THOMAS J. KISTENMACHER, DWAINE O. COW AN, and THEODORE O. POEHLER TWENTY YEARS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL ORGANIC CONDUCTORS One of the most vigorous and successful of the collaborative programs between the Applied Physics Laboratory and the Homewood campus of The Johns Hopkins University is in the synthesis and study of the crystal structure and physical properties of low-dimensional (nearly one-dimensional or nearly twodimensional) organic charge-transfer salts exhibiting metallic or semiconducting properties. This article surveys the more interesting and important contributions of the Johns Hopkins community to the experimental and theoretical chemical physics of organic conductors during the past two decades and reveals some of the reasons for the continuing vitality and import of this field of research. The cited results have been culled to give an overview of the hard-won experimental data and resulting theoretical interpretations as well as a sense of the considerations that have determined the direction of the research. BACKGROUND In late 1972, a group of experimentalists and theoreticians from the Department of Chemistry at Homewood and the Applied Physics Laboratory began what was to become an intensive research effort to synthesize electrically conducting organic charge-transfer salts, which prompted an equally spirited preoccupation with the systematic exploration of their crystalline structures and the measurement and theoretical interpretation of their physical properties. At the beginning, two of the present authors (D.O.C. and TJ.K.), along with Jerome H. Perlstein (now a research scientist at Eastman Kodak) and Aaron N. Bloch (now Associate Provost for Research at Columbia University), were members of the Department of Chemistry at Homewood, and Theodore O. Poehler resided in the Milton S. Ei senhower Research Center of the Applied Physics Laboratory. In addition, numerous undergraduate and graduate students (including Terry E. Phillips, Richard S. Potember, and Wayne A. Bryden, who are all presently members of the Milton S. Eisenhower Research Center), postdoctoral fellow s, and visiting scientists contributed enormously to the initial advances and to the continuing strength of the organic conductors program. INTRODUCTION The electrical conductivity of most organic solids is generally expected to be limited (largely to insulating behavior) by the covalent contribution to the binding energy that stabilizes such materials. About twenty-five years ago, however, several groups of researchers discovered that a class of organic materials exhibiting substantial room-temperature electrical conductivity could be synthesized. The electrical conductivities of some of these materials proved to be nearly as high as those observed for such common metals as lead and copper. 256 Specifically, researchers demonstrated that planar, conjugated molecular radical (possessing an unpaired electron) anions- such as those derived from tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ)or planar conjugated organic radical cations-such as those derived from N-methylphenazene ( MP) or tetramethylparaphenylenediamine (TMPD)-form charge-transfer salts in which donors or acceptors can be stacked along a common direction with their molecular planes parallel to each other. Such a crystalline arrangement maximizes the intermolecular 7r-orbital overlap along the chain propagation direction. In these materials, moreover, as in those to be described, the interchain 7r-orbital overlaps are very small. As a result, the electronic structure and dependent electrical properties are markedly anisotropic, with the ratio of the conductivities in the intrachain to the interchain directions often exceeding 103 . In the jargon of condensed matter physics, such materials are said to be quasi-one-dimensional. The charge-transfer salts synthesized were generally of three kinds: (1 ) those invol ving organic electron donors with simple inorganic anions, such as MP- X, where x is a halide anion; I (2) those composed of organic electron acceptors with simple inorganjc cations, such as Cs2(TC Qh; and, (3) those where both donor and acceptor were drawn from conjugated organic molecules, such as MP-TC Q, TMPD-TC Q, and TMPD(TCNQ)z. An elegant, comprehensive, and masterful review of the chemistry, spectroscopy, and crystallography of these early materials has been presented by Herbstein. I The potential for fundamental discoveries from continued studies of conductive organic systems was certainly a sufficient motivation for further research into the synthesis of new donors and acceptors and the preparation of new charge-transfer salts. Although these early matef ohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number I (1992) rium (lTeF, see Fig. 1) analogues, the chalcogen atoms have been shown to bear the most prominent fraction of the positive charge. Also shown in Figure 1 are two particularly important fulvalene donors containing selenium: TMTSF (tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene), initially synthesized at Johns Hopkins and a key element in the first family of super- rials were limited in many of their properties (generally to a temperature dependence typical of a semiconductor), the enormous power of synthetic organic chemistry and the equally broad range of potential markets for useful devices based on inexpensive organic materials (see the boxed insert) provided more than sufficient additional impetus for continued exploratory research at many university, industrial, and government laboratories both here and abroad. The Johns Hopkins program in synthetic chemistry has had an early and continuing focus on organic donors, particularly those based on a class of molecules derived from chalcogen-substituted (s ulfur [S] , seleni um [Se] , and tellurium [TeD fulvalenes. The molecular structure of the simplest of these donors , TIF (tetrathiafulvalene), is illustrated in Figure 1. This symmetrical donor has a relatively simple molecular geometry with two chalcogen-substituted five-membered rings joined by a carboncarbon double bond, which results in a near overall planarity. (It is important to recognize and retain the point that the donor TIF and its derivatives shown in Figure 1 have a structure suggestive of a playing card.) The comparatively low first ionization potential (see Fig. 1) of TIF makes its radical cation accessible through charge transfer to a sufficiently strong inorganic or organic acceptor or via simple electrochemical techniques. Finally, in the cation of TIF (TIP) and its selenium and tellu- H H \ C..