of Fruitful Giving Harvesting the next generation The Foundation for Mott Community College, established 1986 The Foundation for Mott Community College Board of Directors Richard A. Shick, D.D.S., M.S., Chair Valaria Conerly Moon Chair Elect Gloria Scruggs, Vice Chair Diane Parker, Vice Chair Joseph H. Black, Treasurer Sixto Olivo Douglas P. Bacon, Immediate Jimmy King, Mott community college Board of Trustees Chair John Snell, Jr., DVM, Vice Chair Albert Koegel, Treasurer James Bettendorf, D.Min., Secretary Andrew Everman, Trustee Sally Shaheen Joseph, J.D., Trustee Celia Turner, Trustee Lenore Croudy, Former Chair Matthew Norwood, Esq. M. Richard Shaink, Ph.D. Helene Streich James Truesdell III Jean Butler Ridgway White William Churchill, Sr. Michael Zelley Lenore Croudy Duane Zuckschwerdt Fleming A. Barbour, M.D., Posthumous Raymond R. Curtin, Esq. Frank DeLorenzo, Posthumous Hector Garcia, Ed.D. Ellen Howe, Ph.D., Posthumous Alfred Kloss Karen McDonald-Lopez, Esq. Fay Joseph, Posthumous Edward Mitchell Ruth Rawlings Mott, Lennetta B. Coney, President Posthumous A Message from The Foundation President It was the late pioneer of animated cartoon films that once said, “Of all our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.” We believe Walt Disney was right. We hope this Annual Report will speak to the truly amazing generosity of your family, friends and colleagues. We want you to understand that MCC represents the dreams of so many who have gone before us and gives flight to the hopes of those who have yet to come. Our focus within captures but five academic programs, each the result of one person’s imagination – and the dreams to one day become. It has been said, “A strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, and the other forward; one is of today, the other of tomorrow.” Our memories are history recorded in our brain. Hope paints pictures of tomorrow. Thank you for hope. Sincerely, Lennetta Coney President, The Foundation for Mott Community College Mott Music Program “I love to listen to the big bands play at the football games” Automotive TecHnology Program “It would be really cool to drive a car that could fly” Criminal Justice Program “When I grow up, I want to put the bad guys in jail” Engineering and Technology Program “I want to make a building so strong, nothing knocks it down” Dental Hygiene Program “If I don’t brush my teeth twice a day, mom says I’ll get cavities” Permanently Restricted Endowments Akhila & Rajamani Endowment American Arabic Heritage Council Endowment Anna Paulina Koegel Endowment Flint Banjo Club Endowment Barbara & David Young Scholarship Endowment Ben & Edna Diehl Endowment Cathy Cady Memorial Scholarship Endowment Community Strengthening of Burton Endowment Doc Ross Memorial Music Fund Endowment Dr. Charles Pappas Endowment Dr. Ellen Howe Endowment Dr. William & Bernice Blamer Endowment Drs. Vivian & Billie Lewis Scholarship Endowment Flint Area School Employees Credit Union Endowment Friends of Mott Library Endowment Gail Ann Bennett Rachor, Ed.D., Scholarship Endowment Genesys Scholarship Fund Endowment Helene Streich Endowment Raymond W. Glowski & Suzanne M. Packard Music Scholarship Endowment Jennifer A. O’Neil Graphic Design Scholarship Endowment Juanita Carr Library Grant Endowment Kathleen Drummond Scholarship Endowment Kay M. Hope Scholarship Endowment Lapeer Learner Scholarship Endowment MCC Retirees Scholarship Endowment McFarlan Home Endowment Nartel Family Foundation Endowment Pappas Endowment – C.S. Mott Foundation Rev. A.C. & Dorothy M. Lee Scholarship Endowment Ruth Kaplan Braun Scholarship Endowment Sales & Marketing Executives of Greater Flint Scholarship Endowment Sara Coley Scholarship Endowment Skinner-McEvoy Scholarship Endowment Veronica & Willie Artis Scholarship Endowment Wanda L. & M. Harry Piper Grant Fund Endowment Women In Education Endowment board