Document 14297859

April 2013. Volume 13. Issue 3
St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. School Newsletter
Commitment & Dedication
See our tree grow
Suicide prevention training
Students get hands on training
..mandatory suspension
...exciting and rewarding
Raised over $3,000
30+ submissions inside
St. Marguerite d’Youville S.S. • 10815 Dixie Road, Brampton Ontario Canada L6R 2W5
Tel: (905) 789.5560 • Fax: (905) 789.1143
Twitter: • Website:
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Kevin Greco
Vice Principals
Anthony Marcellino (A-F)
Dulcie Belchior (G-O)
Donald Alva (P-Z)
Tony Whelan
Student Services
Corrine Maury (A-D‘CRUZ)
Claudio DiFederico (DE-LE)
Peter Gray (LI-RE)
Lina D‘Onofrio (PI-Z)
Head Secretary
Mrs. Paralovos
Guidance Secretary
Mrs. Contardi
Budget Secretary
Mrs. Amatruda
Attendance Secretary
Mrs. King
Assistant Secretary
Mrs. Curtis
Director of Education
John Kostoff
Superintendent of Schools
Paul McMorrow
Scott McLauchlan
School Council Chairs
Mrs. Cespite
Mrs. Kelly
Newsletter Editors
Josef Constantino
Dulcie Belchior
School Motto:
To Trust, To Risk,
To Love, To Serve
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Principal‘s Message
Happy Easter to everyone in the d‘Youville S.S.
community. As we celebrate the resurrection of
Christ we look back on a very prayerful and
reflective Lenten season at our school. Students
have had many opportunities for reconciliation,
self reflection, prayer and participation in
outreach activities. As well, our Chaplaincy team
organized a wonderful Easter service for our
students and staff. We continue to turn our
efforts into being faithful to the Gospel.
Once again, we are off to a very busy
spring. All of our spring sports teams are
up and running and our clubs continue to
create positive energy around the school.
Students will be bringing home their second
semester midterm report cards on April
22nd. Now is a good time for parents to
reflect with their children on their progress
and take steps to support them in striving
to reach their full potential in each
course. I remind you that students can
access many forms of support at the school
through their respective guidance
In partnership with our Catholic School
Council we are hosting an Optimal Mental
Health and Wellness Symposium on April
27 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The focus is
to support parents and their children in
dealing with the stresses and anxieties that
f ac e yo u ng p eo p l e an d t h e i r
Participants will have the
opportunity to hear directly from keynote
speakers and choose from a selection of
conc u rr e nt s e s sio n s w i th fi e ld
experts. Participants can try various tools
and techniques to deal with anxiety (yoga,
meditation, prayer); learn about the
benefits of healthy eating and exercise; and
d‘Youville Admin Team
(L to R):
Mr. Greco, Mrs. Belchior,
Mr. Alva, Mr. Marcellino
develop strategies to improve partnerships
(teachers, children, parents).
“marketplace” featuring numerous
community organizations that support
children and their families to achieve
optimal mental health and wellness will be
available and a light lunch will be
provided. Tickets are $5.00 per family
(immediate family members). To purchase
tickets, please contact Mr. Giannobile at
the school at 905-789-5560.
We endeavor to support each student who
enters St. Marguerite d’Youville in reaching
high levels of achievement and success in
and outside of the classroom. Our hope is
that our students become the best people
they can be! We thank you for your
continued support with this.
You can also keep pace with us and all the
amazing things happening at d’Youville by
following us on Twitter at and visiting
our webpage at
Mr. K. Greco
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 3
Chaplain‘s Message
Our tree on the banner in the matrix
continues to grow, as we continue to
Grow Together in Faith. What a perfect
theme for a Catholic school
We grow physically
through exercise, mentally through
reading and study, and spiritually
through our prayer and retreats.
We journeyed together through the
discipline of Lent, and now we are in
the Holy season of Easter. Christ is
Risen, and there is so much new life
here in our community to celebrate as
well. Our new cafeteria art celebrates
that Jesus came "that we may have life,
We have celebrated Ash Wednesday
and Holy Thursday together, and May
13th and 14th we will celebrate
Penecost, the coming of God's Spirit of
life into our hearts.
Let us continue to grow in faith and
enjoy life to the full!
and have it to the full."
T. Whelan
This time of year is especially exciting for our
Catholic school community as we celebrate the
ascension of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a time for
the renewal of our faith, and a topic that all
Theology classes take the time to reflect upon. This
also marks the beginning of our retreats for this
semester. Grade 10 students will learn about
healthy relationships and sexuality; Grade 11
students will expand their understanding of world
religions through visits to various places of worship;
and the Grade 12 classes will travel downtown
Toronto to learn about poverty and mental health,
and hand out sandwiches to the homeless.
We also welcomed Father Tony Ricard back to
d‘Youville this semester to speak to our Grade 11
and 12 students. Father Tony is a priest in New
Orleans who travels the world spreading his love
for Christ through humour. He entertained our
students, leaving them with the simple and
important message to ―Remember who you belong
to, and don‘t be stupid!‖
So as we look ahead to the second half of the
semester, we should remember that we are, first
children of God,
here to love
one another
l o v i n g
doing this, we
can be hopeful
about the future – even
if that means simply looking ahead to summer
Peace and God Bless,
Mrs. Marshall, Department Head
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St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
ThinkFast 2013
This year‘s ThinkFast was an
absolute success. ThinkFast is an
annual event where students fast
for 24 hours only drinking liquids,
and learn more about a topic that
is relevant to them.
