St. Bernadette School thanksgiving  prayer  virtue for the month of  

St. Bernadette School
1060 White Clover Way,
Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1 K9
TEL: 905 501 9498 FAX: 905 501 9501
"Faith, Discipline, Excellence"
O C T O B E R ,
thanksgiving prayer virtue for the month of october Principal:
M.J. Vowles
M. Trigiani
C. Saytar
905 890 1221
Our Father, You have abundantly blessed this earth on which we live With great harvest. You have provided for humankind all thing. May we ever rejoice in your great goodness to us. Help us not to forget all your benefits. On this day of Thanksgiving, we thank you for our food, our schools, books and churches, above all, we thank you For your son, Jesus. May the words of the Psalm be our prayer. Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, Bless His holy name. Amen Trustee:
P. Ferreira
905­890­1221 416­805­7110 St. Martins
Fr. J. Pottackal
905 279 5742
C.S.C. Co-Chair
M. Cholette, J. DeCosta
2 0 1 1
Message from the Principal Thanksgiving is a very special time of year. We thank God for all His gifts and blessings. We give thanks for our family, our friends, our health and all of God’s won­
ders. We thank God for peace and love. We thank God for schools and hospitals. Most of all we thank God for the gift of children. Have very Happy Thanksgiving. M.J. Vowles Principal We’re on the Web!
WEATHER The Fall is a time when weather changes a great deal. Days begin cold and get extremely hot while others begin with sun and suddenly change to rain. Please be sure to include a windbreaker and sweater with your child’s knapsack each day. A raincoat is also a great idea for this time of year. SPIRIT ASSEMBLIES Monthly we will celebrate student achievements and show­
case virtues at the Spirit Assemblies. In the October assem­
bly we will highlight the Virtue of Faith and introduce our monthly focus: the Virtue of Empathy. Health News WELLNESS If your child is going to be away or ill please contact the school and leave a message. When your child returns to school he/she should feel well enough to participate in all school activities including recess. FIRE DRILLS/LOCK DOWN ROCEDURES In accordance with Ministry regulations, three fire drills will be conducted in the Fall and three in the Spring per school year. While we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this practice helps prepare students in the event of a real fire. In addition, our School Board has established lockdown procedures should a high risk incident involving weapons occur in the school, or on school property, that could endan­
ger the lives and safety of students and staff. We will prac­
tice the Emergency Lockdown Procedure with students two times during the school year and review the process periodi­
cally. EMERGENCY CONTACT Please ensure the school has updated information with re­
gards to emergency contacts and phone numbers. Recently nurses from the Credit Valley hospital came to St. Bernadette School to talk to the Grades 5­8 students about Type 2 diabetes. They combined this information with the importance of eating healthy and following the Canada Food Guide. As you oversee your child packing his or her lunch , talk about the importance of eating healthy.It is estimated that Type 2 Diabetes in children will increase by up to 50% around the world in the next 15 years. Many children in our region are considered high risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Unlike Juve­
nile Diabetes (Type 1), the onset of Type 2 Diabe­
tes can often be delayed or prevented.Now a new FREE program, Kids Type 2 AWARD (Actions To Win At Reducing Diabetes) is available to screen our children for this disease. It’s simple – just go online at or call 905­813­1100 extension 5098. If your child is found to be at risk or has Type 2 Diabetes, just spending 24 hours this year (one two­hour evening session for 12 weeks) can help reduce your child’s risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney, eye and nerve problems. Don’t miss out on this “limited time” provincially­
funded program now operating in Mississauga and Brampton community cen­
tres by trained health care professionals. This Program is jointly operated by The Credit Val­
ley Hospital, Trillium Health Centre and William Osler Health System. Dates To Remember
Oct. 6 –Provincial Elections Oct. 6 and 20– Pizza Days Oct. 7­ 10:00am Thanksgiving Mass Oct.10­ Thanksgiving Day Oct. 13 and 27 Sub Days Oct. 14 –Cross Country Meet Oct. 17­Rosary Apostolate Oct. 18– 9:00 Free The Children Presenta­
tion Oct. 19 –6:30 Catholic School Council Mtg. Oct. 20­CCCSC Mtg. St. Francis Xavier SS Oct. 22, 23, 29, 30 Rite of Enrolment for Confirmation @ St. Martin of Tours Par­
ish Oct. 21­Picture Day Oct. 25 –Volleyball Family Tournament Oct. 25–Reports sent home Oct. 26­Nov. 1 School Book Fair Oct. 27– Interview Evening Oct. 28­CSC Movie Night Oct. 28 –Power of One presentation Nov. 3 and 17 Pizza Days November 10 and 24 Sub Days P A G E
EQAO AT ST. BERNADETTE Our EQAO results have been posted on the EQAO website. Our strength, as a school was writing and we continue through Balanced Literacy to develop Reading and Writing strategies. We continue to use the 3 part math lesson as a tool for developing strategies in numeracy. It is important to note that 36% of students who wrote EQAO at St. Berna­
dette last year were on an IEP or were students with English as a Second Language. VOLUNTEERS We are always in need of volunteers to assist or supplement the excellent work and teaching that occurs at our school. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Furtado. STUDENT LUNCHES Thank you to parents who send their children daily with lunches. For the few times your child “forgets” his or her lunch please drop off lunches labeled with your child’s name on the lunch table before 11:25 a.m. This ensures your child will have enough time to eat before heading out at 11:50 OPENING SCHOOL/THANKSGIVING MASS Parents: Please consider joining us at our opening school/
Thanksgiving mass to be held in our gym on Friday, October 7, 2011 beginning at 10:00 a.m. PICTURE DAY PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE Friday October 21st, 2011 is our school picture day. Re­
minders are being sent home. COOKIES FOR SALE! This year St. Bernadette students will have the opportunity to buy cookies on a daily basis for only $1.00. Delicious cookies will be for sale everyday at 10:20am during morning snack time. The flavours will always change and specialty cookies will be sold to keep up with the seasons. This month’s special cookies are Pumpkins. All cookies are in accordance with the School & Beverage Policy and are nut free as well. So bring your loonies and enjoy a fresh cookie! PEDICULOSIS Although it may seem early in the school year, we would like to bring to your attention a problem which occurs from time to time in each school. This problem is an infestation by head lice also known as pediculosis. Unfortunately, head lice has become common throughout North America in humans for centuries. They are in no way connected with poor hygiene or dirt. Anyone can become infested. In order to control these pests we will follow these procedures and request your full cooperation and understanding. If cases are found in the classroom, we shall inform the par­
ents of that class. Also, if there are siblings then their classes will be informed too. We would ask that you check your children’s hair and if you find them to be infested please notify the school and we will advise as to treatment. If a child is infested he/she will be kept out of school until they have been treated with the correct shampoo and they’re entirely clear of both lice and nits (eggs). Information on head lice may also be obtained from your family doctor or pharmacist. TERRY FOX WALK/RUN
St. Bernadette School participated in the Terry Fox
Walk/Run Friday, September 30th. Congratulations to
all participants and volunteers. Though monies continue to be counted we have raised over $400.00 to
contribute to this worthwhile cause. Thank you, you
have made a difference!