designated Endowments Barbara Stephenson Scholarship Endowment C.S. Harding Foundation Endowment Charles and Marilynn Donnelly Memorial Scholarship Endowment Chet Wilson Environmental Scholarship Endowment Dennis J. Saturnino MCC/Kettering Scholarship Endowment Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Endowment Edward Thorne Scholarship Endowment Endowment Growth Initiative Developmental Math Initiative Institutional Scholarship Fund Science & Math Initiative Jim Lee Fine Arts Camp Fred Lamb Scholarship Endowment Grayce Scholt Scholarship Endowment Janice Dulin Memorial Conference Endowment Mathulakshmi Iyer Scholarship Endowment Ruth Rawlings Mott Endowment Pemberton Endowment President’s Endowment Lloyd Rodnick Endowment Ruby Hudson Scholarship Endowment Science and Technology Endowment Sherm Mitchell Music Scholarship Endowment Wise B. Joseph Excellence Award: Anthropology/ Sociology Fund Endowment Scholarships ADN Alumni Scholarship African American Scholarship Akhila & Rajamani Scholarship Alumni Reciprocation Scholarship Alumni Student Assistance Scholarship ATIGroup Scholarship Augie Brandt Scholarship Avery & Mildred Aldridge Scholarship Flint Banjo Club Scholarship Barbara Stephenson Scholarship Barbara & David Young Scholarship Begole Brownell Fund Ben & Edna Diehl Scholarship Benavidez (Joe) Scholarship BKR Dupuis & Ryden (Plante Moran) Bommarito Family Award Building Trades Council Scholarship Cathy Cady Memorial Scholarship Chester Smith Memorial Fund Chet Wilson Environmental Scholarship Community Strengthening of Burton Scholarship Community Strengthening of Genesee Co. Scholarship Dental Assistance Alumni Scholarship Dennis J. Saturnino MCC/Kettering Scholarship Doc Ross Memorial Music Scholarship Doris Mumby Fund Douglas P. Bacon Scholarship Dr. Charles Pappas Scholarship Dr. William & Bernice Blamer Scholarship Dr. Ellen Howe Scholarship Drs. Vivian & Billie Lewis Scholarship Edgar B. Holt Scholarship Faith Based CDC Flint Downtown Host Lions Club Scholarship Flint Rotary Club Scholarship FMCC Regional Technology Center Frank DeLorenzo Scholarship Frank Friedman Special Education Scholarship Fred Lamb Scholarship Friends of Durham Pool Friends of Mott Library Gail Ann Bennett Rachor, Ed.D., Scholarship Gary Pesik Scholarship General Scholarship Fund Genesee District Dental Society Scholarship Genesys Scholarship Fund G.I. Forum Scholarship – Flint Chapter Raymond W. Glowski & Suzanne M. Packard Music Scholarship Grayce Scholt Scholarship Greater Flint USBC Bowling Association Scholarship HealthPlus of Michigan Scholarship Hispanic Awards Ceremony Fund Jennifer A. O’Neil Graphic Design Scholarship Juanita Carr Library Grant Kathleen Drummond Scholarship Kay M. Hope Scholarship Kelly Martin – North Branch Scholarship Kim Fonger Memorial Scholarship Lapeer County Community Foundation Women’s Fund Lapeer Learner Scholarship Lifelong Learning for Seniors Fund Livingston M-TEC Scholarship Livingston M-TEC II: Adopt a Wireless Laptop Program Margaret E. English Scholarship Mathulakshmi Iyer Scholarship MCC Gardening Association Fund MCC Presidential Scholarship MCC Retirees Scholarship MCC/UM-Flint/Kettering Initiative MCCEA Book Loan Fund McFarlan Home Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Scholarship Nartel Family Foundation Pappas Scholarship – C.S. Mott Foundation Pemberton Scholarship Phi Theta Kappa Gifts Fund Philip J. Braun Fund John Nakamura Award Robert Mogford Award Physical Therapist Assistance Reciprocation Scholarship PTK Alumni Scholarship Rachor Family Foundation Scholarships: Albert Price Golden Scholarship Andrea Zlatec Floden Music Scholarship Barbara Rachor Scholarship Daniel P. Carroll Scholarship David Bradley, RN, Scholarship Donald J. Holland Memorial Scholarship Donald L. Smith Memorial Scholarship Dr. Archie Attarian Scholarship James M. Rachor, DDS, Scholarship Judge Thomas Yeotis