RRN 1247 October 2015 CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE Research Brief Potential Impact on FTES when Modifying Course Caps Prepared by Benjamin Gamboa Overview Summary of Findings 47 courses were identified as potentially realizing a decrease in FTES if course enrollment caps were reduced by 10%. Of the courses identified, the average section cap was 47 students over the last five academic years. 72% of identified courses have an average section cap greater than 35 students. Implications Faculty, department chairpersons, and instructional deans should consider the possible impact on FTES when proposing course enrollment limit modifications for the following courses: ACCT-208, AH-090, AH-101, ANTHRO-100, ANTHRO-102, ANTHRO-106, ART-100, ASL101, BUSAD-100, BUSAD-200, BUSAD-210, CD-105, CD-112, CD-115, ECON-200, ECON-201, EMS-020, EMS-103, GEOG-110, HEALTH-102, HIST-100, HIST101, HIST-170, HUM-140, JAPN101, KIN/F-168A, MARKET-100, MATH-108/110, MATH-903, MCS-110, MUSIC-100, MUSIC103, PHIL-101, PHIL-103, POLIT100, PSYCH-100, PSYCH-102, PSYCH-103, PSYCH-110, PSYCH-111, PSYCH-118, RELIG-100, RELIG-113, SOC-100, Course enrollment limits, also referred to as course caps, are established in the course outline of record by faculty through the curriculum process. The Academic Senate is considering a policy for establishing and modifying course and section caps. Primarily, faculty use pedagogical approaches to determine a course enrollment limits that best supports student learning. As Crafton Hills College continues to grow in 2015-2016, the impact on the number of students and full-time equivalent student (FTES) calculations becomes a concern if course caps are reduced for certain courses. As the campus continues discussions on the proposed policy, the Office of Instruction requested the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning to analyze the possible impacts of reducing caps on courses. Specifically, does reducing course caps have a negative impact on the number of students enrolled and FTES? If so, which courses would witness this negative impact and to what degree? The findings of this study are intended to inform decisions regarding policy, and should be used in conjunction with student learning and teaching techniques utilized in each discipline when establishing and modifying the appropriate enrollment limit for each course. Methodology Course data including course caps, the number of sections, enrollment at census, and FTES at census for courses offered during the Fall and Spring terms only over the last five (5) academic years was downloaded from the Executive Information System (EIS). Data was aggregated to smooth out enrollment trends, and courses not offered over the last two academic years was excluded. Additionally, honors sections were combined with general sections, repeatable courses were combined together into a single section, and LRC-900 was excluded from the dataset. Reduced section caps were estimated at a 10% reduction truncated to a whole number. Potential FTES calculations were estimated using the average FTES generated per