----- \ II / c--.... / C=C \ __ C \ H H TTF (6.9) ~Te \ / --------( / H C \ I / C=C C--....Te / \ Te......... / C H II .--C Te \ H H TTeF (7. 2) TMTSF (6.6) HMTSF (6 .5) Figure 1. The electron donor TIF and several of its derivatives . The numbers in parentheses are first ion ization potentials in electron vo lts (a measu re of th e ease of formati on of the rad ical cati ons). OPPORTUNITIES IN, AND APPLICATIONS OF, CONDUCTIVE ORGANIC CHARGE- TRANSFER SALTS , Transduce rs (electret microphones) Photocopier solar cells Piezoelectric phenomena, ferroelectric phenomena O rgan ic photoconductors, organic semiconductors Electronic com ponents, Metals ~ plastic ~ batteri es / Josephson junction computer logic gates, high-field magnets, generators, motors, power transm ission Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volum e 13, Number J (1 992) / Solid-state photochemical reactions t 0 . h ' rganlc synt eSls /t Supercond uctors Optical information storage Electro-optics , nonlinear optical phenomena t Frequency doublers, modulators, integrated optics , optical compute rs ~ Solid-state Chem ical reactions ~ sensors Ferromagnetism Magnetic recording , magneto-optic recording 257 T. 1. Kistenma cher, D. O. Cowan , and T. O. Poehler conducting organic salts, (TMTSF)2X?,3 and HMTSF (hex amethylenetetraselenafulvalene), the electron donor in a number of unusual salts, some of which are described below. These donors have been synthesized by substituting selenium for sulfur in the fulvalene rings and replacing various functional groups (such as methyl) of the exocyclic protons of TIE One major consequence of these chemical changes has been a substantial decrease in the first ionization potentials of these donors relative to that of TIF (see Fig. 1), making their cations even more accessible. A prominent family of electron acceptors employed in the Johns Hopkins program has its antecedents in the acceptor TCNQ and its fluorinated derivatives depicted in Figure 2. Like TIF, TCNQ is an essentially planar molecule with a relatively high first electron affinity, which makes its anion (TCNQ-) available through charge transfer from a sufficiently dative inorganic or organic donor or via electrochemical methods. In this context, note that the acceptor TCNQF4 has a significantly higher electron affinity than TCNQ (see Fig. 2). Like the TIF-based donors shown in Figure 1, the TCNQ-based acceptors of Figure 2 also resemble a playing card in shape. Finally, in the anions of TCNQ and its fluorinated derivatives, the cyano nitrogen atoms bear the most prominent fraction of the negative charge. In the simplest of experiments, charge-transfer salts are synthesized in a glass H-tube apparatus by allowing one of the electron donors of Figure 1 and one of the electron acceptors of Figure 2 to interact as shown in Figure 3. The electron donor is dissolved in a suitable solvent in one half of the H-tube apparatus, and the other half of the apparatus contains a solution of the electron acceptor in an appropriate solvent. (Best results are usually obtained if the donor and acceptor solvents are at least miscible.) These solutions are separated by a glass frit (with pores on the order of a few microns) to ensure a mixing rate sufficiently slow (usually days to weeks to months) to allow an equilibrium growth of the chargetransfer salt. Nucleation of crystals (usually black acic- N / J Figure 2. The electron acceptor TCNQ and several of its fluorinated derivatives. The numbers in parentheses are first electron affinities in electron volts (a measure of the ease of formation of the radical anions). N In the two decades since the achievement at Johns Hopkins of true metallic conductivity in the purely organic charge-transfer salt TIF-TCNQ, probably no other molecular conductor has engendered as much excitement in the chemistry and physics communities. It seems appropriate, then, to begin this brief review by describing the crystalline structure and some of the physical properties of this still novel charge-transfer salt. TTF-TCNQ: An Auspicious Beginning The charge-transfer salt TIF-TCNQ is composed of the now familiar electron donor TIF (see Fig. 1) and the equally familiar electron acceptor TC Q (see Fig. 2). The crystal structure4 ,5 of TIF-TCNQ is illustrated in Figures 4 and 5, and some of its crystallographic properties are given in Table 1. Only a few-but very importantaspects of the crystal structure of TIF-TCNQ need to be comprehended: (1) The relatively low symmetry (monoclinic) unit cell describing the crystal structure has a very acicular shape reminiscent of its molecular components (see the previous section) with unit cell axis lengths of \ I c=c \ / H I \ / \c \N H / C !! N c !! N H I CI \ c=cI I \ c c=c \ c=c / H N \ H , N TCNQF (2 .95) ; IC C===C \ I C===C / \ F F\ \ e=cI c=c F\ ! IC===C\ e=c N \C CI TCNQ (2.85) C\ \ C , F TCNQF 4 (3.20) 258 N I \ c=c l \ \ e=c c PRESENTATION OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION H H \C ular prisms for conductive salts and brightly colored red or yellow blocks Jor insulating salts) occurs at the rough surface of the glass frit as is visible in Figure 3. Depending largely on the relative ionization potential of the electron donor and the relative electron affinity of the electron acceptor, the charge states and crystal structures of organic donor-acceptor salts may be classified as (1) mixed (insulating) stacks of essentially neutral donors and acceptors, (2) mixed or segregated (insulating to semiconducting) stacks of fully ionized donors and acceptors, or (3) mixed (semiconducting) stack or segregated (metallic) stack arrays of fractionally charged donors and acceptors. Although fractional charge transfer is not restricted to organic salts, its clear role in the conductivity of organic charge-transfer salts cannot be overemphasized. N 2, 5-TCNQF 2 (3.02) Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number J (1992) Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors Table 1. Some crystallographic properties of selected organic charge-transfer salts exhibiting a segregated stack motif. Crystal system Salt TTF- TC Q monoclinic TSF- TC Q monoclinic TTeF- TC Q triclinic TMTTF- TC Q monoclinic TMTSF-TC Q triclinic HMTTF- TC Q orthorhombic HMTSF- TCNQ monoclinic HMTSF- TC