Session 1 Objectives: 1. Use pre-reading skills to relate readings to personal experience and knowledge and other texts; anticipate author’s purpose; and recognize and address challenges such as vocabulary level. Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always I am aware of some pre-reading strategies. ____ I have several pre-reading strategies that I use regularly. ____ I can always tell the purpose of a document based on what I read. ____ I feel that I usually know most words in a text. ____ I feel that I can figure out the meaning of words in a text without looking them up. ____ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 5: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 2 Objectives: 3. Apply phonics principles to decode/encode single and multi-syllable words 8. Self-correct reading errors 10. Adjust reading rate and style according to purpose and level of material in timed and un-timed reading activities Read the following passages aloud to yourself. As you read circle words you do not understand. Underline words you have trouble reading aloud. Passage 1: I went to the doctor last week. She administered medicine that had adverse affects. After I returned and expressed my apprehensions, she assured me that the effects would be impermanent. Passage 2: Students applying for graduation must attach verification and/or documentation of any course substitutions granted. Course substitutions are approved at the department and/or division level and must be signed by the department and/or division chairperson. You must attach all documentation with your Graduation Application Packet at the time it is submitted. Passage 3: TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to sharing ideas worth spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: technology, entertainment, and design. This site provides multimedia exposure to informational texts. Speakers are required to limit speeches to 15-20 minute presentations, ideal for classroom use. After reading the passages, look at how many words you circled and underlined. Based on your comfort level reading each of these passages, rate yourself as a 1, 2, or 3. Finally, look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. 1 = I struggled with several words in each passage. 2 = I struggled with a few words here and there. 3 = I struggled very little reading and understanding these passages. Objectives: 9. Annotate class texts. Session 3 Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How often do you do the following strategies while reading? I highlight or underline key words and phrases or major ideas. ______ I paraphrase and summarize text material to better understand the content. ______ I take notes in outline format while reading. ______ I make notes to myself in the margins of the text based on my reactions. ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 4: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Objectives: Session 4 5. Locate and comprehend information from dictionaries and other references 6. Use dictionaries, context clues, and various memory techniques to build vocabulary Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How often do you use a dictionary, reference book, or glossary when you do not understand a word? _______ When you find a word you do not understand in a text, how often can you find out the meaning based on the clues around that word? ______ How often do you feel successful in memorizing vocabulary terms and meanings? ______ Look at this dictionary definition below. Rate yourself on your ability to use this word now based on what you read in the definition. ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 4: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 5 Objectives: 7. Demonstrate comprehension in reading a variety of genres of the appropriate level including: finding the main idea of a passage; recalling specific details of a passage; recalling the sequence of events in a passage; drawing a logical conclusion; distinguishing fact from opinion; identifying and analyzing argument for validity; reading and orally explain a passage giving details and inferences; and reading and following increasingly complex written directions Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How often do you feel like you are successful at the following skills while reading? Finding the main idea of a passage ______ Recalling specific details of a passage ______ Recalling the sequence of events in a passage ______ Drawing a logical conclusion ______ Distinguishing fact from opinion _______ Identifying and analyzing an argument for validity ______ Reading orally ______ Making inferences based on what you read ______ Reading and following complex written directions ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 9: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 6 Objectives: 13. Recognize purpose and audience in their own writing and the writing of others Read the excerpt below. Afterwards rate yourself on the following questions with a 1, 2, or 3. My job search really started when I turned 16. I went from store to store and filled out applications back to back. One day I asked my grandmother, “Why does no one want to hire me?” She said it was because I didn’t have any experience. How was I supposed to have experience when I’d never had a job before? McDonald’s wouldn’t even hire me. I applied there so many times it was a shame. The Gap was one of the hardest places to apply. Once you fill out an application, the manager interviews you right on the spot. It made me so nervous that I couldn’t talk right… …I learned, through McDonald’s and the Gap, that a lot of jobs are very hard to get. Despite all the bad luck I seemed to have, I didn’t give up. Eventually, I finally found a summer job. 1 = No / 2 = Somewhat / 3 = Yes Do you believe you can tell the purpose of this text? ______ Can you tell who the audience for this text is? ______ Can you tell what the author’s attitude about this topic is? ______ Can you tell why someone would write this type of an essay? ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 4: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 7 Objectives: 12. Synthesize reading and writing skills and summarize readings of various lengths Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How successful do you believe you are at the following skills when reading? Identifying cause and effect structure within texts ______ Identifying compare and contrast structure within texts ______ Identifying problem-solution structure within texts ______ Classifying and organizing information from texts ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 4: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 8 Objectives: 11. Write, revise, proofread, and edit well-structured paragraphs, summaries of readings and short essays 15. Employ APA or MLA convention consistently and correctly Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How often do you do the following when you write a paper or assignment? Read the entire essay or assignment aloud ______ Edit for tense and passive voice ______ Eliminate unnecessary words ______ Revise topic sentences and supporting details ______ Revise to add transitional words and phrases ______ Revise for descriptive language ______ Revise for a distinct genre and style of writing ______ Revise grammar and mechanics ______ Check for misspelled words ______ Check for punctuation errors ______ Include APA or MLA citations ______ Have another person check my work ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 12: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 9 Objectives: 9. Annotate class texts 14. Take notes from readings and lecture Rate yourself on the skills below. Give yourself a 1, 2, or 3. 1 = Not at all / 2 = Sometimes or Somewhat / 3 = Always How often do you do the following while in class, reading, or studying? Highlight important ideas in the text ______ Make notes in the margin of the text ______ Take note of questions I have during reading ______ Take notes during class lectures ______ Take notes during reading ______ Review, reread, or rewrite notes later on ______ Summarize notes from class or readings ______ Add your total: _______ Divide your total by 7: ______ Based on this number, are you closer to a 1, 2, or 3? ______ Look over the assignment choices and determine which level you want to complete. Session 10 Review: Review all of session 1-9 objectives and self-rating questions. Complete a new rating for yourself on each based on how well you believe you do with each of the skills. o Now select two skills that you improved on. Reflect on how these skills will help you in your future college and career goals. o Discuss these ideas with classmates or your tutor. o Brainstorm how you can organize these ideas into a reflective paragraph. o You may use a graphic organizer or create an outline to plan your paragraph. o Write your paragraph below. This paragraph will be turned in to your professor. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________