Centered on the topic of education, this event began
with a slideshow presentation by Tyra Yah, Winona
Li, Elisa Lapadula, Leo Romano and Mr. Snihura
about their recent trip to the Dominican Republic,
and what we had raised money for. Participants
were then split into groups to learn interesting
information and get their blood pumping in the
Amazing Race; lead by Ms. Simon, Ms. Raposo, Mr.
Khalid, Ms. De Buono and the Justice League. Later,
students moved to the gym, where community
building activities were led by Ms. Dejnicka and her
helpers Alanna Gutarati, Christina Duarte, Grace
Puccia, Connor Moriarty, and Vinicius Reis. Students
had free time throughout the night to play Just
Dance in the cafeteria and sports in the gymnasium.
We broke the 24 hour fast at 8 P.M. with pizza, but
not before thanking God first! The night ended with
a movie, a student talent show, and a prayer session.
Students slept over at the school and left in the
morning with a new perspective on hunger and
education. We had over 120 participants and as a
school community raised over $3100 to go towards
a transportation project for students in the
Dominican to go to school! A big thank you goes to
all of the staff and students that made this event run
smoothly and successfully, especially MR. WHELAN!
Can‘t wait to see what next year will bring!
Natalie Doummar
Justice League President
Justice League: Spring 2013
We‘re half-way through semester two! Let‘s take a look at
what Justice League has been up to.
In March, Justice League took part in d‘Youville‘s annual
Thinkfast. Our team members worked hard to create the
Amazing Race: Education Challenge that was exciting and
informative (thank you to our guest teacher-advisor, Mr. Khalid, for helping out
too). Many members also took part in collecting pledges and participating in the rest of the Think fast event.
We also vowed to be silent during the annual We Are Silent campaign, on Thursday, April 18, formerly
known as the Vow of Silence. During this day, Justice League students vowed to be silent in solidarity, in
order to give a voice to social justice issues around the world. In addition, the group participated in the We
Create Change initiative: ―Canada‘s largest penny drive‖. For every $25 raised in pennies, one person in a
developing country received clean water for life! Taking a look ahead, we will be running our 2 nd annual Fair
Trade Fair on Tuesday, May 7th (mark your calendars). During this event, will be welcoming a guest speaker,
Besa Abuse, who will speak about Fair Trade and his culture. This event will also host a wide-range of fair
trade products, in the Matrix, on all three lunches; come on out and enjoy some fair trade chocolate and
coffee, while browsing the other items for sale. Justice League meetings are every Thursday, after school in
room 304. All new members are welcome to join! Thank you for being the change!
Miss. Raposo & Miss. Simon
Volume 13, Issue 3
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PIP (Planning for Independence Program) 2013
This semester the students in the PIP class participated in an Airbrushing Art Activity with the artists from
Passionate Art. The students were given a demonstration on how to use the airbrushing equipment and
each got to give it a try and make their own designs. Each student received an apron with their name and
a design on it, which they will be using throughout the semester during the cooking classes. The PIP
students would like to welcome back Mrs. D'Souza into the classroom, who has returned following her
maternity leave, and they would like to say good luck to Ms. Dejnicka who will be dearly missed.
Powersquad 2013
The Power Squad girls are excited to perform at
many sporting events second semester. The
teacher vs. student basketball buy-in game in April
is sure to bring excitement for all. The girls will be
showcasing their first routine at the event. They
have been working very hard twice a week to
prepare for these events. They will also perform a
second routine at the Athletic Banquet in June and
hope to cheer on the boys‘ soccer team during
their summer season. Thanks to all the girls for
their effort and dedication!
Coaches Raposo & McLoughlin
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St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Link Crew
Update 2013
To help Grade 9‘s prepare for their first set of high
school exams in January, Link Leaders organized
―Cocoa and Cram‖ - a study session designed to help
ease the stress and anxiety of exams. Students worked
closely with Link Leaders, having their questions
answered while they enjoyed hot chocolate and
During the month of March, we interviewed over 100
grade 10 students who applied to be a Link Leader for
the 2013-2014 school year. We chose 60 Link Crew
Leaders who are comprised of future grade 11 students
who have exemplified leadership, dedication, and
commitment to contributing to a positive school
community. With the inspired group of students that
are part of the program, we hope to provide a
smooth transition for grade 8 students to enter into
grade 9 at d‘Youville. The Leaders will participate in
the first training development day on May 29th and
will also meet during the last week of August to
Football Coach of the Year
Congratulations go out to Mr. Falacho who was
awarded the High School Coach of the Year Award in
Boys Football. Thanks to Mr. Falacho‘s commitment,
dedication and leadership (both on and off the field),
many of our students have benefited from
participating in a quality football program. We look
forward to what next season brings.
prepare for grade 9 orientation day and for the year.
We look forward to its success in building a safe and
positive environment for all students.