QF4 monoclinic az i Figure 3. H-tube growth of an organic charge-transfer salt. The electron donor is dissolved in a su itable solvent in one half of the apparatus , and the other half contains a solution of the electron acceptor in an appropriate solvent. The black, acicular crystals of the charge-transfer salt, which are typically a few millimeters long and a few hundredths of a square millimeter in cross section , have nucleated at the fine glass frit separating the solutions . x Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number 1 (1992) Unit cell Stacking volume za axis (A) (A 3) 2 3.819 840 2 3.872 869 475 3.947 2 3.850 1062 544 3.883 2 3.901 1050 2 3.890 1076 2 4.018 1137 the number of formula units per cell. approximately 4, 12, and 18 A. (2) Segregated, onedimensional stacks of donors and acceptors run parallel to the crystallographic b axis (the ~4- A cell constant) with their cross sections packed in a herringbone motif (the dihedral angle between contiguous donor and acceptor planes is 58.5°) as best seen in Figure 5. (3) The segregated stacks of donors and acceptors are arranged in a checkerboard fashion as is more readily seen in Figure 4, and the interchain coupling is dominated by S ... N interactions that are significantly shorter than the x x x Space group P2/c P2/c PI P2/c PI Pmna C2/m C2/m x Figure 4. The crystal structure of the charge-transfer (0.59e-) salt TIF-TCNQ projected onto the ac crystallographic plane . The shortest S ... N intermolecu lar contacts are indicated with dashed lines. x 259 T. 1. Kistenmacher, D. O. COl>l an, and T. O. Poehler ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Figure 5. The crystal structure of TIF-TCNO projected onto the be crystallographic plane . The TCNO anions (blue lines) are in one plane , and the TIF cations (yellow lines) are in a separate plane . The dihedral angle between alternate stacks of donors and acceptors is 58.5°. sum of their van der Waals radii, which suggests the influence of factors other than dispersive forces. The degree of charge transfer in ITF-TC Q is a major consideration. Several methods of determining the degree of charge transfer have been utilized and include assessing the geometrical dependence of the molecular components on charge transfer; 6 using infrared spectroscopy to measure the linear frequency shift of the molecular vibration, which is largely confined to the stretching of the cyano bonds of the TC Q acceptor with increased charge transfer;7 and measuring the variation in the diffuse Xray scattering wavevector with charge transfer,8 which is the most precise method. Although each of these approaches yields a consistent measure of the degree of charge transfer, the value of 0.5ge- from the X-ray measurements is the most accurate determination. Two aspects of the degree of charge transfer in ITFTC Q are worthy of special comment: (1) The significant charge transfer suggests a meaningful electrostatic component to the S .. .N intermolecular contacts shown in Figure 4 and an important Madelung energy contribution to the crystal cohesive energy.9 (2) The charge transfer is fractional and is due largely to the magnitude of the difference between the ionization potential of ITF and the electron affinity of TC Q (although other factors are known to be imp0l1ant).l o The room-temperature electrical conductivity of ITFTCNQ is given in Table 2 in comparison with other chargetransfer salts, and the dependence of its electrical conductivity (normalized to the value at 300 K) on temperature 11 ,12 is illustrated in Figure 6. A strong increase in conductivity, rising to a maximum of 2 X 104 (ohm·cmt l (a value near that of lead), is evident with decreasing temperature, which is behavior typical of a conventional metal. A sharp drop in conductivity occurs near 60 K, and an insulating state ultimately arises near 30 K. The physics of ITF-TCNQ at temperatures near 60 K has been examined with great energy and insight. It is beyond the scope of this article to cite all of the pertinent results, discussions, and theories that have evolved to explain the observed experimental behavior. (For example, one can perceive a sequence of three closely spaced transitions near 60 K, two of which are easily distinguished in the inset to Figure 6.) Suffice it to say that low-dimensional 260 Table 2. Charge-transfer and conductivity data for selected conducting heterofulvalene-TCNO charge-transfer salts. Temperature Fractional Conductivity Maximum of maximum charge at room transfer temperature conductivity conductivity (e-) (K ) Salt (ohm·cmt' (ohm·cmt' 2 X 104 TIF-TC Q 59 0.59 500 1 X IQ4 40 TSF-TC Q 0.63 800 1 X 104 2200 100 TIeF-TC Q 0.71 5 X 103 60 TMTIF-TC Q 0.65 350 7 X 103 61 TMTSF-TC Q 0.57 1200 2 X 103 75 500 HMTIF- TC Q 0.72 7 X 103 32 HMTSF-TC Q 0.74 2000 15 ~ .!z 10 t> ~ J'" :~ "'):.. b -g 10 1 0 () ;i- '0 S .~ :g Cii § 0.1 :::J '0 c z 0 30 50 40 Temperature (K) u '0 60 Q) .!:::! (U 5 E (5 z O L---~------~----------~----------~ o 100 200 300 Temperature (K) Figure 6. Temperature dependence of the normalized electrical conductivity for TIF-TCNO (0" = conductivity). The inset shows two of the three phase transitions occurring at about 53, 47, and 38 K. systems with fractional charge transfer are electronically unstable and that at the critical temperature the crystal structure becomes distorted, a gap opens at the Fermi energy level (see Fig. 7), and a metal-insulator transition occurs. This phenomenon is commonly termed a Peierls transition l3 and is known to involve the condensation of a charge density wave. Because of the inherent instability of quasi-one-dimensional systems, much effort has been devoted in trying to design and synthesize new donors and acceptors that will form charge-transfer salts of greater dimensionality (i.e. , with a more two-dimensional set of intermolecular interactions in the crystalline structure) in order to suppress the Peierls transition. In the following section, HMTSF-TCNQ, a successful end product of the quest for higher dimensionality is discussed, and the very prominent role the degree of charge transfer plays in electrical activity is highlighted with reference to a companion salt, HMTSF- TC QF4 . f ohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number 1 (1992 ) Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors A ~______________, -____________~~ B p ~--------------~--------------~ E Empty states Energy { gap - - - EF Filled states -hl2b -hl4b