St. Edmund A- Z

St. Edmund A- Z
Please read over these important September reminders
and keep this guide handy for future reference
In accordance with the Board’s Safe Arrival policy, the paved area of the playground has been designated as
“STUDENTS” only.
This area is supervised by school staff. We ask that you do not cross through the junior playground with young
children, but drop them off at the north end of the school. Parents and guardians, please remain outside the
yellow boundaries and please do not accompany your children into the line ups. This will help give teachers
clearer sightlines to better supervise children, as well as help build your child’s self esteem and independence.
We thank you for your cooperation in implementing this very important safety practice.
School agendas have been ordered for all students from grades 1 to 8. The cost to each student is $6.00. Please
send the $6.00 to your child’s teacher this week.
These will be used to promote organization, time management and goal setting. There is a plastic envelope at
the front of the agendas for carrying important notes, school newsletters, School Council bulletins, and notices
highlighting important events.
Please take the time to review with your child the Safety Reminds, Respect For the Rights of Others, Academic
Expectations, and the Playground Safety reminders at the front of your child’s agenda. The agenda includes an
additional feature – a Catholic Resource Supplement.
For the benefit of the learning of all children, we expect all students to arrive at the school on time. Students,
whom arrive after the 8:45 a.m. bell, go directly to the office to pick up an admission slip. If it is ever necessary
that your child be dismissed early, please write a note to the teacher. We will not release a student for any
reason without parental consent. Your child must also be signed out by an adult if leaving the school prior to
3:15 p.m. dismissal.
For safety reasons, please notify the school if your child is going to be absent or late.
The SAFE ARRIVAL PHONE NUMBER is 905-277-8962. The answering machine will record your message outside
of regular school hours. When leaving a message, clearly state the following:
- your child’s first and last name;
- your child’s grade and teacher’s name;
- whether your child will be absent or late and the reason for absence.
Birthdays are special occasions and are often acknowledged within our classroom communities. Should you be
planning a cake celebration for your child, we ask that you host the party at home. With the ever growing
number of food allergies amongst our school population, we ask that you not send any food items to school.
Something as harmless as a Timbit could be fatal to a child with a food allergy. Please consider sending nonfood items such as pencils or stickers, and please send enough for the entire class.
Our goal is for every person at St. Edmund School to feel safe, supported and included at all times. To this end,
we are establishing an Action Team of teachers, parents and students to conduct surveys, review our practices,
and establish policies and procedures.
The use of cell phones is not permitted within Dufferin-Peel schools, in the playgrounds, or on the buses by
students or visitors during school hours/activities.
Any student with a cell phone at school is required to keep it turned off and put away out of sight in a backpack.
Should a teacher observe a student using their cell phone during school hours/activities, the phone will be taken
from the student and given to the principal. Parents will have to come to the school to retrieve their child’s cell
Open communication between home and school is very important. Please do not hesitate to contact the school
at any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call at the onset of a concern usually resolves the issues
before it becomes a problem.
Board Policy states that all students are expected to dress in clean, neat, and practical clothing. School
guidelines are:
The top of the pants must meet the bottom of the shirt with no exposure of midriff or
Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh, and neither too tight nor tattered.
Halter tops, spaghetti strap tops, tank tops, muscle shirts and mesh shirts may not be worn. Shirts
must cover the top of the shoulder.
Clothing with offensive, suggestive and/or inappropriate statements or pictures, including
advertisements for alcohol or tobacco products, is not permitted.
Hats or bandannas are not to be worn in school. Baseball caps or sunhats are encouraged for
outside recess play in sunny weather.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation for a dress code which reflects the Catholic school
environment as a place for some serious work accompanied by standards of modesty, sensitivity, politeness and
decorum. Students who wear unacceptable clothing to school may be removed from class and/or sent home to
Lots of wonderful extra-curricular opportunities are offered at St. Edmund School throughout the year. Please
encourage your child to participate! We often require parents to assist in driving students to games or
tournaments. Please contact the school if you are able to help us in this way.
Any student using the school network is required to follow our Code of Conduct with regards to Internet use.
Forms will be sent home for parents to sign.
Please remind your child about appropriate use of internet at home. Inappropriate use of the internet (i. e.
spreading gossip or rumours about another student, making threats etc.) are unacceptable and considered to be
contrary to our Catholic Code of Conduct. As parents, you have the responsibility to monitor your child’s
communications on the Internet.
MSN We are asking all parents to be aware of what their children are doing on the internet and to make sure
their son’s or daughter’s activities on the internet are completely appropriate. Social networking sites, such as
MSN or Facebook were designed for adults. The use of such sites is not recommended for children under 12
years old as they generally do not possess the judgment or self control to use this tool appropriately.
