Web Representatives Team  October 24, 2012  Prahl College Center – Genesee Room‐ 2:00 pm   

Web Representatives Team October 24, 2012 Prahl College Center – Genesee Room‐ 2:00 pm Minutes: Attendance: Marcia Teer, John Tyler, Linda Motter, Margaret Bourcier, Brian Rasmussen, Nicola Brozich, Kenneth Martin, Wanda Brown, Lori Wcisel, Stephanie Kile, Cheryl Bassett, Diana Hiles, Carol Brown, Mary Yarbrough, Regina Bloomfield, Sherry Rosenberger, Rebecca Gale‐Gonzalez I.
Correction to Minutes September 26, 2012 – replace RIO with TRiO Motion to approve minutes with noted correction by Diana Hiles, Second by Stephanie Kile – motion carried II.
New Business A.
John Completed the Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form online. Mary Yarbrough will send email and put in Alum newsletter B.
Linda completed the Fine Arts and Social Sciences combined presence on web to reflect they are now one division C.
UM‐Flint now in MMB needs to be reflected on maps and university center pages corrected D.
Athletics schedule now pulls same data to infoChannel and web ‐ one source E.
Special Populations reorganized & added content, changed navigation ‐ approved and live III.
Old Business A. Acronyms – Still looking for feedback from the team on the acronyms they use please send to Becky via email IV.
Other Business A. Ken Martin: New student survey on infoChannel until Nov 23rd B. Wanda Brown: Met with web team to revamp cashiers page and add new content for Identity Theft C. Stephanie Kile: added important winter dates and will meet with web team next week to create a section on default prevention D. Diana Hile: need to start thinking about MCC’s 100 year anniversary E. Regina Broomfield: gearing up for Regional College Fair tomorrow in Ballenger Field House F. Cheryl Bassett: Code of Conduct web was reviewed in meeting today – nice to have all this information available in an easy web form Learning Center is getting a face lift and so will there web area. Portal project is moving forward with implementation task group, naming contest is still planned to get student involvement. G. Lori Wcisel – During the regional College Fair there will be a Transfer Fair from12 ‐2pm University of Phoenix is new to the list of transfer universities guides available on the website.. H. Brian Rasmussen: Last Friday IMS had a Simulation Collaborative with people from all over the state and over 50 individuals attended I. Marcia Teer: Gearing up for winter registration J. Margaret Bourcier: Info‐channel will be the same on all TVs at all locations including satellites. There is no control to make TV different. We count on all of you to keep information current on the web and we couldn’t do it without you. V.
Meeting Adjournment at 2:45pm A. Next Meeting: Nov. 28, 2012 in PCC1230 Respectfully submitted Linda S. Motter Graphic Designer / Web Developer 