o hl4b hl2b P Figure 7. Energy versus momentum for electrons in a onedimensional periodic potential (E = energy , EF = Fermi level , p = momentum , b = b-cell constant, h = Planck's constant). A. Original undistorted lattice. B. Distorted lattice caused by electronic instability at the Fermi level (Peierls transition). HMTSF-TCNQ and HMTSF-TCNQF4: Higher Dimensionality, Isomorphism, and the Importance of Charge Transfer The crystal structure 14 of the charge-transfer salt is presented in Figures 8 and 9, and some of its crystallographic properties are given in Table 1. Once again, the prominent features of the crystal structure are a low (monoclinic) crystal symmetry and the presence of segregated columns of donors and acceptors running parallel to a short (-4 A) cell axis. One very noticeable structural difference between TTF-TC Q and HMTSF-TCNQ (see Figs. 5 and 9) is that the herringbone motif (the dihedral angle between contiguous donor and acceptor planes is 58.5°) in TTF-TC Q has been replaced by a nearly parallel arrangement (the dihedral angle between contiguous HMTSF donor planes and TC Q acceptor planes is 10.9°) of donors and acceptors in HMTSF- TC Q. This altered motif and an increased charge transfer (0.74e-) are stabilized by very short Se... N interaction distances and an even stronger interaction between columns of donors and acceptors. In fact, the increased coupling between donor and acceptor columns (see Fig. 8) leads to quasi-two-dimensional planes running approximately normal to the crystallographic a axis. Because of the poorer coupling between these two-dimensional planes, stacking faults 14 are inherent in the crystal physics of HMTSF- TC Q. The effect of the increased dimensionality in HMTSFTCNQ, moreover, is most notably expressed in the temperature dependence of its relative electrical conductivityl Sas shown in Figure 10. Here, in contrast to TTF- TCNQ, the electrical properties are only modestly dependent on temperature. Near 50 K, the conductivity has increased by about a factor of five compared with the room temperature value, corresponding to a decrease in resistivity by the same magnitude. At about 10K, however, the HMTSF-TC Q Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 13. Number J (1992) Figure 8. The crystal structure of the charge-transfer salt (-0.74e-) HMTSF-TCNQ projected onto the ab crystallograph ic plane. The dominant Se ... N intermolecular contacts are indicated with dashed lines. conductivity has returned to its room temperature value and is subsequently nearly independent of temperature down to 0.1 K. The absence of a clear indication of a metal- insulator transition in HMTSF-TC Q has primarily been attributed 14, 15 to the increased structural and electronic dimensionality, but the effects of disorder owing to the presence of the stacking faults may also playa role in suppressing the Peierls transition. In considering the salt formed between HMTSF (see Fig. 1) and the modified acceptor TC QF4 (see Fig. 2), note that TC QF4 has a considerably higher electron affinity than TC Q. The HMTSF-TC QF4 salt has a crystal structure, as shown in Figure 11 ,16 that is isomorphous with that of HMTSF- TCNQ. That is, the structures of these two salts display the same symmetry and have unit cells of about the same size (see Table 1). Pictorially, the parallels in symmetry and unit cell size of these salts can be seen by comparing Figures 8 and 9 with Figure 11. If this were the end of the story of HMTSF- TCNQF4 , it would be a simple one indeed and relatively devoid of interest. The electrical properties 17 of this salt, however, (see Fig. 12) are dramatically different from those of HMTSF-TCNQ (see Fig. 10) and kindled-and continue to generate--considerable experimental and theoretical interest. In particular, the activated behavior of the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of HMTSF261 T. 1. Kistenmacher, D. O. Cowan, and T. O. Poehler Figure 9. The crystal structure of HMTSFprojected onto the ac crystallographic plane . The TCNQ anions (blue lines) are in one stack, and the HMTSF cations (orange lines) are in a separate stack. The dihedral angle between alternate stacks of donor cations and acceptor anions is 10.9°. TCNQ 10 '" 0 5 b F.. b ~ 2 S U ::::J '0 C 0 () '0 Q) 0.5 .!::! co E (5 0.2 z 0.1 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 Temperature (K) Figure 10. Temperature dependence of the normalized electrical conductivity for HMTSF-TCNQ (a = conductivity). TCNQF4 (see Fig. 12A) is typical of a semiconductor, with an experimental activation energy of about O.leY. Briefly stated, the salt HMTSF-TC QF~ behaves as a semiconductor because (I) the electron charge transfer from donor to acceptor is unity; (2) each HMTSF cation and TC QF4 anion has one unpaired electron in its outermost molecular orbital; and (3) in view of the unpaired electron availability, the excitation of an electron along a donor or acceptor stack is activated with an activation energy on the order of the onsite electron-electron repulsion parameter. The electrical behavior of HMTSF-TCNQF.. is not just that of a simple semiconductor, however, for a transition can be seen from one semiconducting state to another in Figure 12B. This change is a spin-Peierls transition because it involves the correlation of the free electron spins of donor and acceptor electrons as against the correlation of their spatial wavefunctions, which was the case for the conventional Peierls transition active in TTF-TCNQ (see the previous section) . The isomorphism of the organic conductor HMTSFTCNQ and the organic semiconductor HMTSF- TCNQF4 of262 fers the possibility of preparing alloys of the form (HMTSF) (TC Q)x (TCNQF~)I .x whose constitution spans the full available range. The study of the structural properties (with the experimental data taken largely from the Ph.D. thesis of Thomas J. Emge with the help of Louis K. Frevel of Dow Chemical) , 18 electrical properties (extracted largely from the Ph.D. thesis of James P. Stokes), 19 and magnetic properties (taken from the Ph.D. thesis of Wayne A. Bryden)2o of these alloys covers a truly vast sweep of theory and experimentation. Salts near one or the other of the extremes, to summarize the research results, show properties that can be considered as clearly deriving from either those of HMTSF-TC Q or HMTSF-TC QF4. Near the equimolar alloy composition, however, phase separation into a mixture of the original salts