“For just as each of us has one body with many

February 2016
To Trust, To Risk, To Love, To Serve
“For just as each of us has
one body with many
members, and these
members do not all have
the same function, so in
Christ we, though many,
form one body, and each
member belongs to all the
Romans 12: 4-5
In This Issue
St. Marguerite d’Youville All Catholic Jr. Boys Basketball Tournament
Link Crew Update
Sr. Girls Volleyball
d’Y Code
d’Youville Drama
Much More...
Student Services
Director of Education
Corrine Maury (A-C)
Marianne Mazzorato
Claudio DiFederico (D-KN)
Alda Domingues (KO-P)
Superintendent of Schools
Lina D’Onofrio (Q-Z)
Les Storey
Head Secretary
Board Chair
J. Paralovos
Mario Pascucci
Guidance Secretary
Shawn Xaviour
Budget Secretary
Brampton Wards 9 & 10
Kevin Greco
M. Amatruda
School Council Chairs
Attendance Secretary
Arlene Martin
Vice Principals
L. King
Kathryn Cespite
Frances Campese
Assistant Secretary(s)
James Chambers
J. Curtis
Anthony Marcellino
P. D’Amato
Library Technician
Chaplaincy Team Leader
Tony Whelan
T. Caroleo
Congratulations to all on a fantastic semester. We welcome everyone back to a new
semester and a new beginning and a special welcome to any new students and families
joining our community. We have enjoyed many wonderful successes first semester
thanks to our dedicated staff and students. We are blessed to have the commitment and
support from all our staff members to offer an engaging and enriching academic
program as well as an exhaustive list of clubs, activities and sports teams.
We are looking forward to the amazing activities we have planned for the upcoming
weeks to celebrate Black History Month. Our role as Canadians and as Catholics is to
honour the contributions of all people to the creation and development of Canada, not
only in February but always. We are reminded to celebrate and recognize the stories and achievements of all
Canadians regardless of ethnicity, religion, ability, gender etc. All across the Dufferin-Peel CDSB, Catholic
schools will host engaging events and activities to celebrate Black History Month which aligns perfectly with
our virtue of the month for February - Respect.
Our committee’s theme for BHM this year is “inspiration”. What inspires and motivates us to put one foot in
front of the other each day to continue to improve and excel, to push through obstacles and to rise above
injustice? Where does this motivation come from? Our sense of motivation and inspiration comes from God,
not from the things of the world. Our motivation as believers comes out of a yearning to have peace with God
and to have His grace and hope. Jesus taught us and continues to teach us that all humans are of one race and
worthy of respect and dignity just for being alive. He inspires us to listen to others and allow them to share their
worldviews and motivates us to continue to build one human family. We celebrate our differences and live in
harmony in the notion that being in one human family in the presence and glory of God is our true motivation
and reason for being.
The d’Youville community would like to welcome Mrs. Bacic to our Religion Department and would also like
to welcome back Mrs. Kubicki, Mrs. Brugaletta and Mrs. Faria who have returned to our teaching staff.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone that our Guidance Department is already timetabling courses for the
2016-2017 school year. Online course selections have already been collected from students. If you have not
registered for the next school year and have verified your course selections you must do so as soon as possible
or students run the risk of not getting the courses you request.
Good luck in semester two!
Mr. K. Greco
The T shirt I am wearing in this picture says "The earth is for all." This is a very simple but profound
and important statement that is fundamental to Catholic Social teaching.
We had students participate in a trip to Nicaragua January 30th to February 8th. We learned about
sustainable development through an organization called Casa Canadiense. I look forward to sharing
pictures and stories from our trip in the next issue of Paws and Reflect.
We are also getting ready for our annual Thinkfast to be held overnight at the school March 4th to 5th.
For this event students will fast for 24 hours and raise money for Development and Peace. Students who
are participating will have the option to register on line and fundraise on line as well. (www.devp.org )
Some of the proceeds from the fast will also go toward funding our trip to Ottawa for the March for Life
May 12 and 13.
Ash Wednesday was on February 10th. We had liturgies at the school on this day as we entered into the
Holy Season of Lent. Lent is a time for conversion. The Holy Year of Mercy calls us to be very honest
with ourselves and trust profoundly in the infinite mercy of God. Please pray for us as we journey
together through our year, as we will for you.