student per course over a five (5) year period. Findings Table 1a and 1b on pages 2 and 3, respectively, list courses identified with projected loss of FTES if course caps are reduced by 10%. Forty-seven courses could potentially realize a decrease in FTES. For example, PSYCH-100 would realize a decrease of 56.90 FTES over five years if the course cap were reduced by 10%, SOC-100 would realize a decrease of 46.17 FTES, and HIST-100 would realize a decrease of 27.90. Additionally, the average section cap is 47 students, and 72% of identified courses have an average section cap of 35. Table 1a is sorted by potential loss in FTES in descending order, and Table 1b is sorted by course name in ascending order. SOC-105, SOC-130, SPAN-101 Page 1 of 3 CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE Research Brief Possible Impact on FTES when Modifying Course Caps, October 2015 Table 1a.: Courses with projected loss to FTES if course caps reduced (sorted by potential loss to FTES) Course Name PSYCH-100 SOC-100 KIN/F-168A HIST-100 SPAN-101 CD-105 HEALTH-102 MUSIC-103 ACCT-208 BUSAD-100 HIST-101 BUSAD-210 MUSIC-100 ASL-101 AH-101 EMS-020 MATH-108/110 SOC-105 ART-100 GEOG-110 AH-090 PHIL-101 PSYCH-103 ECON-200 PSYCH-111 ANTHRO-102 JAPN-101 SOC-130 PHIL-103 PSYCH-102 MARKET-100 PSYCH-110 PSYCH-118 HIST-170 ANTHRO-106 CD-112 MATH-903 POLIT-100 EMS-103 RELIG-113 HUM-140 BUSAD-200 MCS-110 ANTHRO-100 RELIG-100 ECON-201 CD-115 TOTAL Number of Sections 81 68 33 48 55 40 68 20 22 24 51 19 16 35 24 33 42 12 19 10 6 33 4 18 28 10 15 7 24 4 6 4 2 7 7 5 16 67 10 1 2 4 4 2 9 18 5 1,038 Average Section Cap 46 57 39 61 35 39 55 48 39 55 55 44 50 37 47 41 37 52 51 44 52 48 45 57 41 60 35 52 36 45 43 45 45 65 58 36 35 63 41 35 35 43 39 58 48 57 40 47 Enrollment at Census 3,880 3,923 1,389 2,911 1,848 1,571 3,530 1,022 890 1,316 2,636 853 829 1,238 1,092 1,210 1,402 624 942 453 409 1,446 213 971 1,088 585 490 363 806 195 263 193 104 429 381 170 512 3,827 364 36 67 156 139 105 390 919 181 48,361 FTES at Census 394.95 398.11 146.08 299.74 317.63 160.78 357.60 105.34 118.67 135.44 271.20 87.31 86.19 164.62 103.03 432.45 188.26 65.00 96.87 46.89 18.96 148.27 22.35 95.78 107.70 60.89 83.47 35.91 80.86 20.44 26.30 19.95 11.09 44.59 39.32 17.92 26.88 394.53 50.84 3.84 6.37 15.60 14.83 11.20 38.96 92.47 18.01 5,483.49 Reduced Section Cap (-10%) 41 51 34 55 31 34 49 43 35 49 49 39 45 33 42 36 32 46 46 39 46 42 40 51 37 54 31 46 32 40 38 40 40 58 52 32 31 57 36 31 31 38 34 51 43 51 36 41 Potential Loss in FTES 56.90 46.17 28.08 27.90 24.58 21.59 20.06 16.70 16.00 14.41 14.09 11.46 11.33 11.04 7.93 7.86 7.79 7.50 6.99 6.52 6.17 6.15 5.56 5.23 5.15 4.68 4.26 4.06 3.81 3.67 3.50 3.41 2.56 2.39 1.75 1.05 0.84 0.82 0.56 0.53 0.48 0.40 0.32 0.32 0.30 0.10 0.10 433.09 Potential Loss in Funding ($259,748.50) ($210,766.05) ($128,185.20) ($127,363.50) ($112,207.70) ($98,558.35) ($91,573.90) ($76,235.50) ($73,040.00) ($65,781.65) ($64,320.85) ($52,314.90) ($51,721.45) ($50,397.60) ($36,200.45) ($35,880.90) ($35,561.35) ($34,237.50) ($31,909.35) ($29,763.80) ($28,166.05) ($28,074.75) ($25,381.40) ($23,874.95) ($23,509.75) ($21,364.20) ($19,446.90) ($18,533.90) ($17,392.65) ($16,753.55) ($15,977.50) ($15,566.65) ($11,686.40) ($10,910.35) ($7,988.75) ($4,793.25) ($3,834.60) ($3,743.30) ($2,556.40) ($2,419.45) ($2,191.20) ($1,826.00) ($1,460.80) ($1,460.80) ($1,369.50) ($ 