develops instead of alloy formation. Such a result is consistent with a first-order transition separating the two phases and culminating in a miscibility gap. All of these aspects of the properties of HMTSF-TCNQ and HMTSF-TC QF4 and their alloys, including the detailed nature of the first-order phase transition, the miscibility gap and phase separation, and the general features of the important contributors to crystal cohesion in these lowdimensional materials have been described by Bloch,IO·21 and the interested reader is referred to the primary literature for a more elaborate exposition of the theory of cohesion and its applications. TMTSF-TCNQ: Polymorphism and the Red and Black Phases The donor TMTSF (see Fig. 1) was first synthesized22 in 1974 and subsequently coupled in the same crystallization experiment with the acceptor TCNQ to yield two types of charge-transfer salts-one a black conductor and the other a red insulator. The first of these is considered a typical low-dimensional organic conductor whose crystal structure (see Figs. 13 and 14)23 is dominated by segregated stacks of TMTSF cations and TCNQ anions. The crystalline structure ofTMTsF-TcNQ is one of the simplest known for an organic charge-transfer salt and features triclinic symmetry (see Table 1), strong donor-acceptor John s Hopkin s APL Technical Digest, Volume 13. Numb er I (1992) Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors Figure 11 . Crystal structure of the unit charge-transfer salt HMTSF-TCNOF 4 projected onto the ab (top) and ac (bottom) crystallographic planes (the blue lines denote the TCNOF4 anions, and the orange lines signify the HMTSF cations). The dominant Se . .. N and Se ... F intermolecular contacts are indicated with dashed lines. coupling in the form of short Se . .. N interactions, and strong interchain coupling via short Se .. .Se interactions, which were not observed in the charge-transfer salts considered thus far. The experimental charge transfer is fractional for this black, conductive phase ofTMTsF-Tc Q with a magnitude (O.57e-, see Table 2) very similar to that found for TIF- TCNQ. Our discussion of the properties of HMTSF- TCNQ and HMTSF- TCNQF4 having just been completed, one might be tempted to speculate that the degree of charge transfer is unity in the red phase of TMTSF-TCNQ and that on-site electron-electron correlations limit this salt, like HMTSFTCNQF4, to semiconducting behavior. Such a notion would be wrong, of course, as the acceptor in each phase of the TMTSF salt is the same, and therefore a difference in charge transfer is not expected as was the case for the different acceptors in the HMTSF salts. Thus, the source of the difference in the electrical properties of the two polymorphs of TMTSF-TCNQ must lie in some other fundamental property. It is in the crystal structure of the red phase of TMTSF-TCNQ24 that the solution to this dilemma is found. As shown in Figures 15 and 16, the red polyJohns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number 1 (1992) morph of TMTSF-TCNQ adopts a mixed-stack array of donors and acceptors characterized by columns of alternating, nearly parallel TMTSF donors and TCNQ acceptors that propagate along the short crystallographic direction (see Table 2). Additionally, short interchain Se ... N interactions are seen between these mixed stacks. This excursus demonstrates rather emphatically that a very delicate balance of forces contributes to the adopted crystalline motif in these charge-transfer salts . Quite obviously, the crystalline structures of the two polymorphs of TMTSF- TCNQ are similar in that one-dimensional columns are an essential element in each of their crystalline motifs. It is equally obvious, however, that the crystalline structures of the two polymorphs of TMTSF- TCNQ are quite dissimilar, for the one-dimensional columns are composed of segregated stacks of donors and acceptors in the black, conducting phase and mixed stacks of donors and acceptors in the red, semiconducting phase. The latter motif is manifestly supported by electrostatic considerations, whereas the former motif is clearly favored by a covalent-type bonding factor. Thus, near equality of these competing forces is suggested in the TMTSF- TCNQ salts. 263 T. 1. Kistenmacher, D. O. Cowan, and T. O. Poehler Temperature (K) A 300 250 200 150 8 ~~------~--------~----------~--~ 0. Ol 6 .2 4 B 5 ~~----~--------~------------~ 3 L-~~----~--------~--------~----- 3 4 5 6 103fT (K-1) Figure 12. Inverse temperature dependence for the semicon ducting salt HMTSF-TCNOF4 • A. Log (resistivity) where p is in a·cm. B. Resistance (R) derivative d(lnR)/d(1/T)(1 03 K-l). TTeF-TCNQ: Final Third of a Matched Set Finally, we will consider the properties of a quite recent charge-tran fer salt derived from a tellurium-based donor and the acceptor TC Q. Early on after the excitement generated by the synthesis and physical properties of TIF-TC Q, a common (but very difficult) synthetic approach was "simply" to replace the sulfur atoms of TIF with selenium atoms to yield the donor tetraselenafulvalene (TSeF). In fact, the synthesis of TSeF and its metallic charge-transfer salt with TC Q was reported as far back as 1974 by Engler and Pate1. 25 Significantly, the isomorphism of TSeF-TC Q and TIF-TC Q permitted the preparation of alloys in the form (TSeFMTIF)'_xTC Q, which enabled important deductions to be made about the separate contributions of the segregated donor and acceptor stacks to the electrical conductivity, magnetism, and lattice dynamics of the phase transitions in TIF-TCNQ and TSeF-TC Q.26 Figure 13. The crystal structure of the black, conducting chargetransfer salt TMTSF-TCNO projected onto the crystallographic be plane . The dominant Se ... N and Se . .. Se contacts are indicated with dashed lines Expectations immediately intensified for the synthesis of the third member of this family of donors , tetratellurafulvalene (TIeF, see Fig. 1). Given the properties ofTIFTCNQ and TSeF-TC Q, researchers envisioned that the preparation of the charge-transfer salt TIeF-TC Q would likely lead to (1) an increase in the intrastack conduction bandwidth of the donor stack because of the increased 7roverlap resulting from the more diffuse p orbitals of tellurium; (2) an increase in structural and electronic dimensionality owing again to the relative spatial extent of the tellurium-based orbitals now used in the interstack interactions; (3) a reduction in the on-site electron-elec- Figure 14. The crystal structure of the black polymorph of TMTSF-TCNO projected onto the ae crystallographic plane. The TCNO anions (blue lines) are in one plane , and the TMTSF cations (orange lines) are in a separate plane . The dihedral angle between alternate planes of donor cations and acceptor anions is 54.9°. 