Basketball Athletic Scholarship Julie Marie Patterson Scholarship Kathryn Arlene Rachor Memorial Scholarship Malcolm X Scholarship Muhammed Ali Scholarship Roberta Hopkins Scholarship Sonya Carson Scholarship Susan E. Buszek, RN, Scholarship Terese Rachor Beste, DDS, Scholarship Rev. A.C. & Dorothy M. Lee Scholarship Lloyd Rodnick Scholarship Rose Jenkins Murphy Scholarship Ruby Hudson Scholarship Ruth Kaplan Braun Scholarship Sales & Marketing Executives of Greater Flint Scholarship Sara Coley Scholarship Security First Insurance Educational Grant Sherm Mitchell Scholarship Skinner-McEvoy Scholarship Steel Band Scholarships I & II Steel Drum Band Fund Veronica & Willie Artis Scholarship Wanda L. & M. Harry Piper Grant Fund Wendell T. Williams Scholarship Wise B. Joseph Excellence Award: Anthropology/ Sociology Fund Endowment Women In Education Award Fund division Funds Athletics Athletic Division Fund Don Jarrard Golf Scholarship Ballenger Eminent Persons Lecture Series Friends of Ballenger Business Division Business Division Fund Cooperative Education Fund Cosmetology Scholarship Culinary Arts Scholarship Ellen’s Clothes Closet Floyd McAfee/Rutherbusch/Mason Scholarship MCC Culinary Arts Fund McKay Model Office Michigan Bell/Ameritech Scholarship Schrieber Memorial Scholarship Educational Systems Educational Systems Division Photography Innovation Fund Fine Arts Art Achievement Award Art Division Gifts Douglas Larmor Scholarship Fine Arts Division Fund Garrett B. Ebmeyer Scholarship John R. Davis Music Scholarship John R. Nelson Scholarship Louis Krch Music Scholarship MacArthur Music Scholarship Music Enrichment Fund Scott Norris Scholarship Theatre Enrichment Fund Underhill Music Scholarship Walter Bloch Scholarship Health Science Dental Assistant/Hygiene Administrative Fund Dental Program Health Sciences Division Fund Nursing Program Humanities Anna Bradley Writers Workshop Blevins/Bradley/Naughton Award Film Enrichment Fund Humanities Division Fund Library Services Friends of Mott Library Library Division Fund Math and Science Anatomy Fund Biology Fund Catherine Caraway Scholarship Chemistry Fund Donnelly’s Courtyard Ed Schleg Science Scholarship Geology Fund Quest Center Science & Math Student Award Science Fund Public Safety Public Safety Division Fund Social Science Carroll Clark Award Ginger Edwards Social Work Award IDS Traveling History Project J. Randall Social Science Award Joe Perisa Award Marvin Persky MCC Economic Club Meredith Mead Political Science Psychology Award Social Science Division Social Science Humanitarian Award Technology Apprenticeship Award Delco Student Workers Information Technology Division Fund Technology Division Fund Individual Combined Donors to the Foundation from 7.1.06 - 6.30.07 Jesse Aguilar Patricia Alexander Richard & Sue Ann Allen Karen Amore Anonymous Rolf Anselm Phillip Ansted Dr. Robert Anthony Mildred Arbor Beverly Arnesen Jamie Arnold Marie Arnold Marianne Blair Lorce Blake Dr. Bill & Bernice Blamer George Bland Dr. Beverly Bliesath Edward & Darlene Boersema Linda Bolter Linda Boose Robert & Paula Bottinelli Margaret Bourcier Michael & Carol Bower Russ & Barbara Bowers Clark Bowman David S. & Julia Boze Lenn & Edith Bradley Sharon Bradley Mark & Heidi Braun Philip Braun Almeda Hunter & Eleanor Brichan Jerald & Bonnie L. Broughton Cherie Brown Glen & Betty Brown Dr. James Brown Margaret Brown Mark & Kimberley Brown Willie & Beverly Brown Thomas & Mary Bryson Maureen Buck Samuel & Doris Buckner Howard & Virginia Bueche Paul O’Donnell & Carol Bueno-O’Donnell Michael & Ginger Bunting Ruben Burks Gail Burleson Dr. Avon Burns Jonathan II & Barbara Burroughs Kathleen Burton Mary Burwell Scott Stephen & Susan Buszek R. Jean Butler John & Rose Marie Byder Latonya Caldwell Kenneth & Betty Lou Campbell Sharon Campbell Robert Carabelli Leo & Rhonda Carey Paul & Vause Carlsen, Jr. Michael Carr Peter & Eileen Cavanaugh Judith Cawhorn Betty Chandler Dorothy Cheek James Cherry John & Linda Chinonis Mary Christian Leo & Mary Church William Sr. & Virginia Churchill James & Vicki Chybowski Carlos & Nancy Cisneros Betty Clint John & Bernadean Clothier Benjamin Cobb Mary Coleman Randall Coley Deborah Collins John & Lorraine Conaway Jerry & Elaine Condon Craig & Lennetta Coney Gregory & Theola Cooper Richard & Ruth Cordell Jean Craig Juanita Crain Jim Crawford June Crockett Nancy Cronin Fred Cross Sue Crosslin Lenore Croudy Bernard Cunningham Bettye Cunningham Lee & Barbara Cunningham Jamie & Cheri Curtis Betty Cyr Donald Dahlstrom Dr. David Fultz & Susan Damm-Fultz Paul & Jeane Darnton Rosario Darrah Manosha Dasanayaka Nancy Dash Ronald & Jeanette Davenport Venisure Davenport Vera Davidson Barbara Davis Dr. Philip De Vane Delores Deen Frederick DeGroot Chris Del Morone Samuel & Judy DeLorenzo John & Elizabeth Dempsey George & Florence DePillo *Deceased Kendal Arthur Cedric Atkins Mitchell & Mary Atkinson Robert Atkinson Kenneth & Ann Auernhammer Kenneth & Linda Baab John Bach Richard Bacha Archie Bailey Cecile Barnhill Marti Bartosz Cheryl Bassett Gary Battiste Jill Beasley Mary Beaubien* Dr. William & Emily Beck Dorothy Bednarski Rosalind Belanger Dr. Tom & Linda Belford Michael Benner Robert & Corrine Benson Rev. James Bettendorf Ron & Lucille Bigelow Bonita Bingham Jane Bingham Pam Bishop Thomas Fonger Robert Ford Vanessa Forrest Thomas Forsythe Rita Fortino Roberta Foust William & Donna Fowler James III & Jeanine Franklin John & Catherine Frederick Earl Freeman Margaret Freeman Keith Frye Dr. Amy Fugate Michele Fugett Rev. Henry Jr. and Marilyn Fuller Keith & Mara Fulmer The Honorable Paul & Falding Gadola David Gaines Melinda Gaither Dr. Hector Garcia & Maria Pena Rev. Ernest Garrison Etta Jean Garrow Chris & Rebecca Garske Christine Gates Patricia Gebhardt Michael & Debra Geeting Williamson George Lestine Gheresus Charles & Mildred Gilles Dr. Raymond & Jill Gist Susan Givens Linda Glasper El Rice Grace Glass Joyce Glasson Ambrose Joel & Martha Goldstein Joshua Gonzalez & Rebecca Gale-Gonzalez Bettie Goodman Kathleen Goodrow Sandra Grades Matthew III & Lueida Grady Dr. James Jr. & Sadie Graham Sylvia Green Agnes Greene C. Greene-Farmer Martha Guenin George Gutgesell Dean & Joan Haley Ingrid Halling Ernest & Sue Hamady Dr. Franklin & Betty Hamilton James Hanley, Jr. Donald & Doris Harper Alfreda Harris Brenda Harris Glenn Harris Diana Harsch John & Janis Hartranft Henry & Barbara Hatter Lucille Hawkins Pamela Hawkins Barbara Hayes Linda Hayman Solomon Thomas Healey Richard & Rebecca Heitzner George & Mona Hendrickson Justin Henry Tim & JoAnne Herman Leonard & Louise Herron Joy Hershberger Dolores Herzog Carol Higgins Sara Hill Dr. Marian Hockenhull Delores Holbrook Phyllis Holbrook Ernestine Holmes Robert & Denise Hooks Mark Hope Wayne & Wonda Hope James & Barbara Hotary Benjamin & Karen Howells Dennis & Christine Hughes John & Rose Hunter Arthur & Bess Hurand Gail Ives Vasudevan Iyengar Ernestine Jackson Irene Jaeger Carol Jaworski Gregory Jenkins S. Yvette Jenkins Scott & Priscilla Jenkins Rob Jewell Barbara Johnson Booker & Shirley Johnson Jerry Johnson Jesse & Daisy Johnson Jimmye Johnson John & Dianne Johnson Samuel & Dr. Beverly Jones Tommy & Joann Jones Paul & Cheryl Jordan Dr. Wise & Cherry Joseph Dr. Larry Juchartz Richard & Sally Kagerer Harold & Agape Kallis Janice Karcher S. Olof Karlstrom & Olivia Maynard James & Kathy Keller Michael & Kay Kelly William Kelly Mark & Lysbeth Kennedy Watson & Harriet Kenworthy Susan Kessler Jet Kilmer Catherine Kimbrough Jimmy & Jessie King Ronald & Jacqueline King Richard & Cindy Kingsbury Ronald & Joan Kinnish Renee Kirby Dr. Alan Klein Joseph & Margeurite Knable Dr. Gail Knapp Nancy Knecht Burton & Laura Knust Albert & Barbara Koegel Larry Koehler Rev. Deborah Kohler Bess Koliopoulos