The Rosary Apostolate will join the students monthly
beginning Monday, October 17. They will lead our
students through the praying of the Rosary. Encourage your child to pray the Rosary with you especially
on the evenings when the Apostolate has visited the
October 17
November 14 December 5
January 9
February 6
March 5
April 2
Please mark May 7th on your calendar as on this date
we will celebrate May crowning.
We Need Your Support! EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/ATHLETICS Clubs, teams and intramural activities for the 2011/2012 school year have been planned. Interme­
diate volleyball and soccer, junior and intermediate cross country, and choir are currently well under way. Junior Boys and Girls Volleyball will begin later his month. Students should listen to announcements to sign up. St . Bernadette’s Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive In support of our community HALLOWE‛EN AT SCHOOL
In keeping with the excitement of the time students in
the Primary grades JK-3 may decide to wear a costume
on October 31. Students should be able to remove the
costume at recess for safe-keeping. For safety, students may not wear masks or carry weapons. Students activities for the day will be liked to Hallow‛en/All
Saints/All Souls theme.
Hallowe‛en is just around the corner. In school we will
remind them about the safety rules so that they can
both enjoy the evening and stay safe and well. Here are
some suggestions to keep it safe for all our children.
 Choose brightly coloured costumes
 Use face paint instead of masks
 Plan a safe route with child
 Remind your child of road safety rules
 Accompany your children
 Remind children not to enter homes
 Check the treats before allowing your
Children to eat them
With our support our local food bank will be able to provide a thanksgiving meal to needy families. Let’s help fight hunger one can at a time. In addition, we will also be stressing the fact that the most important aspect of our activities at this time of year is the celebration of two Feast Days. On No­
vember 1st, we honour All Saints Day and we are encouraged to pray that we might emulate their ex­
ample in our daily lives. On the following day, No­
vember 2nd, we remember all those who have gone before us in faith by celebrating the Feast of All Souls. Again we are reminded that while those who have died are out of sight, they are not out of mind or beyond our prayers. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS FAITH REPRESENTATIVE St. Bernadette School Council needs a FAITH REPRE­
SENTATIVE. If you are a member of St. Martin of Tours Parish and would like to act as a liaison from the Council to the parish please let the Council know through the Main Office and attending the next meeting in October. VOLUNTEERS ST. BERNADETTE SCHOOL COUNCIL NEEDS VOLUN­
TEERS!! There are many fulfilling opportunities avail­
able. If you are enthusiastic about your child’s school experience and have ideas to share, please consider becoming a member of the school council. The council meets once a month and your involve­
ment is always welcome. You can also volunteer for pizza days, photocopying, laminating, and to assist in fundraising. Please speak to a Council member or join us for our meeting in October. Fun Food Facts Apples are made of 25% air that is why they float Celery requires more calories to eat and digest than it contains Corn always has an even number of ears Carrots were originally purple in colour; they changed in the 17th century to orange with newer varieties Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries Strawberries are the only fruit which has its seeds on its outer skin STAFF PARKING/STUDENT DROP OFF Just a reminder that before and after school the staff parking area is for staff use only. This is for student safety. Signs are posted to indicate this area. There is no drive­thru over the student crosswalk from 8:15­8:30 and 3:00­3:15. Please use the Kiss n Ride area for drop­
ping off and picking up your children . All cars in the Kiss ‘n Ride MUST have a driver at the wheel at all times as this is the Fire Route. =========================================== LUNCH TIME STUDENT MONITORS We are in need of a Lunch Time Student Monitor for our school. In order to be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a valid Criminal Reference Check authorized by The Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board. The scheduled hours of work are set at 1.2 hours (72 minutes) per day, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you are interested, please contact the school of­
fice for details. (905 501 9498). ================================================ MILK Mild orders from now until Christmas have been distributed. Milk delivery will begin October 14, 2011. Our Catholic School Council is coordinating Pizza and Sub or­
ders. These will alternate every Thursday starting October 6. 