264 Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lum e 13, Number J (1992) Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organ ic Conductors o / / / / / / / cf o I I o I o »-« / d Figure 15. Two layers of the crystal structure of the red , semiconducting polymorph of TMTSF-TCNQ projected onto the ab crystallographic plane. The TMTSF cations (filled circles) are in one plane , and the TCNQ anions (open circles) are in a separate plane. The important intermolecular Se . .. N and Se ... Se contacts are indicated with dashed lines. The dihedral angle between alternate sheets of donors and acceptors is about 1°. Figure 17. Projections of the segregated-stack crystal structure of TTeF-TCNQ onto the ae (top) and be (bottom) crystallographic planes. The principal Te . . .Te and Te ... N intermolecular interactions are indicated with dashed lines. Figure 16. Projection of the crystal structure of the red polymorph of TMTSF-TCNQ onto the crystallographic ae plane . The TCNQ anions are denoted by blue lines, and the TMTSF cations are indicated by orange lines. Note the mixed-stack arrays of donors and acceptors . tron repulsion because of the increased polarizability added by the tellurium atoms; and, (4) a difference in charge transfer as a consequence of a change in the ionization potential of the donor. In 1987, the synthesis of TTeF was finally reported at Johns Hopkins,27 and initial and detailed studies of the crystal structure and physical properties of the chargetransfer salt TTeF_TCNQ28-30 (see Table 2), which has a fractional charge-transfer of 0.71e-, soon followed. Surprisingly, although the crystal structure of TTeF-TCNQ (see Fig. 17) consists of segregated stacks of TTeF cations and TCNQ anions, the adopted motif is not isomorphous with that of TTF- TCNQ and TSeF-TCNQ. It seems reasonable, then, to conjecture that it is the interstack interactions that lead to the structural pattern alteration. As expected, strong Te ... N interactions are present in the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vo lume 13, Number J (/992) crystal structure of TTeF-TCNQ that are analogous to the S ... N interactions of TTF-TCNQ and the Se ... N interactions of TSeF-TCNQ. In addition, however, rather short Te ... Te contacts exist (recall the absence as shown in Figure 4 of this type of interaction in the crystal structures ofTTF-TcNQ and TSeF-TCNQ) that are apparently sufficient to sway the cohesive energetics in favor of the modified crystal structure. In fact, the crystalline motif of TTeF-TCNQ is akin in symmetry (see Table 1) and in interchain coupling to that of the black, conducting polymorph of TMTSF-TCNQ (see Figs. 13 and 14) with its combination of Se ... Se and Se ... N inters tack interactions. The electrical properties of TTeF-TCNQ (see Fig. 18), however, are reminiscent of those of HMTSF-TCNQ (see Fig. 10), which suggests that the Te . .. Te interactions are of sufficient strength to give a two-dimensional electronic band structure and to suppress the Peierls transition effectively. SUMMARY Some of the more compelling contributions of the Johns Hopkins community to the synthesis and study of organic charge-transfer salts have been presented, and a chronological outline of the accomplishments of the synthetic organic conductors program is given in the boxed insert. Review articles by Johns Hopkins authors are cited 265 T. 1. Kisrenmacher, D. O. Cowan , and T. O. Poehler 1.0 ,-------------~--------------,-------------~ 0.9 '"g t5' 0.8 -.".. t::> .~ > U 0.7 ~ "0 C 0 u 0.6 "0 in the reference list (see Refs. 31 through 42) for further and more detailed reading. The synthetic organic conductors program remains an active and vital collaborative link between Homewood and the Applied Physics Laboratory on a number of scientific fronts given the continued interest in the diversity of crystalline organic materials exhibiting superconductivity. Some of the noteworthy ventures in progress include the syn.thesis and study of novel donors and acceptors and real-space imaging of crystalline motifs through scanning tunneling microscopy. Q.) .!::! Cii E 0.5 REFERENCES z He rbstein , F. H., " Crystalline p-Molecu lar Compounds: Chemistry, Spectroscopy, and Crystallograph y," in Perspecti ves in Structural Chemistry, Vol. 4 , Dun itz, 1. D. , and Ibers, 1. A. (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 166-395 ( 1971 ). 2Jerome, D., Mazaud, A. , Ribault, M., and Bechgaard, K. , "Superconductivity in a Synthetic Organi c Conductor (TMTSF)2PF6'" 1. Phys. (Paris) Lell. 41 , L95-L98 ( 198 1). 3Bechgaard , K., Carne iro , K., Ras mussen, F. B., Ol sen, M. , Rindorf, G ., et aI. , "Supe rconducti vity in an Organic Solid. Synthesis, Structure and Conductivity of Bi (tetrameth yltetrase lenaful valenium Perchlorate, (TMTSFh CI04," 1. Amer. Chem. Soc. 102, 2440-2442 (1984). · Ph illips, T. E. , Kiste nm acher, T. J ., Ferraris, J. P., and Cowan, D. 0 ., " Crystal Structure of the Radi cal-Cati on Radi cal-Anion Salt from 2,2'-Bi- I,3 -Dithiole and 7,7,8 ,8-Tetracya no-p -quinodimeth ane," 1. C . S. Chem. Commun ., 471-472 (1973). 5Ki stenmacher, T. J. , Phillips, T. E. , an d Cowan, D. 0 ., "The Crystal Structure of the I: I Radi cal Cation-Radical Ani on Salt of 2,2'-Bi-I ,3-Dithiofulv alene (TIF) and 7,7 ,8,8-Tetracyano-p-q uinodimethane (TC Q)," Acta Crystallogr. B 30, 763-768 ( 1974). 6Ki stenmacher, T . J., Emge, T. J., Wiygul , F. M. , Bryden, W . A., Chappell, J . S., et aI. , " DBTIF- TCNQ, A Fracti onall y-Charged Organic Salt with a Mi xed-Stack Crystalline Motif," Solid State Commun. 39, 415-417 (1981 ). 7Chappell , J. S., Bl och, A. ., Bryden, W. A., Max fi eld , M. , Poehler, T . 0. , et aI. , "Degree of Charge Transfer in Organi c Cond uctors by Infrared Absorpti on Spectroscopy," 1. Amer. Chem . Soc. 103, 2442- 2445 ( 198 1). 8Comes, R., and Shirane, G .. " X-Ray and eutron Scanering fro m OneDimensional Condu ctors," in Highly Conducting Olle-Dimensional Solids , Dev reese, J. T. , Evrard. R. P., and van Doren, V. E. (eds.), Plenum Press, ew York, pp. 17-fJ7 (1979). 