Name ______________________________ Ch 5 & 6: Bonding, Formulas and Naming Notes

Ch 5 & 6: Bonding, Formulas and Naming Notes
Name ______________________________
Period __________Date________________
Types of Chemical Bonds:
A. Ionic Bonding
1) Positively charged ions are attracted to ________________ charged ions, making a
____________________ atom.
2) Properties of Ionic Compounds:
a) high _____________________________________.
b) dissolve in water to form ______________ that are good _________________ of
electricity (___________________).
c) have a large __________________________ difference between elements.
d) usually form between _________________ and __________________.
3) The Octet Rule:
a) Atoms tend to gain or lose electrons in order to acquire a _________ set of
__________________ electrons (____________ ____________).
b) Atoms will ______________ electrons (e-) to each other in order to have a full set of
_______________ electrons.
c) When electrons are transferred, ____________ bonds are formed.
4) Types of Compounds:
a) Binary form from monatomic ions – have _______ cation and _______anion.
Ex) Mg+2 O-2 ______________ Ca+2 Cl-1 ________________
b) Tertiary form from polyatomic ions which consists of a group of atoms
_____________________ bonded with a _______________ charge that bond
ionically with other ions.
-Ex. __________________________
“ __________________________________”, _____________________
5) Polyvalent Metals: Some metals including the _______________________metals do
not follow the ___________________ rule and may form more than 1 kind of cation.
These ions are named with ________________ __________________ to
distinguish between them.
Fe+2 _______________________ read “iron two”
Fe+3 _______________________ read “iron three”
FeCl2 ________________________________________________
FeCl3 ________________________________________________
Copper (I) sulfate
Copper (II) phosphate
6) Lewis Dot Diagrams for elements:
# of val. Electrons
Dot Diagram
**Note: Only show s and p orbitals in dot diagram.
7) Lewis-dot diagram for sodium chloride:
B. Covalent Bonding
1) Covalent Bonds are formed by _______________ pairs of electrons between 2 atoms.
2) Usually formed between two _______________ with a _______ electronegativity difference.
3) Molecules:
a) a group of atoms held together by _______________________ bonds
b) molecular substance – contains ______________________
4) Naming:
a) uses prefixes:
1 mono2 di3 tri-
4 tetra5 penta6 hexa-
7 hepta8 octa9 nona-
10 deca-
b) end in “ide”
c) More electronegative element is written _____________
d) Only use a prefix on the first element if it is more than ___________.
e) Always use a prefix for the ______________ _______________.
water H20
Smog NO2
5) Types of formulas for covalent bonding
a) Molecular Formula shows how _________ atoms make up a ______________.
ex. ______________________ & ______________________
b) Structural Formula shows how the atoms are ______________ to each other.
1. Uses 2 _________ to show an unshared pair of ________________.
2. Uses ____________________ to represent covalent bonds (a shared pair of
electrons) in a structural formula.
3. The ____________ rule should be satisfied for each element in the compound.
c) Empirical Formula is the ____________ whole number _________ of all the elements
in the compound.
6) Multiple Bonds – can be used to satisfy the octet rule
a) Single Bonds – Share __________ pair of electrons.
b) Double Bonds – Share __________ pairs of electrons.
c) Triple Bonds – Share ___________ pairs of electrons ( ____________ bond).
8) Properties of Covalent Bonds
a) Low __________________ points, ________________, strong ________, poor
________________ of electricity.
b) Polar Bonds – form between elements with __________ differences in
electronegativity. These have an _________________ sharing of electrons.
c) Nonpolar bonds – exert ______________ ______________ on the electrons.
9) Electronegativity Chart is used to determine bond type
non polar covalent
polar covalent
ionic bonds
C. Ionic & Covalent Bonds Summary:
Ionic Bonding
Covalent Bonding
D. Acids:
1) A molecular compound that dissolves in water to produce ____ and a characteristic _________.
2) In water, acids behave like _______________ compounds.
3) Most acid formulas begin with __________. (Except organic acids) “ _________”
4) The number of hydrogens in the formula depends upon the ____________ of the anion.
5)Types of Acids
a.) Organic Acids contain the _______________________ group, -COOH or _________
b.) Binary Acids contain ____________________ and 1 type of _______________.
A two-word name is used for binary acids.
1st word: prefix is “hydro”
root is formed from the anion
anion suffix “ide” is changed to “ic”
2nd word: is “acid”
Ex) HCl
anion is chloride
hydrochloric acid
anion is bromide _______________________________
c.) Oxo (Tertiary) Acids: contain __________________ within a polyatomic ion.
A two-word name is used for oxo acids.
sulfur or phosphor (to sound better)
2nd word is “acid”
anion is nitrate
nitric acid
H3PO3 anion is phosphite
Nitrous acid, anion is ___________________ formula is: _______________
Phosphoric acid, anion is ________________ formula is: ________________
E. Hydrates:
1.) Ionic compounds that absorb ________ into their solid structures.
Ex) ___________________________________________________ (________________)
Formula: ________________________
2.) Anhydrous substance - _______________________________________________
Ex) CuSO4 • 5H2O _______________________________________________