Tony Whelan
It has been a busy semester for Link Leaders. Amongst hosting Guys Night and Girls Night In, Link Leaders visited Grade 9
classrooms to deliver three Academic Follow Ups throughout the semester. The visits focused on understanding why
people make the choices that they do and how others perceive the choices we make. Leaders facilitated discussions to
help grade 9’s understand the importance of using perception when making choices in school and in life. Students also
received information on which resources are available around the school in order to assist in their success in grade 9. To
help Grade 9’s prepare for their first set of high school exams, Link Leaders organized “Cocoa and Cram” - a study session
designed to help ease the stress and anxiety of exams. Students worked closely with Link Leaders, having their questions
answered and enjoyed hot chocolate and cookies.
Link leaders have also paired up with grade 9 students as a part of our Peer-Mentorship Program. This program allowed
many grade 9 students some one-on-one support in order to be successful; Link Leaders developed strong rapport with
their protégé and worked very collaboratively with teachers to ensure development and growth.
Once again, we will be offering a Link Crew Course for grade 11 students next year! We will be
conducting interviews in February to select the Link Leader Team.
P. McAllister, R. Schiavello, M. Brum
The 2015-2016 Senior Girls Volleyball Team are competing in a very tough Tier 1 Division this
year; their first time ever! Even with a difficult schedule the Panthers have had success at the
tournaments: At the Humberview Tournament they finished tied for 1st in pool play and lost in
the semi-finals and just recently at the Mississauga Tournament the ladies captured the
Consolation Championships with the help of Aingele from the Junior Girls team! The season is not
done yet as d’Youville hosts the very prestigious 2-day All-Catholic Senior Girls Volleyball
Tournament where they attempt to defend their “C” Division title. Despite the injuries and hectic
schedules, Coach Moynihan and Coach Del Duca are happy to see that the girls have improved
dramatically as each player has had to play numerous positions. Sometimes we had more
managers than team members at games! Good luck goes out to the following ladies: Gr.12’s
Thaliyah P, Hayley T, Josephina C, Shauntaine Y, Rabbiha G, and Gr.11’s Alyssa H, Deneesha P,
Andrea V, and Jenae D. Thank you goes out to managers Omiyana, Niki, Stefano and Bobby who
have helped out when needed.
Student Services
Registration for the 2016-2017 school year is now complete. If your son
or daughter has not registered for the upcoming school year, they must
come to Guidance A.S.A.P. to pick up a registration form. Registration
can be completed at any time in the Guidance office. Verification forms
will be sent home the week of March 7th. Please check over course selections and personal information carefully. Students will have the week
of March 7th to March 11th to request any course changes. Personal
information changes can be made directly on the verification sheet. If no
changes are required please keep the forms for your records.
Grade twelve students who are planning to attend college or university in the Fall should have
completed the application process for equal consideration. Colleges and universities will
continue to accept applications throughout second semester for those students who have not yet
applied so do not delay if that is your destination come September.
Continue to hand in completed Volunteer hours to your Guidance counsellor as it is a
requirement for graduation.
Contact Extensions:
Mrs. Maury
Ext 79012
Mr. DiFederico
Ext 79011
Ms. Domingue
Ext 79016
Ms. D’Onofrio
Ext 79010
Semester 1 has been quite busy for our Specialist High Skills Major
Students. They were engaged in all kinds of interactive and innovative
events. Each month we welcomed various Healthcare Professionals
who shared their vocation and led our students through hands on
activities. Starting with Angelica Ruszkowski, who introduced the
medical engineering field to our students, in particular the incredible
work in biotechnology with the DiVinci robot performing heart
surgery. Following with a Mental Health Workshop presented by our
very own duo Child and Youth Worker, Ms. Nicole Bailey and Mental
Health and Addiction Nurse, Amy Qureshi. We concluded our
Healthcare Professional Series with Kimberly Presta (RN BN ENCc ICP
CIC), registered nurse who specializes in Infection Prevention and
Control. Mrs. Presta focused her presentation on the Ebola outbreak
and taught students how to don and doff Ebola Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
SHSM Sport students had the opportunity to exercise at the
Chinguacousy Wellness Centre with cardiac rehab patients. SHSM
students gained valuable experience interviewing individuals who have
had bypass surgery and valve replacements. SHSM students now
have a better understanding of how the heart needs exercise. Sport
students also gained the Trigger Point Rolling Certification, where they
learned the techniques behind foam rolling and how the roller benefits
athletes. Another reach ahead involved a visit from Toronto Thai Yoga
Massage. Students learned how massage assists in rehabilitation and
injury prevention for performance athletes. Finally, a sports
psychologist visited the grade 12 Kinesiology class and tested reaction
time in relation to sport.
We look forward to what semester two has in store!