Our current Link leaders have been continuing to
facilitate Academic Follow Up lessons in grade 9
classes; most recently they discussed goal setting,
planning for your future, and how to work as an
effective and contributing member during group
work. They are also currently preparing for the 2 nd
Annual transition program event "P.A.W.S. (Preparing
And Welcoming Students) - d'You Think You Can
High School?" in which we will travel to our feeder
schools in May. We are currently working on
activities that will be fun and at the same time give
our future grade 9 students the opportunity to get a
glimpse into high school life.
M. Giannobile, A. Marshall, E. McPhee, K. Spina
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 7
d‘Youville Music
This semester has been an exciting and rewarding one for
the students in the Music program. Last semester the
Concert Band spent many hours practicing for the Ontario
Band Association Music Festival, which was held in
February. The students‘ hard work paid off as they won a
Gold Award at the festival, and also earned an invitation
to perform at the MusicFest Nationals, to be held in May
at the University of Toronto. The d‘Youville Concert Band
is now hard at work preparing for this festival, and for the
Wonderland Music Festival in June. As well, we would
like to invite everyone to join us for the annual Spring
Concert on May 28. We look forward to seeing you!
O.S.S.L.T. Mission Launch: April 2013
All first time eligible Grade 10 and previously eligible Grade 11 students were to write the test on
Thursday, April 11th 2013. Unfortunately due to unforeseen weather conditions the test has been
postponed and an alternative test will be written later on this Spring. Following the Easter break,
first time eligible Grade 10 students at d‘Youville continued to practice their skills during the
Literacy Blitz Week (April 2-5), where each day they focused on a specific literacy type question.
Teachers were provided tried and tested strategies to help students prepare for the test. Grade 11
previously eligible students were individually invited to their own support sessions held in the
library. Academic Resource and ESL organized students to write in specific areas to allow for
special provisions and specified accommodations. Letters were sent home to indicate these
arrangements weeks prior to the test. IEP students who require assistive technology had
additional exposure to using the technology with a practice OSSLT during the Literacy Blitz week.
This Literacy Blitz served to consolidate the efforts made throughout the year during our monthly Literacy Action
Days (L.A.D.). February‘s L.A.D. focused on the Question Answer Relationship and a review of the Key Words
found in each literacy type question. After the March break, Grade 10 classes watched a student-reported new flash
about our recent ―Harlem Shake‖. This media example helped them identify the main idea, the 5 W‘s and the
proper use of quotations, in order to write an interesting news report.
Literacy Modules for Semester 2 ran twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for 3 weeks this past February/March.
From past experience we have noticed that students who take these modules are better prepared and find success
on the OSSLT. This year our school was also chosen to pilot a long writing prompt that may be used on a future
OSSLT assessment. Approximately 100 students from various classes wrote the piece in late February. Practice makes
Finally, a Grade 10 assembly occurred April 3rd to inform students of the expectations,
test break down and some important administrative issues around the Literacy Test
We would like to thank the d‘Youville staff for supporting the students and our
Committee this year. We appreciate the dedication and work of the Literacy
Committee leading up to and during the administration of the test. We wish all the
students writing great success this year! As a community of Literacy Action Super
Heroes working to save our oracle, Litra-C, we will strive each day and each year to see that literacy crime stops
once and for all!
Ms. Bural & Mrs. Pincente
Literacy Committee Co-Chairs 2013
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Student Council
Student Council had an eventful start to second
semester! We kicked off the semester with a few
Valentine‘s Day activities such as playing music in
the cafeteria during lunches, games, dedication
hearts and selling roses. This was also our first
dress down day of the semester, with all students
encouraged to wear pink, red or white in the spirit
of the day! Student Council also organized a second dress down day in February which was centered around D‘Y Pride, encouraging students to
wear D‘Y team uniforms or club t-shirts. Coming
up this semester, we have Student Council Elections
for the 2013 – 2014 school year. This promises to
be an interesting time as students vie for positions
Focus on OYAP
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program gives
students in grades eleven and twelve the
opportunity to experience co-op in the skilled
trades. Students get hands-on training and
experience to practice the skills learned in a related
course, usually a technology course, while earning
two or four high school credits. As examples,
Matthew Issa, a chef apprentice, and Mark
Mansingh, an automotive apprentice, offer their
feedback about their placements:
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
on the cabinet. Finally, to close out the year, we
will be hosting our annual Activity Day on our
football field. Rain or shine, students can expect to
enjoy food, games, music and an overall pleasant
day before the stress of exams and before the end
of another school year!
We are looking forward to bringing more fun and
exciting events to DY, finishing off this year as our
best yet! Remember, we meet every Wednesday
right after school in room 104, all new members
and ideas are welcome!
Ms. Steciw & Ms. D‘Souza
Teacher Advisors:
Congratulations to all members of the d‘Y DECA
team for their success at this year‘s DECA Provincial
competition. The 34th annual DECA Provincials was
a two day competition held at the Toronto Sheraton Centre. Team members took part in role plays
where they acted as business executives in a specific
scenario and also demonstrated their business
knowledge by writing an examination. The competition was stiff, but our team was able to bring
home a medal for placing in the top 10 in one of
the categories for which we participated. Thanks
for all your hard work d‘Y DECA!