Charles & Linda Koory Dr. William & Dorothy Kornegay Carl & Carol Kowalcyk Richard & Ann Kraft Ted & Ruth Kramer Jimmy & Marsha Krause Emily Mitchell Kreger John Krupp Erwin & Donah Kval *Deceased Edna Devaughn Berlin & Constance Dobson Donna Dodds Hamm Dallas Dort Bill & Wanda Dowdall Warren & Georgie Dowdell Sue Downs David & Elizabeth Drouillard James Drummond & Alla Operenko-Drummond Julia Dudis Claudia Duncan Florence Dunlop Dr. George & Laura Eastman Robert & Susan Edwards Dr. Murray & Sharon Eisen John & Sandra Epps Sharon Ewles Roseann Failla Frances Faithful Janet Felton Greg & Joannet Fenner Mark & Judith Findora Dr. Marilee Fleming Andrea Floden Christopher & Pam Flores Robert Florkowski Christopher Fogarty John & Linda Fonger James Malcolm, Sr. Jacqualyn Malone Michael Manley Jerry & Furhut Mansour Susan Marder Patricia Markowicz Michael Kelly Martin Thomas & Joy Martinbianco Bassam & Lindalee Massoud Gerald Masters Fred & Mary Maxson James Mays James & Janet McAllister Georgia McCall Michelle McCarthy Teresa McClelland-Sargent Elden & G. Dianne McClure Deborah McCormack Cynthia McDaniel Jennifer McDonald Karen McDonald-Lopez Thomas & Audrey McDonough James & Susan McEwan Mike & Marcia McGee John McKellar Jessie McKelry John & Beverly McKenna Jack McLellan Marion I. & Mary Ruth Meeker Ronald & Mary Meeker James & Bea Messmore Dr. Juan Mestas Nancy Metcalfe Cal & Kay Meyers James Mikus Duane & Diane Miller Paul & Ruth Minert Edward & Valia Mitchell James Mitchell Marc & Joy Mitchell Margaret Mitchell Kenneth & Mary Mitchell Lauretta Montini Michael & Dr. Patricia Montpas Andrew Moore Samuel & Patricia Morello Michele Morgan Maryanne Mott Linda Motter Maurice Mueller Charles & Jessie Muldrew Samuel Muller Dr. Charles Munk Dr. Michael Murphy Tom & Sue Mynsberge Sharon Naughton Danelle Nelms Dennis & Jeanne Nelson Andretta Newton James & Mary Nicolai Carol Nielsen Wilaine Northway Matthew Norwood Andy & Debbie Novakovic Deborah Ocedek Gail Odom Jon Olivo Sixto Olivo David & Kathleen O’Neill Everette Ostrom Thomas Ott Bernice Owens Matthew Pakula Doss Park Charles & Diane Parker William Parks and Mary Jo Hobart-Parks Evelyn Patterson Marc Payne Carl & Dorothy Pendell Thomas & Jeanne Pepper Celia Perez-Booth Joseph Perisa Patricia Perrine Jane Peth Richard Philips Richard Dinger & Pat Phillion-Dinger Douglas & Helen Philpott Candice Pickens Marcia Pierce William Piper M. Harry & Wanda Piper Margaret Pobocik Dr. Denise A. Polk Tony & Lisa Poma Beverly Popovits Nancy Pouncy Susan Praski Maurice Prottengeier Karen Pugh John III & Jane Quin Dr. Gail Rachor Charles & Arlene Rachor Richard Ramsdell Connie Rau William Reich Dr. John & Helen Reid Dr. Jacquelyn M. Reinertson Jerry & Glenda Rhoden Nancy Rich James Richardson Schuyler Richmond Michael & Julianne Riha Dr. Christy Rishoi The Honorable Ramona Roberts Michelle Robinson Steven Robinson Robert & Betty Robison David & Linda Roeser Dwight & Lisa Rogers Alan Rohde Ingeborg Rohleder Dolores Rosenberg Sheryl Rosenberger Elleen Roth Paul & Nancy Rozycki Virginia Rucks Melissa Rueterbusch James Rule Dr. Walter Jr. and E. J. Rundles Raymond & Juliana Rust Ghassan & Manal Saab Khalil & Ann Saab Doris Sain Cindy Sanders Philip & Linda Sandula Dr. Dennis Saturnino Richard & Katherine Saunders Phyllis Scales Jenette Schanick Waltraud Schlanzky Grayce Scholt *Deceased Eli & Joyce Labiner Catherine Lancaster Stephen & Kimberly Landaal Jim & Catherine Lane Tyana Lange Maryanna Langley Marlene LaPorte Suzanne Larsen Rosemarie Lattimore Thaddeus Lau Paul & Susan Lauber Cyril M. & Ruth Leder Rev. A.C.