The Academic Resource Department has been busy with exciting new experiences
and opportunities to explore many digital strategies to enhance learning and foster
Our Planning for Independence program (P.I.P.) continues to be an integral part of
our school community by helping out the office with attendance, photocopying and
distributing letters for home, keeping linens, towels and uniforms clean for the
Hospitality & Cosmetology classes, laminating and shredding and recycling to
support our Eco-school initiatives. A few students will be starting new work
placements at Walmart and a local Daycare. When not working, the students
connect with nature, other Planning for Independence friends and their faith with
special trips such as, Silver Creek Conservation area, Bowling, Movie Day and
attending mass biweekly at St. Marguerite d’Youville Parish. The class hosted their
annual social for parents, students, graduates and staff on November 19th. It was a
lovely evening to reconnect with our friends and network. The class recently enjoyed
their Community days during Exam Week at the Rose Theatre to see The Al
Simmons show, part musical- part Science show. The trip to Reptilia, featured a
1200 lb. crocodile, 20 ft. python and most were brave enough to pet a live boa
constrictor. Students also continue to work on their literacy and numeracy skills
using Razz Kids, IXL Math, IPad apps and weekly trips to the library to select their
high interest books.
The Best Buddies program, led by Ms. Bacic, have joined the P.I.P. class on their
excursions and come regularly to the class to read books in our comfy new reading
area. Also, the A.S.D. Diploma Support Program hosted a very successful Potluck
Christmas lunch for their teachers and classmates. Mr. Gumulka, Mrs. Pantaleo and
Mrs. Berdusco will continue to resource and support students in this program next
The Resource Room (112) continues to be accessed every period to assist students
with lessons, tests and assignments. Grade 10 students have been receiving
intensive training through assistive technology sessions to support them in the
upcoming Literacy test in March. Additional, training and online strategies will be
made available to these students this upcoming semester. Students are encouraged
to sign up for Literacy Modules, one specifically focusing on the use of assistive
technology. They will be contacted directly by their S.E.R.T.s regarding this initiative.
The Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) for all A.R.D. students will be sent out the
week of March 21st, 2016. Signed forms should be returned to the respective
Special Education Resource Teacher (S.E.R.T.) by April 8th 2016 in order to
prepare for May I.P.R.C.s. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. L.
Pincente ext. 79138.
We encourage students to continue to advocate for themselves this semester and
speak to their S.E.R.T. if they have any concerns. We wish our students luck on their
exams and continued success next semester!
L. Pincente
ARD Department Head
This year, D’Y Code competed in a board-wide game
development competition at Sheridan College. After an
excellent showing at last year’s event, students were eager
to showcase their skills. Our school had the largest number
of teams registered for the event and they did not disappoint.
Our 18 students developed four of the best games ever
created here at d’Youville. The theme of this year’s event
was nightmare and students were given 2 months to
develop an original game with all original graphics, sounds
and code. To the right, you can see screenshots of their
As many of our seniors will be moving onto computing
programs in University, we wish them the best of luck in
their future endeavors!
Greetings from d’Youville Drama! We hope you are keeping warm and well this month.
Now that semester 2 has begun, we’d like to fill you in on what’s going on in our neck of
the woods…
Drama Classes
In December, the Junior/Senior Drama students performed in the second annual Drama
Showcase Week. This year, the two original one-act plays, directed by our Senior
Drama students, focused on the importance of family. Nostro S, written by Justin B, Alicia
C, and Emilio C, was a story about a family in crisis on Christmas Eve. The second
production, Winter Blues, scripted by Justin P, Daniela P and Kaily Z, tells the tale of a
family-run private investigation agency and a case that reveals the true meaning of
Christmas spirit. We are extremely proud of their directorial debut, and just as proud of
the Junior students and their engaging performances. We wish the Senior students well,
as they embark on their last semester before graduation.
This month, we have both grade 9 and 10 introductory courses running once again. We
would like to welcome all new Drama students into The Panther’s Playhouse. This
semester also sees the return of the Drama - Film/Video course. It has been a few
years since this course has run and we are excited for the opportunity for students to
become a part of television and movies at d’Youville. The course will culminate with
d’Youville Drama’s 3rd annual Short Film Festival, taking place on June 2nd. Tickets for this
exclusive event will go on sale at the end of May. We look forward to seeing you at the
Extra-curricular News
Casting for the spring production is now complete. Few details have been released about
what’s to come. Stay tuned…
Until then, stay inspired, and break a leg in semester 2!
N. Paul
Grade 10 and 11 and 12 Manufacturing classes learn how to use tools and machines that are used in the metal industry.