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 9
Matthew Issa
Chef Apprenticeship
Matthew ISSA and I
work at Di Giovanni
Bakery and Deli in
Br am p t on.
T he
business is a bakery,
restaurant and deli. They cater events such as
wedding, birthdays and anniversaries. It is a family
run business that has been in operation since 1983
at Torbram and Queen. There are seven employees
who have been with the bakery since its inception.
My career goal is to become a full-time chef. The
work I am doing involves various types of cooking
and baking, including cooking chicken, veal,
sausages, and Italian baked dishes such as
cannoli. This placement has been a great experience
for me and has taught me a lot. I have become close
with my fellow employees and the owners. I am
happy that I had the chance for this opportunity, as
this placement is truly a blessing.
Mark Mansingh
Automotive Service
My name is Mark
Mansingh and I am working at Gateway Chevrolet
Inc. The dealership provides a variety of automotive
services such as; oil changes, tire changes and
rotation, tire balancing and repairs, air filter changes,
wheel alignments, diagnostics, engine replacement,
general repairs, and body work. There are about ten
automotive technicians working in the service
department and about four auto body technicians
working in the body shop that I am learning from.
I like what I'm doing and I am excited to learn more
throughout this semester.
Stay tuned to the morning announcements and DYTV
for DYSWAG‘s upcoming events such as: Motion
Mondays (ways to be more active), Very Berry
Tuesdays (facts about different fruits (specifically
berries)), Workout Wednesdays (short simple
workout routines), No Carb Thursdays (listing ways
of avoiding eating carbs) and Fun Fact Fridays (one
healthy tip or fact).
Finally, we say thank you and goodbye to Ms.
Dejnicka, our committee Co-Chair as she has moves
on with her career to a new contract at a different
This year at d‘Youville, d‘Y SWAG (School Wellness school.
Action Group) was launched with support from Peel
Public Health. The new group will be promoting We look forward to
health and wellness initiatives throughout the year; seeing you at our next
ranging from fitness and exercise, healthy food event.
choices and mental health awareness. During their
launch in February, the group served samples of J. Constantino
healthy smoothies made with orange juice, DYSWAG Committee
strawberries, wild blueberries and a secret healthy
ingredient: spinach! The smoothies were very well
received. d‘Y SWAG encourages everyone to make
healthy choices and add some green into their diet.
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St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Summer School 2013
Summer school application forms
are available in the guidance
office. Summer school runs for
the month of July from 8:00am
until 1:30 daily. Please preregister as space is limited.
Student Services
Course Selection for 2013-2014
The d‘Youville course selection
process took place in February of
this year with class visits to all
grade 9, 10 and 11 classes.
Course selection occurred on-line
during the last week of February.
If your child has not yet registered, please have them make an
appointment A.S.A.P with their
guidance counselor. Student
course selections have been
added to the school database.
Course verification sheets were
sent home on Monday, March
25th. Please carefully check over
personal and course selection
information. Make any changes
directly on the verification sheet
and return it to the school by
Friday April 5th.
Grade twelve students wishing
to return for a 5th year
Grade twelve students can pick
up a registration request and
academic plan application form
from the guidance office. Once
applications have been handed
in; students will meet with their
vice principal to discuss their academic plan and see if returning is
in the best interest of the student. If so, the Vice principal
will provide the student with a
course selection sheet.
Post Secondary Education
All college and university bound
students are still receiving responses to their post secondary
applications. College Applicants
are reminded that May 1st is the
deadline for confirming acceptance to an offer of admission.
University applicants can expect
an admission response by May
29th. June 3rd is the earliest date
applicants may be required to
respond to an offer of admission.
All students should begin to
think about their post secondary
plans. Check out the school
website and
follow the guidance links to
some useful information that can
assist students and parents in
pursuing educational options
after high school.
Graduation Corner
Mass for the Class of 2013
has been scheduled for
Wednesday, June 26th at
10:30 a.m. at St. Marguerite
d’Youville Roman Catholic
Church at the corner of Sandalwood and Torbram in
Brampton. All members of the
Class of 2013 and their parents
are invited and encouraged to
The Graduation Ceremony
for the Class of 2013 will be
held June 26th, beginning at
4:00 pm at the Embassy
Grand in Brampton at the corner of Queen Street and The
Gore Road.
Students are reminded that in
order to be eligible to graduate
they MUST complete 40 hours
of Community Service and
must have successfully completed the Ontario Literacy
Students in Co-op and OYAP
are reminded that they must
remain informed of the deadlines set for Graduation. The
School Website will contain all
pertinent information and deadlines for Grad and will be updated regularly.
The Grad
Committee cannot be responsible for disseminating information to students not in the
school. Timelines are equally
applicable to all students. The
school website is available at
Mrs. R. McLoughlin &
Ms. M. Raposo
Graduation Co-Chairs
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 11
News From The Main Office:
Please remember to drop off
and pick up students ONLY
in the designated areas, do
not stop on DIXIE ROAD at
any time, DO NOT DRIVE
remember to drive cautiously
and safely AT ALL TIMES.
