LESSON 2 FILE MANAGEMENT Windows Explorer Operating Systems, such as Windows will allow easy file management. Creating separate folders for your work can keep electronic files organized. Just like the traditional filing cabinet keeps paper files organized. Creating Folders does not cost space / memory on your computer. You can click on any given folder to see it’s contents. Double clicking on a non folder will open the file (as long as the application needed is on your system). Everyone with access to the internet will accumulate many temp files in the Temp Folder. Temp files should be deleted so that your computer system will run efficiently. The picture to the right shows the result of WINDOWS EXPLORER. Simply click on START, PROGRAMS and WINDOWS EXPLORER. In order to delete the files ~df7889.tmp, etc. simply choose the files (press Shift Down Arrow) until the correct files to be deleted are highlighted. Now Press SHIFT DELETE this will erase the highlighted files. Pressing just the DELETE key would only mark them for deletion and deposit the file into the recycle bin. Let’s say that you need to have some files organized under one specific location. You are to create a Folder called HTML WORK under the MY Documents Folder. Click on the My Documents Folder and choose the Right Click on the mouse and choose New and type the file name HTML WORK. DPCDSB Computer Science TIK2O1 Page - 1 - LESSON 2 FILE MANAGEMENT Windows Explorer Files need to be saved often (every ten minutes) so that you can use them another time. You should always create a backup of your work. Saving more than once under different names and locations will be insurance against loosing your work. Some students will save their file twice on the same floppy disk and say that they have a backup. However, if something were to happen to the floppy disk then all work would be lost. There are many different locations to save your work. Files could be saved on the computer’s hard drive (C: drive), Floppy disks (A: drive), CD r / CD rw (D: drive), the fileserver T:\studentpath\, and the Internet. The C: drive isn’t recommended since other students could edit or delete your work. The fileserver is recommended as the primary storage location. The Internet’s free storage service is recommended for large projects. Web address such as http://www.freedrive.com provide free storage services but there are restrictions. Web address such as http://www.idrive.com, http://www.driveway.com and http://www.xdrive.com are also web sites, which you could use however there is a cost. An email account is important since you many want to continue working on the file at home, local library, or a friend’s house and not have to start form scratch. Please use www.hotmail.com, since DP High School’s proxy may restrict your access to other free email web sites. Once you are at hotmail.com simply follow the steps to register your Dufferin-Peel High School friendly email account. The sign in name should be polite since you will be asked to send files to your teacher. Sign-In Names, which are not consistent with our Catholic values will be a matter for the student’s parents and Vice Principal. Being able to manipulate your files can be accomplished with the Right Click of the Mouse. Double Click on the My Computer icon on the desktop and click on the C: drive. Create the following Structure of Folders. Now Rename each Folder with out the word Work. Right Click on the Folder name and Choose Rename and once the name has been edited choose the next folder until they are all renamed. Send To option is allows you to determine a new location. See if you can send your HTML files to the folder marked HTML. DPCDSB Computer Science TIK2O1 Page - 2 - LESSON 2 FILE MANAGEMENT Windows Explorer Assignment 1. In MS WORD, create a chart of all the software packages / games / etc. that you have used. Sample Chart of Different Tools Tools Used Ease of Use Word Processor Spreadsheet Databases Graphics Programming: Internet chat Ftp Telnet Web Page Authoring Tools Email Animation Tools Scanner tools Calculators Others(specify) Comment Student Competence (number or months) 2. Sign up with Hotmail.com. Save the file and send it to your teacher’s hotmail account, as an attachment. 3. Sign up with www.freedrive.com and copy your html files to your new storage location. 4. Create a backup of all your HTML files (including the pictures) to a floppy disk. The pictures saved under the folder named PICTURES and the HTML files under the folder named HTML. You will have to create a path for the image source tag so that the program can find the file required. Example <img src=A:\Pictures\Laser.bmp>. 5. Delete all of the Temp files and Cache files on your system. Use the Find feature to locate these files. 6. Have your own labeled disk for your work and create folders for each unit covered in the course. DPCDSB Computer Science TIK2O1 Page - 3 - LESSON 2 FILE MANAGEMENT Windows Explorer Evaluation Rubric Criteria Knowledge of facts and concepts TFV.02I TF3.06I Skills and Knowledge SP2.02I IC1.07I Level 1 - demonstrates limited knowledge Level 2 - demonstrates some knowledge Level 3 - demonstrates substantial knowledge Level 4 - demonstrates thorough knowledge - demonstrates limited proficiency at logging into the network and managing files properly - demonstrates some proficiency at logging into the network and managing files properly Thinking Skills TF1.01I TF2.06I - shows limited understanding of the comparisons between application and programming software - shows some understanding of the comparisons between application and programming software Making Connections CGE2A CGE2B CGE1D - demonstrates a limited application of ethical and social values in using the computer - demonstrates some application of ethical and social values in using the computer - demonstrates significant proficiency at logging into the network and managing files properly - shows considerable understanding of the relationship between application and programming software - demonstrates considerable application of ethical and social values in using the computer - demonstrates a thorough knowledge of logging into the network and managing files properly - shows a thorough understanding of the relationship between application and programming software - demonstrates an exemplary application of ethical and social values in using the computer Note: A student whose achievement is below level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. 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