9Metzger, R. M., and Bloch, A. ., " Crystal Co ul omb Energies. VII. The Electrostati c Binding Energy Defect in Tetrath iaful valinium 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethanide," J. Ch ern . Phys. 63, 5098-5107 ( 1975). IOMazu mdar , S., and Bloch, A. ., "Systemat ic Trends in Short-Range Coulomb Effects Among earl y One- Dimensional Organic Conductors," Phys. Rev. Lell . 50, 207-2 10 ( 1983). I IFerraris, J., Cowan, D. 0. , Walatka, V. , and Perl tei n, 1. H., " Electron Transfer in a New Highl y Condu ctin g Donor-Acceptor Complex ," 1. Amer. Chem . Soc. 95 , 948-951 (1973). 12Coleman, L. B. , Cohen, M. J., Sandm an, D. J., Ya magishim , F. G ., Garito, A. F. , et aI. , "Superconductin g Fluctuati ons and the Pe ierls Instability in an Organi c So lid," Solid State Commlln. 12, 11 25- 1128 ( 1973). 13Pe ierls, R. E., Quantum Theory of Solids, Oxford Uni versity Press ew York, p. 108 (1955). 14Phillips, T. E. , Kistenmacher, T. J. , Bloch, A. ., and Cowan, D. 0 ., " X-Ray Crystal Structure of the Organi c Condu ctor from 2,2 '-Bi-(2 ,4-di selenabicyclo[3.3.0]octyJidene) and 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoparaquinodimethane (HMTSFTC Q)," 1. C. S. Ch em. Commull . 334-335 ( 1976). 15Bl och, A. ., Cowan, D. 0. , Bec hgaard, K., Pyle, R. E., Banks, R. H., et aI. , " Low-Te mperature Metal lic Behavior and Resistance Minimum in a ew Quasi One- Dimensional O rgani c Conductor," Phys. Rev. Lell . 34, 156 1- 1564 ( 1975). 16Emge, T. 1. , Cowan . D. 0 ., Bl och, A. ., and Ki stenmacher, T. J., " On the C rysta l Structure of the Organic Charge-Transfer Salt Deri ved from Hexameth ylenetetrase lenaful valene (HMTSF) and Tetrafluoro -7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimeth ane (TC QF4 ), HMTSF-TC QF4'" Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 95 , 19 1-207 ( 1983). 17Hawley, M. E. , Poehle r, T. 0 ., Carruthers, T. F., Bloch, A. ., Cowan, D. 0 ., et aI. , " Preparati on, Structure, and Electrical Properties of an Organi c Semiconductor, HMTSF-TCNQF4 ," Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 23, 424-425 ( 1978). 18Emge, T. J., "Structural Characteristi cs of Organic Charge-Transfer Salts: From e utral Components to Unit Charge-Tran fer Salts," Doctoral di ssertati on, The Johns Hopki ns Uni versity ( 198 1). 19Stokes, J. P., " I. Mon Transition in Organi c Charge Transfer Complexes; II. Resistance Minima in Amorphous (FexMn l.xhs PI6B6AI3'" Doctoral dissertati on, The Johns Hopkins Uni versity (1981 ). (; I 0.4 0.3 0 100 200 300 Temperature (K) Figure 18. Temperature dependence of the normalized electrical conductivity of TIeF-TCNQ (0" = conductivity) . HIGHLIGHTS OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY (JHU) LOW-DIMENSIONAL ORGANIC CONDUCTORS PROGRAM 1972 1974 1975 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1990 266 TTF-TCNQ: First organic solid with a true metallic temperature profIle synthesized; crystal struc ture and electrical properties studied; electronic instabilty found to cause a metal- insulator transition at low temperatures. TMTSF-TCNQ: Replacement of S by Se resulted in wider electronic bands and higher conductivity; metallic and in sulating polymorphs discovered. HMTSF-TCNQ: Increased two-dimensional crystal structure found to suppress electronic instability; salt observed to remain metallic to 0.1 K; no evidence of superconductivity di scovered. HMTSF-TCNQF4: electrical semiconductor observed to be isomorphous with the metallic TCNQ salt; HMTSF-(TCNQMTCNQF4)I .x alloys emphasized the importance of fractional charge transfer and stimulated Aaron Block 's theory of cohesion. Cu-TCNQ: Field-induced electrical switching and memory di scovered in simple copper salt of TC Q acceptor. (TMTSFhX: Donor synthesized at JHU served as basis for first organic salts exhibiting superconductivity. HMTTeF, DBTTeF: First tellurium donors synthesized. (BEDT-TTFhX: Donor synthesized at JHU served as basis for second class of organic salts di splaying superconductivity; critical temperature raised to 12 K. TTeF: Tellurium analogue ofTTF synthesized ; simple salts prepared and studied. TTeF-TCNQ: Tellurium congener of TIF- TCNQ crystallized; structure and physical properties characterized . Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volum e 13, Nu mber I (1992 ) Twenty Years of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors 20Bryden, W. A., " Magnetism and the Mott Transition : Studies on Solid Solutions of Organic Charge-Transfer Salts," Doctoral dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University ( 1982). 2l Mazumdar, S. , Dixit, S. N., and Bloch, A. N. , "Correlation Effects on ChargeDensity Waves in arrow-Band One- Dimensional Conductors," Phys. ReI'. B 30,4842-4848 ( 1984). 22Bechgaard , K., Cowan, D.O. , and Bloch , A. ., '"Synthesis of the Organic Conductor Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium 7,7 ,8,8-Tetracyano-p-quinodimethanide (TMTSF-TCNQ) [4,4',5,5'-Tetrameth yl-t>-2,2'- bis-1 ,3-diselenolium 3,6-bis-(dicyanomethylene)cyclohexadienide] ," J . C. S. Chem . Commun . 937- 938 (1974). 23Bechgaard, K. , Kistenmacher, T. J. , Bloch, A. ., and Cowan , D. O., "The Crystal and Molecular Structure of an Organic Conductor from 4,4',5,5'Tetramethyl-t>-2,2'-bi- I,3-diselenole and 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoparaquinodimethane [TMTSF-TC Q] ," Acta Crystallogr. B 33, 417-422 (1977). 24Kistenmacher, T. J., Emge, T. 1., Bloch, A. ., and Cowan , D. O. , "S tructure of the Red, Semiconducting Foml of 4,4',5,5'-Tetramethyl-t>-2,2'-bis-l,3diselenole-7 ,7 ,8,8-Tetracyano-p-quinodimethane, TMTSF- TC Q," Acta Crystallogr. B 38, 11 93-1199 (1982). 25Engler, E. M., and Patel , Y. Y., "Structure Control in Organic Metal s. Synthesis of Tetraselenafulvalene and Its Charge Transfer Salt wi th Tetracyano-p-quinodimethane," 1. Amer. Chem. Soc. 96, 7376--7378 (1974). 26Schultz, T. D. , and Craven, R. A., "The Organic Metals (TSeF).(TTF)x-TC Q -A Systematic Study ," in Highly Conducting One-Dimensional Solids, Devreese, J. T. , Evrard, R. P. , and van Doren, Y. E. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York , pp. 147-225 (1979) . 27McCullough, R. D., Kok, G. B., Lerstrup, K. A. , and Cowan, D.O. , "Tetratellurafulvalene (TTeF)," J. Amer Chem. Soc. 109, 4115-4116 ( 1987). 28Mays, M. D., McCullough , R. D. , Cowan , D.O., Poeh ler, T. 0., and Kistenmacher, T. 1., " Initial Studies on a ew Tellurium Containing Organic Metal: Tetratellurafulvalene-Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTeF-TC Q)," Solid State Commun. 