If you have received a letter about your
immunization records, you MUST update them by
calling Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700, faxing
them to (905) 565-0426 or online at www.
If your son or daughter requires the use of an epipen due to an allergy, please inform the main
office as soon as possible.
Students still on the list after April 30, 2013 could
face a mandatory suspension by Peel Public Health
Transportation Information & Issues:
d‘Youville School Safety Protocol and
Procedures (for policies and procedures) (for information on bus,
routes, times) You must have your child‘s OEN
number in order to access the site.
For 2013-14, If you live outside of St. Marguerite
d‘Youville‘s boundaries (please see map), then
your child will not be eligible for
TRANSPORTATION, unless requested through
Courtesy Ridership. Please check Address Eligibility
on the stopr website
St. Marguerite d‘Youville
S.S. has a detailed
summary of all school
protocols. These items
may be obtained through
the main office.
Page 12
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
d‘Youville Drama
Greetings from d‘Youville Drama! We are mid-way through the semester and spring is the busiest time for
our theatre company. Let‘s get caught up on all the hustle and bustle!
Drama Classes
Our Dramatic Arts classes are in full swing. Currently, our Grade 9 and 10 students are working their way
through a unit of study focusing on movement and using the actor‘s greatest tools to create meaning - the
body and face. Students will be learning the importance that movement plays in developing character and
how it can speak to the audience, even when there is no dialogue to be spoken. And yes, that includes the
age-old drama class cliché - mirroring - in addition to other activities that include flocking, mime, and
On the horizon the Drama students will be going on a field trip on June 5 to our favourite professional
theatre company, Soulpepper Theatre, to take in a performance of Kim‘s Convenience, an original
Canadian comedy that‘s now in its second run. We‘ll tell you all about it next issue.
Anyone interested in being a future student in the Drama classes are encouraged to enroll. The grade 9 or
10 Dramatic Arts classes are open courses and there is no prerequisite required to take the course. You‘ll
have fun while learning to collaborate and express yourself artistically, while creating memories that will
last lifetime. We also would love to see former students in our junior and senior drama classes next year. If
you have any questions about Drama courses you can visit Mr. Paul in the theatre.
Extra-curricular News
This spring, d‘Youville Drama is proud to present our latest original production The Stolen, a chilling tale of
what happens when the past comes back to haunt you. The cast and crew have been working tirelessly
during rehearsals and look forward to seeing you at the show. Tickets are now on sale and can be
purchased on the cafeteria stage during all lunches. The performance schedule is as follows:
Grade 9/10 Matinee
Grade 11/12 Matinee
Evening Performance
Wednesday, May 1 - Periods 1-2
Wednesday, May 1 - Periods 3-4
Thursday, May 2 & Friday, May 3
In addition, d‘Youville Drama is undergoing a facelift! Along with some changes to the look of the outside
of the theatre, we have recently announced that the theatre is being renamed to reflect the spirit of our
students today. All students have a chance to be a part of d‘Youville Drama history by submitting a
suggestion for the theatre‘s new name. The winner of the contest will receive a pair of free tickets to our
show, a d‘Youville Drama t-shirt and the honour of having named our home for all things drama. If you
have a great idea for a new name, you can submit it to the theatre before next week. Break a leg!
As always, we would like to acknowledge our staff and administration that support the Drama program,
allowing it to grow and evolve. If you haven‘t been to one of our shows, check us out – it is a unique
experience that will challenge, provoke, inspire, and move you. We have a seat reserved for you…
N. Paul
Dramatic Arts Teacher
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 13
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St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Shaw Public School
Fantactic Sports & Entertainment
Montana‘s Cookhouse
Brampton Civic Hospital
Royal LePage
Salvaggio Dentistry
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 15
Co-operative Education
to be involved in many Reach Ahead and
Experiential Learning opportunities which will
A new semester of Co-op has begun and students provide them with hands-on training in specified
have been working hard at their placements. The fields as well as a glimpse into post secondary
experiences that the students will gain over this pathways.
semester will prove to be valuable for their future
educational choices and careers. They are showing We will be hosting our Career Showcase on
great commitment and developing their work skills Thursday, May 30th, 2013 where students will have
an opportunity to present the skills which they have
Through Co-operative Education, students combine
classroom theory with experience in the workplace.
Some of the careers students are presently placed in
are in the following fields: graphic design, education
(teacher and ECE), healthcare, army reserves, sports
and event marketing, fitness/personal training,
culinary arts, carpentry, automotive, athletic therapy,
veterinarian and many more.
mastered over the semester. This is also a great
opportunity for any students who may be interested
in our Co-op programs to ask questions and obtain
information in their chosen career choice.
All are welcome!
Susan Mendicelli, Marcus Poitras, Tony DeBono,
Peter Neto
Our Specialist High Skills Major Programs in
Healthcare, Childcare and Sports, have also seen a
substantial increase in the number of students
enrolled who wish to obtain their certificates in any
of these three areas. They will have the opportunity
SHSM Sport and
On February 5th 2013, sport and
healthcare SHSM students took
part in a Taping Certification
Course. Students learned about
various sport injuries and how to
treat them.
Students treated
common injuries related to an
array of sports with an industry
expert in physiotherapy and athletic therapy.