* & Dorothy Lee James Leonard William & Joanne Leoni Jack LeSage Martha Lewis Dr. Billie Lewis David & Therese Leyton Henry & Patsy Limbrick Janet Lishman Alvern & Theresa Lock Paul & Desiree Londrigan Pablo Lopez David & Suzanne Lossing William Copeland & Pamela Loving Linda MacKay John & Marianne Mair David & Dianne Smith Dr. Ernestine Smith J. Parkhill & Dorothy Smith Kevin & Amanda Smith Lynn Smith Raymond & Barbara Smith Sam & Donna Smith Sheila Smith Dr. John Jr. and Mary Snell Frank Sobie David A. & Sanjuana Solis Kelli Sproule Pamela Stach Wayne & Marjorie Stafford Woodrow & Reta Stanley The Honorable Larry Stecco Ronald & Julie Steffey Nicolyn Steinhoff James Stephens and Linda Tracy-Stephens Royce Stephens John & Julia Stetz Shirley Stevens Willard & Margaret Stiles Shirley Stone James & Mildred Streby Helene Streich Joseph & Mary Lou Sullivan Kathy Suski Richard & Connie Sveller Ernelle Taylor Ernest & Corey Taylor Roscoe & Debra Taylor Cynthia Terry Troy & Barbara Terry Carl & Leatha Terwilliger Michael & Jennifer Tews Charles Thiel Lynn Thigpen McKinley & Doris Thomas Dr. Charles & Lois Thompson Michael & Joy Thompson Joan Thorne Michael J. & Ginny Thorp Joseph & Ruth Thrash Laura Tobias Dr. Joyce Toet* Thomas & Deann Townsend Mary Ann Tremaine Diane Tremblay Bruce & Shantel Trevithick Virginia Tripp James III & Stephanie Truesdell James Jr. & Marilyn Truesdell Terry & Celia Turner Dr. Lewis & Evelyn Twigg Michael Ugorowski Ada Ulmer Darlyne Underhill Carol Van Buren Martha VanBolt Michael & Nancy Vance Dr. Erick & Gloria VanDuyne Melvin & Penny Vickers Carol Viele Kathleen Vielhaber Kim Virkler Charles & Chery Wagonlander Dorothy Waldon Frederick & Dorothy Waller Lynn Wandrey Nancy Warner Carolyn Warren Paul Watson Dale Weighill Robert & Vicki Weiss Katherine Weissmann Adrienne Wells Marjorie Wentworth Donald & Barbara Wesley Janet Westhoff Janelle Westveer Helen Whaley Evelyn White Ridgway & Shannon White William S. & Claire White Gerald Whitney Theron & Gennois Wiggins Richard Williams Janet Williamson George & Betty Wingfield Ronald Winters & Vicky Russell Dr. Sue Wisenberg James & Sue Woletz Eurol Woods Marietta Woodson Clifford & Linda Worstenholm Michelle Yaklin Mary Yarbrough The Honorable Thomas & Magdalene Yeotis Franklin & Donna Yon David & Barbara Young Dennis & Lindsey Younger Jennifer Young-Sedlow Dennis & Brenda Zicha Lynn Zink Marie Zuk *Deceased Paul & Phyllis Schroeder Fred Schuette Barbara Schulz Robert & Doris Scofield Barbara Shackelford Stephen & Maribeth Shaheen Sally Shaheen Joseph Dr. M. Richard & Sally Shaink Howard & Rita Shand Carolyn Shannon Dr. Rajagopal & Chandrika Shantaram Karen Sharp Tessie Sharp Roger & Ruth Sharpe Michael Shegos Dr. Frederick & Karen Sherrin Dr. Richard & Rose Marie Shick Bev Shomsky John Sickler Misty Silver John Silvers Jean Simi William & Theresa Simunek Heather Sisto George & Mary Skaff Richard & Kim Skaff Woodrow Skaff Joan Smalley Corporate Donors to the Foundation from 7/1/06 to 6/30/07 5th District Democratic Committee abc12 ABJ & Associates Abundant Life Ministries, International AFSCME Council No. 25 AHP Financial Services Al Serra Chevrolet American Carpet Mart American International Consultants Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Arthur Bishop Trust Auto Zone Averill Recycling, Inc. Baker College of Flint Berkley Dental Best Western Lapeer Inn Blevins Screw Products Blondie’s & Dagwood’s Bryan’s Supermarket Building Trades Council Calvelli’s Eatery Career Alliance Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Charter Communications Chase / JPMorgan Chase / JPMorgan - Lapeer Chatfield School Chemical Analytics Inc. Citigroup Foundation Citizens First City of Flint Coffee Beanery Coley Vending, Inc. Collins & Blaha, PC Comerica Bank-Detroit Comfort Inn of Davison Committee to Elect Norman Bryant Committee to Elect Dale Weighill Community Capital Development Corporation Community Foundation of Greater Flint County Press Cragar Odet Company Crim Festival of Races Curves of Lapeer D.F. Salons, Inc. Dairy Queen Dancing Bear Pottery Den Davenport University Dave’s Mobile Truck Repair Davison Country Club Deb Cherry Committee Delta Sigma Theta