65, 1089- 1092 (1988). 29Mays, M. D., McCullough, R. D. , Bailey, A. B., Cowan, D.O. , Bryden, W. A. , et aI., "Electrical and Magnetic Studies on Some New Organic Conductors Made with Tetratellurafulvalene (TTeF)," Synthetic Metals 27, B493-B499 ( 1988). 30Cowan , D.O. , Mays, M. D. , Kistenmacher, T. J. , Poehler, T. 0. , Beno, M. A. , et aI., "Structural and Electronic Properties of TXF- TCNQ (X = S, Se, Te)," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 181, 43-58 (1990). 31 Bloch, A. N. , "Design and Study of One-Dimensional Organic Conductors 1. The Role of Structural Di sorder," in Energy and Charge Tran sfer in Organic Semiconductors, Mas uda, K.. and Silver, M. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 159-166 ( 1975). 32Bloch , A. N. , Cowan, D. O. , and Poehler, T. 0 ., "Design and Study of OneDimensional Organic Conductor II . TTF-TCNQ and Other Organic Semimetals," in Energy and Charge Transfer in Organic Semiconductors, Masuda, K. , and Silver, M. (eds.), Plenum Press, ew York , pp. 167- 173 (1975). 33Poehler, T. 0., "Organic Conductors," Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig. 15(4), 13-21 (1976). 34Cowan , D. O., Shu , P., Hu, c., Kru g, W., Carruthers, T. F., et aI. , "The Organic Metallic State: Some Chemical Aspects," in Chemistry and Physics of One-Dimensional Metals , Keller, H. J. (ed.), Plenum Press, ew York, pp. 2546 (1977). 35Bloch, A. N., Carruthers, T. F. , Poehler, T. 0 ., and Cowan, D. O. , "The Organic Metallic State: Some Physical Aspects and Chemical Trends," in Chemistry and Physics of One-Dimensional Metals , Keller, H. J. (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 46--86 (1977). 36Peristein, 1. H. , "Organic Metal s-The Inteml0lecular Migration of Aromaticity," Angew. Chem. 16, 519-532 (1977). 37Kistenmacher, T. J. , "Structural Relationships in the Heterofulvalene- TC Q Family of Organic Conductors," Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci. 313, 333-342 ( 1978). 38Kistenmacher, T. J., " Partial Charge Transfer and Charge Density Wave Modulation in the TTF- TC Q Famil y of Quasi One-Dimensional Organic Materials," in Modulated Structures 1979 (Kailua Kona, Ha waii), Cowley, 1. M. , Cohen, J. B. , Salamon, M. D., and Weunsch, B. J. (eds.), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, No. 53 , pp. 193-204 ( 1979). 39Wiygul, F. M. , Metzger, R. M., and Kistenmacher, T. J., "Madelung Energy Systematics in the Heterofulvalene-TCNQ Charge-Transfer Salts," Mol. Cryst. Liq . Cryst. 107, 115-131 (1984). 40Cowan, D.O., and Wiygul, F. M. , "The Organic Solid State," Chem. Eng. News 64, 28-45 (1986). 4l Potember, R. S., Hoffman, R. c., and Poehler, T. 0., "Molecular Electronics," Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig. 7(2), 129-141 (1986). 42Kistenmacher, T. J., "Structural Aspects of Organic Superconductors," Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig . 7(2), 142-151 (1986). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are deeply indebted to the many scientific collaborators, especially Aaron N. Bloch, who have contributed so much of their time and talent to ensure the success of thi s program . Finally, the National Science Foundation has provided continuous and generous patronage of this work after initial support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the IR&D Program at the Applied Physics Laboratory. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 13, Number I (1992 ) THE AUTHORS THOMAS J. KISTENMACHER is a Principal Profess ional Staff chemist in APL'S Milton S. Eisenhower Research Center. He obtained a B.S. degree in chemistry from Iowa State Univers ity and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chem istry from the University of Illinois. During 1969-71 , he was a Junior Fellow in chemical physics at the California Institute of Technology. During 1971-82, he served on the faculties of The Johns Hopkins University and the California institute of Technology. Dr. Ki stenmacher joined APL in 1982 as a member of the Microwave Physics Group. In 1984, he became a member of the Materials Science Group, where his current research interests include crystalline structure and structure- physical property relationships in highly conductive organic solids, local structure and magnetic properties of amorphous thin films and multilayers, the elucidation of structural model s for icosahedral materials, the structural basis for high- Tc oxide ceramics, and large bandgap metal-nitride semiconductors. DW AINE O. COW AN is professor of chemistry at The Johns Hopkins University. He received a B.S. in chemistry from Fresno State College in 1958 and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Stanford University in 1962. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the California Institute of Technology, he joined the John s Hopkins faculty in 1963. Dr. Cowan has been a fellow of the Sloan Foundation and spent a year at the University of Basel in Switzerland as a Guggenheim fellow. His current research program in the organic solid state, pursued in collaboration with scienti sts at APL and the Homewood campus, combines synthesis, physical measurements, and theory aimed at the systematic development of new materials and the exploration of physical phenomena. His other research interests include organometallic chemistry, organic photochemistry, mixed valence compounds, structural property correlations, smart materials, and the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds containing sulfur, selenium, and tellurium. THEODORE O. POEHLER is currently the Associate Dean for Research of the G.W.c. Whiting School of Engineering and Research Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He also holds a joint appointment as a member of the Principal Professional Staff at APL. Dr. Poehler previously served as Director of the Milton S. Eisenhower Research Center, where he developed and managed the research programs, evaluated their effectiveness, and participated in the overall institution management policies. He also served as supervi sor of the Quantum Electronics Group, for which he led research and development efforts in optical lasers, sensing and detection, and optical information processing. Dr. Poehler has over twenty-five years' experience in research and development, solid-state physics, semiconductors, optical lasers, and optical information processing and storage. 267