Healthcare students were busy
being certified in Suicide Prevention Training, Sign Language Certification and Crisis Prevention
Intervention. All these certifications are valuable industry certifications that assist healthcare
Industry professionals taught d‘Youville students how to recognize
and assist peers contemplating
suicide and how to access com-
munity support. The sign language certification allowed students to communicate healthcare
terms to patients in hospitals. Ms.
Chlebowski taught students how
to react in crisis situations when
working with children and patients using a variety of prevention techniques. SHSM students
are well certified and ready for
their chosen careers.
Many SHSM students took the
opportunity to attend ‗reach
ahead activities‘. On February
11th, students had the opportunity
to partake in an aquatic therapy
class at the Wellness Centre in
Brampton. Students plunged into
the pool and worked with water
weights and chair lifts, completing exercises that are used with
stroke and car accident victims in
order to gain better mobility.
SHSM students also attended an
IMAX screening of Body Works
at the Science Centre on March
21st, whereby they got an inside
look into the human body. Our
final trip on March 22nd, involved
students attending the Health and
Fitness Expo at Copps Coliseum
whereby students learned about
the various running events that
occur in the province.
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St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 17
d‘Youville Dance
As the end of the school year
approaches, it‘s time to get
dancing d‘y! Let‘s get caught up
with our school‘s dance program,
shall we?
There are three dance classes
currently being taught by Mrs.
Bajc during this semester, whose
abilities have been put to the test
these past few months. The
classes consist of a grade 11 Hip
Hop class, a grade 12 regular
class, and a combined grade 11
regular and grade 12 Hip Hop
dance class. All these classes have
been working collaboratively
with different instructors through
workshops to enhance their skills.
Yet, there is still a lot more to
The classes participated in a week
long Bollywood workshop taught
by d‘Youville graduate and Miss
India Canada 2011-2012, Akhina.
During this workshop, the classes
learned many of the basics of
Bollywood dancing and
incorporated their own moves to
create unique Bollywood dance
pieces. Also, the students got to
participate in an intensive Hip
Hop workshop taught by
d‘Youville graduate, Nathan
Espejo. In this workshop, many
students got to experiment a
different form of dance and learn
how to get down and groovy
with House dancing. In addition,
a new student teacher, Miss
Kristina, worked with the three
classes in modern style dance and
special guests, Tribal Vision Dance
Group, shared their Aboriginal
history, culture, and moves with
the students. However, the
student became the teacher when
a few volunteered to do dance
workshops in different genres of
dance, such as Latin, Bollywood,
and jazz, with the grade 9 girls‘
physical education classes. The
workshops were a success as the
grade 9 girls learned the basics of
these genres of dance, as well as
some of its history.
So what‘s next? Well, the classes
still have a couple other
workshops to do. One will be an
urb an dan ce work s hop
instructed by Luv to Groove, and
the other will be a modern/
contemporary workshop
instructed by Kerry Ann. In
addition, dance teams have been
preparing for competitions that
are quickly approaching. The
teams include Latin, jazz/
contemporary, Hip Hop and
Bollywood. They will be
competing in Strive Competition
held at Markham on April 3rd,
2013 and in Bedazzled
Competition held at Vaughan on
May 17th, 2013. All members
have been working extremely
hard, and special thanks go out
to coaches: Mrs Bajc, Ms
DeMedeiros, and Ms Garisto for
all their effort and support.
Moreover, there is no better way
to conclude the year than with
our annual d‘Youville Dance
Showcase. The showcase will take
place in the school‘s cafeteria on
June 4th, 2013, with performances
from the dance teams and dance
classes. So let‘ get dancing d‘y!
You do not want to miss it.
d‘Youville Dance
Artistry, Athleticism, Heart
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 18
Green Force & Eco Schools News
―Together we can all
turn the inspiration
of one hour, into the
actions of every
Our Green Force and
Eco Schools team are
still working hard to
uphold our GOLD
Certification. With our
continued reminders
about the importance
of reducing, reusing
and recycling, we hope
to attain our goal!!
Semester two is well underway, as are our efforts for
greening and protecting our school environment. As
a school, we celebrated Earth Hour with a one hour
―power down‖ during 4th period on Friday April
conjunction with
the Eco Schools
team and the d‘Y
TV team, we were
able to bring
awareness about
the global
initiative that is in
its seventh year
and encouraged
students to
participate in Earth
Hour at home on
Saturday April
A special THANK
YOU goes out to
Mr. Whelan and the LINK Crew for their
―YOLO‖ (Youth On Litter Organization) initiative,
which challenges the d‘Y community to keep the
cafeteria clean, while at the same time educating the
student body on proper waste and recycling
An extra BIG THANK YOU goes out to second
semester grade 9 geography classes for their
continued commitment to the RECYCLING
Our d‘Y Eco Schools Team challenges YOU to
implement green initiatives EVERY DAY!!
Try some of these:
1. Use reusable water bottles.
2. Always use GOOSE paper (Good On One Side
3. Car-pool to school and on weekends with
neighbours and friends.
4. RECYCLE all of your paper and plastic items into
blue bins found around the school.
MONITORS, TVs, etc. when you‘re not using them.