Sorority GEMS Detroit Annual Conference Domino’s Pizza Douglas Enterprises of Flint Inc. Drago’s Automotive Dunnage Engineering, Inc. Durakon Industries, Inc. Eberspaecher North America Inc. Edward J. Farrell III, PC ELGA Credit Union Emerald Lawn and Landscaping, Inc. Employee Services Extreme Precision Screw Products Fair Winds Girl Scout Council Fairfield Inn by Marriott Farmhouse Family Restaurant Fifth Third Bank Financial & Tax Planning First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church Flint Area Chapter of Links, Inc. Flint Club Flint Downtown Host Lions Club Flint Journal Flint Plumbers and Pipefitters Flint Rotary Flowers by Carol Fore! Honors G.M.A.C. Mortgage GASC Technology Center The Design Center General Motors Foundation Genesee Co. All-Star Classic Genesee District Dental Auxiliary Genesee District Library Genesee Electric Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Genesee Technologies, Inc. GM Matching Contributions Program GM Service Parts Operations GQ Enterprises, Ltd. Greater Flint USBC Bowling Association Great Lakes Baptist District Womens Auxiliary Grass Master’s Lawn & Landscaping HealthPlus of Michigan Hodges Supply Company Honda of Grand Blanc Human Investment & Development Hungry Howies Pizza Hurley Foundation Hurley Medical Center Imlay City Ford Independent Bank International Union of Painters & Allied Trades Local 1052 Italia Gardens J. Perez Construction, Inc. J.S. Richmond, LLC Jewish Community Foundation John Cherry for Lieutenant Governor John’s Coney Island John’s Restaurant & Pizzeria Joseph Pontiac, Inc. Kan Rock Tire Co. Kettering University LA View Lapeer Cinemas Lapeer Co Community Credit Union Lapeer County Bank and Trust Co. Lapeer Family Literacy LaSalle Bank Lausman Homes Lawrence E. Moon Funeral Home Little Caesars Pizza & Mr. Pita Loeb Trust Fund - Citizens Bank Longway Body Shop Lorbec Metals Mac Arthur Corporation Machining Center, Inc. Mancino’s Marion Gilmour Trust McDonald’s Store #1838 McFarlan Home Melanie S. DiCenso, CFP Merkley-Elderly Trust Metro Housing Micro Works Computing Middlebrooks Enterprises, Inc. MISA Metal Blanking, Inc. Mott Childrens Health Center Mott Community College-Lapeer Campus Mott Community College Marketing & Public Relations Mott Community College President’s Office Muir Brothers Funeral Home Mississippi Valley State University Nartel Foundation Neat Street Cleaning Service Nero’s Market Nevada Bob’s Golf New Level Sports New Venture Vending, Inc. Nolin, Oesch, Sieting & Macksoud Norton Male Chorus NuHorizon Outback Nails & Tanning Painters & Allied Trades District Council 26 Patterson Companies PEO, Chapter EG Periodontal Study Club Pet Vet Animal Hospitals Pix Arts Council for Greater Lapeer Plante Moran Polar Palace Arena Complex of Lapeer Procter & Gamble Public Sector Network Consulting Regional Technology Network Corporation Rickard, Denney, Garno & Associates Robbie Dean Press Robcorp of Dade, Inc. Robson & McCallum, CPA Ross Automotive Supply Rowe Incorporated Ruth Mott Foundation Sales and Marketing Executives Salon West Benefit Fundraiser Schwan’s Quality Frozen Food Scollin & Colvin, PC Security Federal Credit Union Security First Insurance Shape of Future Habitats to Come Siva of Michigan, LLC Southmoor Golf Course Superior Pontiac Cadillac, Inc. TGI Direct THA Architects The Book Shelf The Fortress The Gallery Coffee House The Marketing Link The Sallie Mae Fund Thomas & Delaney, PC Tim Horton’s Donut Limited Tom Ryan Distributing Co. Tom Youngquist Floor Covering UAW - SEMCAP UAW Region 1-C Uniflex Electric Company United Plastics, Inc. United Way of Genesee County University of Michigan-Flint Urban League of Flint Veit Foundation Vertigo Productions Wal-Mart Store #4243 Weaver Design Weinstein Electric Co. WEYI Whitey’s Restaurant Whiting Auditorium Whiting Foundation WoJo’s Garden Splenders Wolverine Machine Products Company