456.50) ($ 456.50) ($1,977,055.85) Note: Data is aggregated over five (5) years to smooth out enrollment trends. Page 2 of 3 CRAFTON HILLS COLLEGE Research Brief Possible Impact on FTES when Modifying Course Caps, October 2015 Table 1b.: Courses with projected loss to FTES if course caps reduced (sorted by course name) Course Name Number of Sections Average Section Cap Enrollment at Census FTES at Census Reduced Section Cap (-10%) ACCT-208 AH-090 AH-101 ANTHRO-100 ANTHRO-102 ANTHRO-106 ART-100 ASL-101 BUSAD-100 BUSAD-200 BUSAD-210 CD-105 CD-112 CD-115 ECON-200 ECON-201 EMS-020 EMS-103 GEOG-110 HEALTH-102 HIST-100 HIST-101 HIST-170 HUM-140 JAPN-101 KIN/F-168A MARKET-100 MATH-108/110 MATH-903 MCS-110 MUSIC-100 MUSIC-103 PHIL-101 PHIL-103 POLIT-100 PSYCH-100 PSYCH-102 PSYCH-103 PSYCH-110 PSYCH-111 PSYCH-118 RELIG-100 RELIG-113 SOC-100 SOC-105 SOC-130 SPAN-101 TOTAL 22 6 24 2 10 7 19 35 24 4 19 40 5 5 18 18 33 10 10 68 48 51 7 2 15 33 6 42 16 4 16 20 33 24 67 81 4 4 4 28 2 9 1 68 12 7 55 1,038 39 52 47 58 60 58 51 37 55 43 44 39 36 40 57 57 41 41 44 55 61 55 65 35 35 39 43 37 35 39 50 48 48 36 63 46 45 45 45 41 45 48 35 57 52 52 35 47 890 409 1,092 105 585 381 942 1,238 1,316 156 853 1,571 170 181 971 919 1,210 364 453 3,530 2,911 2,636 429 67 490 1,389 263 1,402 512 139 829 1,022 1,446 806 3,827 3,880 195 213 193 1,088 104 390 36 3,923 624 363 1,848 48,361 118.67 18.96 103.03 11.20 60.89 39.32 96.87 164.62 135.44 15.60 87.31 160.78 17.92 18.01 95.78 92.47 432.45 50.84 46.89 357.60 299.74 271.20 44.59 6.37 83.47 146.08 26.30 188.26 26.88 14.83 86.19 105.34 148.27 80.86 394.53 394.95 20.44 22.35 19.95 107.70 11.09 38.96 3.84 398.11 65.00 35.91 317.63 5,483.49 35 46 42 51 54 52 46 33 49 38 39 34 32 36 51 51 36 36 39 49 55 49 58 31 31 34 38 32 31 34 45 43 42 32 57 41 40 40 40 37 40 43 31 51 46 46 31 41 Potential Loss in FTES 16.00 6.17 7.93 0.32 4.68 1.75 6.99 11.04 14.41 0.40 11.46 21.59 1.05 0.10 5.23 0.10 7.86 0.56 6.52 20.06 27.90 14.09 2.39 0.48 4.26 28.08 3.50 7.79 0.84 0.32 11.33 16.70 6.15 3.81 0.82 56.90 3.67 5.56 3.41 5.15 2.56 0.30 0.53 46.17 7.50 4.06 24.58 433.09 Potential Loss in Funding ($73,040.00) ($28,166.05) ($36,200.45) ($1,460.80) ($21,364.20) ($7,988.75) ($31,909.35) ($50,397.60) ($65,781.65) ($1,826.00) ($52,314.90) ($98,558.35) ($4,793.25) ($ 456.50) ($23,874.95) ($ 456.50) ($35,880.90) ($2,556.40) ($29,763.80) ($91,573.90) ($127,363.50) ($64,320.85) ($10,910.35) ($2,191.20) ($19,446.90) ($128,185.20) ($15,977.50) ($35,561.35) ($3,834.60) ($1,460.80) ($51,721.45) ($76,235.50) ($28,074.75) ($17,392.65) ($3,743.30) ($259,748.50) ($16,753.55) ($25,381.40) ($15,566.65) ($23,509.75) ($11,686.40) ($1,369.50) ($2,419.45) ($210,766.05) ($34,237.50) ($18,533.90) ($112,207.70) ($1,977,055.85) Note: Data is aggregated over five (5) years to smooth out enrollment trends. 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