Page 19
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
This year‘s curling team
met with their best results
to date. The Senior Mixed
Curling Team made the
playoffs! They were
defeated in a tough game
against the eventual
champs as the match
came down to the final
rocks in the 6th end. The
coaches Mr. O‘Rouke,
Ms. Dejnicka and Ms. Bajc
were very pleased with
the effort of the entire
team. Special thanks goes
members: Carmen and
Eva Bracho (skips), Julian
Alexandra Alessi and
Stephen Bellino (vices),
and the rookie Andrew
Eskedjian who we hope
will anchor a team in the
coming years and use the
experience gained this
By: Mr. O‘Rouke and
Leadership Student Josh
that was enjoyed by not
Leadership is back!
only all students; but
We have had a bit
also the teachers. It was
of a break for the
a great start and
past year but the
definite l y
se t
leadership students are excited to the student body into joining the standards for the rest of the events
be bringing new and fun events to tournament with a great turnout that the Leadership class will hold,
of 16 teams!
including the Student Teacher
Basketball Game, the 3 on 3
As a kick off to the semester of To start our semester off with such Basketball Tournament, the Soccer
events, the leadership class decided an event was an excellent chance Buy Out and the Athletic Banquet.
to run a futsal tournament. The to observe the strengths that
―DY Footy Tournament‖ was held leaders must have, many of which By: Mrs. McPhee and Leadership
on March 21, 2013 and was a huge i n d i v i d u a l s i n o u r c l a s s students Rachel Fernandes &
success. With the guidance of the demonstrated. The students were Michelle Bookal
class teacher, Mrs. McPhee, the able to buy prizes, ref the games,
class organized and promoted the plan and organize the flow of the
event. They were able to intrigue
tournament and play some great
music! D‘Y Footy was something
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 20
Varsity Boys Hockey Team
The Varsity Boys Hockey
Team played to their full
potential this season.
Although they fell short
and did not make it
through to the playoffs,
their efforts did not go
unn o ti c ed.
C a p t a in s
Joseph Abdel-Rahman,
Austin Aguiar, and Kieran
Fitzner demonstrated
great leadership and the
coaches, as well as their
teammates, are thankful
for their efforts. Coaches
Torresan and Policcichio
are looking forward to
next year and are hoping
for a great season.
By: Mr.Torresan, Mr.
Policcichio and Leadership
student Joshua Storto
Jr. Girls Basketball
Basketball Team had a
great run this season. The
team consisted of Nicole
Leysa, Mia Bediako,
Kiara Wallace-Addai,
Thaliyah Phillips, Zoe
Clarke-Singh, Joselle
team M.V.P. Jermeka
Castello. All goals for the
S e p t e m b e r - D e ce m b e r
s e a s o n
w e r e
accomplished; including
listening to one another,
members with respect
and dignity, and utilizing
equally. Some of the
team‘s away games were
lost, but the d‘Y energy
helped the girls win all
home games! Coaches
recognized the team‘s
developing integrity and
skill through each game,
and they are truly proud
of all members. They
would like to tell the
girls that they really
appreciated all the hard
work put in and would
love to work together
especially now that a
solid group has been
formed. Congratulations
Junior Girls!
Ms. Kitunen, Ms. Kisic
and Leadership Student
Natalie Doummar
Sr. Football Team
Our Senior Boys Football team had
a successful season this past year
bringing home their second
ROPSSAA Championship in three
years. Led by their hard hitting
defense, their high powered
offense and team captains Damien
Halstead, Ryan Mendes, Jonas
Venne, Cordelle Walden, Jadon
Johnson and Donovan Glave, the
team cruised through the regular
season going undefeated at 6-0,
scoring 254 points and only 6
points against. Going into the
playoffs as the first seed, the team
was up against rivals Notre Dame
and won in an overtime thriller to
advance to the ROPSSAA finals. In
the ROPSSAA finals the team took
on St. Joan of Arc and came back
from an early deficit to bring home
the ROPSSAA championship once
again. The team advanced to the
OFSAA Semi-Finals where they
took on Lakeshore Niagara but
were eliminated; however, they
dominated the first half. The team‘s
success during season was due to its
strong leadership and excellent
play from the entire team. Special
mention along with the team
captains goes out to Marcel Ugoh,
Dwight Henville, Bryce Hines and
Nakas Onyeka for excellent play
for the entire season.
By: Coach Falacho and Leadership
Ryan Mendes
Page 21
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Sr. Football Team
Jr. Boys Football
The Junior Boys Football team
worked hard this past season. Led
by their strong defense they ended
the season at a successful 5-2 with
163 points for and only 73 points
against. Despite their winning
record and finishing second in the
north division they missed the
playoffs due to key losses. The
team, led by Captain Marquis
Richards played outstanding on all
sides of the ball. Key contributors
to the defense include Defensive
End Keyshawn Matthews and
Strong Half Christopher Vitale. Key
contributors to the offense include
Running Back Clement Nti and first
year Quarter Back Daikai Toney-
Francis. With excellent play and
hard work from first year players
like Corner Back Nicholas Roy, the
team looks forward to a great
season next year.
By: Coach Neto and Leadership
Student Ryan Mendes
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 22
Sr. Boys Basketball—ROPSAA CHAMPS!
