiftly to the nearest exit and to report to their designated area outside of the building. If an exit is blocked, students are reminded to use their alternate exit. We will have three of the fire drills in the fall and the remaining three in the spring. In a lock down, students are alerted over the P.A. that we are “initiating lock down”. Students are directed to move away from all windows and doors to a safe area. Classroom doors and windows are secured. Students remain this way until the alert is cancelled. In hold and secure our exterior doors are locked and no one can enter or exit the building. Discussing these procedures with your child will help reassure the importance of these safety procedures. In the unforeseen event that we should have an emergency in our school, we will evacuate to Huron Park Community Centre. Safety regulations require us to have this contingency plan in place. In such an event, your child will remain with school staff until we contact you. Immunize on Time Report Every Time This is just a reminder that it is your responsibility to report all immunizations your child receives to Peel Public Health. Contact them at: or 905–7997700.