Unfortunately some school age children are using MSN to gossip about other students, forward inappropriate
sites or “jokes”, or speak to each other in a way in a way that would be considered completely unacceptable
were they to do it face to face and in person. Messages of this sort violate our Catholic values and are
unacceptable in school or society.
As parents, you are responsible for your child’s online behaviour. You should be aware of the kind of messages
your child is sending, particularly if your child is visiting friends and using a computer without your direct
supervision. Know your child’s e-mail address, log on names or passwords. Check the history regularly. Make
regular checks, look at the computer screen and make sure that the computer is in an area frequently
supervised by an adult.
For more information about protecting your child on the Internet, the following are two websites that offer
comprehensive information: and
Thank you to parents for your concerted effort to keep our students’ safety a major priority when using the Kiss
‘N Ride Lane in our driveway.
To ensure the safety of all students and volunteers, please follow these guidelines:
Use the Kiss ’N Ride lane ONLY
Drop children only when you reach the front of the line or under the direction of the supervisor on
duty. Please wait your turn.
Your child must exit the car on the left side only.
Your child must be ready to exit the car on their own; if they are unable to exit on their own, please
park in the parking lot and walk your child to the sidewalk.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Whenever possible, students are encouraged to go home for lunch. If this is not possible, students are welcome
to eat at school. Students who eat lunch at school are expected to remain on school property within the school
boundaries for the duration of the lunch break.
For safety and supervision reasons, if you are giving your child permission to leave school property at 11:45, a
note indicating the date and signed by a parent must be sent to the school.
We have made arrangements for hot lunch service. The Lunch Lady returns Tuesdays and Fridays beginning
September 21. The order forms will be sent home shortly. This service might help diminish the number of
students who go to the plaza on Friday to purchase candy, stink bombs and silly string instead of lunches.
Parent volunteers will coordinate Pizza days on Wednesdays. Order forms for first term will go out shortly.
The Milk program will be will be run by Ms. Moher’s class again this year. The program will be open to all
Again this year we are placing a table in the front foyer where student lunches can be dropped off. There will be
pen and paper available if the lunch does not have the child’s name on it. Please ensure your child knows in the
morning that you will be dropping off the lunch.
Due to stringent anaphylaxis policies based on Sabrina’s Law, students, staff members or parents are asked to
not bring any foods containing nuts to school.
School Board Policy now prohibits any food or beverages (water is permitted) from being present and/or
consumed outside in the school yard or on a bus. Students will be given time to eat their snacks in the
classroom either before or after they are dismissed for recess.
We look forward to meeting all of you at our Barbecue and Open House Curriculum Evening on September 21.
The Barbecue will take place from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. More information will follow from the School Council.
Patents are invited to gather in the Gym at 7:00 p.m. School Staff will be introduced and information
highlighted. The School Council will share information regarding their 2009-2010 achievements and the School
Council Nomination Process.
You will then have an opportunity to meet the teacher, view your child’s classroom and receive information
about the 2010-2011 school year, curriculum and classroom expectations.
As partners in education, teachers and parents working together can make learning an exciting and rewarding
experience for their children.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Please be advised that cars which park or stop in the fire route near the church and school and in the Kiss ‘N
Ride Lane in the school’s driveway are liable for ticketing by the Parking Authority of Mississauga.
Vehicles may use any of the available parking spots on school property and on the streets near the school where
parking is permitted.
Please understand that St. Edmund School cannot be responsible for fines issued to drivers for any infraction of
the above.
It is important to bring to your attention a problem which occurs in most schools at least once a year. Head lice
are parasites which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way
with dirt or neglect. If a case is found in our school, we shall inform parents of the students in that classroom.
We will be checking friends and other siblings. We ask that you check your children regularly. If your child is
infested, please notify the office immediately.
Each child is expected to participate in the Physical Education Curriculum. A student may be excused from
participation with a doctor’s note.
An Elementary Physical Education Curriculum – Element of Risk and Medical Information Form will be sent home
September 7. Please complete the form and return it by Friday, September 10. Proper clothing should be worn
for gym activities: T-shirts, runners, shorts or jogging pants.
Students are reminded never to leave jewelry, money or other valuables in change rooms, washrooms, or the
The Ministry of Education requires all students to engage in Daily 20 Physical Education workouts.
In-line skates, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are not permitted on school property. There is no
storage space for these items.
“Heely” shoes (running shoes with wheels) are not to be worn at school. They are unsafe in hallways shared by
344 other students.