This year‘s Senior Boys Basketball
team jumped out the gate early
this season. With ROPSSAA being
a team goal, the team was
undefeated in league play with a
record of 6-0. Along with winning
league games, the d‗Y Panthers
competed in eight of Ontario‘s
best tournaments and finished
with five gold, one silver, and one
bronze medal playing some of the
finest team basketball they have
ever played. With stron g
leadership coming from veteran
players Abed Emran, James
Agyeman, Ranique McFarlane,
and Brandon Goin-Bailey, the
Panthers found their way back to
the ROPSSAA finals where they
would play rivals, St. Edmund
Campion. With a strong defence
and good team offence, the senior
boys were crowned the ROPSSAA
champions for the fourth time in
the last five years. The team then
travelled to Windsor as they
advanced to OFSSA. They
defeated Notre Dame-Wellington
and Waterloo C.I. making it to the
quarter-finals, playing Cardinal
Newman. Through a tough game
the Panthers lost in overtime,
ending their season shorter than
they would have liked. The boys
finished with a season record of 38
-5. For hard work and great team
play throughout the year, special
mention goes out to the entire
team: Preston Johnson, Desmond
Kwabiah, James Agyeman, Jerome
Simpson, Josiah Riley, Abed
Emran, Addy Ogunye, Kenny Ejim,
Rayon Miller, Harim Agbo,
Ranique McFarlane, Ayo Joseph,
Ovie Eyamaro and Brandon GoinBailey
By: Coaches Zoff & Zeni and
Leadership student Brandon GoinBailey
Page 23
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Jr. Boys Basketball—ROPSAA CHAMPS
The Junior Boys Basketball Team
brought the ROPSSAA title back
home after a one year layoff. The
d‘Youville Panthers clawed
through the John Cabot Colts in
the quarter finals with an 88 point
win and the Notre Dame Knights
in the semi-finals with a 65 point
win. The Panthers were fired up as
they advanced to the ROPSSAA
finals for the 3rd time in 4 years
against their rivals the St. Edmund
Campion Bears. The Panthers
came out of the gate hard with a
10 – 0 lead in the first couple of
minutes and ended the first
quarter with ten points. The Bears
made a small push in the second
quarter but could only cut the lead
to 8 going into half time. The
Panthers came out with their best
3rd quarter performance of the
year. Nine players played in the
3rd quarter to help build an
impressive 38 point lead over the
Bears. The Panthers finished the 4th
quarter with a 61 point win with
h i g h s c o re s f r o m K e s h o n
Montague with 16 points,
Christien Gould with 14 points and
Korede Adegboye with 13 points.
The Panthers were able to capture
the ROPSSAA title with all 15
players contributing on the court.
The win sealed an undefeated
Region of Peel season.
championship consisted of two
excellent captains Keshon
Montague and Korede Adegboye
and 13 exceptional family
members: Kenneth Abad, Preet
Bains, Christien Gould, Jimon
Greaves, Gurman Grewal, Shawn
Irowa, Jordan Lyons, David
Marshall, Emmanuel Nketiah,
Kevin Ofori, Brenden Samlal, Ugo
Teixeira and Nassier Wharton.
By: Mr. Mackenzie, Mr.
Other key highlights to the Junior McDonald and Leadership Student
Boys basketball season include a Jenel Brown
32-5 overall record, 1
championship, 1 consolation
championship and 2 finalists
ROPSSAA championships. Keshon
Montague earned 4 tournament
All-Stars, Nassier Wharton earned
3 tournament All-Stars and
Christien Gould walked away with
2 tournament All-Stars. The
Volume 13, Issue 3
Page 24
Sr. Girls Volleyball
The Senior Girls Volleyball team
experienced a rebuilding year in
2012-2013. Despite a 2-3 season
record, the team achieved their
goals of focusing on team building,
player development & learning the
system. Team members include:
Amanda Nugara, Selina Casalino,
Desiree Nduka, Ashley Young,
Lindsay Maharaj, Whitney OpokuWare, Kayla Davis, Sara Fabris,
Shaylah McConnell, Michelle Bookal, Temisan Ariri and Veronica
Lombardi. Special mentions go out
to Lindsay Maharaj for her strong
season and leadership. Coaches
Vicars and Moynihan are optimistic and proud of the girls; congratulations, we're looking forward to next year‘s season!
By: Coach Vicars and Leadership
Student Tyler Medford
Sr. Boys Soccer
On Monday, March 18, 2013 d‘Youville‘s senior boys soccer team,
DYFC, travelled to Woodbridge to
play in their first tournament of
the season at the Ontario Soccer
Center. The team looked young
but energetic and proved their
worth finishing the day with a 2-1
record. Team captains John Forde
& Zachary Soroka were proud of
their team‘s performance even
though they did not qualify for the
next round. The tournament was
used to build team chemistry and
iron out any wrinkles before the
regular season begins. Great start
and good luck on the rest of the
season boys! #DYFC
By: Mr. Dragicevic and Leadership Student Ruben Poku-Baffour
Page 25
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013
Athletes of the Week!
Page 26
St. Marguerite d‘Youville S.S. ~ Spring 2013