YaYa’s Flame Broiled Chicken Young Oldsmobile-Cadillac Zelton Johnson, DDS Please accept our sincere apologies if your name is not listed. We genuinely appreciate your financial support. Please phone our office at 810.762.0425 so that we can make the necessary changes to our database. Thank you. The Foundation for Mott Community College Net Assets for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007 Permanently Restricted Funds $956,945.00 Unrestricted Funds $582,693 Scholarships $215,457 45% Allocations to MCC $265,500 13% 21% 55% Temporarily Restricted Funds $2,958,992 Income Distributions Total $480,957 Assets Total $4,498,630 66% Platinum - $1,200 • Be our special guest at the following: - Annual Giving Event (i.e. Garden Party) - Distinguished Alumni Event - Dinner at President’s Home • Name a seat in the Regional Technology Center’s state-of-the-art auditorium AND in the Mott Memorial Building Recital Hall •H ave a personally-engraved 8x8 brick installed in the Memorial Courtyard • Receive a diner’s card to MCC’s Applewood Cafe (10% discount) •H ave the donor’s name engraved on a plaque in Applewood Café • Receive VIP invitations to special events • Receive a copy of A Clearer Image • Receive Foundation newsletters Gold - $1,000 • Name a seat in the Regional Technology Center’s state-of-the-art auditorium • Have a personally-engraved 8x8 brick installed in the Memorial Courtyard • Receive a diner’s card to MCC’s Applewood Café (10% discount) •H ave the donor’s name engraved on a plaque in Applewood Café • Receive VIP invitations to special events • Receive a copy of A Clearer Image • Receive Foundation newsletters Silver - $500 • Name a seat in the Mott Memorial Building Recital Hall • Have a personally-engraved 4x8 brick installed in the Memorial Courtyard • Receive a diner’s card to MCC’s Applewood Café (10% discount) • Receive VIP invitations to special events • Receive a copy of A Clearer Image • Receive Foundation newsletters Bronze - $250 • Have name listed on the Wall of Recognition • Receive VIP invitations to special events • Receive a copy of A Clearer Image • Receive Foundation newsletters Dean’s Circle - $150 • Receive VIP invitations to special events • Receive a copy of A Clearer Image • Receive Foundation newsletters Continued on back Scholarship Circle - $100 • Receive invitations to special events • Receive Foundation newsletters FRIENDS OF MCC - $50 • Receive invitations to events • Receive Foundation newsletters BLACK & GOLD CLUB - $25 (MCC Students only please.) • Receive invitations to special events • Receive Foundation newsletters Name Address City State Zip Phone indicate your giving level by marking the corresponding box Platinum $1,200 Gold $1,000 Silver $500 Bronze $250 Dean’s Circle $150 Scholarship Circle $100 Friends of MCC $50 Black & Gold Club (MCC Students only, please) $25 METHOD OF PAYMENT ersonal Check P (Make checks payable to The Foundation for Mott Community College) Credit Card Type of Card: ________________________ Amount: Name as it appears on card (please print): Credit card number Expiration: Authorizing signature: Date: Please fill out above form and send payment in the giving envelope provided. The Foundation for Mott Community College 1401 E. Court Street • Flint, MI 48503-2089 IRA to Charity Extension THE HOUSE VOTES to extend a tax break for many older taxpayers. Under current law, people who are 70½ or older can transfer as much as $100,000 this year directly from an individual retirement account to qualified charities without getting hit by income taxes on that money. The transfer counts toward that person’s minimum required distribution requirement. Charities say many people have taken advantage of this provision. The House voted to extend the provision through the end of 2008. The Foundation for Mott Community College 1401 E. Court Street • Flint, MI 48503 • 810.762.0425