Baseball bats and hard balls such as baseballs or lacrosse balls can cause painful injuries and should not be
brought to school. We ask that basketballs be brought only by Junior or Intermediate students as they are more
difficult for little hands to handle. Any play balls, such as soccer balls, volley balls, Nerf footballs, etc. should be
clearly labeled with the child’s name and grade in permanent marker. In case the item is misplaced, we can then
return it to the proper owner.
Frisbees are also hard items which can hurt a child and should be left at home.
In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires that
ALL VISITORS use the front doors located near the office, identify themselves by signing in and picking up a
visitor’s sticker upon entering the building AT ALL TIMES. Messages and deliveries (house keys, lunches,
clothing) are handled through the front office. All parents, volunteers and school guests are asked to follow
school board procedures in relation to Safety of Students and Trespass to Property Act.
Parents walking their children to school are asked to drop their children off at the edge of the playground. We
ask that parents/guardians not enter the paved area. You are welcome to wait for your child/children outside
the designated area.
Parents are welcome to watch their own children participate in extra curricular sports and activities. We do not
have supervision for students wishing to watch games and activities. Any student wishing to watch must be
accompanied by their own parent. Notes giving permission to watch, either alone or with another child’s
parent, will be not accepted.
Forms will be sent home September 7. This insurance is recommended especially if your child participates in
Something new for 2010-2011! Check busing information on-line. You can check eligibility, bus stops and pick
up/drop off times, and cancellations/delays. You will need your child’s OEN (Ontario Education Number) located
on their most recent report card and the Verification form sent home September 7. The websites are: or
A reminder that the eligibility distances for student transportation are as follows:
JK, SK, and Grade 1
Grades 2 – 4
Grades 5 – 8
1.0 km
1.6 km
2.0 km
Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements may apply for a seat in accordance with the “Courtesy
Seat” (formerly Empty Seat Policy). These seats will not be available until October. Please notify the school
immediately if child care arrangements mean that your child will embark or disembark at a stop other than your
Please review with your child(ren) the STUDENT TRANSPORTATION School Bus Safety Rules.
The conduct of individual students on the bus directly affects their safety and those of their classmates.
Incidents of poor behaviour on the bus are reported in writing by the bus driver to the principal. Dependent on
the seriousness of the incident, a warning may be issued to the student, the parent may be called, bus privileges
suspended or other disciplinary action may be taken.
Parents will be financially responsible for any damage to the bus caused by their child. It is the policy of the
Board that students in JK, SK and Grade 1 are seated at the front of the bus.
The Transportation Department is extremely busy at this time of year and their priority is to make sure all
eligible students have transportation. Requests for stop changes will be addressed by Transportation after
October 1.
Supervision in the school yard begins at 8:30 a.m. Parents are responsible for supervision prior to 8:30 a.m. and
after 3:15 p.m.
At dismissal time, bus students are expected to line up immediately in the designated area in the Primary Yard.
Students walking home are expected to go directly home. Parents, Guardians, and Babysitters picking up
students at the end of the day are asked to meet the students at the perimeter of the paved area adjacent to
the doors from which they are dismissed.
The school will supply your children with pens, pencils, rulers, notebooks, paper, etc.
Students also receive a number of textbooks for their personal use and will be able to borrow books from the
library. Due to the extremely higher cost of books, we expect students to be responsible for these materials.
Please encourage your child to handle books with care. Students will be charged for lost and/or damaged
Please check the information on the student verification sheet which will be sent home with your child on
September 7. The information you provide will be used to update our records so that we may contact you in
case of an emergency.
Please sign and return the form, whether there are changes or not and return it to the school by Friday,
September 10.
On rare occasions, usually due to extreme weather conditions, buses may be called to bring students home
before the regular dismissal time. It is the responsibility of every parent to have arrangements made in
advance with a neighbour or relative, in the event that no one is home. Please include this information on the
verification form.
It is vitally important that we have accurate school records and that we keep our information up-to-date.
Should there be a change to phone numbers or addresses, please notify the office immediately in writing.
Within our Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, we will continue to integrate virtues formation into all
areas of school life within the content of our faith. Each month we will focus, as an entire school, on one of the
virtues. The Virtue for the month of September is Faith.
People of Faith:
Know that we are all part of God’s family and want to be good like Jesus;
Pray regularly and from the heart;
Know there is good in everyone and see good in the world;
Use and respect other people’s right names; and
Are confident God loves us all no matter what.
A list of the virtues and their attributes may be found in the student agendas. Please read these over with your
child and talk about how they can live out the virtues at home and school.
Volunteers are always needed in the classrooms, library, house league athletics, and All Star Reading. No
experience is necessary, just a willingness to commit an hour or two a week. Sharing your gifts and talents will
enrich the learning experiences of our students.
All volunteers working with children in the school must have a Criminal Reference Check. Forms are available in
the office.